Caught Between Two Lovers by pattyanne
Summary: Set around the time of 'School Hard', this is a retelling of Buffy and Spike's first meeting. For the purpose of the story, Angel does not exist. Also, you'll find Spike and Buffy have slightly different personalities than you're used to. Hopefully, you'll like them.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 45 Completed: No Word count: 110159 Read: 72338 Published: 06/05/2004 Updated: 04/18/2005
Somebody's Eyes by pattyanne
Caught Between Two Lovers

Part 23

Somebody's Eyes

"Careful what you do
Someone's on to you
Careful what you do"

"Dru...honey?" Spike leaned over and gave her a
gentle shake. "Wake up now, luv. I have a surprise
for you."

Drusilla rolled over in bed and opened her eyes, staring
at him. "A pretty surprise? Or a nasty one?"

He smiled at her, tenderly. "A pretty one," he assured

With some effort, Drusilla pulled herself up into a sitting
position, then leaned back into the pillows. Regarding him
steadily for a moment, she shook her head. "I think it's
both. Like a picnic when it rains. Or a trip to the seashore
where the stinging jellyfish wait by the BITE!"

She punctuated her last word with a loud clap of her
hands in Spike's face, then giggled.

He moved back a little and took her hands in his. "No,
darling. Nothing will sting you," he said softly. He raised
one hand and brushed her hair back from her gaunt face.

As he looked into her eyes, he wondered where the
passion he'd once felt had disappeared to. There
had been a time when this black haired princess had
been all he'd wanted in the world.

He'd loved her and hated her, lusted for her and killed
with her, truly believing that they would be together for

Now, the thought of that left him cold.

He still cared...he would ALWAYS care. But his heart
was no longer bound to her, and after what he had known
with Buffy, he was beginning to think that it never really
had been, that he'd just been marking time, waiting for Buffy
to be born, and to grow up?

"Dru...listen to me now," he said, looking directly into her
eyes. "Tonight, we're going to do something that will make
you well again."

"Careful what you say
Because you're on display
Every night and every day"

Drusilla smiled, delightedly. "Are we going to play
a game?" she asked.

Spike nodded. "In a way. But when the game is over,
you'll be all better."

"That's good," she sighed. "I'm always so tired, Spike.
I don't understand why."

"You've been sick, luv," he explained. "Don't you re-
member what happened in Prague?"

"Prague?" she echoed vaguely. "I don't like it there. I
like Paris. Can we go to Paris, my Spike?"

Spike swallowed hard. He couldn't lie to her. She always
knew when he was lying. "Course you can," he said,
hoping she wouldn't notice the singular word in his an-
swer. "Paris is just waiting there for you, darling," he
added quickly.

Dru laughed. "Miss Edith will be so pleased. She was
born there, you know."

"Yes, I know," Spike nodded. "But before Paris, we have
to make you strong again."

She lifted one hand and traced his features with her
fingertip. "Pretty vampire," she murmured. "My little

He watched her hand slide down his arm, feeling
it's coldness, disliking her touch. Dru's hands were alien
to him now. Like spiders crawling on him, he wanted
to brush them away.

Buffy's hands were warm and soft. When she was at
peace, they lingered on him gently, rubbing his shoulders
and stroking his hair. He would make love to her tenderly,
feeling her little fingers move up and down his spine,
playing across his face and lips.

But, when she was passionate, her hands moved over
him quickly, trying to touch him everywhere at once. Her
fingers would demand entrance into his mouth, and he
would swirl his tongue around them and pretend to bite.

She would grip handfuls of his hair when he went down
on her, holding him in place while his tongue probed
her deepest recess. The cries that came from her throat
drove him mad with lust, inspiring him to make it even
better for her.

Then, at the moment when their bodies were joined and
her passion reached it's zenith, her nails would dig into
his shoulders and back. She was unaware at the time
of how hard she would cling to him, hard enough to mark
his skin for hours.

But that was all right too, because she would make such
a fuss over each small wound, kissing them sweetly,
sometimes starting things up all over again.

God, how he loved the touch of her hands. He would eat
dirt, if she fed it to him with her little fingers.

"Somebody's hiding in the great unknown
And every time you think you're alone
Somebody's eyes are watching"

"Do you remember your sire, Dru?"

She looked confused for a moment. "Daddy...he
was mean. Very naughty." Her eyes narrowed
and she suddenly smiled. "He liked the nasty, dirty
girls...but I was clean. Untouched."

"That's right," Spike nodded. "You were going to be
a nun, remember?"

Dru closed her eyes, clasping her hands in front
of her face. "Now I lay me down to sleep," she
sing-songed. "Pray the lord my soul to keep."

Her eyes opened again, and she snapped her teeth.

"Daddy took it away. He was ugly, stinking
of filthy love. So, he took it. It flew off, like a white dove.
I saw it go."

Spike took a tighter rein on his patience. He wanted
her to listen to him, not wander off on irrelevant tangents.
The sooner this was done, the better.

"Dru," he said seriously. "Your sire is here. We need him
for the...the game."

She looked at him, her brow furrowed. "Daddy's here? Will
he hurt me?"

"Honey, no," he said, shaking his head. "You know I won't
let anyone hurt you."

Drusilla tilted her head to one side. "Will YOU hurt me?" she

"Somebody's eyes see you come and go
Somebody's out there, waiting for the show
You've got no disguise from somebody's eyes"

Spike considered his answer carefully. "Dru...I'd
never want to hurt you."

She smiled sweetly. "Because you love me," she

"Yes." He returned her smile. "Because..I love you."

Suddenly sitting up, Dru leaned forward and brushed
her lips against his cheek.

Spike forced himself not to pull away from her.

Nuzzling him, Dru whispered softly. "Take"

Oh, no. God, no. This couldn't be happening. Not now.
After months of lacking interest in any physical con-
tact, she was going to start up NOW?

He couldn't do it. There was no possible way he could
give her what she wanted. She held no attraction for
him that way, not anymore.

Even with the long period of abstinence he'd been
dealing with since he'd left Buffy, he knew damn well
he wouldn't be able to get it up for Drusilla. Not only
because he didn't want her, but because he would
be betraying his bride.

He couldn't just close his eyes and pretend that
he was making love to Buffy. Even if he could con-
vince his mind of it, his body would sense that it
wasn't joined with the woman he loved, and it would
not cooperate. He felt certain of it.

"Careful how you speak
Turn the other cheek
Be careful how you speak"

Spike chose his words with care. "Not now, luv.
When you're better." He smiled at her. "It's been
so long. I want you to be in top form, with all your

Drusilla settled back into the pillows, obviously
trying to probe around in his mind. "She's all over

He tensed up. "Who is, luv?"

She lunged forward suddenly. "I can smell her on your
skin," she hissed. "You're all covered with her. That
silly little girl you found."


"I see her, you know. The music plays for her...and
she dances on the very edge."

Spike was tired of the cryptic. "What do you mean?" he
asked, dropping all pretense. "What is she doing?"

Dru laughed. "She waits."

"Is she all right?" He leaned in closer. "Don't close your
eyes, Drusilla," he said firmly. "Look at she all

"She waits by the window, brushing her hair," Dru
whispered. "And at night, she dances with the devil.
How they all want her pretty, soft skin, and golden
curls. Pouting lips and eyes of green glass. But she
says, no, no, and no again."

Spike sat back, trying to decipher the meaning of
Dru's words. Dancing on the edge and dancing with
the devil was a reference to Buffy's slaying, and to the
risks she had been taking.

But the other part was harder to decode. Who was it
that wanted Buffy's skin and hair, her eyes and her
lips? Demons that wanted to put an end to her...or
men that simply wanted her?

"She'll be dancing when you find her," Dru said. "Then,
you'll have your answer."

At that precise moment, he could have quite cheerfully
wrenched Drusilla's head from her shoulders. If it wasn't
for her, he would be with Buffy now. Not sitting here on
this island, helpless to protect her.

"Think a naughty thought
And if you get caught
Boy, you've got a lot of trouble"

Drusilla laughed again, bringing his attention back
to her. "Poor William," she said in mock sympathy. "Too
far away to hear her cry. A little, lost lamb...and you, a
naughty wolf to make her think you care."

Spike's eyes met hers, then darted away, shielding
his emotions. "Let it go, Dru," he said. "You should
rest for tonight."

She looked at him, speculatively. "And what shall my
darling boy do while I rest?" she asked. "Make busy
little plans? Arrangements?"

He started to stand up, but she grabbed him with surprising
swiftness and strength. "You think I don't know," she
said, her hand clutching his shirt sleeve. "Not all of it, any-

"Stop it, Dru," he replied, shaking her off. "Lie down and

"Bide your time, Spike," she continued, as though he
hadn't spoken. "Keep yourself for her, if you will. The
game is just beginning."

"Somebody's eyes never sleep
Somebody's after the secrets you keep
Who's got alibis from somebody's eyes?"

Drusilla finally released him, reclining back on the
bed. She turned her back on him and pulled Miss
Edith into her arms, humming a nameless tune into
the doll's porcelain ear.

Spike left the room, closing the door behind him.

He stood for a moment, collecting his thoughts, then
went in search of Lysander. It was time to get this
thing done.

Tired of waiting...tired of living on this island...tired
of keeping secrets...and tired to death of Drusilla and
her scatterbrained thought processes. Spike was all
that and more besides.

"If you've anything to hide
Think twice before you step outside"

Before going in search of the warlock, Spike stopped in
his own room. He pulled a long box out from under the
bed and opened it.

The cherry wood stock of the dart gun gleamed in the
mellow lamp light as he loaded it with a heavy dose of
Pentobarbital. He was taking no chance that Angelus
might not cooperate.

"Somebody's eyes are following every move"

Quietly opening the door, he raised the dart gun
and cradled it against his shoulder.

"What the..." Angelus saw him and he began to
struggle against his bonds. "Don't do that! HEY!

"Sorry," Spike murmured, then fired the dart. Less
than a minute later, Angelus was unconscious.

"Somebody's waiting to show they don't approve."


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