Distances by Star
Summary: Sometimes, when someone close to you needs you the most, his instinct will be to push you away. William tries to push the world away, but Buffy is determined not to lose him and their newfound love for each other! Will she succeed in saving their relationship when they are so far apart in every way possible?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 4325 Read: 1813 Published: 11/19/2006 Updated: 11/19/2006
Questions and Answers by Star
Author's Notes:
Another fluffy one :)

Chapter II – Questions and Answers

They pulled back from each other when breathing became an issue. Buffy smiled brightly, and scooted closer to him. She kissed him again, and they stayed like that for a long while.

When Buffy noticed his eyes grow distant again, she settled herself on the floor with her head in his lap. She observed his face expression closely, trying to figure out what was on his mind. When she couldn't, she grew a bit insecure herself.

"William?" he looked down and into her eyes. His hand came up to stroke her hair in his lap.

"Yeah Buffy?"

"What does this mean? I mean... do you... you know, are you in love with me?" she heard her voice tremble, and felt the same tremble throughout her body. He had to be in love with her right? Otherwise, what did the kisses mean?

William narrowed his eyes on hers, and drew in a sharp breath at her question. It wasn’t that hard to answer, but he was afraid. If he laid his feelings bare now, and she did not feel the same way he would be crushed. Her silence up until a short while ago and the awkward air that had filled the room had seemed proof that she regretted their moment in the lake, but then why would she ask him? And hadn't she just told him that she did feel the same way? He sighed out.

“What do you want me to say Buffy?”

She looked puzzled, and possibly a bit hurt at his tone. He hadn’t meant for it to come out as harshly as it had. He tilted his head, and smiled as a way of reassuring her, the first genuine smile since they had entered the cabin. Buffy averted her eyes, and rolled her head so that her gaze was locked on the fireplace.

“The truth would be nice, I think?” she told him uncertainly. The insecurity made her tense, and she just wanted him to answer so that they could get it over with. She lifted her gaze to meet his again.

He stalled, his eyes flickering about the room. He sighed out uncomfortably, still not knowing what to do. As he made up his mind, he looked straight into her eyes, letting her know of his insecurity. It’s all or nothing…

“I feel things for you, Buffy. Thought that you knew… I have done since I first got to know you. I… I think I love you, I am in love with you. That kiss, it was the greatest experience I’ve ever had. Those kisses, all of them!” his eyes flickered to rest on the fireplace, and the red glowing coals that had not yet burned out. He didn’t dare meet her eyes to see the rejection that would surely be written in them.

“I didn’t know…” she started, quite surprised with his confession. She smiled sweetly, though she, herself, was unaware of it, and moved closer to him.

William looked up as he felt Buffy’s hand on top of his own, where it rested on the blanket.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d want to know.” he whispered. “I don’t want to ruin what we have; you’re my best friend Buffy. Even if we only see each other twice a year. I’d hate to lose our friendship…”

Buffy’s gaze stayed locked on his, as she moved closer. She was still smiling softly, as her face neared his. Very slowly she moved to put her arms around his neck, her fingers playing with the soft curls in the back of his head. He was staring at her with frightened eyes, as if he hadn’t quite caught on to her intentions.

“Then let’s take this slowly Will. I think I love you too!” she told him quietly, and let her eyes roll shut just before their lips met in another tender kiss.

He was beyond surprised at her actions, and it took a while for him to response to the kiss. He slowly began moving his lips against hers, and parted them when her tongue swept along them, seeking entrance to his mouth. He let his own tongue meet hers, experimentally, eliciting a small moan from Buffy. Slowly, a smile crept onto his lips, and he grinned broadly against her.

He let his forehead rest on hers, as he took it all in. Her eyes were closed, and a smile was playing on her own lips as well. His heart swelled at all the new sensations running through him. He pressed his lips to hers again.

Hours later, Buffy was lying awake in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She couldn’t sleep. Her whole body was still humming from the last kiss, and it made her restless. She hadn’t even been satisfied with the long passionate goodnight kisses. She silently slipped out from under the covers, and made her way to the kitchen. She was warming some water to make herself a cup of hot chocolate when she heard footsteps upstairs. A smile crept onto her face.

Pouring the water over the instant-cocoa powder, she gathered the blanket from the floor where they had sat earlier, and went upstairs as quietly as possible. His door was slightly ajar, and Buffy smiled. She opened it and went out onto the small balcony. Her skin was tingling with the anticipation of seeing him sitting there, and her face fell into a frown when she saw no one out there.

“Will?” she half-whispered. She heard a noise coming from the roof, and looked up to see his head popping over the edge. “William, what are you doing up there?”

He smiled at her worried tone, and slipped down with ease onto the balcony. She gasped loudly, and went to tell him off when he caught her in his embrace. He gently pulled her in for a kiss, and when he retracted she had forgotten what it was she was going to say. He brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, narrowing his eyes on hers. A soft expression settled on his face, and she smiled up at him.

“Come with me, the sky is beautiful from up there.” he whispered, and she nodded dumbly. He lifted her, so that she could climb up, and then handed the blanket and her hot chocolate up to her. Twenty seconds later he settled himself behind her with one leg on either side of her small form, and rested his arms around her. He softly kissed her temple.

They sat there for a while, looking at the sky, Buffy sipping her cocoa and William simply holding her.

“I’ve wanted this for so long.”

Buffy stopped her hand mid-air, and turned to look at William. He looked at her with so much adoration, and affection, she blushed under his gaze. She took a deep breath.

“Me too, Will.” she whispered. He let go of the breath he had subconsciously been holding and looked down into her eyes. He smiled. Buffy craned her neck to meet his lips. She rested her head against his chest, and closed her eyes. A smile was playing on her lips.

She felt William tense behind her, and looked up at him worriedly. He was sitting with his eyes closed, his nose buried in her hair.

“What are we going to do when this week is over?” he asked her quietly, his words slightly muffled as he talked into her hair.

Buffy hadn’t wanted to think about it, and had been trying hard to push the issue away for as long as she could, but she knew that she would inevitably have to face it. She sighed, the smile vanishing from her face.

William and his now pregnant mother was going back to England, where William was going to start college when the summer vacation ended, and Buffy was going back to California with her parents to do her senior year on Sunnydale High. Their parents had next planned to see each other at Christmas, which would be Buffy’s first trip to England.

“I don’t know Will… I mean, we can e-mail each other, call sometimes. Long distance relationships are possible!” she told him, not least trying to reassure herself that it was going to work out. She felt William tighten his grip around her, and tried to relax.

Feeling how tense she had become, William began slowly rubbing her shoulders. She slowly relaxed, and sunk back into his embrace.

“We’ll make it work love. I promise…”

All of a sudden, Buffy felt like she couldn’t keep her eyes opened any longer, and she yawned. Sinking comfortably back into William, she smiled as she remembered how he had looked without his clothes on...

When she woke up the next morning, she was lying alone in her bed. William must have carried her down when she had fallen asleep. She smiled with content, at the memories of the previous night.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=22902