While you were gone. by bitchee
Summary: Post NFA. Willow receives a desperate call for help from someone she thought was dead.
She has no idea that between the lies she may have to tell, and the spells she'll need to do, her life is never going to be the same again.
And thats only if Buffy doesn't find out..

Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: No Word count: 74914 Read: 23746 Published: 05/31/2007 Updated: 01/13/2009
Life Blood. by bitchee
Author's Notes:
Sorry for the delay, I'm well again and back on track... Yay me..
Deep and abiding thanks to my beta Jill.
Kennedy tapped her foot impatiently “C’mon Will, pick up” giving up the foot tapping and turning to pacing, she began to worry as her girlfriend failed to answer.

Two more attempts were equally as fruitless and with each of them, Kennedy’s anxiety mounted.

In the end, frustrated and more than a bit panicked, though she would never admit it, she threw the phone on to the bed and stormed to the kitchen to make herself a drink. As she sat at the counter, she thought back to her earlier conversations first with Buffy, then Giles.

Buffy’s call hadn’t been unusual, not in itself, and if she had seemed a little distracted and touch impatient? Well that was Buffy. It was the call from Giles barely 15 minutes ago that well and truly set alarm bells ringing.

Willow had lied to her. She was not with the coven, in fact she was most likely not in England at all. Giles seemed to think that there was a very good chance that she was in LA and possibly in a great deal of danger.

Giles had told her to keep calling Willow, and if she managed to reach her she was to tell her to call HQ. Under no circumstance was she to let on that they knew she was not where she said she was.

Even as Giles was telling Kennedy about Willow’s possible whereabouts, he was boarding a plane with Xander and four other slayers, one of whom was Faith.

It seemed that something big involving Angel and his crew had gone down at Wolfram and Hart.

From the scattered information that Giles had managed to glean from various LA sources, it seemed that Wesley Wyndam-Pryce was dead, along with Charles Gunn and possibly Angel as well.

He hadn’t been able to tell Kennedy much more, other than he thought Willow might have gone to LA to assist young Winifred Burkle and Angel.

There had been unconfirmed reports of a vampire accompanied by a woman, surviving a massed battle in the streets near Angel’s old hotel.
Willow’s sudden departure seemed to indicate that she might have gone to their aid.

After Giles had hung up it had taken a few minutes for Kennedy to fully absorb the fact that Willow had lied to her.

With that realization she concluded that if Willow really had gone to Los Angeles without telling anyone, indeed hiding the fact, then it must be much more serious than Giles either knew or had let on.

Now, nearly half an hour and several fruitless phone calls later, she came to the conclusion that the best thing she could do was to get her butt on a plane and straight to LA.

However, before phoning the airport she decided to make one more phone call.

The phone was answered on the fourth ring.

“Buffy?” inquired a sleepy Andrew.

“Hey Andrew” she greeted, jaw clenched “No it’s me, Ken.”

“Kennedy? What’s wrong? Oh my God, has something happened to Buffy and Dawn? Did they find Spike? Are they…”

“Whoa slow down Andrew… what the hell do you mean, did they find Spike? Spike’s dead…and where did you say Buffy and Dawn are?” Did they go to find Will?” she demanded, confusion and anger fighting for dominance in her voice.

“Did Willow call them? Jesus, Andrew. What the hell is going on?” she snarled, the anger and nagging worry in her gut suddenly turning into ice-cold fear.

“I… I don’t know anything about Willow,” stuttered the former nerd

“B-but Buffy and Dawn went to LA last night to look for Spike. Buffy’s boyfriend,” he paused “though now I guess he’s her ex… well some friend of his had a vision about this big bad thing in LA involving Spike and the rest of Angel’s people. Anyway I-I sorta knew that Spike was alive coz of me seeing him, you know, that time with Dana… and Buffy she was real mad… and she hit me.”

Kennedy winced as Andrew’s voice rose to a pitch that only dogs could hear.

“Then she took off for LA to look for him” he continued, his tone thankfully dropping back within its normal range.

“So when you called I thought you were her but you’re not and… and did you say Willow’s missing?” He gasped, breathless from the jumbled delivery of information that had poured out of him.

“Andrew slow down for a minute” ordered Kennedy, still trying to make sense of what he’d just told her.

“Let me get this straight” she hissed, teeth gritted in an attempt to not yell. “You’re telling me that Spike is alive and in LA… and Buffy and Dawn have gone to look for him?”

“Well… yes, isn’t that what I just said?” whined Andrew, before once again attempting to tell Kennedy all about the damage done to his nose.

“Andrew just shut up; I need to think for a minute.”

“Ok” he squeaked, remembering belatedly just what Dawn had threatened him with if he breathed a word about where they’d gone.

Oh God, Dawn had his three most valuable collectibles… he didn’t like to think what she was gonna do to Bobafett never mind his limited edition Darth Vader or (gulp) his recently acquired, very expensive one of only 10,000 die cast Aniken Skywalker figurines.

“Andrew how long ago did Buffy leave? Do you know if she spoke to Willow before she left?” inquired Kennedy, voice deceptively calm.

“Oh God Kennedy, I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone,” he stuttered fearfully. “Please promise you won’t tell Giles, Buffy will kill me if he finds out. You know how he felt about Spike and Angel… please Kennedy… she really loves Spike. If Giles interferes I don’t know what she’ll do.”

Andrew’s voice climbed again with panic, his worry over what Giles would do if he should learn about Spike’s resurrection overshadowing his fear of Buffy’s impending anger.

“Andrew just shut the hell up.” Kennedy growled, her voice harsh with frustration.

“For your information Giles is already on his way to LA, although I don’t know if he knows about Spike. He knows about the battle though, and he suspects that Willow is already there. So I need you to answer my questions NOW. Did Buffy speak to Willow before she left? And how long ago did she leave for the airport?”

“I-I don’t think she could reach Willow.” he mused. “I know she tried a few times but she kept getting a not in service message, so I’m pretty sure she didn’t manage to talk to her before she left. And they flew out last night… on the Immortal’s private jet. They should be there by now,” he offered helpfully, glancing at his watch.

“Shit” Kennedy cursed. “Ok Andrew did Buffy take her cell?”

“Uh yeah I think so... why?”

“Never mind. Look Andrew I gotta go. If anyone else calls, under no circumstances tell them about this call... you got that Andy boy?”

The words were mild but the tone in which they were delivered was not, and Andrew was suddenly reminded that this was a slayer that had fought the first evil and lived to tell the tale.

“Su-sure thing Kennedy, my lips are sealed… you never rang. Um… do you want me to tell Buffy you’re looking for her? Coz I’m pretty sure she’s gonna ring you at home if she can’t find Willow, and I just thought she might…”

Whatever he had been about to say was cut off by Kennedy’s impatient voice.

“If Buffy rings, you know nothing. Willow could be in danger and I don’t want Buffy, Giles, or anyone trying to stop me from going to LA. Hopefully by the time they realize I’ve left it will be too late, and I’ll already be there. So just go back to bed Andrew, and if you’re a really good boy I’ll tell you all about it after I’ve rescued my idiot girlfriend.”

With that she hung up, leaving a very disgruntled ex nerd to his own sulky thoughts.

Half an hour later, Kennedy was packed and on the way to the airport.
She was determined to find her missing girlfriend and have a serious talk about trust issues.

Willow’s cell phone finally stopped ringing, not that she really noticed. Her Tara… her love, was here in her arms… alive and seemingly very glad to see her. Willow felt like she was stuck in one of the wonderful dreams she still occasionally had.

One of the ones where somehow Tara had returned to her and everything was once again right in Willow’s world.

Looking into the eyes of her beloved she expected to see pain and anger, but the look that she was bestowing on Willow reflected only love and gratitude.

Running her hands over the familiar form of her lover’s body, she determined that she seemed physically unscathed from her journey. Even the place where the bullet had entered her body and taken her life seemed to be unmarked.

Tara, who up till then had not spoken, pulled Willow back from her dreamlike musings as she shifted forward and pressed her lips to Willow’s.

“Shh, it’s ok baby don’t cry, it’s really me… it’s me Will. I’m here Willow. I’m back baby…you brought me back… and it’s going to be ok now.”

Kissing away the tears that Willow hadn’t even realized she was shedding, Tara attempted to sooth and comfort her shocked lover.
Soon Tara’s mouth journeyed back to Willow’s.

The redhead felt her heart lurch at the sudden rush of love and passion that the less than innocent kiss stirred within her.

“Oh Tara baby” she moaned. “Is it really you? Please tell me I’m not dreaming… please, please” she begged “don’t let this be another dream”

Leaning back from her love, Tara ran her hands up Willow’s arms across her shoulders, until she was cradling her lover’s face in her hands. She looked deeply into her eyes and smiled.

“It’s not a dream Willow…. I’m real and I’m here, and before you ask… I’m not like Buffy…. you didn’t pull me out of heaven. In fact you saved me. At least I’m pretty sure you did…” she added with a puzzled frown.

“What?” gasped Willow, confusion washing over her “What do you mean? Of course, you were in heaven… weren’t you?” she asked in disbelief.

“It’s ok Will…. calm down baby and I’ll try to explain.” soothed Tara, stroking the others face tenderly.

“When Warren shot me and you called the powers to bring me back, somehow, someway, I got sorta trapped…”

“Oh God, No!” cried Willow.

“No, shh sweetie, it wasn’t your fault, truly it wasn’t… you were in pain and grieving. Shh, listen sweetie” Tara continued, placing her fingers over her lovers lips as Willow opened her mouth to speak.

“Even with the power you called it wasn’t you that caused what happened.” she tried to explain.

“The best I can work out is that the first evil was the one responsible for what happened to me.” she frowned, her mouth turning down with the memory of the shock of the bullet hitting and the horrible feeling of overwhelming evil she had felt approaching, even as she knew she was dying.

“Somehow it manipulated Warren into shooting Buffy and in the process me. Though I’m pretty sure that was accidental” she added as an afterthought.

“Unfortunately for it, Buffy didn’t die straight off, and I suppose it was worried she would survive. So when its plan went kablooey... it decided I was the best chance it had to finish the job. And that’s where you came in, my sweet Willow” she explained. Eyes glowing with love, she studied the face of the still anguished redhead.

“Fortunately for me and the world you decided to do your mojo at exactly the right time. And in some way that I don’t really understand, it stopped the first from using my body. Though in the process, my soul sorta… well… got trapped in the Hellmouth.”

Willow drew in a harsh breath at Tara’s words, her arms tightening around the woman she still held.

“Anyway” Tara cut in seeing that Willow was on the verge of loosing it. “To cut a long story short I’ve been in a type of limbo ever since. The only reason I know all this is that after I was shot, right before my soul left my body, I felt the taint of the first evil when it tried to posses me. Somehow baby… your grief and our connection to each other gave my soul the ability to recognize what it was…and the strength to fight it."

She frowned at the memory.

"I-I sort of got a glimpse, if you like, of what it planned. Then you interfered and it was stopped from taking me over the way it wanted. But, Willow, baby….” She shivered with the memory. “When it reached for me… I sensed how much it wanted Buffy’s body, that when Warren’s bullet failed to kill her instantly… it wanted to use me to finish the job.”

“B-but the… the first can’t possess people… can it?” stuttered Willow.

“Ok…There was Caleb… but he invited it… how could it...” confusion clouded her expression, “I mean… ah… how would it have taken over Buffy… or you?”

“Your right Will, it couldn’t” she admitted “not normally… except apparently in cases where there is already a demon present… or when a person’s soul leaves the body, at the moment of death.”

Willow paled. The look in Tara’s eyes as she explained, making her feel physically ill. Seeing that stricken expression on Tara’s face brought back all the emotions from that horrible day. It was only the sound of Tara’s voice that kept her grounded, kept her from breaking down as she remembered catching Tara’s body as the bullet took her life.

“Buffy’s demon,” explained Tara “that part of her essence that is the slayer is what would have made it possible. If Buffy’s soul left her body quickly enough, the first could have slipped in and taken control.
Remember, the soul is the essence of a person, good or bad. It’s the controlling force for all slayers, the thing that makes them human. If Buffy’s soul was gone then the first could have moved right in, just like vampire demons do when a human is turned. That’s why it orchestrated the shooting… it had to be a non-mystical death. As for it’s attempt to possess me… well it wouldn’t have lasted long… probably no more than a few minutes… because hello, demon free here. The First was desperate, it knew it had only a very small window of opportunity to get to her and finish what Warren had started. It’s only because of your interference that it didn’t get the chance.”

Her eyes swimming with sorrow she reached for her lover, seeking comfort in Willow’s arms as she told her the hardest part.

“God it was so hard Willow. I could sense you guys… but I couldn’t see you… and I had no way of letting you know I was still around.” She snuggled closer as she fought back the chill of her own words.

“Goddess sweetie, when I felt the finders keeper spell… I couldn’t believe it was you…” Tara trailed off, as the full import of the events of the night washed over her, and she buried her head in her lover’s shoulder.

Willow, weirdly enough, became strangely calm after hearing Tara’s story.

Somehow deep inside herself, in the place where the magic lived, she accepted that what Tara had told her was nothing more than the truth.

So that’s why the first never used your form to taunt me” she murmured in sudden understanding, “you weren’t really dead… so it couldn’t. God, Tara I’m so sorry…. I should have sensed something... I should have known somehow that you were still….”

No, Willow… baby don’t” ordered the blond firmly. “It doesn’t matter sweetie, all that matters is that you did the spell. Remind me to kiss the person responsible for that,” she said with a laugh, as she once again pulled Willow in to kiss her.

“Oh God Spike!”

“Well, not the name I expected you to be shouting my first hour back” grinned Tara with a touch of confusion, as Willow pulled herself from the others arms.

“NO, no it’s not… Spike… Spike is the one I did the spell for” stammered Willow, panic escalating as she quickly moved to Spike’s bedside.

She sighed in relief. He was ok... well not ok, but he wasn’t dust and he still seemed to be asleep... though it was hard to tell with a vamp. Satisfied that for the moment Spike was going to be ok, she turned back to Tara.

“Tara honey... I don’t have time to explain what’s going on” she mumbled, reaching past the other girl to grab her back pack.

Pulling some clothing from it she faced her former girlfriend, determination written in every line of her body.

“Let’s just say a lot has happened since you’ve been gone, and leave the rest till later, after we save Spike… ok?”

As Tara took the offered clothes and started dressing Willow turned back to the pentagram. With fingers crossed, she looked for the book that, in her joy at being reunited with the love of her life, had been forgotten.

Even as her eyes fell on the book, a small and up till now ignored thought crept into her head. Kennedy? What was she gonna tell Ken? I’ll think about that tomorrow, she thought with grim determination.

Scooping up the book and cradling it to her chest, she let out a sigh of relief.

She turned to show Tara her find, just in time to catch sight of her returned lover slipping the borrowed blouse over her head.

Willow’s breath caught in her throat and her stomach tightened with the familiar rush of desire.

Goddess, she looked so good, just like Willow remembered. She couldn’t help but wonder if maybe, when this was all over... Maybe she’d get the chance…

Tara’s eyes met hers and Willow’s heated musings slid to a stop. She felt the familiar blush rush to her already over heated cheeks. With one look at the knowing hunger in the blonde’s eyes, Willow had her answer. Oh yeah…. she was so gonna get that chance all right.

Shaking herself out of her Tara induced daze, she offered her the book and started to fill the other girl in on all that had happened since she’d received the call from Illyria.

“So you see baby... the spell was so I could get this... coz I remembered you telling me that there was lots of info on dragons in it… there is isn’t there?” She asked, grabbing the book in sudden panic.

“I remembered right didn’t I? This is the book?” she stammered worriedly, while flicking through the pages franticly.

Tara smiled, a rush of love surging through her at the sudden Willowness of her lover.

“It’s ok sweetie you can stop panicking” she soothed,” you remembered right… here, give me the book… it will be quicker if I find it” she teased with a grin.

Willow sagged in relief again, happily handing over the book to her love. And with it, some small part of the burden of worry she had carried, since arriving at the Hyperion.

Sitting down on the chair that Willow had vacated earlier, Tara waved a hand casually and fresh candles suddenly lit up the darkness surrounding her.

“Hmm…” she murmured, worrying her lip, a scowl briefly crossing her features, before her brow once again smoothed out.

“Yes well that would explain it” she mused aloud, before turning to meet the other witches expectant gaze.

“Okay, so this Illyria person you told me about, she was right. It seems that dragon’s fire and their saliva has pretty much the affect she told you”.

Tapping the book absentmindedly, Tara explained

“If Spike had been human, he most certainly would have died from his injuries by now, but with him being one of the fangy set it’s delayed the deterioration of his body. Don’t get me wrong sweetie” she said apologetically, registering the light of hope in Willow’s eyes. “Being a vamp has only slowed it some, not stopped it. And, if we cant f-find some sort of antidote soon then Spike... Spike will die.”

Her eyes met Willow’s with the steady determination in them that Willow now remembered was an intrinsic part of the calm blond.

“The good news is that there’s a spell in the book that might help him… if we can just work out the meaning of it, and find the ingredients… I-I think we can save him” finished Tara.

Turning the book towards Willow, she pointed out, from what Willow could see at a glance, was a short but cryptic spell.

Elixir of rebirth
Wine of the god
Essence of battle
And the heart of the source
Combine before the moon sets on the third day
And the curse of the dragon shall burn death away

“Ok, Cryptic… and badly rhymed, just what I needed” complained Willow with a frustrated sigh. “Do you have any idea what this means baby?”

Tara studied the verse carefully. The familiar line between her eyes so dear to Willow that for just a moment she forgot all about the text in front of them, overcome with a surge of love and amazement that left her knees shaking.

Somehow, the one thing she had never dreamed of, but never the less desired more than anything in her life had happened. A miracle had occurred. Tara had been given back to her.

Tara’s lips moved as she recited the words to herself. As though studying them without the sound of a voice would somehow make them give up their secrets. She glanced up at Willow.

And there it was, a small and uncertain light in her eyes, a look that Willow knew well.

Tara’s expression told Willow that her lover had an idea, but she was hesitant to broach it… in case it was wrong.

“What is it baby? Did you recognize something?”

“I-I’m not sure…” Tara ventured hesitantly, studying the spell again.

“I think… I think that all of the components are the same thing… except for the last… I just can’t work that one out.”

Frowning, she directed Willow’s attention to the first three lines.

“All of these phrases are familiar Will, all of them are poetic names for blood… at least that’s what I think they mean. Some of my mother’s oldest spell books call for the use of blood in certain spells and… and well… wine of the gods was the first one to ring a bell. But thinking about it, I’m pretty sure that the other two mean the same thing. Elixir and essence by themselves could mean lots of different things, but the way they’re structured in the sentence, and the fact that this spell is supposed to be one for healing dragon wounds? Well, it just makes sense that it’s talking about blood.”

Willow groaned, hitting herself in the head lightly.

“God I’m so stupid… baby, of course your right. Cos it’s always about the blood...” she mocked, her own earlier words ringing in her memory. Typical… in a cosmically ironic sort of sense. After all, Spike had first taught them that particular truth.

“Ok so it’s blood...” echoed Tara, her expression lightening. “So now we just have to work out whose blood”

“Ooh ohh I know… I’ve got it!” Willow squealed in sudden excitement.

“Well not all of it…. but I’m pretty sure that the elixir of rebirth probably refers to sire’s blood… which would mean Angel,” she offered with a triumphant grin.

“But sweetie” ventured Tara in confusion. “I thought that Angel was Spike’s grandsire? How, even if we had his blood, would that work? Isn’t Drusilla Spike’s sire?”

“Well yeah... technically she is” smirked Willow smugly.

“But… I did some reading, after the whole Spike using Angel to heal Dru deal, and I found out that sire’s blood works in two different ways. First, there’s the whole thing with Angel being the one who sired Drusilla so basically her blood is his. Therefore, it is also Spike’s… something to do with the whole line of Aurelius thing. Secondly, Cos Dru had a few bats loose in her belfry when she sired our little Spikey… it seems that the onus of sire hood fell to Angelus." He might not have been the one to do the actual turning, but he was the one that assumed the duties of Sire. So for all intents and purposes,” she finished triumphantly "When Angelus acknowledged Spike’s turning… and Dru was unable to do what ever it is that sire’s are supposed to do… Angelus in deed, if not in fact became his sire.”

“So… If Angel’s blood is one of the ingredients… then I gotta stop and wonder for a moment that there isn’t something a whole lot more than just coincidence going on here, Tara. Cos, It just so happens that Illyria brought me a whole bag of the stuff only last…”

Her words trailed off even as her face lit up with what Tara recognized as Willow’s version of the old light bulb going off over the head thing.

“Oh MY GOD!” She exclaimed “That’s it Tara… the other ingredient… it was right in front of me… Wine of the God… blood of a god… Illyria’s blood” stammered Willow, blanching at the sudden thought of just what the scary blue God was going to say when they asked her to donate.

“Uhh sorry babe you lost me there…” said Tara, puzzlement written large on her features.

“Are you telling me that a God brought you Angel’s blood, and that somehow we have to get her to give us hers?” head cocked questioningly she frowned.

“Umm… sweetie… Us and gods? Not so much with the fond memories there. You remember? You migraines... dark magic… me being all of the brain sucked?”

Tara shivered at the memory of Glory and her brief but deadly interaction with the hell god, before reaching for Willow’s hand in an attempt to quell her sudden uneasiness.

“No... um yes… well I don’t exactly know her, at least not like I knew Fred… but she’s been pretty helpful… when she wasn’t being all threatening and scary that is” Willow replied with a small shiver of her own.

“And… and she did save Spike… and call me... though when I come to think about it I’m not sure if that was Fred or Illyria?” she mused, a sudden thoughtful and somewhat worried look replacing her earlier optimistic one.

“Sweetie” cut in Tara, “you’re not making any sense. Your saying Fred helped? Isn’t she the girl that works for Angel? What does she have to do with God’s and this Illyria you keep talking about?” she questioned, now thoroughly confused.

“Oh, yeah sorry” offered Willow apologetically “you know my brain, always thinking out loud with out the sense making. Ok, I don’t know the whole story… Actually I don’t know any of the story” she shrugged.

“But, from what I’ve gathered, Fred somehow got possessed by this mega ancient God King… and somehow, her, Angel, Wesley, Gunn and Spike were in this really huge fight. And I’m not certain… but I think that she and Spike might have been the only ones to survive.”

Willow felt a pang in her heart as she admitted aloud what she feared was Angel’s and the others fate.

“God Will… Does Buffy know...” gasped Tara, shocked at Willow’s admission.

“I mean... this is Angel where talking about. I mean it’s great that Spike survived and all, though I still don’t understand what he was doing with Angel’s crew. B-But Angel? Wasn’t Angel the love of her life or something? Tara asked, concern for Buffy heavy in her tone.

“Oh boy, I keep forgetting how long you were gone” the red head sighed.

All at once, she was overwhelmed at how much Tara was truly a part of her, so much so that she’d just sorta forgot that Tara hadn’t been with her through that last terrible year in Sunnydale.

“Ok Baby… there’s a lot I’ve got to tell you about what went down after… after you were… while you were gone. But details, like everything else will have to wait for a better time and place. Long story short... you died… I went nut’s… tried to end the world. Xander stopped me… ergo… saved the world. And... oh yeah…. Spike went to Africa and got a soul. Then let’s see... The first evil opened the Hellmouth…I empowered all the potential slayers in the world… and Spike died closing the Hellmouth... in the process destroying Sunnydale.”

“OH... well...um ok…talk later… Definitely of the good” the blond breathed out in a stunned voice.

Frowning she turned and threw a pointed look towards the bed on which the vampire lay.

“Um Willow… if he died, how come he’s here in LA? And um… did you say he’s got a soul?”

“Yeah” Willow said wearily... “At least he did, before he burnt up in the crater that was Sunnydale. Though from his strong reaction to the suggestion that I tell Buffy he’s still alive… I’m guessing it’s still there.
And as to the how he’s here now?” she shrugged.

“You got me… your guess is as good as mine.”

“Uh Will…I think I just worked out the third ingredient we need for the spell” Tara offered, her voice full of trepidation as she took in the redhead’s words.

“You did?” Willow asked, hope clearly written in her expression.

That was right up until she took in the sad look on her lover’s face.

“Oh God, what is it Tara? Please tell me we can get it… it’s not like some impossible blood source… with a one of a kind deal like the Urn of Osiris is it?” she asked worriedly.

“Oh no Will” The blonde Wicca was quick to reassure.

“Actually… from what you said, it’s probably pretty common. It’s just I suspect it’s also really specific…” her eyes slid away from her girlfriends as she explained her theory.

“I think the essence of battle refers to slayer’s blood… but more importantly it would have to be like the rest of the ingredients... blood given by a slayer” she offered with a sad smile.

“Blood that has some sort of link to Spike... and that would be…”

“Buffy…” Willow stated flatly. “He needs Buffy’s blood.”

Her expression was bleak as she met Tara’s apologetic look.

“And Buffy’s in Rome. Even if she could get here in time, Spike would rather die than face her” finished Willow, voice despairing.

“Goddess, Tara… Spike as good as told me he’d dust himself rather than let me contact her… what am I gonna do baby? The spell says three days… and I’m not even sure how long Illyria and Spike were holed up here before they called me.”

“I don’t know Will... I don’t know what to tell you… but I do know we better think quick… because if we don’t work out the last part of the spell, and get Buffy here fast…. then Spike is gonna die…”

“Well ladies… you better get working on that last bit real quick” said the very pissed slayer standing in the doorway.

“Cos as soon as that stupid vamp is well enough I’m gonna stake his sorry sneaky lying ass.”
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=26393