Lose Control by serenity
Summary: After his 18th birthday bash, William "Spike" Giles finds out some shocking news about his future and the sexy blonde that seduced him on the dance floor.
Winner at the Cradle of Humanity Awards Round 2- Consorted World Award
Nominated at LSA for Hottest Bite, Best Role Reversal. I am also up for Best Author!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 58565 Read: 39272 Published: 01/01/2007 Updated: 03/13/2008
Chapter 5 by serenity
Author's Notes:
**A/N** Thank you for all of the reviews! I am glad that my faithful readers seem to be enjoying my fledgling story. As always, thank you to Gillypod who has been my biggest supporter! Hope you all enjoy this one, it has been quite an experience writting an EVIL Buffy!
Weeks flew by as Spike concentrated heavily on his slayer training, trying desperately to soak up as much knowledge from the ancient books that Wesley had laden him with, as well as the demanding physical regime he followed daily. Unfortunately, and much to his fathers dismay, his own school performance had been suffering greatly due to the late hours spent patrolling in any one of the numerous graveyards that Sunnydale boasted.

Although his father and his watcher were very impressed with his interest in studying, Spike knew he would be ashamed if they were to ever find out the real reason behind his motivation. After waking up from his inappropriately sexual dream about a certain curvaceous and blonde vampire to find a very painful puncture wound in the exact location that she had bitten him in the dream, Spike had thrown himself into training to make sure that it never happened again.

It was well into the evening; darkness surrounded him as he crept through Restfield cemetery. Making his way to the center of the creepy cemetery, Spike perched atop one of the sturdier tombstones to wait for the undead to emerge from their slumber. Minutes turned to hours as the time ticked by with out a single grave stirring. His skin was beginning to get the itchy feeling that he had accustomed to not getting into a decent fight while out on patrol. Checking his watch, Spike grimaced as he realized that it was nearing midnight. Since he had school bright and early in the morning, he decided to call it a night. Sliding from his perch, his feet hit the ground with a thud at almost the exact same time a cold wind wafted through the cemetery. He shivered, pulling his black leather duster tighter around him and scanned the darkness for any signs of life, or rather unlife in this case.

Disappointment washed over him as he realized that there was no one there but him. As he walked towards the wrought iron gates, he tried to convince himself that his disappointment was because he hadn’t been able to kill any lurking demons.

He paused at the entrance, bathed in brightness from the street light dangling above his bleached head, Spike glanced back at the motionless graveyard. For a brief second, he thought he had spotted something or someone in the shadows. Holding his breath, he stilled completely and listened intently for any movement. After a brief moment, he sighed and shook his head one last time in disappointment as a cat darted out from its hiding place in pursuit of prey. Spike turned and left the gloomy final resting place, never noticing the small figure crouched in the shadows.


Hidden in the shadows, her blonde locks blowing in the wind, Buffy watched in silence as Spike left the cemetery. He had been on her mind constantly since the night in his bedroom, her thoughts bordering on obsession. She desperately wanted to go after him, fight with him, seduce him…anything, just to be near him.

It had been weeks since she had drank his potent nectar, leaving Buffy feeling desperate for more. She tried to convince herself that her growing addiction to the Slayer’s rich blood was the reason that he was still alive. Yet, there was a tiny voice at the far recesses of her brain that tried to tell her otherwise.

“If he is dead, then you can no longer drink from him. That’s why you haven’t added him to your list.” She muttered under her breath, desperately trying to reassure herself. “Plus, stringing the Slayer along is much more fun!”

Smirking at the barely visible back of Spike, Buffy eased up from behind the crumbling tombstone. Arching her back, she stretched gracefully as she raised her arms high above her head. As the bewitching hour steadily approached, Buffy strolled out of the graveyard and headed towards town in search of food.

Even though it was only the middle of the week, Sunnydale’s hottest night spot was in full swing. The Bronze boasted a virtual smorgasbord for a peckish vampire with many tasty age ranges to choose from. Tonight, luckily, a local favorite band called The Dingoes Ate My Baby, was playing that pulled in droves of college students. While Buffy generally preferred a younger victim, their blood being sweeter to drink, she had no qualms about dining on a delectable co-ed.

‘Especially if they scream for me.’ She thought to herself, smiling wickedly as she spotted her unknowing victim.

Crossing the dance floor, Buffy gracefully maneuvered her way through the mass of writhing bodies. Once she reached the bar, Buffy squeezed her tiny frame in behind the handsome male.

While she did posses the capability to mesmerize her victims to make them willing and ready to do whatever she desired; tonight she decided that the thrill of the hunt was what she craved. The dark haired, boy next door that she had chosen was currently giving his attention to someone else. Bumping into him ever so slightly, she was able to catch his attention. With barely a turn of the head, her prey muttered a pathetic apology before returning to his conversation with the other female.

Fury raced through her veins, her blood began to boil. ‘How dare he ignore me! She thought, angrily. ‘I will so make him pay for that later!

Pushing herself as close as possible to him, Buffy lightly brushed her cool hand over the faint black hair of his forearms. Instantly his bare skin was covered in chill bumps and she grinned in triumph as he turned back towards her. Facing her fully, Buffy tossed her hair flirtatiously and smiled sweetly, luring him in with only her feminine wiles. As usual, one glance into her deceptively innocent face had him wrapped around her slender finger.

Using his shoulder for leverage, Buffy pulled herself up onto her tiptoes and leaned close to whisper in his ear. “Wanna go somewhere quiet where we could…” she paused for a brief moment, letting an unneeded breath pass over her luscious lips and blow lightly on the sensitive area just below his lobe. She smiled, triumphantly, as he shivered in excitement, before adding as seductively as possible, “talk.”

Without a second thought, he nodded his head vigorously in agreement; all the while, wrapping his hand firmly around hers and charging for the nearest exit.

In a matter of minutes, she had successfully landed her prey and convinced him to go outside into the darkened alley with her.

‘Men are so easy!’ She thought happily, as she allowed him to press her backside against the brick wall.

For a moment, Buffy actually had a fleeting desire to fuck him wildly in the dingy alley before feasting on the tantalizing nectar that flowed through his veins. Although his kisses were almost passionate, the fact that he pawed at her clothing with the skill of an inexperienced twelve year old made the decision easy. Pulling his head away from her exposed chest, thanks to the unsightly tear down the front, she only had one more thing to do before draining his body.

Buffy teasingly licked his flushed skin, tracing the tip of her tongue along the faint blue line of his jugular, before whispering into his ear, “What is your name?”

“Parker.” He muttered almost incoherently, “Parker Abrams.”

With one foot barely touching the ground and the other wrapped firmly around his ass, Buffy pulled him closer into her. Fangs now elongated, her usually smooth forehead slightly rippled and gold eyes blazing; she bit down viciously into his rigid neck. Fear jolted through Parker as he realized what was happening, his body beginning to shake and tremble as he unsuccessfully tried to escape.

Buffy was elated! She loved it when they fought, relished in the sweeter taste their fear brought to the blood. She held on tightly, her small frame frighteningly deceptive in determining her strength, until his body began to sink to the grimy concrete. With one final pull on his neck, Buffy released the drained corpse; smiling devilishly as it landed with a splash in a murky puddle.

As she wiped the lingering blood away from her face, Buffy stared at the wide eyed cadaver and took pride in her work before heading home. She was pleased at the sight of Parker’s previously handsome face now marred with fright, eyes open wide and a silent scream coming from his agape mouth; the final piece de resistance being the smears of blood that painted the now pale flesh around the gaping wound on his neck.

This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=23786