Love Island by Kirst
Summary: AU a group of fifteen strangers crash onto an island and sparks fly when Loner Buffy Summers meets mysterious Spike Reynolds im not very good with summarys :(
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Completed: No Word count: 50745 Read: 21739 Published: 12/22/2006 Updated: 02/12/2007
Chapter 3 by Kirst
Chapter 3

Spike grumbled his entire way back to the beach and his mood darkened further when he couldn’t find Buffy.
Instead Spike walked over to the others who were all gathered around three shelters made of wood, metal and sheets of plastic.

“What’s going on?” Spike asked studying the rather impressive shelters that the group had built.
“These are our temporary homes. The first over there is for Me, Anya, Wesley and Riley. The second here, the biggest one is for you, Buffy, Xander Cordelia and Willow and the third is for Gunn, Fred, Tara and Oz.” Giles said proudly wiping the sweat from his eyes with his hand.

“Where is Buffy?” Willow asked curiously.
“How am I supposed to know?” Spike asked defensively when everyone turned to look at him.
“Well you seemed…close…well closer than any of us are too her anyway.” Willow shrugged holding up her hands in defence.
“Yeah well…don’t know where the bloody bint is.” Spike grumbled kicking the sand at his feet like a child.

Almost four hours after sunset Buffy still hadn’t showed up and the group were getting rather worried. They all sat around a huge fire eating the melons and other fruit that Willow had gathered from the jungle.
“Do you think she’s all right?”
“Maybe she got eaten by a tiger.” Cordelia added causing everyone to groan at how shallow she was that she could say something like that without even a tinge of sadness in her voice.

“Well we didn’t see anything that could really harm you when we went to look for water.” Angel said worriedly. He had taken quite a liking to the little blonde; she kept herself to herself and only spoke when something needed to be said. A trait he found very endearing.
“I'm gunna go look for her.” Riley stood up followed by Wesley and Spike.
“Yeah okay lets-”

“What’s going on?”
Everyone turned to stare at the tiny blonde standing right next to the group.
“Buffy!” Willow gasped happily throwing her arms around the girl in front of her despite only knowing her a day Willow easily formed attachments and had been really worried about her.

Buffy froze not returning the hug at all and staring worriedly at the red head that seemed unconcerned by the blonde’s utter lack of response to the hug.
“We were worried. We thought you’d gotten lost or something.” Giles smiled kindly at the girl handing her a half of melon.

Buffy took it and nodded in thanks.
“You shouldn’t have worried. I just went for a walk. I like being alone sometimes.” Buffy shrugged sitting down to eat her melon not noticing the looks everyone else was giving her especially a certain bleached blonde

When Buffy was told of the sleeping arrangements Spike paid extra attention and smiled when he saw her cast a worried glance at him when she found out he would yet again be sleeping close to her.

Pretty soon everyone retreated into their little huts to sleep. He went in before Buffy and smirked when he realised the lay out of the small space. Cordelia was next to the left wall and had her own blanket and pillow. Even in sleep Spike could see the arrogance in her stature. Next to her was Willow who was sleeping rather close to the Xander bloke.

Hmmm interesting.

Then next to Xander there was a gap where he and Buffy were obviously expected to sleep. He quickly settled in next to Xander not wanting Buffy to sleep near the other guy. Buffy didn’t appear in the entrance of the little makeshift shelter till almost an hour later and by that time Xander, Willow and Cordelia were all fast asleep.
He studied her as she knelt at the entrance biting her lip with a troubled look on her face.

“You gunna come in or not luv.” Spike spoke startling her.
“Don’t call me luv.” Was her immediate response and a cold look entered her face.
“Okay fine, what should I call you? Sweetheart? Goldilocks?” Spike teased.

He saw her shoulders shake a little and even in the pitch darkness he could tell she was fighting not to laugh.
Without another protest she moved into the shelter and lay on her side facing him. Spike sucked in a surprised breathe and grinned in the dark that she had agreed to sleep next to him again. He drifted off with a huge grin on his face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Sleep well last night kitten?” Spike asked casually over breakfast. Buffy looked up and give him an exasperated look.
“Well I didn’t sleep well at all! I got sand in my hair and it was all hard and lumpy….” Cordelia rambled on with her complaints not noticing that absolutely no one was paying any attention to her.

“Hey Buffy…you doing anything today?” Angel asked the blonde with a smile earning a sharp glare form Spike which he didn’t notice.
“Well im on an island…I basically plan to…sit.” Buffy shrugged earning a snort of laughter from the rest of the group.

“Well wanna come with me? Scout out the island a bit more?” Angel smiled.
“Sure.” Buffy nodded getting up to go grab a backpack and a bottle of water giving Spike a look when he jumped up too.
“What? I can come right peaches? Don’t mind me tagging along.” Spike smiled innocently grabbing his pack too and smiling at Buffy who just sighed.

“So what’s it like being a lawyer?” Buffy panted pulling herself up the side of a small cliff.
“Stuffy and boring.” Angel grunted reaching down and pulling her up by her arm.
“Just like you then.” Spike said sullenly.
Ever since they had taken off on their little trek Angel had been all over Buffy. Acting like a bleeding puppy dog the sodding wanker. And there was Buffy acting all fucking mushy.

What’s he got that I aint got!

Buffy had to turn away to hide her smile.

He is soo jealous.

Buffy rolled her eyes and walked a bit ahead. She couldn’t deal with being around the whole macho man fest that was going on at the moment. God Spike was acting like he owned her or something.

“Listen what’s your problem?” Angel asked losing his temper at the blonde now. Ever since they had left camp he had been nothing but sarcastic and aiming barbs at him and he was getting sick of it.
“Nothings my problem just you being a pansy.” Spike grumbled.
“Why are you acting like such an ass then? You’ve been nothing but hostile since we left camp!” Angel snapped.
Spike just shook his head ignoring what Angel had just said instead turning to watch Buffy as she walked off behind some bushes.

“So im guessing you wanna get in her pants?” Spike said quietly trying to control his temper. Why the hell does that stupid bint want him? Angel looked at him for a second and then to the bush where Buffy had disappeared and laughed when he finally realised what was going on.
“Oh my god that’s what this is about!? You think I want Buffy?!” Angel laughed loudly staring at Spike like he was an idiot.

“You’re telling me you don’t want her?” Spike gave him a disbelieving look.
“Hey im not saying I wouldn’t want her I mean she is hot but…I’ve got a girlfriend who I love…I would never do something behind her back! I just like Buffy as a friend she seems like a nice person and she isn’t exactly expressing herself so I was hoping to get to know her better on this little trip….Jesus don’t worry im not after your girl.” Angel chuckled and sauntered off leaving Spike behind him.

Almost an hour later the three of them were sat on logs munching on some very juicy hopefully not poisonous fruit they had found.
“Don’t you think the guys will be wondering where we are?” Spike asked.
“Nah they know we’re together.” Angel shrugged.
“Still let’s head back its getting dark.” Buffy sighed lifting her pack and trudging off back in the direction they had come from with Angel and Spike trailing behind.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“So find anything interesting?” Willow asked popping a nut into her mouth.
“Nope nothing…looks like we’re in for a fun stay.” Angel laughed.
“Where’s Buffy?” Cordelia asked glancing around.
Angel frowned and glanced around searching for the little blonde.

“I don’t know…Spikes gone too…” Angel realised and just smiled going back to his food.
“Should we go see if we can find them?” Willow asked nervously.
“No I think they should be just fine on their own.”
This story archived at http://