Lose Control by serenity
Summary: After his 18th birthday bash, William "Spike" Giles finds out some shocking news about his future and the sexy blonde that seduced him on the dance floor.
Winner at the Cradle of Humanity Awards Round 2- Consorted World Award
Nominated at LSA for Hottest Bite, Best Role Reversal. I am also up for Best Author!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 58565 Read: 39206 Published: 01/01/2007 Updated: 03/13/2008
Chapter 2 by serenity
Author's Notes:
**AN** Thank oh so very much to all that have read this story. As I noted in the first chapter, this was an experimental story to get my muse going. Thanks in part to all of the wonderful reviews, I will be continuing! As with my other fic, I will attempt to post at least once a week on each story, possibly more if the creativity kicks in! As always, reviews are very much appreciated!
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Dread filled Spike’s stomach as he neared his new high school, not because he had missed his first period, but because he would first have to find his father and get a pass for his absence. His father, Rupert Giles, had taken a job with the school as librarian shortly after his wife and Spike’s mother, Anne had passed.

Desperately needing a change of scenery, Rupert had decided to move to California from England. Months had flown by since their arrival, summer heat fading into cooler fall nights and Spike was finally beginning to adjust to his new surroundings. After spending many weeks holed up in his room, reading poetry and generally annoying his father, he met several students at the local coffee house. The group had closed down the tiny shop, hopped up on caffeine, chatting nonstop about everything and yet nothing at all. Since then, they had grown close and Spike spent most of his free time with Angel, Cordelia, Winifred and Charles.

Navigating his way through the quiet halls, he made his way towards the library, his heart heavy with dread and despair over the previous night’s events. Pushing open the heavy oak doors, Spike was instantly greeted with a foul glare from his father. Groaning inwardly, he instinctively reached up to touch the band aid that he had carefully applied in order to cover the strange bite marks the mysterious girl had made and prayed that his father would not notice.

Glancing past his father’s obvious unpleasant demeanor, Spike noticed another man dressed in tweed perched near the research tables.

“G’Morning, father.” He said, timidly. “Sorry ‘bout this morning, I didn’t mean to oversleep.”

Rupert cocked his eyebrow at his only child, deciding to discuss family matters at home instead of in front of a guest. He had heard his son stumble up the stairs last night and had deduced that his eighteenth birthday celebration had gotten a bit out of hand. Normally, he would have frowned on a school night excursion, but seeing that it was a special circumstance he had caved; secretly pleased that his sullen child had finally made some friends. Patting him on the back, Rupert ushered him forward, noticing the band aid on his neck.

“Quiet all right, son, just make sure it doesn’t become a regular habit.” Rupert instructed, motioning with his hand towards the man across the room. “William, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, he’s currently been reassigned to Sunnydale on official business and apparently is looking for you.”

“Father…”Spike started, grimacing at the use of his given name. “I prefer to go by Spike now, remember?” Knowing his newly appointed nickname would thoroughly annoy his father, he snickered when Rupert pinched the bridge of his nose as if fending off an impending headache. “Anyway, what sort of official business would I be involved in?”

Rupert opened his mouth, but quickly shut it when he realized that he had no clue as to how he should approach the rather confounding topic. Gesturing to Mr. Wyndam-Price, he motioned for the guest to take the floor.

“Right, well then…William, I am with the Council of Watchers and have been appointed as your official watcher. It is interesting that anyone as old as you would be called as a slayer; in fact it is rather unheard of.” Wesley paused briefly, still unsure of himself as a watcher seeing as this was his first charge. Noticing the blank look of confusion marring William’s face, he blushed at his mistake, forgetting that they knew nothing of vampire lore. “I apologize; I believe that I have managed to get ahead of myself. Please, if you both would take a seat, there is much to explain.”

After the British man stopped babbling, Spike stared at him in disbelief, still unsure as to what his role in the situation was; much less the fact that vampires and demons were filtered throughout the world, stalking and feeding on humankind. His mind flashed to the blonde beauty who seduced him last night, unconsciously raising his hand to caress the bite mark she had left on his jugular. Fright and shame filled him when he realized that the sexy siren was a vampire. Swallowing his pride, he removed the covering and revealed the mark to his father and his new watcher. “Um…might this be the mark of a vampire?”

“Oh dear Lord.’ His father muttered, instinctively reached up to remove his glasses so that he could polish them vigorously. “Where on earth did that come from?”

A red flush crept up Spike’s face, seriously not wanting to explain what had happened the night before. Taking a deep breath, he started his tale, deciding to carefully edit out the more sordid details. “Well, last night at the Bronze….”

When his son finished speaking, hands still fidgeting in his lap, Rupert was shocked. “You mean to tell me that not only did you willingly allow a bloody vampire bite you, but she knew that you were the slayer?” Looking sharply at Wesley, he asked “Is that possible?”

“Actually, yes, it is quite possible. It is well known that a slayer’s blood is extremely powerful; their ability to heal rapidly would be proof of that.” Wesley affirmed, a look of concern marring his face. “Would you mind describing this creature to me once more?”

“Hmm…I would go with petite, curvaceous, blonde, angelic features, sexy as hell. That about sums her up. Although, I have no idea how to explain the power she had over me, it was as if I had no control.”

“Oh dear.” Wesley uttered, “I…I need to do further investigation on the matter, but based on your description and her ability to use thrall over an individual, which I might add is very rare, I believe you have had an encounter with a vampire named Buffy.” Pausing to glare at William, who had erupted in a fit of giggles at the silly name, he continued, “Do not let her name fool you, William. I have read numerous tales about Buffy. From the volumes of material the council holds on her, I believe she is over one hundred and twenty five years old, extremely vicious, and very powerful for her size. Brief history of Buffy, she was turned by a vampire named Willow around 1880 in Virginia, both of who travel around the world with Willow’s sire, who goes by the name Xander. Their history has been quite brutal and bloody, known as the trois de la mort, or trio of death, they have left thousands of bodies across many countries. In fact, the only confusing factor in your encounter is that she left you alive knowing full well who you are, since Buffy is the only known vampire to kill two slayers. “

Wesley continued to fill his charge in on the details of his training, setting up a schedule and diligently passing out reading material. Afterwards, he had left father and son sitting in silence, letting the surprising information settle. He could tell William, or Spike as he preferred to be called, was having a difficult time adjusting to this disruption in his life and knew it would take some time for both Spike and his father to acclimate. Wesley silently prayed that they were all mistaken and the mysterious blonde vampire was not Buffy, the thought of his untrained slayer taking on such a ruthless killer was frightening.

Across town in an abandoned mansion on Crawford Street, a sleepy vampire stretched her limbs and snuggled closer to the body resting beside her. Blonde hair mingled with red as they nuzzled one another’s necks, alternating between licking and nibbling; their motions becoming more frenzied.

This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=23786