Kissing Santa by smlcspike
Summary: Buffy is a single mother of a 6 year old Daughter, she is dating a co-worker and the daughter wakes up on Christmas Eve and sees them kissing under the mistletoe.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes Word count: 15376 Read: 14665 Published: 12/13/2006 Updated: 03/28/2007
Chapter 6 by smlcspike
Author's Notes:
I just noticed my summary, I hate writing them, but wrote she is divorced she has never been Married. Spike is here first husband. Again thanks for the reviews. The Lovely Brenda Proof read it for me. I had planed to only have this fic a few chapter long and for it to be done around Christmas time since that is the theme. But Real Life sometimes doesn't want to work with the fic life.
Chapter 6

****I week before the next issue was to come out in February****

Entering Giles office. “Giles, neither William or I have received the photographers pick, for this months issue.” Buffy says.

“Willow, and Tara are doing them this month. We all know how busy you both are with the wedding, and everything.“ Giles tells her, not wanting her too know what the real reason is for them not getting the articles. They wanted it to be a surprise for Buffy, and William.

****February 12, the day the February issue comes out.****

Walking into Buffy’s office at the With Pleasure Magazine, Anya says. “Have you checked out the photographers picks? They are hot!“

Seeing the Magazine Anya was holding Buffy says. “Anya, that is the men’s copy. Why would you be reading that one?“

“Oh, I read both actually. You, and Spike are both really good in the layout. Besides, I like to see how often Xander, and I make it in the magazine."

“I haven't had the time to check out the issue yet. I have been in meetings all morning, and have more this afternoon.“

“Are you still eating lunch with us?“ Anya asks, with her nose still in the book. Buffy didn't even think she was paying attention to her.

“Yes, were eating lunch with everyone.“

“Good! Try to check out the magazine.“ Anya says as she turns, and leaves the office.

Buffy sits down at her desk, picks up her copy of the magazine, and opens it up to the photographers pick in the middle of the book.

Buffy was surprised to see a picture of her, and Spike, her eyes grew wide as she read the article that followed.

****Hottest new couple at the With Pleasure offices..... will they make it down the aisle, or go their separate ways?
Editor's of With Pleasure women’s, and men's edition Buffy Summers, and William Pryce, have been seen together around the office, and various places around Sunnydale, Ca. They entered our Annual Christmas Party, arm, and arm where I had the chance to do a photo interview with the couple. The question is, with their relationship history are they heading down the aisle, or for splitsville? Stay tuned for more in future issues of With Pleasure Magazine. End****

After reading the article, Buffy picks up her phone, and presses the number for Williams’s line.

“William Pryce. How may I help you?“ Spike asks as he answers the phone.

“Get your copy of you magazine, and get in my office now.“ Buffy told him over the phone.


“Just do it Spike! I have another meeting to go too soon, and then lunch.“

“I’ll be right there.“ He told her as he grabs the magazine off his desk, and hangs up with Buffy.

Spike exits his office, and knocks lightly on her door, before entering.

“You’ve never asked to see my copy before, don’t tell me your having problems with it now.“ Spike says, not know what has got her in the mood she is in.

“Who says I never, just not often. But I have a feeling that the photographers pick is the same in both this issue.“ Buffy tells him, with a frown.

“Come here, kitten, we'll look at it together.“

Buffy walks over to him, and he pulls her down onto his lap, and opens the Magazine.

“So, you want to tell me what this pick is.“ He asks, as he gets to the article in question.

“Us!“ Buffy says, as he starts to read the article.

Once he is finished she says. “Yep, same as mine.”

Spike chuckles. “I wonder with they would say if they knew, that we're getting married in 2 days, and if your not pregnant now, that you will be soon.“

“I know.“ Buffy said through her giggles, feeling a lot better.

Spike starts to flip thru the rest of the magazine, with Buffy still on his lap.

“What are you doing?“ Buffy asks William, with a frown.

“Looking through a magazine, with the women I love, who just happens to be my soon to be wife.“ Spike tells her, before giving her a kiss on the lips.

****February 14th, Wedding Day.****

Buffy is woken by the ringing of her phone.

“Hello” She says, her unfocused eyes, trying to see the time.

“Did I wake you, Kitten?“ Spike asks.

“Yes, what time is it?“ Buffy asks, in a sleepy voice.

“9:45, I would have thought Abby would have you awake already.“ Spike tells her.

“Fred told me, she would watch her, so I could get some more rest. I quote ‘You need all the rest you can get, because not much sleeping takes place on the Wedding night.’”

Spike chuckles, “Guess we'll have to see if their right or not. I missed you last night.“

“I missed you too.“

“I’m going to check on the hall in a few minutes, and will see you later.“ He tells her.

“I’ll see you later. I love you.“ She tells him.

“I love you too.“ He says before he hangs up.

****3.5 hours later.****

“Are you nervous?“ Willow asks Buffy, as they drive to the With Pleasure Banquet hall that Giles gladly donated.

“Not as nervous as I thought I would be.“ Buffy tells her.

“Oh that’s good then.“ She says as they pull into the parking lot, and up to the front of the building, to where Giles is standing.

Giles says while opening the door for Buffy, and helping her out. “Why don’t you look lovely, my dear.“

“Why thank you, Giles.“ Buffy returned.

“I have set up a room in the offices for you. William is already here.“

“Can I go see him, Mommy?“ Abby asks.

“Only for a minute, the Wedding will be starting soon.“

“I’ll take her.“ Fred said, as she got out of the car with her 2 girls as well.

“Thank you.“ Buffy says to Fred.

As Giles starts to walk away with Buffy, Fred says to Abigail. “Lets wait for Mommy to get hidden from William, before we go see him.“

“Why would Mommy want to hide from him?“

“Its bad luck for him to see her before the Wedding, which is why he wasn’t at the house last night.“ Fred tells her.

“Oh, OK. Mommy's gone now, can we go see him?“

“Yes, I think were safe now.“ Fred says leading her into where the Wedding will take place.

Seeing him sitting in a chair at the front she calls to him. “William.“

Hearing his name, he stands up, and turns around.

Once she gets up to him, he bends down to her. “Are you not supposed to be with your Mum?“ He asks, with a smile.

“I asked to see you so, Fred brought me.“

“You look lovely, Abigail.“

“Thank you. Mommy bought my dress in England. She looks pretty too.“

Looking up at Fred, “Guess I wasn’t the only one that broke the secret that day, then was I.”

“She was staring at the dress, I persuaded her to go look at it, knowing you were going to ask her. She didn't tell me you had already asked her, until she tried it on.“ Fred tells him.

“Your not telling me that Buffy bought her dress in England as well. I would have known. It wouldn't have been in a small box.“

“Sorry, she had it shipped to Willow, and Tara’s, the only thing she kept with her was the bridal magazine.“

As Fred finishes talking, the music starts in the hall.

“I guess I better get her back.“ Fred says as she starts walking Abby to her mother.

Once Fred had taken her seat, Spike nods to the musician to start the music.

Once the music starts, Abby came out first, walking up the aisle dropping flower petals, she is followed by Tara, then Willow. After Willow reaches the front of the carpet, the Bridal march starts, and Giles brings Buffy down the aisle.

The Wedding progresses as any Wedding Ceremony, and soon they are walking out of the hall as Mr., and Mrs. Pryce.

As they all get into the Limo, William turns to Buffy, and says. “Thank you”

“For what?“

“For making me the happiest man alive.“

They drive in silence, just holding on to each other, till they reach the area they have chosen for pictures. It was the bluffs overlooking Sunnydale. After an hour of picture taking they all climbed back into the limo, and head to the reception.

Once there, the photographer takes Buffy, and Spike into the studio to do some photos for the Magazine, which he plans on giving to Buffy, and Spike as well.
Once in the studio, the photographer tells them how he wants them.

“I would like Buffy in her heels, and headpiece holding her flowers, and William I would like you in your tie, and cummerbund. I want a couple of you facing each other, with you arms around her. Both facing the camera.” They were so into themselves, neither noticed when the photographer stopped taking pictures.

5 hours later, Buffy, and Spike were leaving their wedding reception to go start their Honeymoon. Abby was with her father, so the only thing they had to worry about was, checking into there room at the Winchester Arms Inn and Suites.

After checking into their room, Spike pulls her into his arms and kisses her.

I love you, Mrs. Pryce.

I love you too, Mr. Pryce.

He reaches up and slides the zipper down her dress, then slides it onto the floor. Buffy reaches up, and starts to undo his jacket, and shirt, and slide them off.

Once they are both undressed, he gently picks her up, and carries her to the bed. Putting her down as gentle as he can, he climbs up her, and kisses her as she spreads her legs for him to fit between.

She says to him. “Make love to me, William.“

He then kisses her, and rubs her clit a few times to make sure she is ready before thrusting into her.

Quietly they make love to each other all night long.

The next morning after they wake up, Buffy turns to William, a greedy look in her eyes, and says,
“Well I guess Fred was right, we didn’t get much sleep last night.“ Then roll over on top of him.
This story archived at http://