Good Enough by Bloody_Hell
Summary: Buffy's having problems with her relationship with Angel and goes to Spike for comfort. Angel can't stand her always running to him, and the feelings between Buffy and Spike are still alive...based on the song "Good Enough" by Sarah McLachlan
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 33398 Read: 28367 Published: 12/23/2006 Updated: 07/07/2009
The Way We Were by Bloody_Hell
Author's Notes:
There’s going to be a few chapters focusing on their past, because I felt I needed to touch more on it to make the readers understand the relationships between everyone and to built things up for later in the story.
Chapter 9: The Way We Were

5 and a half Years earlier

Spike walked towards the high school from his car, all sex and swagger. He crushed his cigarette under his boot, and smirked at a girl that was clearly checking him out. I might like this town after all.

He walked into the school and through the halls, noticing all the girls look at him with a coy smile, and the guys glaring at him, putting their arms possessively around their girlfriends. He could do nothing but chuckle at that.

He got to his class at the end of the hall, and decided to make a big entrance. He opened the door, and slammed it shut, cutting off the teacher’s rambles and catching everyone’s attention.

“Sorry I’m late; got lost.” He lied insincerely.

The teacher looked him over before speaking. “Sure…find a seat. You must be William?” he asked with a raised brow.

“It’s Spike…but yeah.” Spike found a spot right in front of a little blonde, and he sat down. Realizing what was on the board Spike was automatically interested. Poetry. He was fascinated by it ever since he was a kid back in England. He never really let it show because it was bad for his image, but he always had respect for the art of words.

Spike noticed everyone around him jotting down notes from the board, and turned around the person behind him. “Do you have a piece of paper and a pencil I can borrow?” He asked looking at the top of a blonde head.

Buffy had been so consumed in her work she was slightly startled and snapped her head up at the sound of the rich accented words. She looked up to see the sexiest guy she’d ever seen. Buffy locked her gaze on his blue eyes.

“Yeah, sure.” Buffy bent down and pulled out her binder form her backpack, and pulled out a few pieces of paper and a pencil. “There you go.”

“Thanks.” Spike flashed a grin, and she couldn’t help but to smile back, trying her hardest to hide her blush. Spike then turned around, and continued his work.

After a few minutes, Spike felt somebody tap him on the shoulder. Thinking it was the cute blonde behind him, he was about to turn around when he noticed the enchanting brunette sitting on the other side of him to his left.

She had long raven colored hair, pale skin, and a thin frame. Her eyes were dark, and captivating. “Hello, I’m Drusilla. My friends and I were just wondering if you’d like to spend lunch with us?” she suggested, glancing back at her girl friends, which smiled and waved back at him.

“That would be great, luv.” Spike voiced in a low, sexy tone. He watched as the dark beauty went back to work, and soon did the same.

Buffy noticed the interaction between Drusilla, and this new guy Spike. She should have known that Dru and her little gang of skanks would pull him into their group. Buffy continued to silently do her work until the bell rang, and got up to leave when she felt a hand on her arm. She turned around to see the blonde guy, standing in front of her.

“Don’t forget your pencil, pet. Thanks again.” he added, handing it over to her.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. Thank you…” she said with a smile. At his confused look she continued. “You’re one of the few that actually gave back the thing you borrowed from me.” she finished with a laugh. Spike chuckled along with her, until he felt Drusilla, link her arm in his.

“Hello, Buffy.” She smiled sweetly at her, but her tone showed it was anything but sweet.

“Drusilla.” Buffy returned, trying hard to keep the annoyance out of her voice.

“How are things with Parker?” she asked feigning innocence. When Buffy looked down, and clenched her jaw, Dru continued. “Oh right…” she bit her lip in a false apology. “he broke up with you. I was so sorry to hear that. Oh well…him and Harmony will break up soon enough, and then you can go back to being the crying, annoying leach you were.” With a bright smile she tapped Buffy on the nose and walked out of the class room with Spike beside her and her group of tramps behind her.

Buffy looked up to see Spike looking back at her with a sorry expression. Gathering her things, she took a deep breath, and moved to the cafeteria to meet her friends. Walking in she saw Dru leading Spike to a table with all the sluts and man-whore’s of the school sitting around it.

Rolling her eyes, she moved to her usual table where he friend since childhood, Cordelia sat, along with Willow, Xander and Angel. She sat down with a huff, and started playing with the mush that the school liked to call food.

“What’s wrong Buffy…you look like someone just gutted you.” Angel asked, rubbing her back comfortingly.

“Well, pretty much. Dru brought up Parker…” Buffy told her friends, looking down into her food.

“Oh Buffy, I’m so sorry. If you want I can go over there and kick her ass. I’ve been waiting for a good reason for a long time.” Cordy suggested with raised brows.

“No there’s no point. It would have been fine if she didn’t say it in front of Spike and the band ‘o tramps.” Buffy stated while stabbing her food angrily.

Willow looked confused and glanced at Buffy. “Who’s Spike?”

“Oh that’s the new guy; William Pratt…came here all the way from London, England. He got kicked out of school there; his dad had enough and put him on the next flight to the good ol’ US of A to live with mom.” Xander recited for the group, with a proud smile.

“Wow…someone did their research. How did you find all this out? Did you steal his file from the office?” Willow asked giddily, bouncing in her chair.

“Naw…I overheard the secretary talking to the counselor about him this morning.” Xander admitted bashfully.

Cordy looked over at him, and looked at him with her arms crossed over her chest. “You’re an idiot.” Turning away from him, she looked over at Buffy. “So where is this Spike guy?”

Buffy nodded her head behind her, where two tables down Drusilla, Spike and the rest of her friends sat. “He’s sitting with Drusilla.”

“Damn…that sucks. He’s pretty hot.” Cordelia declared, looking at the blonde clearly hitting on the pale skinned brunette.

“Yeah I know…but it won’t be long before she’s turned him into her boy-toy. He looked like he just saw heaven when she spoke to him today.” Buffy sighed and pushed her un-touched food away from her.

“Why are you so upset, Buff? You don’t usually let Dru get to you like that.” Angel stated a frown set on his face.

“I don’t know, maybe because I kinda like him. I mean he seemed pretty nice, and I can tell he felt bad that Drusilla said that to me…it’s just-ugh I don’t know, I guess she just got on my last nerve.” Buffy said with frustration.

Last nerve was an understatement. Buffy was beyond pissed. She was just starting to get over the fact that Parker had dumped her for a ditzy blonde with bigger boobs, and legs that were open 24/7, and that bitch had to go and make her start the process all over again.

Drusilla had done a lot over the years to ruin her life, and break her down, and now Buffy was fighting back. If Dru wants to fight dirty, then I’ll fight dirty. You’re not the only one who can be a bitch.

Buffy grew a smile on her face, and got questioning looks from her friends due to her sudden change in attitude. “I have an idea guys…but I’m gonna need your help.”

The group leaned forward as Buffy described her plan, each loving it more and more.

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