Daddy Dearest by smlcspike
Summary: Sixteen years ago, William the Bloody (also known as Spike of Aurelius) and his mate Drusilla decided to enlarge their family. Spike chose a woman called Joyce as his childe, before changing her he decides to get to know her a little better and they create a child together. A baby girl by the name of Elizabeth. Spike decides to leave Joyce to the living and goes away with Dru, only coming back every so often to check on his daughter as she grows. What happens when Spike and Drusilla come back to America after three years to find that Elizabeth is now a vampire slayer. How will Buffy's watcher take the news that his slayer is the daughter of a most feared master vampire and also how are they all going to keep the council from finding out, especially when they send another watcher and slayer from England to investigate how Buffy is still alive after being killed by The Master. This is a different twist on the Spuffy relationship, it's a story of the love between a father and daughter. Nothing more
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 43998 Read: 32370 Published: 05/07/2007 Updated: 12/14/2007
Chapter 17 by smlcspike
Author's Notes:
Thank for all the reviews, and to teachers pet for editting this. Sorry it is later than normal, and again I don't own them just like to play with them.
Daddy Dearest

Chapter 17 Dru is cured

As they made their way back into the living room from their fight in the basement, they noticed right away Giles and Angel were sitting on one of the sofas.

“You left Dru alone? How is she?” Spike asked as he started to head towards his room.

“She asked to be left alone, said she was tired and wanted to rest some.” Angel quickly growled out.

Buffy had a hurt look on her face, which was noticed by Spike right away. “What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”

“She doesn’t want to see me.” She said quietly to her father.

“I am sure she won’t mind if you were to go in there and sit with her.” Spike suggested to her.

“I won’t wake her, I just will go and sit with her.” Buffy told him.

Giles spoke up for the first time, “I think that is a lovely idea, dear.”

“Okay, I will see you all in a few minutes.” Buffy said as she left the room.

Spike made his way over to a chair and sat in it. “So how is she really?”

“She is fine, William.” Angel said using Spike’s given name.

Just then Giles looked at his watch, “If you don’t mind I need to get going it is getting late, and I haven’t had much sleep the last couple of days.”

“No go ahead Watcher; I will see you when you bring the kiddies over Friday night.” Spike reminded him.

Giles got up off the couch and headed for the door, as he was leaving he turned back to Spike “Oh how did Buffy take what we were keeping from her?”

“She understands now, but was not happy about it.”

“Okay very well,” Giles said then left.


After Giles left, Angel asked Spike “Do you want me to stay in case there is a problem and she needs more of my blood or do you want me to go home.”

“You might as well stay, as you said she might need more of your blood, I am not going to lie to you and tell you that I like you being here, but you are family, and at times like this family sticks together, let me show you to your room you will be having since if we need it you will be staying here too.” Spike finished as he stood up from his chair and headed out into a hallway towards where the bedrooms were, Angel followed quietly behind Spike.

Once they reached the room that Angel would be staying in, he said. “You can sleep in here or what ever you do when the humans are all asleep.” Then he left the room, but not before he heard a quiet “I don’t like you either, but thanks.”


Spike smiled to himself as he went to check on his Sire/Mate and daughter.

Quietly he opened the door to his room, and poked his head in. Drusilla noticed Spike immediately as did Buffy. “Why don’t you come sit with us my Spike?”

Walking into the room he said, “I thought you wanted some time to yourself?”

“Silly Childe, I would always welcome you and my grandbaby” She informed him with a smile on her face.

“How are you feeling, luv?” Spike asked as he walked all the way into the room and closed the door.

Dru waited for him to take a seat beside her on the bed before answering him. “I feel like I haven’t felt in a long time, I do wish I could feed, but I know I can’t and don’t think I would be able to live with myself if I did, for some reason.” She told him with confusion in her voice.

“I believe you might have your whole Soul back now, luv.” Spike informed her to try and help with her confusion. He then turned his attention to his daughter for a minute, “Are you staying tonight or are you going home because it is getting quite late.”

“Can I stay?” She asked quietly.

“Elizabeth you know you are always welcome at my place, but you should probably call your mother.” He told her.

“Okay I will,” She said as she got up to leave the room.


Friday night, the whole gang was once again finding themselves on Spike’s doorstep waiting to be let into the mansion, only this time they knew they were staying the night in a Vampire’s house and all brought a bag of luggage with them.

“Come on in, I will show everyone to their room, then you can all make your way to the living room when you are ready.” Spike informed them as he moved aside from the door to let them in to the mansion.

As they all entered the house, Buffy asked, “Do I use my old room or do I get a new one in what your minions are now calling the human wing?”

“It is up to you, I figured you might want to be close to you mates, so you can have one there to, Joyce doesn’t need to stay in the human wing either if she doesn’t want to.” Spike told them, as he started to lead everyone to their rooms.

When he got to the first one he said, “Figured I would put the Watcher up near the entrance, as well as Jenny. Now my question is will you be sharing a room or separate?”

Giles looked at Jenny and then back at Spike, “We haven’t really discussed it yet so would separate be alright?”

“It is fine, you can chose from these two rooms,” Spike said as he indicated one on each side of the hall. “Next we will put Joyce if she chooses to stay on this side.”

“Yes I think I will, William, I don’t want to cause you any problems.”

“You don’t Joyce and you know it.” Spike stated to her.

“I will put Buffy across the hall from her mother, but I don’t know if she will stay on this side.” Spike informed them, as he gestured to two more rooms.

He moved farther down the hall, “The rest of you can pick the remaining rooms, but I am not going to be promoting teen age sex so no sharing a room with you boyfriend or girlfriend.” He said looking at Xander and Cordelia.

“Yes Sir,” Xander said, even if he did like Spike because of what he was, he still knew he wouldn’t cross him.

“No sleeping with Xander, we are so not on that level yet anyways.” Cordelia answered to Spike.

“Good, now I’ll let everyone get ready, then you can come meet me in the living room, we will then have supper, and I think it is about time for everyone to meet Drusilla for a few minutes, I will not be leaving her with anyone but Buffy, Joyce and maybe the Watcher and Jenny for long.” He told them as he turned to leave.
This story archived at http://