Daddy Dearest by smlcspike
Summary: Sixteen years ago, William the Bloody (also known as Spike of Aurelius) and his mate Drusilla decided to enlarge their family. Spike chose a woman called Joyce as his childe, before changing her he decides to get to know her a little better and they create a child together. A baby girl by the name of Elizabeth. Spike decides to leave Joyce to the living and goes away with Dru, only coming back every so often to check on his daughter as she grows. What happens when Spike and Drusilla come back to America after three years to find that Elizabeth is now a vampire slayer. How will Buffy's watcher take the news that his slayer is the daughter of a most feared master vampire and also how are they all going to keep the council from finding out, especially when they send another watcher and slayer from England to investigate how Buffy is still alive after being killed by The Master. This is a different twist on the Spuffy relationship, it's a story of the love between a father and daughter. Nothing more
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 43998 Read: 32380 Published: 05/07/2007 Updated: 12/14/2007
Chapter 6 by smlcspike
Author's Notes:
Again this is not beta'd just reeditted, I do have the beta'd copy of the last chapter. I hope to have it up by the end of the week end. I am haveing company and have been busy at work, so I haven't been able to make the changes to it. Again thanks for the reviews, how few they might be, I don't own them just like to play with them. I just made the changes to the Beta'd version of chapter 5 and the other half of it as well.
Chapter 6

*****Later that night, after Spike left the High School.*****

“Honey, I’m home.” He calls out as he enters the Mansion and walks to the room he shares with Dru.

“Oh Spike, your back.” She says as she sees Spike enter their bedroom.

“Yeah, baby, I‘m back.” He says going over to her and kissing her.

She pulls back from him when she notices a familiar scent on him. “Elizabeth.” She says as a statement not a question.

“Yeah, Kitten I saw my daughter and all her mates.” He informs her with a touch of hatred in his voice.

“You don’t seem happy my sweet William, did you not find the Slayer before you found your Daughter?” She asks thoughtfully.

“Oh I found the Slayer alright.” Spike says with a trace of anger in his voice, then lets out a sigh, “Bloody hell, Dru. My daughter is the Slayer.”

“Oh Spike, I am so sorry I know how much you love going after Slayers and how you always wanted the best for Elizabeth.”

“Yeah well this Slayer, My Daughter. They don’t even know what they are dealing with. Do you even realize what they might have unleashed? She is part Vampire after all. Bloody hell Dru, when I did the protection claim again she bit me. I mean really bit me she grew fangs and all.” He tells her moving his shirt aside to show where he was bite from his daughter and deciding to leave out that he also saw her Sire tonight, in another time and place he will tell her that.

“I know this can’t be good, either my sweet but its okay. We will deal and I can assure you the Slayer will not kill you.”

Spike chuckled at Dru when she pointed out the Slayer would not kill him. “No, I guess not.” Then he lets out a sigh. “It’s just they don’t even know Dru. They don’t even know that, they are now dealing with the most powerful Slayer that will ever walk this earth. Not to mention the fact that she is now immortal. And to top it all off they thought that she died last spring when she had to face the Master.”

“Spike.” A minion calls from the open door.

“What.” Spike yells back, angrily for being interrupted.

“The Anointed One is here to see you.”

“You better go make nice.” Dru tells him, as she kisses him on the cheek.

“Yes I guess, I should.” Spike says leaving the room.


As Spike enters the main room of the Mansion he, sees the Anointed One sitting there on his sofa waiting for him. So Spike does the tradition of the line and bends down in front of him.

“You failed.” The anointed on points out.

“She is strong; we will not be able to kill this one.” Spike states knowing that it is the truth.

“She is the Slayer.” The Anointed One says. “They can all be killed; you should hand over your life as pennants.” He then says as a command not an order.

“Don’t think so Mate.” Spike says taking a stake out if his pocket and plunges it into the Anointed One’s dead heart. Looking at the other one’s that came with the Anointed One he says. “I will be the new Master if any of you have a problem then you can join him with your ashes. Here.”

Not a single word is said as they all bow down in front of him and leave the Mansion.


*****The next morning at Sunnydale High School.*****

Buffy was walking with Willow into the School. “Buffy what are you not tell me?” Willow asks.

“About?” Was all Buffy could say.

“Spike, you both looked like you knew each other pretty well.” Willow says.

“I’m not ready to talk about it yet.” Buffy says as they enter there first class of the day.

“Buffy, you know Giles and Angel will want some answers.” Willow points out to her. “They weren’t to happy that your Mother stuck up for you last night and is making them wait.”

“Well it will just have to wait. I’m not ready to tell and until I am they will have to wait.”

Just then the bell rang as Xander was walking into the class.


After School Buffy goes over to the Mansion, while Willow and Xander go to the library to see Giles.

“Ah good, Buffy you’re here.” Giles says coming out of his office, not paying attention to who was coming in, since he had a book in his hand.

“Sorry Giles, Buffy said she has somewhere else to be this afternoon. I don’t think her Mom liked what Principal Snyder had to say.” Willow tells them.

Angel follows Giles out of his office. “Spike.” Was all Angel said.

“Why would the Buffster want to hang out with this Spike guy? He’s a Vampire, stake heart easy as pie.” Xander states to everyone.

“Come on Xander you saw her last night, how she let Spike bite her. She even threatened everyone if they made a move towards Spike or her at the time.” Willow tells him.

“He did more that bite her.” Angel mutters. “He claimed her and she claimed him back. I do believe that she broke skin to when she did it. I could smell her blood and his when they both bit each other.” Angel informs the small group.

“Oh Dear Lord.” Giles mutters. “What kind of claim did he put on my Slayer?” He asks turning to Angel as he says it.

“I don’t know.” Angel states. “Both of them were very quiet while doing it. All they let me hear was the word Mine, I know there was more to it. It most likely is the same one she had when she first came to Sunnydale.”

“Yes it is most likely; I just wish she would talk about it.” Giles says.

“Buffy would never let someone like Spike Claim her.” Willow says.

“With what happened last night, I am starting to think I don’t know my Slayer at all.”

“So what do we do now?” Willow asks.

“Well we need to get some answers from Buffy also this Spike guy seemed to be making it sound like Buffy has Special powers even before she was the Slayer. So I will need to look into her back ground some. Maybe a talk with Joyce, hopefully she is aware of it. She understands about Vampires. I gathered that much the way her and Spike were talking. He was concerned about something and she knew how to ease his concern with out them having to say what it was. She has always supported her daughter as a Slayer.” Giles says.

“I will try to find Buffy on patrol tonight.” Angel says.

“That might be a good idea.”

“I’m just thinking that I might know a way to get information out of Buffy knowing it. Maybe if I question the other thing that she mentioned to Spike.”

“What would that be?” Giles asked, trying to think back himself.

“About Drusilla being sick, she might even just slip something about her connection to Spike.”

“It’s worth a try.” Giles says then starts thinking. “Drusilla, isn’t she the sire of William the Bloody? In fact didn’t Angelus go after her until she became insane?” Giles asks.

“Yes she is my Childe.” Angel says. “You see that is where maybe I can get her to start talking if something is wrong and Drusilla, if she is sick she knows about it, how I don’t know. So going at Buffy through Spike hasn’t been working so if I go after her using Drusilla maybe she will slip up, since she won’t be expecting it.” Angel tells them.

“Very good, I trust that you will fill me in on what happens after you speak with her.” Giles tells him.

Angel nods and walks out of the library to go home through the sewers.
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