The Art of Immortality by dusty273
Summary: Buffy has fallen in love with the work of an up and coming artist that has taken the world of art by storm… William Wellington, a known recluse. When presented with a rare opportunity to attend a private showing of his latest works, she accepts. As her evening unfolds, she meets a handsome, sophisticated stranger who harbors many dark and dangerous secrets. Her strong attraction for the mysterious man coupled with an unexpected gift changes the course of her life in a way she never could have imagined in her wildest of dreams. Written for the Art Before Fic C hallenge at LJ’s spuffy_haven community. *This story has been nominated for Best WIP, Best Romance and Best Fantasy on Round Four at Spark and Burn Awards. Thank you so much! *
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 82867 Read: 60644 Published: 06/02/2007 Updated: 03/11/2008
Chapter 16. Gothic by dusty273
Author's Notes:
Happy New Year to all my lovely readers/reviewers! Hope you enjoy the next installment in the story that doesn’t want to end. ;) Spike and Buffy keep whispering all kind of things to lengthen the story. *sighs* Hope you don’t mind too much? Although we’re really nearing the end now, just 4 more chapters (I hope)

Thank you as always to all of you who take the time to review. They brighten my days. And lots of hugs to my lovely IBE, I really, really appreciate your time, your help and just for being your adorable self. Love you, darling! Thanks as well to OKDeanna for the read through.
A little note: I messed up with a paragraph in the last chapter, thank you MysticAngel77 for letting me know so I could correct it. Just so you don’t have to go back and read it again (I won’t stop you if you want to, though) ;), here’s the corrected part.

She didn’t want to finish that thought as she was already blushing and didn’t want him to see her that way or…

“I can smell your… desire.” His words from earlier that morning echoed in her mind. She really hadn’t paid that much attention to his declaration then. How could she as lost in lust as she’d been at the time? But… but what if he could actually smell her? Did her arousal really have a scent or was it a vampire thing? ‘Oh God, oh God, oh God.’ Her cheeks burned with embarrassment at the mere idea. She truly needed to find out more about vampires and their ‘abilities’ and the sooner the better.

Chapter 16. Gothic

“Because I love you too, you doofus.”

He was dumbstruck, her words echoing in his head, in his heart, filling him with something he never thought he’d feel again…


He now felt more alive than he ever had, even when his heart still beat inside his chest and his own blood raced in his veins. He closed his eyes for a second while, trying to contain the intense wave of emotion that threatened to overwhelm him.

He’s so quiet and why won’t he look at me? she wondered, her brow furrowing slightly as her insecurity returned with a vengeance. Perhaps she shouldn’t have said anything? She thought she was doing the right thing by telling him of her feelings as well, but now she wasn’t so sure.

Spike must have somehow felt her inner turmoil because the next thing he did sent all of her doubts sailing away.

He finally opened his eyes, locking them with hers and what she saw there made her breath hitch in her throat, her heart leap in her chest. He was looking at her like she’d never been looked at before meeting him, with so much reverence, love, awe and she fell so much harder for him than she’d thought possible… right now… in this singular moment.

Everything in his world began and ended with her. She was his sun, his light, his life, his love. He’d gladly place all of his earthly goods at her feet, give her everything she ever wanted if he could provide it and even if he couldn’t, he’d move heaven, hell and earth to somehow make it happen. He’d do just about anything—possible or impossible—to keep her, even if he was aware that was something that would never happen. Could never happen.

He could live a dream, though. Dream a little dream in which he could fool himself into believing a lowly creature like him could ever deserve a goddess like her. Who cared what happened when he woke up and found himself with only beautiful memories of her to keep him company for eternity? Memories of her, of loving her, of being loved by her were the second best thing to having her… At least he’d still have those; no matter what happened, no one and nothing could ever take those away from him.

It wouldn’t do to dwell on what he couldn’t change, though. Not when Buffy was still there with him, her face upturned toward him, her eyes bright emerald ponds in which a man—no, not just any man, his whole self roared possessively—he could drown in.

The need to touch her, mark her as his even if not in the way he truly wished to, overpowered everything else in his mind and he crushed her lips to his, molding her petite frame to his body, his hands trailing over her curves, pulling her impossibly closer to him as his tongue plundered her luscious mouth.

She wasn’t sure how he did it. How with one kiss he stole her breath, her heart, her senses away. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, his lips devouring her, branding her, almost as if he were laying a permanent claim on her of an otherworldly sort. Oh God, how she wished he would do just that.

They would somehow find a way to stay together, how could they not? He loved her and she loved him and she wasn’t afraid of giving her heart to someone, no, not someone… to him. She wasn’t afraid of anything as long as he was there by her side. Of anything except him rejecting her. That wouldn’t happen though, not now. It couldn’t, wasn’t possible.

The kiss ended as fast as it started, Spike taking a step back from the temptation of her lips when he heard footsteps approaching rapidly from around the corridor. And sure enough, Giles appeared in the hallway they occupied carrying two large suitcases.

Buffy’s face flamed, while she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole when she finally noticed the older British man walking towards them, not only because of what happened last night—although that hadn’t been her fault—but of how he almost found them now. Enhanced vampire hearing really came in handy every once in a while it might seem.

“Good afternoon, Miss Buffy, Master William.” He made a curt bow towards each of them.

“Morning, Mr. Giles. Are those my things?” Duh, Buffy, who else could them belong to?

“Yes, Miss. I’m taking them to your room right now, if that’s alright?”

“Oh yes, that’s fine. Thank you. I’ll arrange them later.” She smiled at him.

“Well, if you excuse me…”

“Giles?” Spike interrupted him before he left. “Need to talk to you after we finish eatin’ breakfast. I’ll ring you once we’re done.”

“Certainly, sir.” He dreaded what that talk might entail, but in a way, he knew it was coming. And although he still kept that tiny spark of hope that what Master William had to tell him had nothing to do with last night’s events, he very much doubted it. Very little of what happened in the estate or with the other employees got past the master vampire without him knowing about it.

The older gentleman hadn’t walked five steps away when Spike had her pinned between the closest wall and his hard body. “Now… where were we, love?”

“We were…” she stood on her tiptoes to bring her mouth close to his ear, “…going to…” she nibbled lightly on his lobe, making him moan rather loudly. Her eyes twinkled with mischief, quite proud of herself by the way he was reacting to her unusual forwardness, waiting until he was distracted enough by her lips trailing down his jaw and throat before pushing him away and escaping from his arms, walking backwards down the same corridor where Giles had appeared a little while before, “…have breakfast, remember?” she finished with a wink.

Giggling at his stunned look, she blew him a kiss and turned away from him, moving toward what she hoped was the kitchen, all the while feeling his heated gaze on her back.

The little tease… For a second he was too astonished to do anything but watch her sashay those sinful hips as she advanced down the hallway, her bubbling laughter music to his ears. A devilish grin tugged at his mouth, she had no idea who she was playing with. Absolutely no idea at all. But she was about to find out.

She heard a ‘whoooosh’ coming from somewhere behind her and pivoted on her heel to see what it was. She half expected to hear Spike’s footsteps following her, but didn’t, nothing but that weird sound. She frowned when she also noticed he wasn’t where she left him either. Where on earth had he disappeared to and so quickly?

Buffy decided to ask Anne where she could find him, if anyone knew it would be her. She was about to do just that when a pair of cold hands grabbed her waist, twirling her around until she was facing Spike, who somehow had managed to appear in front of her without her seeing or hearing him do so.

“Boo!” he whispered then smiled. She jumped slightly in his arms, helping him settle her more firmly against him, delighted by her obvious surprise at finding him there. For someone that hadn’t used many of his ‘powers’ in quite a long time, he wasn’t doing too bad it seemed.

“B-but… you-you… I just saw you back there. How?” she asked him, her eyes wide with surprise and confusion as she looked behind her then back at him.

“I have my ways,” he smirked at her. “Now, Miss Summers, I seem to recall you owe me a little somethin’.”

“That’s cheating, you know?”

“Well, probably is, although that little stunt you pulled back there,” he tilted his head to signal where they previously stood, “was cheatin’ as well, wouldn’t you say? So, I’d say we’re even, love, and you still owe me a kiss.”

“I guess playing tag with you is completely out of the question,” she pouted which elicited a chuckle out of the vampire.

“You shouldn’t be that surprised, I did tell you of my preternatural speed, love.” He shrugged nonchalantly.

“You do that in bed and I'll have to call you minute man." She gave him her most innocent look, almost exploding in full-blown laughter at his indignant,

“OI!!! Who are you calling minute man?”

“No one… yet.” She winked at him, before continuing, “Anyway, seriously you forgot to add you move so stealthily I never heard or saw you go by me,” she accused him, even if good-naturedly. She’d seen him move fast before, only not as fast that she couldn’t detect any of his movements. “Almost like one of those big felines when they’re hunting. Waiting, biding its time to pounce on its victim when she least expects it.”

“Pouncin’ on you… mmmmm, now tha’s a thought worthy of explorin’,” he said in a husky whisper. “And just so you know, I have other moves… slower, faster, softer, harder.” He advanced towards her, his eyes centered on her bottom lip as she wet it with the tip of her tongue until he had her corralled against a hard surface, grinding his hips against hers to punctuate each word. “Whatever tickles your fancy, love."

He lowered his face towards her, too intent on kissing her to notice they were leaning against the revolving door that led to the kitchen which gave way with their combined weight.

Only his quick reflexes prevented them from falling to the floor, ending up with Buffy in a dipping position as if they were dancing, both too surprised by what happened to do anything but look at each other.

Anne ‘eeped’, shocked by their sudden appearance, pressing a hand to her chest. “Good Lord, lad, what are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?”

He straightened them both, leaving his arms around Buffy before answering with a wink, “’Course not, just savin’ a damsel in distress from fallin’ to the floor.”

“Hmmphh, sure you were. Knowing you it must have been your fault she was falling in the first place.” She rolled her eyes at him. “Now take your paws off the girl. She needs to be fed. Honestly, William, what kind of a host are you?” she teased, smiling inwardly when she noticed the change in their attitude regarding the other. It was obvious William and Buffy were very much in love and watching how hard it seemed to keep their eyes and hands away from the other was truly endearing.

“The best there is. Just ask Buffy.” He threw her a heated glance.

Buffy giggled, before nodding her agreement. Oh yeah, if his way of waking her up was anything to go by, he was definitely the host WITH the most.

Oh yes, things were certainly looking up for William and she couldn’t be happier for him as she served them both breakfast.


“What are your plans for the day, love?” he asked after escorting her back to her room right after eating.

“Well, I don’t have much planned, take my clothes out of the suitcases mostly, but I figured after that perhaps… you’ll let me explore your pretty manor?” She batted her eyelashes at him coquettishly. Just thinking of seeing, of being able to study all the wonderful art she’d only glimpsed at the day before had her giddy with excitement.

“Certainly, darlin’.” He smiled at her fondly. “Feel free to roam the house at will. ’M sorry I can’t join you though, I have a few things to do today includin’ work on that paintin’ I promised would be ready before you leave. If you don’t mind, I’ll meet up with you for dinner?”

“That sounds perfect, thank you very much, kind sir.” She curtsied before him, a big smile gracing her lips and was about to enter her room when he stopped her.

“You still owe me a kiss, love; don’t think for a second I’ve forgotten. But… if I start now, I won’t get anythin’ done of what I have to accomplish today, sooo…” he took her hand in his and turned it, kissing the pulse point at her wrist. “Until I see you again, my love.”

She just about melted at his gentlemanly gesture, reclining against the door for support as she watched him walk away until he disappeared around the corner. Buffy sighed dreamily when she finally entered her room, twirling until she fell on the bed. He loved her. He LOVED her. God, if this is a dream, please, please, don’t let me wake up… ever.


Spike read the newspaper while he waited for Giles to join him in the library and the news he found on page three only made his suspicions grow concerning what might have transpired the night before… after the big oaf left the hotel.

Not that he minded if they were confirmed or not, the end result was brilliant either way, but he still needed to be certain. Just then a knock sounded on the heavy wooden door.

“Come in.” He motioned for Giles to occupy the seat in front of him once he entered and noticed the man paled slightly as he saw the newspaper in his hands. “Read the news this mornin’, Giles? I found a couple very interestin’ articles in here.”

“Erm, no, haven’t read it yet, Master William.”

“Hmmm, pity. So… you wouldn't know anythin’ about an American man they found bloodied and bruised in an alley nearby The Mandeville, would you… Ripper?”

To his credit, Giles didn’t even blink at being discovered. He’d known his master would figure it out sooner or later, though he’d hoped it would have been later. His defense, if he needed one, was that he’d done what was necessary to protect his Master and Miss Buffy. And if he had to do it again, he would without a second thought.

Taking his glasses off, he started polishing them with a handkerchief, a smirk on his lips as he continued denying his involvement. It was all part of the game. “American man, Sir?” He cleared his throat. “No-no, of course not, I don’t know a thing about such matters.”

“It's a peculiar case, it seems Doctor Ethan Rayne had to step in and move him to Bedlam, some kind of psychosis due to alcoholism. If I remember right, Doctor Rayne is a good friend of yours, isn't he?”

“Yes, he is.”

“Most convenient that he was at the hospital they took the man to, isn’t it?”

“Well, not really. He does consultations there every once in a while.”

“Thought you didn’t know anythin’ of the case, Ripper.” He winked and smiled, extending his right hand to him. “Congratulations, I couldn’t have done it better myself.”

“Thank you, Sir. Although I’m sure you would have done a much better job of it.”

“I doubt it, my friend. Bedlam? Now that was bloody brilliant. The place has more guards and barbed wire than Alcatraz and I know for sure Doctor Rayne will take very good care of the pillock.”

“Oh yes, he’s already raving over all the ‘experiments’ he’s going to try with his new favorite patient.” Giles smiled when remembering a few his friend had described over the phone. He almost wished he could join him for some of them. Perhaps he would, remember old times and such.

“Hmmm, I think it’d be only fair if I were to… say, make a sizeable donation to his cause. He’s doing us all a huge favor. As did you, old chap, anythin’ you need, anythin’ at all… just ask and it’s yours.”

“I have everything I need, Sir, but if I think of anything I’ll be sure to let you know.”

As he walked back to the kitchen, Giles thought perhaps he could ask for some free time to join Ethan for a little trip down memory lane. He was sure even Anne would consent to it, if her reaction when he told her what he did last night was anything to go by. Hell, knowing her and how protective she was of those she considered family, he’d be willing to bet good money she’d love to help with whatever Ethan was planning for his newest toy.


When Buffy entered the library a few hours later, she’d already navigated through most of the house in awe at the amount of original paintings and sculptures she’d found. It was almost as if she were visiting a museum, the only difference being that in here, no one was breathing down her neck to see if she was about to run off with one of them.

Which was weird all in itself. She supposed there must be other people working in the manor. Anne and Giles wouldn’t be able to take care of everything in an estate this size. Although now that she came to think about it, her room had been made when she returned from having breakfast with Spike, and Anne had been with them during that time, so it was obvious there was at least another person in the house. Perhaps this was one of those houses where some employees were almost invisible and perhaps she should just ask Spike or Anne about it and stop asking herself questions she’d never get answers to.

Her eyes rested on a very expensive looking chess set on the other side of the room and couldn’t resist coming forward to inspect it. It was gorgeous. The pieces were finely crafted in crystal and ebony and the board was a masterpiece all in itself, white and black marble pieces intermingling to form the familiar chess board. Well, familiar because she’d seen boards before not because she actually knew how to play the game. I’d love to learn, though.

Her attention was soon diverted to the book shelves, curious over what kind of literature Spike enjoyed. Shakespeare, Goethe, Jules Verne, Emily Bronte, Nathaniel Hawthorne, the Grimm Brothers, Moliere, Keats, Lord Tennyson, Thoreau. Her eyes widened more and more as she reverently scanned the titles and authors she found. Some of the books were obviously very old editions, and judging by what she’d seen so far, several must be first editions… which shouldn’t surprise her either. Even though she wasn’t sure how old Spike truly was, he was probably around to purchase most of them fresh off the press.

She continued perusing through the titles, discovering a little bit more about the man she loved with each one of them. It was obvious these weren’t here for show, the binders looked worn, like he’d read some of these books many times. Again not surprising, he’d have a lot of time to read… and paint… and do a lot of things she didn’t even want to imagine at the moment.

Just when she was about to move to another shelf she saw a small book to her left. Chess: A Play by Play to Success. Oh nice, just what I need to learn how to play. With some luck it won’t be as difficult as it seems. She pulled it out from the shelf and was about to open it when she saw something behind it which grabbed her attention. It was a medium-sized book, leather-bound and completely unassuming, it didn’t even have a title on the front or on the binder, but there was something about it, something…

Unable to resist, she opened it and gasped at the title, Vampyre, Lore and Laws. With shaky fingers she turned the pages until she found the table of contents, perusing through it until a chapter’s name caught her notice, Chapter XVI. Mating Rituals. She wasn’t all too sure what Mating meant but the next two sub-entries made her all the more curious. A) Vampire/Vampire Mating Ritual. Ewww, no, moving on. Her heart hammered wildly within her chest when she saw: B) Vampire/Human Mating Ritual... Page 56.

Turning to page 56, she began reading, her heart rate increasing with every word…


A little pimping before I leave, voting has started at The Spuffy Awards. You don’t have to vote for me if you don’t want to, there are lots of wonderful stories nominated over there. So, go and vote for your favorites. Just read the rules on the voting page first. ;)

And two recs:
There and Back Again by OKDeanna

Keep Holding On by TammyAsh666

I’m pretty sure you’ll love them both as much as I did.


This story archived at http://