Kissing Santa by smlcspike
Summary: Buffy is a single mother of a 6 year old Daughter, she is dating a co-worker and the daughter wakes up on Christmas Eve and sees them kissing under the mistletoe.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes Word count: 15376 Read: 14648 Published: 12/13/2006 Updated: 03/28/2007
Chapter 3 by smlcspike
Author's Notes:
Thanks fro the reviews. Again I don't own them just like to play with them. Editted by Brenda
Chapter 3

****6:45am December 25th****

Buffy, and Spike are lying in bed her head on his shoulder, they were both naked, and covered with a blanket, when

Abigail comes bursting into the room calling, “Mommy, mommy Santa was here.“

Buffy raises her head off Spikes chest to address her daughter, “Has he sweetheart? That’s great!“

“Can we go see what he brought for me?” The little girl asks, excitedly.

Thinking quickly, *Were both naked! What should I do?* Buffy looked toward Abby, and said. “Why don’t you go down stairs, and Mommy will wake up William, and be down in a minute.“

“I’m up. Merry Christmas!” Spike said.

“Okay mommy.“ Abby said as she leaves the room.

“Well that didn’t go so bad. Her coming in here, and finding us together in bed.” Buffy said as she gets out of bed, and puts on her underwear, and robe.

At Spikes look she turned, and said with a smirk, “Your cut off today Mister. No sex in front of the child.”

“Do I at least get to kiss you good morning, and tell you Merry Christmas?”

“Always, It’s always a good morning waking up next to you.” She tells him, walking over to where he had just finished putting his jeans, and t-shirt on.

Putting his arms around her, he pulls her to him, and starts kissing her.

Next thing they hear is. “Mommy are you coming yet?”

Buffy pulled away from Spike, and responded to her daughter, “Mommy's coming now.”
and leaves the room with William in tow. Abby just couldn't wait anymore.

30 Minutes later she had opened all her gifts from Santa Clause.

“So what did Santa bring you?” Spike asked Abby.

“Barbie’s, Polly Pocket, Bratz, Ponies and some other things.” She tells him.

“Should we open the rest of the gifts now?” Buffy asks them.

“Yes! Please Mommy.“

“Alright, let's get to it then.“ Buffy said with a laugh.

45 minutes later they were opening the last gift. Abigail getting some Princess stuff, more Barbie’s, and a Littlest pet shop from Spike. A doll house, as well as clothes, and other things from Buffy. Buffy got Spike some books, cds, movies, and numerous other things that he likes. Spike got Buffy, perfume, a couple movies, and a really cool toaster that he was sure Abby would love too. It had Mickey mouse on it, and when you put the bread in it left a Mickey mouse impression on the toast.

“Can we watch the video now?” Abby asked, looking up from her toys.

“Yeah, just let mommy set it up.”

20 Minutes later, they were watching Spike dressed up in a Santa suit, laying out all the gifts Santa had brought. All of a sudden you could see them standing under the mistletoe. Buffy, wearing similar to what she had on now, walked up to Spike, and kissed him. Buffy, and Spike looked at each other with wide eyes, and as they kiss, Buffy stops the tape.

“Why did you kiss Santa, Mommy? I thought you loved William.” Abby asked them, her mouth open.

“I do love him, baby.”

“Well, it's a custom for mommies to kiss Santa, to say thank you for bringing all the gifts for their children.” Spike told Abby with a straight face, but Buffy could see that he was holding in his laughter.

“Oh, okay.”

“Why don’t you play with some of your new toys, while mommy, and William get breakfast ready. Then mommy has to start getting Supper ready, for when Willow, Tara, Xander, and Anya come over.”

“Yay more presents!” Abby squealed excitedly.


“Sorry mommy. I’ll play now.”

“Okay sweetheart, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.”

Buffy, and Spike went in the Kitchen, she turned, and gave a knife, and the sweet potatoes to Spike.

“Here make yourself useful.” She said, as she turned, and started preparing pancakes.

After they were finished eating breakfast, Buffy washed the dishes, and Abby went back to play with some of her new toys in the living room.

Closing the fridge door, Buffy turned to find Spike had walked over to her.

“I love you.” He said, and starts to kiss her.

“I love you too.” She couldn't concentrate, because he had started to kiss his way down her chin, to her collar bone.

Once he had reached the valley between her breasts, he pushed aside her robe, and circles his mouth around her nipple, while Buffy leans back against the fridge, her hands in his hair.

Whispering, Buffy tells him, “Spike you have to stop. Abby could come in here any minute.“

“I know. I’m sorry. I’m not use to have a child around.”

“Its ok, we just have to watch what we do. Who knows what else is on that tape. It's a good thing that I disconnected it when I did, or she might have seen us making love, and that would have been bad.”

“Why don’t you go get a shower, and change while I finish up here, your friends will be here in a couple hours.”

“Alright, I'll do that, then when I come back down you can go have a shower, and Abby, and I will start cleaning the house.”

“Buffy it is Christmas Day, no one cleans their house on Christmas day.”

“Have you seen my living room? I think people clean on Christmas day just to have a place to sit.”

“I guess your right.” He said kissing her. “When are you going to tell your friends about us getting married?”

“Once you make it official.”

“Told you, I planed to ask you at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve, but I just couldn’t wait.”

“Your still going to ask me then, and give me my ring, and I am going to say yes all over again.“

“I like the sound of that, now go before I do something that 6 year olds shouldn’t see.” He said turning her around, and giving her a swat on her behind.

****Later that night after her friends left, and Abigail was asleep.****

“Oh God I thought this day would never end.” Buffy said, as they enter the bedroom together.

“I know what you mean, I never realized Anya was like that outside of work.”

“Why do you think Abigail knows how to make a baby? Anya’s lose lips answered all the questions she was asked about sex, and the names of all the body parts. Every time we told her to stop, her response was what she has to learn these things.”

“So, exactly how much does your Daughter know?” He asked, now reclined on the bed naked with Buffy.

“Well, she knows that you have to take a penis,” She says as she takes it in her hand. “And insert it into a vagina,” She said, while climbing on top of Spike, and sinking down on his hard cock she has been holding in her hand. “I™m not exactly sure how much she knows after that.”

Pulling her down to kiss him, he says. “I guess that's good, not sure though never been a parent before.”

“It’s good in a way, because she then is able to tell me if someone tries to do something sexually to her. Less talk more love making.“

“I love that idea.” He said, rolling them over, and starting a gentle motion of thrusting in, and out of her.

Buffy moaned in pleasure. “Spike I need more. Oh God! I’m almost there, but I need more.”

“I know what you need luv, let me take care of you.” He said, as he started massaging her clit.

“Spike,” she starts to call out, but he silences her with a kiss, just as he starts to cum inside of her.

“Thanks, I didn’t want to wake her, just couldn’t help it.”

“I know, now get some rest. We have a lot to do before we go see your Brother tomorrow, in LA, and before out late evening flight to England.”

“I know, who would have thought of getting on a flight that late at night?”

“Figured it would be better for Abby, remember she can sleep all night, and we will be in London around noon.”

****The next Morning****

“So what all do you have left to pack?” Spike asked, after they have been up for about an hour.

“Just the things that we need everyday, the meds, her sleeping stuff. But not these.“ She told him, putting her birth control pills on the counter in front of him.

“But these are your protection, if you stop taking these then you could end up pregnant.” Spike said, a little surprised, it was only 2 days ago she told him in a couple months.

“I know, I decided last night. The doctor has been after me to go off them for a while now, told me I was not getting a choice soon, that he would no longer renew them, something about how you can only be on them for a certain length of time, before they stop working or something. He also said it could take a month or two before I actually get pregnant.”

“I would say almost 7 years is a long time.”

“Actually it’s almost 5, I didn’t go on them till she was 2. I was only 17 when I had her remember, kind of turned me away from dating, and sex for a while. I’m surprised mom didn’t make me go on them as soon as she was born, but then again I wouldn’t have gotten Pregnant if Angel wouldn’t have done what he did.“

“Thank you, luv. Now go finish packing.”

An hour later they were all in the car on the way to see Buffy’s Brother, Riley. He was in the Military hospital, because of his injury in Iraq.

“Will Uncle Riley remember me?“ Abby asked her mother.

“I don’t know, Baby. It’s been a while since we've seen him. The doctors say he is awake, but not able to move on his own yet.”

Almost a year ago, Riley got caught in one of the bombings in Iraq, and ended up in a coma, and paralysed from the waist down where he was crushed. After 8 months of being in a coma, he woke up a week ago, just in time for Christmas.

****2 hours later they are pulling into the hospitals parking lot****

Entering the hospital, Buffy told the nurse, “Were here to see, Riley Finn-Summers.”

Riley is only Buffy’s half brother, because his father died 6 months after he was born away in combat, a couple years later, her mother married Hank Summers, a now Lawyer for Wolfram, and hart here in LA. He worked for Masters, and Aurelius Law firm in Sunnydale, until the divorce 8 years ago.

“Hi Riley.” Buffy said, as she enters the room.

“Uncle Riley you’re awake.”

“Yes I am Abby.” He said with a laugh.

“He remembers me mommy.”

“I could never forget my only niece.” Riley tells her.

Looking up at William, “Do I know you?”

“That’s mommy's boyfriend, William. Their going to have a baby.” Abby tells him.

“This is William Pryce, a co-worker as well as my boyfriend, we might have a baby some day, but not right now.”

“Where did she get the idea your going to have a baby?” Riley asks, knowing his sister has never brought a man into her life before.

“Cordy’s pregnant again, and William, and I have decided we are going to live together.”

“So it’s serious between you too?” Knowing she wouldn't do that to Abby if it wasn’t, but he had to ask anyways.

“Yes, Ry it is.”

“Marriage serious?” He asked his sister.

“Very, as well as no more pill serious, decided that today.”

“Okay.” He got his answer, his sister was finally ready to forgive what Angel did to her, and let herself love again.

“Has Sam been in to visit you lately?” Buffy asked, wanting to know if his wife has been in to see him.

“Yeah, she came yesterday with the twins.” Riley told her, “They said that I might be able to start going home soon on weekends, so when that happen I’m going to try, and get her pregnant again, the doctors are not sure if I can.”

“Don’t you think it is a little soon?”

“We were going to start trying after I got back, which would have been 6 months ago.”

Just then a nurse comes in. “Its time for the visitors to leave.”


“I’ll see you when we get back from England, if you need anything call me. Sam has the number of where we will be.” Buffy says as they leave.

“Bye Uncle Riley.”

4 hours later, they are waiting for their flight number to be called at the LAX airport.

AN: Alright this will be my last post til the first week in January. I know I need to go back and edit, the first chapter it will get done in Jan as well.

I would also like to say that in the summary I said I got the idea of singing the song I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus. The only things that are the same is the sex and age. My daughter has Developmental delays and would never understand the things that are said in this chapter. She also has a hearing loss, so the singing of the songs are in sign.

That said it was said at a parents group that a child should learn the correct names of all the body parts and what they do as soon as they are born. That way if anything happens to them they are able to tell you.
This story archived at http://