Fixing The Factors by ImmortallySpuffy
Summary: Response to Challenge # 178. Spells and Jealousy and Treachery...oh my! Set during The Yoko Factor, something has happened to make Buffy and Spike repeat the same day over and over. Will they figure out they're in this together or keep working against each other? Will they be able to fix the time loop or are they doomed to repeat the day for eternity? And just how many visits from a jealous Riley and Angel will Buffy be able to stand? Special thanks to spikeslovebite for beta'ing!!! This fic is a collaboration between Karyn, JackofSpikes, and Maryperk. This fic has won runner-up for Divine Retribution and Judges Choice at the Fang Fetish Awards and Runner-Up for Best Challenge Response at Loves Last Glimpse Awards. And has been nomm'ed at the Burn and Spark Awards for Best Plot, Best Romance, and Best Challenge Response.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Completed: Yes Word count: 117249 Read: 46310 Published: 12/28/2006 Updated: 06/20/2007
Day 19 Part B by ImmortallySpuffy
Day 19 Part B


Spike rushed through the door and stopped to stomp out the smoking blanket. Turning around, he found his mate and her friend grinning maniacally at him and he knew fear for the second time that day. Only this fear was brought on by a far different reason.

Women. Grinning women who looked like they had spent their morning sharing and plotting.

He was saved from the dubious pleasure of finding out the reason for the twin looks as a timid knock sounded behind him. He backed away, keeping his eyes on the smirking pair, only shifting his gaze when he opened the door. Tara stood in the archway, fidgeting nervously. He smiled brightly before realizing that she didn't remember any of their encounters and settled for an aloof grin and lukewarm greeting.

"Come in, luv. Red's right in there," he said waving toward the seated girls.

"Hey, Tara," Willow stood and walked around to her girlfriend, kissing her on the cheek, both a bit self-conscious about kissing in front of other people just yet. Grabbing the shy girl by the hand, she led her back to couch and urged her to sit.

"Did you get the disks, Spike?" Buffy asked moving to the vampire and kissing him on the cheek as well, keeping the kiss chaste so it didn't break any break-up-with-my-lame-soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend-first rules.

"Yeah, got 'em right here, pet," he said in a stunned voice, shocked that she had shown him any kind of affection in front of one of her friends.

"Wow," the blond Wicca said softly.

Willow looked at her girlfriend, who was staring at the supernatural couple. "What is it, Tara?"

Tara shook her head, searching for the words that would describe what she had seen, "They're just beautiful, their auras I mean. They flow around them like they're one person, one entity, and it's so bright. It's like nothing I've ever seen before."

"Really? Wow!" the redhead exclaimed, looking both excited and a bit nervous, not sure if the this was such a good thing.

"You hear that, Spikey?" the slayer teased. "We're beautiful together."

"Could have told you that, luv."

Buffy turned back to their captive audience. "Well, Willow, you've seen the spell. Are you sure you can pull it off without harming Riley?" she asked. Although she was worried about what could happen to the solider, she was more worried about her mate.

"Oh, sure, Buff. With Tara and Giles helping, it should be a piece of cake."

"Okay, then, I've gotta get Riley while you get things set up for the de-chipping. Spike, why don't you give Willow the disks and make sure they don't need any help setting things up."

"Wha? Oh, right," he backpedaled as the slayer leveled a meaningful glare in his direction. "Sure. I'll hang around a bit, help set things up."

The besotted vampire watched as his mate left the apartment. Stopping just outside, she turned and blew him a kiss before closing the door behind her. He turned around, a sappy grin he couldn't seem to shake shining brightly, and came face to face with two grinning girls who were watching him with amusement. "Wha?"

"Nothing," Willow rushed to say, sharing a knowing look with her girlfriend. "It's just that things really must have changed lately for you two to be giving each other the googly eyes."

"I-it's sweet really," the blond witch assured him.

"Oi! I'm not sweet. Big Bad's aren't sweet."

"Oh, right, my mistake. No sweetness, not even semi-sweet," Willow said soothingly. "Cause Big Bad's always spend a century devoted to one person- a crazy person at that- and taking care of their every insane little whim," she continued. "And of course Big Bad's always make deals with their enemies to save the world."

"A-and B-big Bad's always make with the googly eyes and l-love-struck smiles," the blond wicca teased, grinning at the pouting vampire.

Spike mind raced. He latched on to the white witches last words like a life preserver. "What? It's not like demons can't love."

Willow's eye's widened as she thought about the possibilities of demons in love. "Really? Is that all demons or just vampires?"

"I-I don't know about all demons, b-but I k-know some of them can l-love," the timid blond stuttered, her heart racing.

"Too right, pet. Lots of demons love very well. Some even fall in love with humans. It happens quite a bit actually." Looking at the blond speculatively he asked, "You sound like you know a bit about demons in love, pet. Someone you met?"

"Oh, um, no, n-not met," the shy Wicca spoke through the curtain of hair she was now hiding behind.

"Are you alright, pet? You look like something's bothering you," he asked hating to push the girl but knowing it had to be done.

"I-it's nothing r-really," she said shaking her head in agitation.

"Tara? Honey?" Willow looked at her lover in concern.

"You're among friends, pet. You two have helped me quite a bit the last few days, even if you don't remember it," he added, knowing if he didn't get her to fess up to the mistaken belief in her demon status, all their work would be for nothing. "Sometimes sharing things, secrets, fears; it helps us to put those things behind us, to look forward without being afraid anymore just by having others to share those things with." He met her gaze steadily when her eyes flew to his toward the end of his little speech and he could see when realization set in for her.

Her eyes widened and her heart pounded in her chest when it finally clicked in her mind. He already knew. She struggled with the knowledge as well as her desire to ask him how and why he knew so much about her. She couldn't imagine what could have happened to make her share her deepest darkest secret with someone who for all intents and purposes was a virtual stranger.

She continued to stare into his eyes and all she could see in his blue depths was a sincere desire to help and more than a little concern also. Trying to calm her racing heart, she looked at them, wondering what Willow would say when she discovered her lover was a demon. Although it really hadn't bothered her about Spike and Buffy's relationship, so maybe it wouldn't be such a problem after all.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at the vampire one last time, seeking reassurance before turning to the other girl. Gazing into the redhead's eyes she spoke in a near whisper, "I-I know about d-demons because I am one."

Willow mouth dropped open, her shock evident. Whatever she had expected her girlfriend to say it wasn't that.

"Bullocks!" Spike snorted.

Now Tara’s jaw dropped as well and both girls turned to look him in disbelief.

"You're not a demon, pet. Never have been. Never will be. It's just some rubbish your family cooked up to keep you from straying to far from home, to keep you dependent on them for help."

"B-but it runs in my f-family."

"Hogwash and I can prove it," he reached out quickly and flicked her nose sharply, throwing his head back as the pain filled his head and he heard her surprised gasp of pain.

"Spike!" Willow shouted in anger before she realized what he had done. "Oh! Tara that proves it. Spike can't hurt humans."

The blonde’s eyes filled with tears as her fears receded. "I...I don't know how to...thank you, Spike."

Willow glared at the bleached vampire. "You know that we could have just done a spell to figure that out, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. That's what you said a couple of days ago. Still say my way’s better," Spike groused, hoping that this would be his last shock from the chip.

"I-if you knew, why didn't you just say something?" Tara asked curiously.

Spike grinned as he looked at the happy couple, "It was your secret to tell. I'm just here to help." He rose moving toward the liquor cabinet. He was sure that Buffy would be returning with the stiff soldier soon, and he figured would need at least one stout drink to get him through that meeting as well as settling his nerves about the coming spell.

The vampire's laughter rang through the apartment when he heard Willow's next words.

"I still don't understand why you thought I wouldn't understand. Hello? Dated a werewolf, here."


Giles parked his car behind some trees, and camouflaged it with some branches. He retrieved his tranquilizer gun from the trunk and turned to walk the short distance to the area that Buffy had pinpointed as the location that she had encountered the soldier. He scanned the area for suitable hiding places before settling on a small outcrop of rocks above the vicinity he believed the solider would be coming from. Climbing the rocks, he was able to slide behind two small shrubs to hide his position and settled in to wait.


Buffy slipped into the burned-out high school, knowing exactly where to find her soon-to-be ex. She recalled the last days of constant breakups and fights and hoped this would be the final one. Running the different conversations in her mind, she tried to think of the best approaches to get Riley to her watchers without actually breaking up first but not encouraging him either. They wanted the chip removed before he had a chance to get upset and storm off before getting device out. They weren't worried about him not helping them with the battle with Adam, as they didn't want him working for the other team.

After the last few days of traveling the ruins of the school, she navigated the pitfalls with ease until she stood outside the room she knew he would be in.

She stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath, and wondered where it had all started to fall apart for her and Riley. Had his jealousy and paranoia always been there? Or was it a recent development due to his relationship with her? Would Spike wake up one day feeling the same way? Was it her? No, she had no reason to think that. Spike wasn't Riley and he damn sure wasn't Angel. He didn't leave when things got hard and if he was feeling insecure, she would know it ahead of time. She could read him like a book, with or without the claim.

Focus, Buffy. Shaking off her irreverent thoughts, she prepared to face her soon to be ex. Stepping through the doorway, she tried to force a smile to her lips, finding it very difficult to manage. "Hey, Riley," she said, startling the soldier out of his deep thoughts. She groaned inwardly when she remembered the cause of those deep thoughts. Why, oh why, didn't I remember to stop Xander from coming over here this morning?

"Welcome back, Buffy," Riley replied stiffly.

She could see him casually trying to check her over, like he could tell by sight alone if she had been unfaithful. Her teeth clenched in anger and she tried to calm down, reminding herself that she would be free of his petty jealousy and fears soon enough.

"Thank you," she answered coolly. She watched as he stood, his gaze shifting around the room as if he couldn't stand to look her in the eye. She snorted at the idea. Well, if he can't look at me now, just wait until later, she thought sarcastically.

"How was your trip?" he asked, his tone coated in accusation.

"Fine. I learned a lot," she responded semi-truthfully, thinking of the last two trips to LA instead of the one he was referring too. "Actually, that's what I came to talk to you about. We've got some information on Adam and some of his plans."

Riley straightened at the mention of the overgrown cyborg. "What can I do?"

"Well, it's more of what we can do for you," she retorted cryptically.


One hour and one tranquilizer dart later, Giles was dragging the limp body of Forrest along the path to a small cottage a short distance away, intending to leave the body there to allow the boy time to wake. He would have a dreadful headache when that time came, especially with the small rocks and branches that his head was coming into contact with as the watcher dragged him through the wooded area. Although from the way his slayer talked about the boy, Giles couldn't help but think a generous migraine was well deserved.

Panting heavily, the watcher cursed the slayer and her mate. "Oh, this is no problem, Giles," he mocked in a falsetto voice. "Just one little soldier, she says. Bag and tag, she says." He paused for a moment trying to catch his breath. "Yes, let’s leave the heavy strapping youth for the middle-aged watcher to drag through the woods. It's not like it would require super strength or anything," he grumbled as he resumed his trek, the body trailing behind him.


Spike and Tara had just finished moving the dining table when the slayer and the AWOL soldier entered the apartment.

Riley almost growled when he saw the vampire standing confidently in middle of the room. "What's he doing here?" he asked snidely, moving toward Spike threateningly.

Buffy stopped him with a firm grip on his arm, making sure to apply a little more pressure than she normally would. "He's helping," she stated evenly. There was just enough warning in her tone to make her threat understood, even to the jealous soldier.

He shook her arm off. "He's probably hoping that if he hangs around he might find a way to get his chip out. Isn't that right, Hostile 17?" he sneered.

The blond vamp smirked at the agitated man and settled for a low growl instead of hollow threats that he couldn't act on...yet. His smile widened when he saw the boy twitch and reach instinctively for the bite that Angel had placed on him. Spike could hear the increased heartbeat and the fear that filled the boy. Even if Riley wasn't aware of why he was feeling it, it was there.

Riley whirled around to face his girlfriend. "You can't trust him, Buffy. I can't believe you would let him into your watchers home, to allow him access to your friends. What is it with you and vamps? Is it some kind of sick fascination or something?" he spat out, shaking in anger.

"You should really know better than to anger a slayer, Riley." All eyes turned to the doorway where Anya was shaking her head, a pale looking Xander just behind her.

"Xander, help me out here. Tell them how dangerous it is letting a vampire stroll in whenever he wants, chip or no chip," Riley urged his friend to intervene.

"Um, what are we talking about again?" the brunette asked. Looking around the room, he noticed that none of the looks in the ex-soldiers direction were friendly.

"Spike," Riley spat. "Here, in the apartment, when he should be dust."

Xander could see Buffy's hands clinching and un-clinching from where he stood. "Oh, um. So, Spike's making a pest of himself? Nothing new there," the carpenter joked, hoping to diffuse the situation. "Um, guess I must just be used to it," he finished weakly.

Buffy turned her icy glare on the Iowa farm boy. "Seems like you're the only one that has a problem with it, Riley," she pointed out, smugly crossing her arms over her chest.

The soldier stepped closer to his girlfriend, his expression both hurt and confused. "What is this, Buffy? Why are you acting like this? You would think that I was the one that ran off to see an old girlfriend."

"Some things have changed lately, Riley. Like it or not, Spike's part of the group," she spoke rigidly, making her position clear to all in the room.

"Things? What things? Angel related things?" he asked, his anger growing.

"Ugh, could you just get over Angel for a minute? It’s like you’re obsessed with him or something," Buffy shouted.

The scoobies and their significant others all made their way slowly toward the kitchen, with Tara grabbing Spike by the sleeve and dragging the smirking vampire with them away from the awkward scene they were witnessing.

"Maybe it's not me that's obsessed with vamps," Riley taunted.

Buffy narrowed her eyes, part of her was thankful that he was making breaking up with him much easier on her and the other was furious over his blatant accusations. Someone had a serious inferiority complex, the slayer mused. And to think Professor Walsh thought I didn't pay attention in class!

"Look, this could turn ugly real fast," Buffy warned. "I really don't think you want to see what a pissed off slayer can do."

Riley opened his mouth, clearly wanting to continue his argument. Snapping his jaw shut, he forced his words out through clenched teeth. "You know what? Maybe we both need some time to cool off, get our heads straight. I should go," he finished heading towards the door.

"This isn't just about us, Riley. You leave now and Adam can control you whenever he wants. Is that how you want to end up?" He stopped immediately and Buffy could see the inner struggle he was waging. She could tell he wanted to leave but feared what would happen if he did. "Just let us fix it, Riley; then you can leave," she promised, her tone giving a hint threat as well.

The soldier turned to stare at her intently. "This is it, isn't it? This is the one that we're not coming back from," he stated calmly.

"No, Riley. I don't think we can," she whispered softly.

He lowered his head for a moment, fighting back his emotions. He nodded toward the kitchen where he knew the others were listening. "Seems like we have some work to do then."

Buffy nodded before going to the doorway and quietly telling the two witches to get ready for the spell.

All eyes turned to the entranceway as Giles entered the apartment. He could feel the tension in the room as he propped the tranquilizer gun in the corner. "I assume we're ready to begin?" he asked raising an eyebrow at his charge.

"Yeah, Giles, all ready to go," Buffy assured him.

Spike swaggered out of the kitchen, knowing this was his exit cue. "Well, I don't know about you lot, but I've got better things to do than watch you hocus-pocus Captain Cardboard," he smirked at the soldier as he snatched his duster from the back of the couch.

Buffy thought fast. There had to be a way to get Spike and Xander in the same place later. She didn't want to let the vampire to weasel his way out of it. Finally latching onto an idea, she called out, "Hey, Spike! Can you meet us at the Bronze later?"

The blond stopped at the door and turned around, his eyes narrowed. "What for, pet?"

"Some planning for the battle. We'll all meet there. We can strategize and unwind a little before the big bang," she smiled innocently.

The vamp rolled his eyes before nodding. "Sure, meet you there in a couple of hours," he said.

Spike swung the door open, grateful that the sun had finally set and he could make a graceful exit instead of a mad dash for the sewers. He stopped when he heard his name spoken softly, turning around to look at Tara.

She smiled gently at him. "Thank you, Spike."

He nodded, smiling back at her, and then he was gone.

Xander looked around at the other occupants in the room before asking, "Why is Spike helping us again?"

Buffy was completely flustered by Xander’s question, stammering and blushing. She didn't know how to explain Spike's sudden change of sides and loyalty to the group without using words like mate and claim and biting, which left her with a weak "cause he wants to" ringing in her head. Fortunately Giles stepped in to save her by replying, "It seems Adam cornered him at his crypt and made some threats to which Spike took offense."

"Yeah. What Giles said," she said releasing the breath she didn't realize she was holding, shooting her watcher a grateful look.

Willow snickered and then began to cough as everyone turned to look at her. Tara patted her girlfriend on the back letting her hair drop over her features to hide her own smile.

The redhead clapped her hands together briskly. "Well, it sounds like we have a lot to do. We better get this party started. Giles you look a little tired, are you sure you're up for this?" she asked in concern.

"Yes well I've had a bit of strenuous exorcise today," he grumbled, shooting a glare at his guilty looking slayer. "Do you think you and Tara could handle the spell on your own?"

The two exchanged looks before both nodded. "S-sure," Tara agreed softly.

Guiding Riley to sit in the dining chair in the middle of the small circle of sand, Willow retrieved her herbs and two small silver bowls from the table behind her. Passing one bundle of herbs and bowl to Tara, she took a lighter from her pocket and quickly touched the flame to both bundles. The girls began to walk around the nervous soldier, circling him as they chanted.

In the bedroom, Spike climbed stealthily in the bedroom window that had been left open for him. He stood in the circle of sand that Rupert had drawn earlier in preparation of the night’s events.

Spike could hear the soft chanting from below, could feel the magic's swirl around him as the spell began to take hold. He could hear Willows voice ringing loud and true and Tara's much gentler pitch. The sounds began to run together for him, but he was able to pick out certain words; expel, foreign, and unnatural. Pressure began to build in his head, as if some force was pushing on his skull from the inside.

In the dining room, Willow and Tara continued to move around the soldier. Riley was sitting ramrod straight, his knuckles white from gripping the sides of the chair he sat on. Both Wicca’s stopped their circling and held out their hands palm down over Riley's head, continuing their chants. As one they turned their hands up, fisting them, their voices growing louder as the spell reached its climax.

A gust of wind whipped through the apartment as Willow shouted the last word of the spell. Riley slumped in his chair as the ghostly wind abated and everyone held their breath as they waited for the results.

Willow blinked rapidly, coming down from the post-magic high and grinned broadly. "I've got it!" she cried out, holding up the small chip triumphantly.

The Scoobies gathered around, congratulating her on a job well done. Riley was coming around, shaking his head to clear away the fog that had settled over him with the removal of the chip and rubbing his chest to ease the tingling sensations left behind.

Buffy wanted to rush to the bedroom to check on her mate, but knew she couldn't expose what had really taken place. She noticed how still Tara had become, not joining in the merriment of a job well done. Tara looked up suddenly, their eyes clashed, and realization hit the slayer hard...she knew. Tara knew what they had done. The slayer felt her heart race and wondered if the game was over. If the shy witch was about to unleash a Scooby war right there and then with just a few soft spoken words.

Buffy watched as the Tara looked down at her own hand for a moment before looking up again, seeming to making her mind. The slayer gave a relieved sigh when the bashful girl grinned at her, slipping what must have been Spike's chip into her pocket.

Riley stood, stumbling a little as he walked to the door.

"Riley," Buffy called to him, waiting until he turned around to finish speaking. "We're going up against Adam soon. If you still want to help out, that is."

The soldier nodded slowly. "I'll think about it. I just need time to...think."

Buffy nodded also, biting her lip. "For what it's worth...I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too," he mumbled as he turned away.

Expelling a large sigh as she turned back to her friends, Buffy looked at her watcher and asked innocently, "So how was your day?"
This story archived at http://