Lose Control by serenity
Summary: After his 18th birthday bash, William "Spike" Giles finds out some shocking news about his future and the sexy blonde that seduced him on the dance floor.
Winner at the Cradle of Humanity Awards Round 2- Consorted World Award
Nominated at LSA for Hottest Bite, Best Role Reversal. I am also up for Best Author!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 58565 Read: 39275 Published: 01/01/2007 Updated: 03/13/2008
Chapter 3 by serenity
Author's Notes:
Thank you for the fabulous reviews! Love to read them so keep em coming. Also, Joss owns all as usual!
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Buffy arched her back, pressing herself firmly into Willow’s embrace; the redhead was sensuously licking and nipping at Buffy’s breast, pulling the rosy peak into her warm mouth. Fisting the red silk sheets in her hands, Buffy cried out in ecstasy when Willow simultaneously thrust two fingers into her pussy and lightly bit down on the pert nipple with blunt human teeth. She tried desperately to keep her eyes wide open, knowing that her fiery lover enjoyed being able to stare into them, but the delicious pains and tingles were making it difficult. She sighed in pleasure as Willow’s talented tongue glided down her flat belly, tracing along the sculpted muscles, before reaching the neatly trimmed curls between her quivering thighs. Buffy forced her eyes open, glancing down to stare into Willow’s as the redhead teasingly flicked her tongue against Buffy’s sensitive nub. Buffy’s hips bucked as sensuous shivers of excitement raced through her body; her eyes rolled back into her head.

As Willow delved her tongue deeper inside, she pinched and rubbed at Buffy’s clit, causing the curvy blonde to moan and writhe on the bed. Willow grinned as Buffy opened her legs wider, allowing her better access to her lover’s dripping pussy. Pulling back momentarily, she deeply inhaled the sweet scent from between Buffy’s toned thighs; darting her tongue out, she licked the juices from her lips before dipping her head down and suckling on Buffy’s sensitive nub. Relishing in the uncontrollable jerks from Buffy’s hips, knowing that she was driving the tiny blonde mad with passion, Willow eased her fingers back inside the heated cavern. Curling her fingers forward slightly, she was able to locate the bundle of nerves and began massaging the sensitive area while continuing to lick and suckle at Buffy’s clit.

Buffy was in heaven, or as close to it as she would ever be. Her body was flushed with excitement; warm tingles flowed over her lower regions as Willow’s tongue lavished attention on her clit. Eyes closed tightly, on the verge of orgasm, Buffy fought the desire to close her legs as the petite redhead licked and nipped vigorously. Just as she was about to come, a cool sensation wafted over her aching pussy and the glorious pressure left her center. Realizing that Willow had stopped, Buffy whimpered and writhed on the bed, begging for her lover’s attention. Opening her eyes, she noticed that Willow’s attention had been averted to Xander, who had apparently arrived to their room with enough time to disrobe and become obviously excited. Without a second thought, the redhead crawled to the foot of the bed and kissed her way up Xander’s chest to his mouth, devouring it hungrily.

A scowl crossed the lovely features of the tiny blonde as she huffed impatiently, wanting desperately to be back in Willow’s embrace and to achieve release. Her core ached with desire, moisture had pooled beneath her, leaving a dampened spot on the sheets. Glancing back down to the entwined couple, Buffy let her hand wander down her body to fall between her thighs. As she watched them passionately embrace, Buffy eased a finger into herself, pulling in and out slowly while rubbing her clit with her other hand. Her moans must have become a distraction, because the attractive couple pulled apart and grinned devilishly before joining her.

Willow kissed Buffy hard and deep, tongues dueled with one another as teeth scraped against teeth, before easing back down her luscious body to settle back between her thighs. Pushing her ass backwards, she motioned for Xander to join them. Grabbing her hips forcefully, Xander teased her entrance with his hardened cock, only thrusting his way inside her pussy when she pushed back into him, impatiently.

Buffy gazed into Xander’s eyes as he pounded into Willow, whose tongue and fingers were fucking her into oblivion. As waves of pleasure began to slowly inch their way through her nether region, Buffy grasp a hold to the bars of the wrought iron headboard.

Her moans gave way to screams, her body quivered with passion as her orgasm burst; sending her mind spiraling with pleasure. Somewhere in the far corner of her brain, she heard screams. Opening her eyes, she watched as Willow arched her back while Xander roared his release, tightly holding onto her tiny waist as he shot thick ropes of cum deep inside her womb. On his last thrust, Xander pushed Willow forward, sending her sprawling atop of Buffy.

After a brief moment, the three rearranged themselves, lounging on the disarrayed sheets as they waited for the sun to set.


Spike strolled into the coffee shop just as the sun was setting. He had arranged to meet Angel there to discuss what had happened to him since last night. Ordering a cup of coffee, black, he found a secluded booth and eased into it while he waited. About a half of cup later, Angel plopped down beside him, having a bit of trouble trying to settle his hulking frame into the small booth.

“Hey man.” Angel began, motioning for the waitress to come over. “What happened to you last night? One minute we saw you dancing with one helluva hot blonde, then you like disappeared.” He paused for a moment, ordering a cappuccino from the curvaceous brunette in a pink apron. “So, you get lucky or what?”

Spike grimaced and turned his head so his friend could see his neck. “I wouldn’t exactly call it lucky.”

“No way, that blonde chick was a vamp!” Angel replied, astonished.

“Wait a bloody minute, mate!” Spike started, outraged. “You know about vampires?”

“Well, yeah. Anyone that lives in SunnyHELL knows about the bloodsuckers! Don’t talk about it much, but with all the blood drained bodies lying around, what other excuse would there be.” Angel paused again, accepting the steaming cup from the waitress. “There are rules to living in this town,” he explained, counting them with his fingers, “Don’t go out alone after dark, don’t invite strangers into your home and always be wary of the pale people!”
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=23786