Daddy Dearest by smlcspike
Summary: Sixteen years ago, William the Bloody (also known as Spike of Aurelius) and his mate Drusilla decided to enlarge their family. Spike chose a woman called Joyce as his childe, before changing her he decides to get to know her a little better and they create a child together. A baby girl by the name of Elizabeth. Spike decides to leave Joyce to the living and goes away with Dru, only coming back every so often to check on his daughter as she grows. What happens when Spike and Drusilla come back to America after three years to find that Elizabeth is now a vampire slayer. How will Buffy's watcher take the news that his slayer is the daughter of a most feared master vampire and also how are they all going to keep the council from finding out, especially when they send another watcher and slayer from England to investigate how Buffy is still alive after being killed by The Master. This is a different twist on the Spuffy relationship, it's a story of the love between a father and daughter. Nothing more
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 43998 Read: 32377 Published: 05/07/2007 Updated: 12/14/2007
Chapter 24 by smlcspike
Author's Notes:
I would like to thank all of you for the reviews, and to teachers pet for editting this. Again I don't own them just like to play with them.
Daddy Dearest

Chapter 24

3 months later, Buffy walked into the library, just after Faith and Wesley separated from each other on the table.

“Ewe! Can’t you have sex somewhere else Faith?” Buffy asked as she went to the counter and sat down on it.

“Who said I had sex?” Faith questioned still sitting on the table where she and Wesley just had their quickie.”

“Because this place reeks like sex, how do you expect us to get any work down when it is all I can smell.” Buffy told her with disgust in her voice, just as Angel walked into the library.

“Couldn’t wait till after patrol, I see.” Angel said before he walked to Buffy and said to her, “Come with me.”

“Why Giles will be here any minute, then we all need to go and patrol.” Buffy told him.

Angel whispered what he wanted to tell her in her ear, “Humans can not smell sex, unless they are the ones that just engaged it the act.” As he pulled away from her ear he asked only loud enough for her to hear, “Are you going to your fathers house to night?”

“Yes, why?” She asked, Angel just normally showed up at her fathers when he wanted to talk to Spike or Dru.

“Because I am going with you.” He told her quietly.

“You so are not.” Buffy said to him out loud, just as Giles entered the library.

As he walked over to the table and went to lay some books down, he asked “Where are Willow and Xander?”

“Not here yet and you so do not want to set them down there, this place reeks of sex, and it is worse by the table.” Buffy informed him, as she got a poke in her ribs from Angel.

“I high doubt someone would be stupid enough to have sex in a school library.” Giles told her clearly not believing her but, also not wanting to let on if she said it smelled of sex then it must be true. And to be honest he had a feeling that Faith and Wesley were sleeping together, but she was over 18 so he was not going to alert the Council.

Speaking up in Buffy’s defence, just as Willow and Xander walked into the library, “Actually Giles, this place does have a recent joining of scents from Faith and Wesley.”

Xander was starting to sit at the table when Angel finished talking he said, “I think I will just go sit over here,” Then he went to the stairs in the library to sit down.

“Eek me too,” Willow say following Xander.

“Now look what you did B, got your friends all scared to sit at the table with me. Besides I am 18 so what does I matter if I have sex with Wesley?” Faith asked as she hoped of the table.

“I expect you to clean that table so we can all start our research and I don’t think I need to tell you not to do it again. I will be talking to both of you later about it as well.” Giles said while he waited for Faith to clean the table.

Complaining, Faith spat, “And what did you do when Buffy decided it was would fun to play in the graveyard with her little friend over there.”

“Oh Dad took care of that one, besides it is none of your business what happened there.” Buffy said angrily to Faith, as she brought up something that happened a month ago, and was just an experiment to help out Willow.

“Alright everyone we, need to get back to the reason we are all here again.” Giles said to everyone after Faith finished washing the table.

“Gee Giles, take a chill pill will you, we will all research what you want us too.” Faith said as she sat at the table.

Finally putting his books on the table, he said “Grab a seat and a book everyone and lets get started it is getting late and Buffy, Faith and Angel still need to patrol.”


One week later, when Quentin Travers reads the latest report that Wesley has sent him of Buffy Summer.

As my investigation into Miss Summer’s continues, I have noticed some things, she has a very high liking for Vampire’s there are many she communicates with on a weekly bases and I have heard rumours that William the Bloody might be in Sunnydale. There is nothing to confirm or dismiss this rumour, but when mentioning it to Mr. Giles and Buffy they did not seem worried. She seems to have some Vampire tendencies starting to show, it is my intention to continue to watch her, but it is possible something did happen when the Master, killed her last year.


Getting on his phone, he said, “Roger, get a team together and head out to Sunnydale, we need to investigate this late report you son has sent us.”

“Right away sir.” Roger Pryce tells Quentin.


2 days later, Spike comes bursting through the library just after lunch.

“William what are you doing here?” Giles asked as he came out of his office when he saw who it was.

“Watcher, my team in England has been alerted to the Council making its way to Sunnydale, we need to collect the children and hide.” Spike informed him.

“You know this isn’t a very safe place for you or Buffy if Wesley sees you and he will be here any minute.” Giles told him.

“Don’t care Watcher, I am not leaving till, I take my Daughter and you call all meet us at the house.” Spike yelled at Giles, just as Wesley walked in.

“William the Bloody, I take it the rumours are true then of you being in Sunnydale since you are standing right here.” Wesley said as he walked into the library.

“Oh balls, I will take my daughter and go, you can meet us.” Spike tells Giles.

“Let’s just go to my office.” Giles suggested.

Giles followed Spike into his office protecting his back from Wesley in case Wesley decided to do anything.

Once in the office, Giles closed the door and said to Spike “You need to remain calm, I will page the children from class and we will all leave together, they all have some stuff at your place and we can always buy what they need. Do you understand me?” Giles questioned as he paged the children.

“Please I just want her safe.” Giles said.


5 Minutes later, Buffy, Willow, Xander and Cordelia all walked into the library, when he saw his daughter he enclosed her in his arms, and quietly said, “We need to leave.”

Nodding to her father, she starts to walk out of the library with everyone but Wesley following close behind, Jenny meet them as they were in the hall and took up the end with Giles.
This story archived at http://