Welcome to Sunnydale, Superman! by Brat
Summary: Crossover: Buffy/Superman. Set in S5 of Buffy, but completely off canon. No Glory, no Dawn, but after "Crush." Spoilers for Superman Returns Superman comes to Sunnydale in search of Buffy after a vampire attacks Lois Lane in broad daylight. It seems Lex Luthor is involved and up to no good. Spike, Buffy, Superman and Lois set to find out just what is going on. Truths and loves are revealed -- not to mention much snarkiness and lots of fun along the way. Pairings: Spike/Buffy, Lois/Superman (Clark)
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 35963 Read: 30746 Published: 07/16/2006 Updated: 01/06/2007
Twenty Four by Brat
Author's Notes:
For spikestheman who lit the fire under my ass to get this chapter out :)
“Clark, what is it?” Lois asked as he tugged her out of the bar. Turning to her, he heaved a deep breath. “Remember the crystals Lex used to make that ginormous land mass that nearly wiped out Metropolis?”

“Yeah,” Lois said slowly, not sure if she wanted to hear this.

“That is what he’s using to make the vampires day walkers.”

Lois’ eyes widened. “Oh God! He’s had them still all this time?”

“Must have,” Clark ran a hand through his dark locks. “When I get my hands on him…”

“What else did you learn?”

“He plans to resurrect the Master and take over the world. You know--Lex’s usual shtick. He can’t just . . . go away. He has to be the most power-hungry—“

“Who’s the Master again? I vaguely remember hearing a story from Xander about him…”

“He’s the vampire that killed Buffy when she was a teenager.”

“Buffy died?” Lois’ jaw met the ground.

Clark grinned, “She’s something huh?”

At that, Lois became indignant. “Well, yeah, but…she hasn’t…” she sighed heavily, throwing up her hands. “Okay, yeah, she’s amazing.”

Laughing, Clark brought Lois in the circle of her arms and held her close. “In case you didn’t know,” he said huskily in her ear, “I think you’re pretty amazing too.”

Lois shivered, and instinctively Clark knew it wasn’t from the slight chill in the air. It pleased him to no end that he had that affect on her—and as Clark, no less. It had been a night of revelations so far, it seemed.

“You’re not just saying that?” Lois asked. It surprised him to hear the doubt and uncertainty in her voice. That was unlike Lois. Usually she was incredibly sure of herself, and defied anyone that dared underestimate and doubt her.

“I’m not just saying that,” Clark whispered and tilted her face up, making her look at him to see the truth and love in his eyes. “I love you, Lois, so much.”

She smiled softly. “I love you too,” she whispered and leaned up, shocking the hell out of him by kissing him full on the mouth.

It had been much too long. Much, much too long. Feeling her lips against his reminded him of what it felt like to have her wrapped around him, her body underneath his, moaning for him while he loved her thoroughly.

“I missed this,” she whispered. “Missed touching you, kissing you.”

“I missed it too,” he murmured, capturing her lips in a voracious kiss once more.

“Promise me we’ll be together now, Clark, please,” she begged him when he broke the kiss to give her air to breathe.

“I promise,” he said resolutely. “You have to tell Richard.”

“And I will, I will,” she whispered and kissed him again, moaning into the kiss.

“Hey, get a room!”

That shout knocked them from their passion and made them aware once more of where they were and what they had to do. Looking at each other, lust still evident in their eyes, they said at the same time with an affirmative nod, “Buffy.”


Buffy ground herself against Spike’s erection, feeling her panties grow moist at the feel. She wanted him.

“Buffy,” he breathed, peppering kisses along her jaw, “Do you want me to stop, luv?”

That was interesting. Spike was asking her if she wanted to stop? Had the world indeed spun off its axis when he cared more about what she wanted than getting his rocks off inside her and consummating this relationship? Though, one could argue that the relationship had been consummated on some level when he tasted her blood. Although, wouldn’t have biting her been—


“You’re asking me if I want to stop?”

He looked up at her, “Yeah, why?”

“I just…I don’t know.”

He grinned, “Yeah, I think you do know. You thought I’d just keep going and not give you a chance for an out?”


“Well…no. Told you, I didn’t want to rush you. If you need time, then time is what I give you. Buffy, I may be soulless, but I am capable of love and I do know right from wrong. I love you, Buffy, more than anything in the world and I do not want to do anything to jeopardize what we could have because I know it’ll be amazing. If you think I’m going to do anything to risk losing you after I’m so close to having you as my girl, well, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“Oh, Spike,” she said with a burst of happiness, “I do love you.”

Both of them froze. Buffy’s eyes widened as did Spike’s.

Swallowing hard, Spike shook his head, “Do you want to pretend that didn’t come out?” he asked hesitantly.

Good God, he was giving her an out. He was giving her a chance to back out if she wanted, and he was going to go along with it, let her live in the deluded world she could in fact create here, that she’d never said it, and that she hadn’t meant it.

Except that she did mean it. Waiting and having time seemed to have flown right out the window over the past few hours and honestly, she could chalk it up to hormones and the rush of desire she felt for him. She could say that it was because it felt so damn good to be wanted and by someone as attentive and affectionate as Spike, but that wasn’t it. Not all of it anyway. That was just a miniscule part, really.

She loved Spike because he was Spike.

“No, I don’t want to take it back,” she told him with complete certainty.

He stared at her, still tense. “You sure? You could claim Freudian slip or—“

She put her finger to his lips. “No. I don’t want to. I meant it.”

Taking her finger from his mouth, he asked, “Buffy…are you saying…do you mean…?”

“That I love you? Yes.”

The last thing she expected was for his eyes to well up in tears, but they did nonetheless. The sight filled her with wonder and made her own eyes well up.

“What are you crying for?” he asked incredulously.

“Because you are!”

“That doesn’t mean you have to cry!”

“I can’t help it, I see you cry, I feel the urge to, you big idiot!”

“Well, stop it.”

“You first.”

He laughed through the tears that cascaded down his eyes. “Pet, they’re happy tears, not sad ones.”

“Well, good, now I know what kind of tears I should be shedding,” she said dryly and he laughed again. He shook his head in wonder, gazing down at her with such wonder and awe. “I never thought I’d hear you say it, I never thought you could…”

Pulling him down, she kissed him so softly it was just feather like graze across his lips. “Well, I do. I love you. I love you so very much, Spike.”

That apparently was all the impetus he needed for he devoured her in a kiss that left Buffy no doubt that she was about to get some.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=20490