Fade Away Again by Willow25
Summary: How 'Not Fade Away' would have gone, in my world. Buffy gets involved in the W&H apocalypse, and changes the course of everyone's lives.
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No Word count: 73656 Read: 12152 Published: 12/01/2006 Updated: 10/14/2008
Chapter 8: Jezebel, take 2 by Willow25
Author's Notes:
Angel's chapter, coming soon. For now, though, Jezzie is the voice for what I need to say. The narrator is mine, most of the characters aren't. I am making no profits from this work, and intend no infringement to Joss, Mutant Enemy, Fox, WB, UPN, or any others. Please don't sue, or I'll send the bratty little kid in the apartment above mine after you. Also, if you're enjoying this, a few reviews would make my day. Please be kind.

My head was screaming, and we'd only been researching for a couple of hours. Apple and I began by systematically pulling all the books we could think of out of the library, then set up camp at the dining room table. I let her put on her music, because she seems to focus better with it, and I can read through just about anything. Then again, I didn't expect her to go all Merle Haggard on my ass, either. Goddamn, my head hurt.

And Penny still hadn't gotten me the books she promised. I was starting to get worried, really frickin worried, that we wouldn't be prepared for whatever was going to happen. I tried calling Wes, but didn't get an answer. Merry checked in when she got home, and offered to take a late patrol, but hadn't called since. Willow was working on spell stuff, so I didn't wanna bother her. Which left me and my girls.

I didn't want to wake Laurie, but there was just too much research, and not enough hours to do it in. I needed the extra set of eyes, so I could focus my energies on the non-English texts. Sigh. I hate waking Laurie up. I love that girl, have since the moment she was born, but she does not wake up happy. It must be one of the traits that come from her father, whoever he was, since her mother was super-morning-person. I should know, I lived with her for over ten years. Mary Alice at 5 in the morning brought a whole new meaning to disgustingly perky.

"Laurie?" I peeked around the door, hoping we could get through the throwing things portion of this exercise fairly quickly. No such luck; she just lay there under a mound of covers, dead asleep. Or she snuck out. I try not to think about that too much; try not to compare her to her biological mother, but the thought pops into my mind anyway once in a while. Tonight, I seem to be thinking the worst about everyone and everything, so it's par for the course.

As I walk farther into the room, I can see her long red hair peeking out from the blankets, and I relax a little bit. She's probably just really tired, and I don't want to start thinking about why, or I'll drive myself crazy. "Loralie? Time ta get up, kiddo." I raise my voice, hoping I'm not gonna have to smack her around to get her up. Ah, the joys of motherhood.

A garbled moan is the only response I get, but it's better than nothing. I reach out and shake her shoulder, and Laurie jolts awake with a shriek. God, like my head wasn't a balloon already. "What the bleedin' hell is tha matta wit' you?" She shrieks, rounding on me. "It's the goddamn middle of the night. Nothing could possibly be that bloody important!"

She's panting like she just ran a marathon, and I have a sneaking suspicion that I just jolted her out of a nightmare. Still, though… "Loralie Marie Kent; watch the friggin' language, young lady. You're not too old or too strong for me to beat your ass. Now move, we have work to do."

I turn and walk out of the room, and barely manage to step out of the way when she hurls her alarm clock at me. It must be time to make coffee, since we both obviously need it.

At about 3:00 a.m., there's a knock on the front door. Laurie glares at it, daring it to be someone having fun, I'm sure. Top ten, number one, thing that pisses baby girl off; when she has to work and other people get to play. Apple doesn't even look up, she's fascinated by whatever she found in DeVoir's Compendium.

I'm not normally paranoid…Okay, who'm I kidding, I'm paranoid all the time; I'm a New Yorker. It being three in the morning, and us so close together and tired, makes the worrying worse. I'm sure I look like a friggin' reject as I sidle up to the door and try to look out the peep hole without getting in front of it; but over-cautious is better than dead, as my mother says. Of course, she's talking about sex when she says that, but I think it applies.

I practically collapse with relief when I see Merry. Without thinking about it, I do something moronic. I throw open the door without checking for other people. And of course, there are other people. Because that's how my life works. Fortunately, the other people in question are Penelope and her Slayer Elise, so I'm not totally screwed, but it's a near thing.

"Surprise!" Penny grins, and pushes past me into the house, which is when I notice she's towing a dolly full of boxes. Woo-hoo, books! "We took the boxes to put them on a plane, and then I thought, why not put us on the plane, too. The guys in the cargo hangar looked a little shifty." She continues talking as she heads down the hall.

"Hey." Lise ducks past me and makes a bee line for Apple. Merry just grins and shrugs at me, and heads after them.

When I get back to the dining room, Penny is chattering a mile a minute, and Laurie is the only one listening. The rest of them are digging into the boxes. "Graanfield Texts and Ptaryet Codices." I cut Penny off mid sentence. I have all of two hours to find something useful, I'm not wasting time with pleases.

"Sure, sweetie, calm down. They're right here…Um, somewhere." Penny frowns at the piles of books the girls are digging out, as though the books will fly towards her if she glares at them hard enough. "Lise, where's the Ptaryet Codices, I think they were in your box?"

Apple brings over a pile of maroon leather-bound books, and drops them in front of where I was sitting. Then she goes back to whatever she's doing. Sometimes, you gotta watch her; she doesn't really speak when she's concentrating. I'm betting those are the Graanfield books I was looking for. I'm pretty confident in Penny's ability to hunt down the other books for me, so I get back to work.

My pocket note pad from dinner is out on the table for cross-referencing. My research notebook is already half full, with notes and references from the texts I had on hand. One specific text, which got me interested in the other books, documents the 'good works' of an Aurelian vampire the author believed was on the path to Shanshu. He cites a specific passage documenting 'trials, leading to the great and mysterious reward', as well as noting that the vamp in question wasn't close enough to his vampiric family to be a part of 'The End of the Line'. Reading that, all I can think of is the Traveling Willbury's song. I sooo need more coffee. And more paper.

We don't really talk while we work. Well, Apple and I don't, and Elise never talks much. Merry has taken her books into the living room, and I can hear her on the phone from time to time, but haven't gotten any updates yet. Laurie and Penny take breaks to go chat in the kitchen, so either way, the table is quiet. God, now that I've had some caffeine and Tylenol, it's too quiet. Laurie must be channeling my impatience today; or, you know, mind reading; because she turns the stereo on and gets me more coffee without being asked. Then again, she could just be avoiding work. That would be about right.

When I have a clearer idea of what's going to happen, and my eyes are starting to cross, I go pay Merry a little visit. She's whining into her cell phone at someone, and I'm not paying enough attention to be anything other than annoyed, when Merry's volume rises, and I snap into focus. "Joy, please, I'm begging you to listen to me. I've been doing this for a lotta years, you know. It could get bloody mad in the city, I need to know you're safe, and that we have a place to go if we need it. Please, sis, get out of here. I'm on my knees, begging you." Which she really wasn't, but isn't that the bitchin' thing about the phone; the lack of vision?

I grab the phone from Merry before she can really gear up the whining and pierce one of my eardrums. "Joycie? Hey, it's Jezz. Listen, I know it's early, and you probably think…"

"Bitch, don't tell me what I think." Okay, so she's friggin' pissed. "I wanna help, I'm strong enough, and I'm not letting my sister go out there without me." Yup, pissed.

"Joycie, listen…"

"And don't call me Joycie. What, am I two? Am I retarded? I'm 24 now, damnit; I'm an adult, and I can help. I mean, I can't use a sword or anything, but Merry taught me to use a crossbow, and I took some karate lessons, I'll be okay. Please…"

"No, Joyce. I appreciate the offer, but we have plenty of people to fight, what we need you to do is get our backup resources, and maybe some provisions, and get out of town. Joy, if you're out there with us, there's not only the risk of you getting hurt, there's the risk of Merry being distracted, and getting hurt herself. I know how excited you are that you can help now, but I think it should wait until you're better trained. We'll get together next week…"

"If there is a next week." Merry muttered.

I kick her, hoping Joy didn't hear that little ray of sunshine. "Next week we'll talk it over, and set up a training schedule for you, okay?"

She grumbles and hems and haws, but by the time I get Joyce off the phone she's already packed and heading over to Merry's to pick up clothes and first aid supplies. Merry smiles tiredly at me. "Thanks, chief. She was being a raving bitch to me. She's about the only person I can think of that we can get out of town. I am in your eternal debt, fair maiden."

I roll my eyes, because that's really all I can think to do, and flop down on the couch next to her. "Did you call your brother?"

She nods, and gets that hopeless/angry look she gets whenever Nolan's name comes up. "He still thinks I'm insane, and he has to go to work, he doesn't have time to go 'joyriding' across California because I tell him to; and LA is always dangerous, how much worse can it get…?" She sighs and rubs her eyes, and I'm glad all over again that I'm an only child. Merry's brother and sister can charitably be described as uber-difficult.

I pat her back, and eventually Merry relaxes into the couch and starts to look less like she's gonna rip someone's head off. "So…" I don't mean to be inconsiderate, but we don't have time to discuss the semi-tragic relationship between Merry and her brother. "It's 4:56 a.m., and we're all the way across town from the meeting they're having. Have you at least spoken to Willow?"

Merry yawns and starts rifling through her notes. "Yeah, 'bout an hour ago. She didn't want us to come, said we'd be better off using the time for research, and she wasn't sure how Angel was gonna react to her being here, let alone the rest of us. Spike was in her hotel room when she called me. Do you think somethin's going on there?"

Well, well; looks like Merry has a little crush. "I very much doubt it. I think we're on the way to figuring out this 'End' thing. It looks like it's about to happen; well, I think. Each of the vampires called the 'Twin Souls', has a focus to their call to redemption. One is the Champion of the Powers, who is isolated in order to focus on his mission. The other is the Champion of the Slayer; basically her other half, her partner. I'm thinking that's Spike, based on what Willow said earlier."

Merry seems content with that answer; either that or she isn't listening to me at all, because she's still going through her notes. "Yes, well, I figured out a few things also, if you're interested. It seems that Buffy and Laurie are distantly related, both to one another, and to William Spenser's fiancée, who died in 1869. Miss Emily Anne Worthington had two older brothers, Duncan George Worthington, and Michael Andrew Worthington, who changed his last name to Paulson when he emigrated to the US to marry in 1872. Buffy is descended from the Paulsons, and Laurie from the other Worthingtons."

"And this tells me what about the price of tea in China?" I know I'm being rude, but we don't have time for this… Whatever the hell this is.

"It tells us, that if Spike is the Champion of the Slayer, and he was once the mate of Emily Worthington, then as part of earning his reward he will be required to protect his current mate and her family. Since Buffy and Dawn are safely in Europe, Laurie's the closest family member around, so his part in this battle will likely involve protecting her. Also, just for added fun, if we've figured this out, there is a chance the other side has as well, which puts Laurie in a right mess of danger."

Fucking Hell…Great, I think my headache is gonna come back. Shit, my poor baby girl. I've been trying to be an adult about this whole 'Laurie is a Slayer, too' thing, but right now I just wanna put her in a crate and ship her to my parents for safe keeping. Once this whole mess is sorted out, I really need to look into getting Laurie her own Watcher; I'm no good at being objective when it comes to her. If I were, I'd never have adopted her. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself, which does not frigging work at all, and turn back to Merry. "Right, baby girl walking into fiery death. What else?"

Merry flinches, but continues speaking calmly. "I also found reference to a vampire named Heinrich Nest, in which the author states that his rise to power within the Order of Aurelius will herald a further split within the family, eventually leading to their complete destruction. Ever heard of him? Nest, I mean."

"The Master. They called him The Master; he was the oldest living member of the Order, until Buffy killed him about seven years ago. He was Darla's sire."

Merry whistles. "There's a resume builder; 'killed the oldest living Aurelian master'. Almost as impressive as the whole, 'having two of the most dangerous vampires in history fall in love with you' thing."

Yeah, right. I roll my eyes. "Yeah, sure Spike's one of the most dangerous vampires in history." I shake my head. This is one of my pet peeves, so of course I get completely derailed from my original purpose in coming in here. "That's always frustrated me, you know. Angelus was a sadistic, creative killer; worse than any human serial killer ever apprehended. Spike killed two Slayers, and I'm sure several thousand, possibly million humans, but that's about it."

"He tortured people with railroad spikes." Merry points out, obviously engaged in the conversation now.

I nod. "Yes, he did. When he was a fledgling he killed people he'd likely known before he was turned by nailing them spread-eagle in their yards. And I'm sure it hurt, a lot. They were also quick killings; those people had their throats cut, they didn't die from blood loss or shock after dragged-out-for-days torture. Personally, I think it would have been worse if he'd left them to bleed to death."

Merry does the fidgety little wriggle she always does when blood or gore is a major part of the conversation. "Okay, okay. So, if Spike's not such a big deal badass, like the Council always said he was, then how come…"

"Oh, he was a badass, alright. You're missing the point. Why is hitting your kid worse than hitting your spouse, or partner, or whatever?" Merry looks at me like I've got two heads, so I guess I'm answering my own questions. "It's worse to go after people who can't defend themselves. Angelus tended to torture innocents; Drusilla is a prime example. The men Spike tortured with the railroad spikes were all grown; most of them had reputations as bullies. Two were amateur boxers. It's not nearly the same thing."

Merry nods at me, but there's a look in her eyes that says she doesn't really get the difference. "So, oh wise and wonderful vampire expert, who do you think is worse?"

Oh, what a can of worms she just opened. I just hope she doesn't get sick… "Well, there was Rodrigo Diaz, who was responsible for a series of brutal rapes and murders of street children in Central America, primarily Honduras, from 1929 to 1963 when he was killed. The crime scene photos are just lovely, let me tell you. He painted cartoons in their blood. And the number of missing children skyrocketed during that time; who knows how many more victims there were.

"Then, there was Andrew the Knave, who lived in the early 1400's. His favorite pastime was to incite riots, then roam through the crowds snapping necks. He was never known to feed or wear his game face in public. One of the methods he used to rile the masses was to drain and mutilate a virgin, cut what was left of the body into quarters, then put the mangled pieces in the main hall of a castle during wartime.

"Also…" Before I can get to the really good ones, Merry bolts for the bathroom. Lightweight; I didn't even describe the intestine facemasks Hildegard the Vicious was famous for making. How that girl's getting through medical school is beyond me.

Willow calls a little after 7:00 a.m. to let us know the Wolfram & Hart team has been given the day off, and she's coming by the house to help research, and perform her protection spells. By that time we've begun to compile all of our research into a solid theory on the effects of the battle on the Slayer line, and on how the Shanshu will work. So far, we have lots of nothing, and a very little bit of something.

We still have no idea what the threat to Laurie will be, although it is evident now that there is one, for sure. My little Laurie, as it turns out, is one of the key players in today's battle; the reference Merry found earlier to the Champion of the Slayer protecting his mate was actually mis-translated, and had more to do with the Slayer Line, the future leaders of the family, whatever that means. Laurie might be in charge of all the Slayers one day, or have a daughter who is. Looking at my teenage daughter, that's too strange for words, but it's nothing I can worry about now.

There's also a good deal of confusion over someone referred to as 'The Destroyer', and the 'Child of Vampires', which I've heard of before, but I can't find the books I need to look up the reference. If I remember correctly, it's just like it sounds; two master vampires under certain conditions can make a baby that's a demon-human hybrid. Problem is, I don't remember the conditions. The Destroyer is either a reference to the same person, or a whole other thing we have to worry about, but it's really hard to tell from the books we have.

I'm not as confident as I'd like to be going into a situation like this, but there's only so much I can plan for, and if I keep thinking about it I'll have a serious meltdown, which won't help anyone. Except maybe the Senior Partners at Wolfram & Hart.

My brain is swimming, and things are starting to look fuzzy, so I make an executive decision that I need to sleep before we do anything else. I leave Penny in charge of the compilation project and go couch out. Merry is at the table with the others, so I don't have to go hide in my room, which I am absurdly grateful for. Not that my room is bad, but right now it's too far from Laurie for my taste.

I wake up groggy but refreshed, to the sounds of teenage arguments and laughter in the dining room. It takes me a minute to remember why the hell I'm laying on my couch in the middle of the day, and why there are so many other people around, but once I have my head on straight I'm ready to roll. Penny and the three younger girls are sitting down to lunch when I enter the dining room, and they greet me boisterously. Merry and Willow, who should be here somewhere, are not.

"Hey. Where are Merry and Willow?" I rub the sleep out of my eyes and take the plate Apple hands me, filling it as quickly as possible. I'm so frickin' hungry, I could eat a horse, maybe two.

"They took off. Willow did the protection spells while you were asleep, and she said she'd try to make it back here, but she has to meet Wesley at 6:00." Penny seems way too cheerful about that, and I'm kinda pissed that I missed my chance to go over our research with the witch, but I guess it serves me right for sleeping that long. I needed it, though, I was seeing things by the time I passed out.

"They both got their cell phones with 'em." Apple knows I hate it when she talks with her mouth full, but I guess she knew I was getting frustrated and wanted to head me off. Still, it's my responsibility to remind her…

"Don’t talk with your mouth full. Your mother'd have an apoplexy if I sent you home for the summer with new bad habits. And thanks, I'll give Merry a call when I'm done eating." Apple nods, and I plop into an empty seat. I start eating too fast, and have to force myself to slow down. After all, I'm supposed to be setting a good example for…Well, everyone else at the table.

I miss being around grownups. Ever since we left New York, when we came here to bury Mary Alice, I've had no one to help out. Peter was not just my Watcher, he helped me raise Loralie after Mary Alice took off for her new Council-free life. We lived in Texas near Apple's family for a few years, and then in New York my parents and my ex-boyfriend were always there if I needed them. I hate not having anyone to lean on, no one around who's really on my level, no one older to take some of the burden off of me. Not that Penny and Merry aren't grown up, but Mindy and I were their Mentors at the Council, and they both still look to me for guidance on some level.

I eat quietly for a few minutes, before something Penny said sinks in. "Hey, Penn. Willow did the protections spells?" She nods. "Then why isn't there any magic-smell or anything? It seems pretty normal aroun' here."

Even if Merry or someone else were here to ask, Penelope is probably the best person to explain it to me. She may be the only one of us who meant to be a field Watcher, and the one with the most superficial knowledge, but she has an affinity for magic like no other Potential, or Slayer, that I've ever met. I know a few Druids and Wiccans who are on her level, and I'm sure Willow surpasses her, but I've known Penny for years and I trust her more.

Penny nods, probably following the same train of thought I am. "Yeah, she did this great spell, which enhances the body's natural defenses; especially in areas like the heart, throat and lungs where mortal blows would fall, and on the limbs, so that they're better able to guard. It didn't even need any real tools, just her power and our own internal power. She said there was only one guy who didn't have enough internal power to harness, and for him she needed spell casting materials, but she did our spells all the same way. She just laid-on hands and chanted a bit. You slept through it."

I shake my head. I slept through someone touching me and chanting, not too hard to do. It seems to me, though, that a spell powerful enough to do any real good would have woken me up, or at least left some residue. Then again, I barely passed my magic requirements for Watcher training, so what the hell do I know?

It's almost noon, and we've done as much research as we can with the books we have on hand. All of our findings have been looked over by a vampire expert, a slayer expert, a field watcher with a strong background in magic, and one of the most powerful witches in the world. Willow left a list of assignments for the six of us, with contact information for the members of Angel's team we'll be assisting. We have plenty of time to rest, and do some training. So, why do I still feel like we're not gonna win?
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=23156