Caught Between Two Lovers by pattyanne
Summary: Set around the time of 'School Hard', this is a retelling of Buffy and Spike's first meeting. For the purpose of the story, Angel does not exist. Also, you'll find Spike and Buffy have slightly different personalities than you're used to. Hopefully, you'll like them.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 45 Completed: No Word count: 110159 Read: 72319 Published: 06/05/2004 Updated: 04/18/2005
No Matter What (cont..) by pattyanne
Caught Between Two Lovers

Part 14....

No Matter What (cont..)

"No matter who they follow
No matter where they lead
No matter how they judge us
I'll be everyone you need.."

"Hold still."

Buffy sighed, trying to lean back in the bath-
tub, but two hands buried in her mass of lath-
ered up hair were preventing it.

"I don't want to hear you complaining when you have
soap in your eyes."

"Well, hurry up. My hair wasn't dirty to begin with,
you know."

William chuckled. "I know...I just like playing around
with it. Besides, doesn't it feel good?"

"Yeah, it feels great. Can I rinse it now?"

Extricating his hands from her hair, he reached for the
shower attachment and spun the knobs to start the
warm water.

When all the shampoo was out of her hair, he turned
the water off and pulled her back until she was re-
clining in his embrace.

Picking up a soft sponge, he squirted some bath gel
on it and worked up a lather, then began to spread it
over her shoulders and down to her breasts and ab-

Buffy lay quietly docile under his touch, her eyes half
closed as she listened to the music playing on her mom's
CD player.

"Do you ever think about the future?" she asked.

He stopped in his ministrations for a moment. "How do
you mean?"

" what's gonna be happening in your life five
years from now. Do you ever wonder?"

He shrugged dismissively. "Not really. I prefer to sit
back and see what comes about."


"Why?" he asked. "Do you?"

She hesitated. "I used to...when I was a little kid."

"But you don't anymore?"

Buffy shook her head. "I'm not thinking that I'm gonna
have a real long lifespan."

He stiffened and frowned. "Don't say that," he muttered

"It's true, though," she said. "Slayers don't have a long
shelf life."

"You'll be different."

She turned as best she could to look at him. "How will I
be different?" She wasn't sure how she expected him to
respond. The best thing he could say would be some-
thing along the lines of, "You'll be different because I'll
never let anything happen to you. I'll take you far away
from here and we'll spend the rest of our lives together
making love on a moonlit beach."

That would be nice. That was a plan she could get

But all he said was, "You just will be."

"No matter if the sun don't shine
Or if the skies are blue
No matter what the end is
My life began with you..."

The firelight painted her body with golden
splashes of color as she moved up and down.

Her lover lay beneath her, his body stretched
out on the plush carpeting in front of the hearth,
gazing up at the girl riding him.

His hands moved up her sides and around in
front to hold her breasts. The full mounds over-
flowed in his fingers, soft and pliable, with tight
rose nipples.

His cock was lodged firmly inside of her, an iron
bar clasped in a wet velvet glove. Buffy's strong legs
propelled her up and down as she supported herself
with hands splayed over William's chest.

Her eyes were closed, and her head was tipped
slightly back. He had never seen anyone so over-
whelmingly sensual. She was such an enticing mix-
ture of an innocent child and a seductive woman.

He began to pump his hips up to meet her down-
strokes, harder and faster as he listened to the
music of her panting breath.

Squeezing her breasts harder, he strained beneath
her, pounding up into her until he felt her tighten
around him and heard her soft cry of completion.

She collapsed on his chest, snuggling up to him
like a sleepy kitten.

Looking up at him curiously, she said, "

He smiled. "No. I didn't."

" come?"

"Because I have something else in mind."

She narrowed her eyes. "Like what?" she asked,

He answered her by rolling over until she was
beneath him.

"Oh," she said. "You wanted to be on top?"

He smiled mysteriously. "In a manner of speaking."

Buffy waited for him to re-connect with her. When he
made no immediate attempt to do so, she was con-

Before she could say anything, he sat up between her
outspread legs. "Have I told you tonight how beautiful
you are?"

She smiled. "A hundred times or so. But that doesn't
mean you have to stop."

"You have such lovely breasts," he murmured, cap-
turing them in his hands. "I can't get enough of them.
They're so full, and firm...soft."

"Thank you."

He chuckled. "You're welcome," he said seriously,
winking at her.

Leaning down, he began to kiss her breasts. Starting
with the full undercurves, he worked his way up and over,
leaving a moist path behind him as he centered his
attention on her nipples.

Buffy took a ragged breath and arched her back,
thrusting her breasts more fully forward for his eager

Moving his lips to her ear, he whispered. "Want to learn
something new?"

"Sure," she said softly.

Levering himself up, he grabbed a fat throw pillow from
the sofa and arranged it beneath her back. This gave
her the right amount of support from beneath.

When he had her the way he wanted her, he straddled
her rib cage and slowly moved up.

Noticing the direction he was heading in, she opened
her mouth and waited. But instead of sliding his
erection between her lips, he raised himself on his
knees and placed it in the hollow between her breasts.

Buffy's eyes widened. This was very..VERY new. She
hadn't even read about this sort of thing.

"Is this okay, love?" he asked, his voice soft and
low pitched.

"Yes...I guess...what do you want me to do?"

"Put your hands on the sides of your breasts,"
he said, "and push them together until they're all
around me."

She did as he asked, and he groaned at the un-
believable sensation of her soft breasts pillowing
his rigid cock.

Buffy watched as his eyes closed and his jaw
clenched. She looked down, fascinated by the
sight of his penis sliding up and down. It was so
big and hard, that when it slid up, it nearly touched

A light bulb burst in her head, and she gathered
up her nerve, waiting for his next thrust up.

When the head of his erection appeared again, she
extended her tongue and licked it.

His eyes flew open. "Oh, FUCK!!" he shouted, then
stared at her in shock, completely amazed that she
would take such initiative.

"Did...did you like that?" she asked timidly.

"God....sweetheart, YES," he said. "Do it again."

Scooting down just a bit, she moistened her lips
and pressed a lingering kiss against the head of
his shaft when it popped up, then licked it with
her tongue.

Semen leaked from the tiny slit, further lubricating
his movements. He slid himself easily up and down,
squeezing her breasts more firmly together, and
rubbing his thumbs over her nipples.

He began to move faster, sliding himself in and
out of the warm cradle of her flesh. It felt so incre-
dibly good that he couldn't hold back.

Bracing himself on his knees, he began to pump
faster and faster, shouting his pleasure out loud,
telling her how good it felt to fuck her between her

When he felt the onset of orgasm, he pulled him-
self out of her enveloping mounds and pumped his
hand up and down rapidly. Releasing one last, loud
cry, he splattered a copious gush of semen all
over her tender breasts.

All his strength gave out, and he fell over to one
side, laying on his back and staring at the ceiling.

As soon as he found some vocal control, he turned
and looked at her. "You're wonderful."

"Thank you." Buffy smiled gamely. "Could you
go and get me a towel?"

"I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not.."

"Goodnight, angel."

Buffy clung to him longer than she normally
would have. It was almost 5:00 a.m., and she
knew he had to leave, but for some reason she
was afraid to let him go.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked softly, rubbing
her back.

She shook her head. "I don't know. Something..."

Wrapping his arms more tightly around her, he
stood there in the doorway with her. She was actually
trembling, and it concerned him. "Don't you feel good?"

Buffy buried her face against his shirt front. "I feel

As much as he wanted to just pick her up and
carry her upstairs, he knew he couldn't give in to that
temptation tonight. He'd already gotten three text
messages from Luke, wanting to know when he was
coming back to the house he'd rented on the far
north side of Sunnydale.

For Luke to pester him in such a way, something
big had to be going down.

"Sweetheart," he began hesitantly. "I have to go now."

Buffy nodded. "I know."

He could tell by her wobbly voice that she was on the
verge of tears. Feeling like he was cutting his heart
out of his chest, he loosened his hold on her. "I'll
call you tomorrow, honey. We'll make some plans,"
he said, trying to cheer her up. "How about I take you
shopping? I'll buy you anything your little heart de-
sires. That sound like fun?"

"Yes," she sniffled. "But, I can't. My mother's coming
home tomorrow."

"Oh." He looked down at the top of her head. "I didn't
know that."

"Yeah. She called me this morning. Her plane's
getting in at four-thirty."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, perplexed.

"Well...I meant to," she said. "But we were busy."

He smiled. "I remember."

Buffy squeezed him tighter around the waist.

"Would you..." she spoke haltingly. "I'd like for you
to meet her. I've sort of been telling her about

"Not everything, I hope," he teased, looking suit-
ably scandalized.

The remark finally got a soft giggle out of her.

"No, not everything," she admitted. "Just that

He shrugged. "Technically, that's not a lie."

"I told her I met you at school."

"Okay, now THAT'S a lie."

"Well...telling the truth won't work."

He couldn't refute the logic.

"No, I suppose it won't"

"And it's just that she's really...sticky..
about meeting the guys I go out with."

"Good for her," he said. "She can fend off
all the dogs that'll come sniffing around
my girl."

"She says that...that if a boy can't be
bothered to come to the door and intro-
duce himself to her that he's only after
one thing."

"Guarding your innocence" he approved. "Remind
me to bring her some flowers tomorrow night. What?"
he added, seeing the look on her face. "Did you
honestly think I wouldn't want to meet her?"

Pleased by his comment, Buffy forced herself
to ease her hold on him and step back.

"I'm not sure I can pass for a high school stu-
dent," he said. "But I'll try."

She rewarded him with her knock-out smile,
and pulled him down into a long, lingering
kiss. "Thank you," she whispered.

"I'll see you tonight, baby," he said. "I love

"I love you, too," she replied, releasing him from
the death grip she had on his arms. "I'll always
love you...I promise."

After one last kiss, he got into his car and
drove away.

"I know this love's forever
That's all that matters now
No matter what..."

Feedback is so appreciated.
This story archived at http://