Caught Between Two Lovers by pattyanne
Summary: Set around the time of 'School Hard', this is a retelling of Buffy and Spike's first meeting. For the purpose of the story, Angel does not exist. Also, you'll find Spike and Buffy have slightly different personalities than you're used to. Hopefully, you'll like them.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 45 Completed: No Word count: 110159 Read: 72332 Published: 06/05/2004 Updated: 04/18/2005
Bad Boy by pattyanne
Title: Caught Between Two Lovers
Author: Pattyanne
Disclaimer: None of the BtVS
characters belong to me.
Feedback: Love some, thanks!
Rating: Up to NC-17
Summary: A retelling of Spike and
Buffy's first meeting. Starts in early
season 2. For the purpose of the
story, Angel does not exist and Spike
is a little....different.

Part Forty-two...

Bad Boy

"Boys will be boys
Bad boy, bad boy
Boys will be boys
Bad boy, bad boy..."

Buffy stared at her reflection in the hall mirror, not
much caring for it. She looked pale and nervous,
nothing at all the way a Slayer should look.

She had spent a great deal of time practicing her
confrontational, bad ass, 'get in my way and I'll wear
your teeth on a chain around my neck' persona,
wanting to appear as threatening as a five foot nothing,
almost seventeen year old could manage; so much
time, in fact, that she was able to switch to it quickly
from her 'I'm just an innocent, helpless victim and please
don't hurt me' face.

But confronting hungry vampires was nothing compared
to confronting a mother with rather disturbing news
about the career her only offspring had been pushed into.

As a child, she had played all the different stages
in the "What shall I be when I grow up?" game.

From 'princess' to 'ballerina' to 'nurse' to 'veterinarian', she'd
run the full course, collecting all the "Yes, of course, honeys"
and "You'll make a wonderful whatever you choose to be,
sweeties" along the way.

Somehow, in all the discussions she'd had with friends and
family members, the topic of 'Vampire Slayer' had never been

So, how did one go about explaining this sort of thing to
a parent who had always pictured their child in a tu-tu or
a nurse's uniform?

She took a deep breath. "Mom. I'm a...why don't you sit
down...Mom...I'm a vampire slayer. Vampires. Real, honest
to goodness, vampires. I slay them. It's sort of my job. Oh,
and by the way, this is my fiance...who happens to BE a
vampire." She sighed deeply. "I'm dead. She's either going
to kill me or commit me."

Flicking off the bathroom light, she went into the living
room and plopped down on the couch next to William. His
arms opened instantly, gathering her up.

"You all right, luv?"

"Oh, sure. I'm just peachy. Couldn't be better, thanks." She
looked up at him with wide, pleading eyes. "Take my mind
off it."

"How can I do that?"

"Kiss me."

Placing one hand beneath her chin, he tilted her face up
a bit more and placed an extremely gentle kiss on her slightly
trembling lips.

Buffy tried to deepen the kiss and intensify the embrace. She
turned and rose up on her knees, wrapping her arms snugly
around him and returning his kiss with a searing one of her

After a moment, he attempted to pull back. "
wonderful as this is....I don't think we should be doing it just

She pulled back, pouting. "Don't you want me?"

"You know better than that," he said firmly. "I want you twenty-
four hours a day. But if your mother walks in, it won't endear me
to her if she catches me with my hand up your shirt."

"No," she admitted. "But it'll make ME feel good."

He laughed, hugging her tightly. "I love you, and I promise that
when it's all over, I'll take you somewhere and do everything
I can to make you feel good."

The brief tussle had caused the top two buttons on her
sweater to come undone, and she was displaying a rather
tantalizing bit of cleavage. The sight, as always, made him
instantly hard.

"On the other hand," he said, slipping his fingers just under
the collar of the sweater.

Buffy heard herself let out a squeaky protest when his
lips traveled down her throat, seeking the bare skin she was
showing. "My mother...." she began weakly.

"Don't worry," he murmured against her neck. "I'll hear her
in plenty of time to get to the other side of the room. God,
you smell wonderful."

"I....I do? But...but I'm not wearing...perfume." Her head
was beginning to spin.

"I know," he growled. "It's just your natural scent driving me
wild. Making me hard."

"Always getting so restless
Nothing but trouble
Boys will be boys, bad boy, bad boy

Get me feeling breathless
Nothing but trouble
Boys will be boys, bad boy, bad boy

His hand lifted, and the back of his fingers stroked her
cheek. When her lips parted, his thumb brushed over
the lower one. "Good girl. You open that pretty mouth
so sweetly."

The kiss he gave her was long and hard. At one point,
he pulled away just enough to drag his tongue over
her lips and whisper, "You taste sugary. Like ripe
fruit....cherries, maybe. Or strawberries."

Buffy was finding it difficult to keep her feet on the
ground, metaphorically speaking.

"That's....that's my lip gloss," she sighed. "Cherry

His fingers left her face and began to play erotic games
on the bare skin of her shoulder, where her sweater had
slipped down. "Is that a fact?" he asked, his tone a
little husky. "Well, tell me, Cherry Delight...are you as
juicy as I think you are?"

She wasn't quite sure whether he expected an answer
to that question, or was just trying to provoke a reaction
from her. Whichever it was, she couldn't come up with
anything witty to say in reply.

"A car just turned the corner," he whispered in her ear.

"That's nice," she moaned, tilting her head to one side to
give him more access to her throat. "I...WHAT? IT DID?"

Placing her hands on his chest, she pushed him off so
hard that he wound up at the far end of the sofa.

She yanked the curtain aside, peering out into the dark.

"'s not her. That's Mrs. Darboldt's car. She lives
next door."

Buffy turned around and sagged back down on the sofa.

"Well, in that case," William said, grabbing her shoulders
and pulling her closer. "let's continue."

She shook her head. ", don't. You were right
before. If she sees you...I mean this...we're both

"I'm willing to take that risk."

"Yeah, shouldn' that."

He bit down gently on her ear lobe. "But I want to. I want

If he kept this up, things were going to get to the point
of no return even more quickly than they usually did when
he touched her.

"Bad, bad, bad, bad boy
You make me feel so good
I want you bad, bad, bad, bad, boy
You make feel so good..."

"What if she catches us?"

"What if she does? I intend to make an honest woman
of you. I even put a ring on your...where's your ring?"

"On a chain under my sweater."

"Really? Can I see?"

"What? No!"

"Oh, come on. Just a peek. I want to see it all nestled
against your skin."

"Stop it! You're tearing it."

"Then let me pull it up."

"! Oh, all right. There! Happy now?"

"Wait a second. I barely got to look. Come on, back up
with it...oh, very pretty. I think I'm going to buy you a
pendant with a diamond that hangs just in that spot. Or
maybe a pearl, to pick up the luster of your beautiful skin.
Have you ever seen a pink pearl?"

"No. Can I pull my sweater down now?"

"They're very rare. I saw one in Tokyo, the size of
your thumb. It was the palest shade of pink I've ever
seen, and it would look stunning between your bare

"What are you doing!?"

"Unhooking your bra. I want the full effect."

"William...stop that...I...I mean it, now...."

"In a minute, Cherry Delight."

"...oh...oh, god....William....."

"The way you hold me tight
You get me so excited

"Hello?....Hi, Mom....Uh-huh....Yeah, I'll be here...Love
you, too....Bye."

William sat up from where Buffy had pushed him onto the
floor when the phone rang. "Anything wrong?"

"No. She's running a little behind, and she didn't want
me to worry."

She was busy straightening her clothes, so she missed it
when the look in his eyes changed.

"So, she'll be home....when?"

Buffy smoothed her hair. "Not for a while yet.! Sit!

Too late. He was already unbuttoning his shirt.

Her only recourse was to turn and dive for the staircase,
unable to hold back a scream of excited laughter. "Get

"Never! Come back here!"

He was right on her heels as she scrambled up the stairs,
grabbing at her hips.

She turned over and placed her foot in the middle of his
chest, shoving him back down several steps.

"Oh, that's it!" he said loudly, shedding his shirt and
reaching for his belt buckle."

Buffy gaped at him in shock. "You wouldn't dare!" she

"I wouldn't dare what?" He started up the stairs again,
unzipping the fly of his trousers.

"Nothing...nothing." She backed up the stairs one at a
time, keeping the same amount of distance between

He crooked one finger at her. "Come here, Cherry Delight."

"No, we can't," she said firmly from the top of the

William just shook his head. "We have plenty of time for
short and sweet."

"I...what's THAT supposed to mean?"

"Come here and I'll show you."

She knew that if she got within a foot of him, it was all over
but the shouting. Jumping up, she ran for her room at the
end of the hall, forgetting that he was capable of moving just
as fast as she was, faster even.

"No, no, no!" she yelled, trying to close the door.

'Yes, yes..." He shoved the door open hard, sending her
across the room to fall backwards on her bed. "...yes!"

"You do me oh, so right
My heart goes beat, beat, beat, beat
Beat-a- beat, beat!"

Straddling her hips, William grabbed Buffy's hands and
pinned them to the mattress. "Trapped. No where left to

Well, she wasn't exactly dying to run off somewhere. Es-
pecially when his head dipped down and he planted a kiss
on her that she could feel deep down in her soul.

Desire spread throughout her body, starting in her
toes and working it's way upwards. When it reached her
vital parts, she relaxed her legs and let him fall in between

"Buffy," he moaned, nuzzling her hair. "Let me...please,

LET him? She was all set to MAKE him!

Still...she didn't want to seem too easy.

"But I'm a good girl," she protested.

"And I'm a bad boy." He nipped at her skin. "We're made
for each other."

His hands released her and slipped up under her skirt,
hooking in the sides of her panties, working them down
and off.

"We don't have much time," she warned him, arching
her back as he kissed her throat.

"That's all right, luv. I can still make you scream."

"William! I....oh, yes..."

"You like that?"

She put her hands on the sides of his face and kissed
him; long, sweet, drugging kisses, doing it the way he had
taught her.

Not wanting to bother with the buttons, he pushed her
sweater up, nudging the cups of her bra out of his way.

Almost without her knowing it, her legs came up and
trapped him, urging him forward. He sent one hand down
between them, releasing his erection and rubbing it
against her, getting set to plunge inside of her.

"Now, baby? I want you now."

Now was good for her.

"Take me."

"Bad, bad, bad, bad boy
You make me feel so good
I want you bad
Bad, bad, bad, boy
You make me feel so good

I knew you would..."

Pushing her legs farther apart, he sank himself into
her, going deep, pushing hard.

Christ...nothing in his life had ever felt as good, like
sliding into warm cream.

A soft growl issued from his throat as he reared
back and then drove in again, drove in hard enough
to push her up further on the mattress.

Buffy lifted her hips, meeting each gliding stroke
that he gave her, her entire body vibrating with a
white hot intensity.

The only clear thought she could focus on was that
she never wanted this to stop.

"No, baby....I won't stop. Not until you come all over
me...not until I feel it all wet and hot on my dick..."

She must have articulated that last thought.

"Yes, that's it," he muttered, pumping faster. "That's
my good sweet little Cherry Delight...ahhh, yeah.
Fuck you all night...forever....unh...yes.."

Buffy was unraveling fast. Surely she would be over that
edge soon, free falling into space, taking him along with

It was so close...just a little..bit...more...and
then....she....yes...oh, yes.....there it
amazingly good.

"William...I...I love you...."

"Love you...Buffy....ahhh...LOVE...YOU!"

"Boys will be boys
Bad boy, bad boy
Boys will be boys
Bad boy, bad boy.."

"Buffy? Honey, I'm home. Are you up in your room? Wait
until I tell you what happened at the gallery today."

"Boys will be boys..."

This story archived at http://