Daddy Dearest by smlcspike
Summary: Sixteen years ago, William the Bloody (also known as Spike of Aurelius) and his mate Drusilla decided to enlarge their family. Spike chose a woman called Joyce as his childe, before changing her he decides to get to know her a little better and they create a child together. A baby girl by the name of Elizabeth. Spike decides to leave Joyce to the living and goes away with Dru, only coming back every so often to check on his daughter as she grows. What happens when Spike and Drusilla come back to America after three years to find that Elizabeth is now a vampire slayer. How will Buffy's watcher take the news that his slayer is the daughter of a most feared master vampire and also how are they all going to keep the council from finding out, especially when they send another watcher and slayer from England to investigate how Buffy is still alive after being killed by The Master. This is a different twist on the Spuffy relationship, it's a story of the love between a father and daughter. Nothing more
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 43998 Read: 32341 Published: 05/07/2007 Updated: 12/14/2007
Chapter 20 by smlcspike
Author's Notes:
Thanks to teacherspet for betaing this and for all your reviews. Again I don't own them just like to play with them.
Daddy Dearest

Chapter 20

Early the next week, Giles was in the office at the school library when his phone rang. As he picked up the receiver to the phone, he said “Sunnydale High school library, Rupert Giles speaking how my I help you?”

“Yes Rupert, it is Wesley Wynham-price, I am calling to give you the details of when my Slayer Faith and me will be arriving.” Wesley told him over the phone.

“I have been expecting your call,” Giles told Wesley.

“Very well, I have booked us on a flight Friday, we will be arriving, about 3:30 pm Friday night, I hope that time isn’t going to be a problem?” Wesley asked Giles.

“I can’t take time off of work if I have to and have Angel train with Buffy for one night. Now are you flying into Sunnydale or LA?” Giles questioned.

“Angel the Vampire with a Soul, I do say I found it rather surprising when I found out you had him working with you.” Wesley told Giles as he never mentioned where they would be flying into.

“Yes I would imagine you did, now where is it you will be landing so I know where to pick you up?” Giles asked quite annoyed that he had to ask for a second time.

“Oh right sorry, we will be landing in LA.” Wesley told him, before adding “Now I must ring off, Faith will be here shortly.”

“Very well, I will arrange with Angel to do the training that night and meet you for 3:30 pm in LA on Friday.”

“Yes, good bye Rupert.” Wesley said.

“Good bye, Wesley.” Giles said and hung up his phone, just as Jenny walked into his office.


“Sorry I didn’t know you were on the phone.” She said as she made her way over to him to give him a quick kiss.

“It’s quite alright, I was just talking to the other Watcher he called to tell me where and when to pick him and his charge up.” Giles told her as he took out a notebook to make a note of what he had to do still.

“So does this other Watcher and Slayer have a name?” Jenny questioned.

“Yes quite right, the Watcher’s name is Wesley Wynham-price and the Slayer, I was only told her first name, which is Faith.” Giles told her.

Giving him another quick kiss, she said to him, “I better get back before Snyder sends a search party, since my break is up. I will see you tonight.”

“Very well, see you then.” Giles told her as he went back to what he was doing before the phone call.


The same time in Wesley’s flat in New York

“I live here so why would I be coming here soon?” Faith asked coming farther into the living room, and sitting down in a chair.

“Well I didn’t want him to know that we were living together yet.” Wesley said to Faith.

“Well doesn’t this Buffy girl, live with her Watcher?” Faith questioned him, she has been living with Wesley for a couple of years now, ever since they had told her she might become the Slayer so she had to start a training schedule with a stuffy old Watcher. What she didn’t tell them is she was happy to be moving in with his man because living on the streets sucked big time.

“No Buffy has a mother she lives with and from what I understand a father that is also in or around Sunnydale.”


“Well Mr. Giles is also quite a bit older than me, not sure if he would take in a 16 year old girl.”

“She is only 16.” Faith exclaimed.

“Yes I am not sure how she got chosen over you, but it happened.” Wesley explained to Faith.

As she got up from the chair she had sat in, she said to Wesley, “Well I’m off now.”

“And where would you be going?”

“Out don’t worry I won’t forget to patrol.” She said as she left the room.


Later that night, just before sundown, they had all meet in the high school, school library in Sunnydale, Ca.

“Have you heard from the other Watcher yet, Watcher?” Spike asked as he walked into the high school’s library.

“I have but, would like to wait for everyone to come, before I start.”

Just then Willow, Xander, Cordelia and Buffy entered the library.

“Mom said she would be here in a couple of minutes, she got a phone call as she was leaving.” Buffy told everyone as she went and took a seat with her friends.

As Buffy finished talking Angel walked in and grabbed a seat near Spike.

A couple of minutes later, Joyce and Jenny walked in carrying coffee and donuts for everyone, they placed them on the table and both took seats.

“Seems, Jenny had the same idea as I did.” Joyce told everyone as she gestured to the donuts and coffee.

“Alright now that we are all here, could we please get started?” Giles asked getting everyone’s attention.

“Yes, please I still need to patrol.” Buffy told him.

“I don’t have much too actually report, he didn’t tell me much.” Giles informed the group assembled around the libraries table.

“I did receive a phone call from Wesley, which is the other Watchers name, he told me that both him and his Slayer Faith are landing at the LAX airport in LA at 3:30 pm on Friday, and would like me to pick them up. Then he told me that he was expecting his Slayer soon and had to go.” Giles informed the group.

“What, that was all?” Buffy questioned.

“Yes, I guess I will find out the rest when I go and pick him up, I did mention Angel and he said he found it strange a Vampire with a Soul was helping.” Giles explained to everyone.

“Are we done yet?” Cordelia asked with a yawn.

“Yes, Cordelia we are done here.” Giles told everyone.

Getting up Buffy said, “I am going to walk Willow home and then patrol I will meet you in the usual spot,” she said to Angel.

Willow got up and said a quick “Bye everyone,” Then walked out the door with Buffy.


Thursday night, at Wesley flat, after Faith had patrolled.

As she rolled off of Wesley, Faith said, “So I wonder if the other Slayer’s Watcher gives her a good seeing to like you?”

“Really don’t think so.” Wesley told her as he rolled over to kiss her.

AN: Thanks to Katkin for the idea of having Wesley and Faith together.
This story archived at http://