Always Will Be by CrimsonAngel
Summary: Takes place in After Life. How will Spike react to Buffy being back and will he leave her to face her friend alone? Sequel to Saying Goodbye. Or will be the sequel.
Categories: Serial Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 23192 Read: 7798 Published: 08/06/2007 Updated: 04/05/2010
Chapter 2 by CrimsonAngel
When Buffy woke, she could tell Spike was already awake and purring softly in her ear. She had never slept on the couch with anyone and she was amazed that her muscles didn’t protest at any movement. She never thought the couch was comfortable to even sit on, let alone sleep. “Spike,” she mumbled, sleepily. She felt they should talk about things. She wanted to know what had happened while she was away, and she wanted to know how everything had worked out.

“I’m here,” he said, stroking her back, where her shirt had ridden up. It was nice to wake up like this. After sleeping on the floor of Dawn’s room, keeping her nightmares away, it was nice to wake up with Buffy in his arms. He had only dreamed of something like this. He never thought it possible.

“Thanks for staying,” she whispered. She didn’t know why, but she was glad that he stayed with her. She didn’t realize how much she really needed him in her life. Her emotions were a jumbled mess and she really couldn’t feel the same way that she did before she died. It just wasn’t the same. “Tell me everything I missed,” she requested. She needed to know.

Spike let out a ragged breath and told her about the first few weeks and about the witches moving in. He told her about staying with Dawn, doing what she asked. He told her about Angel’s visit, earning an eyebrow raise. He explained that Angel didn’t stay long; just long enough for the funeral and to make sure his childe wasn’t suicidal.

Buffy sighed. “Sounds like you guys became pretty close.” That eased the ache in her heart a little bit. Dawn really needed someone that she could count on. Both of the Summers’ girls did.

“Yeah, she was all I had left,” he said with a smile. “I tried to do what you asked. And I’ve done a pretty good job.” He paused before he looked at her expectantly. “So where were you while you were gone? Because… when I saw you… I thought that you were happy. I saw the light.” He didn’t understand why she was miserable. He couldn’t wrap his mind around it.

“I was happy,” she admitted, with a hint of sadness. “I felt… I felt whole. I felt complete, Spike. Nothing could hurt me, and I didn’t have the weight of the world on my shoulders anymore. I could finally rest. I knew you would look after Dawn. I was at peace. I knew I could count on you.”

Spike settled back against the couch. “You have to tell your mates,” he said. “Considering they think they saved you. Only Giles knew that you spoke to me. They didn’t know anything about it.”

Buffy shook her head in the negative. “I can’t. I don’t want everyone telling me how sorry they are.”

He shook his head. “Buffy, I didn’t know that they were going to do this to you, but I’m not going to lie and say that I’m not happy. I really did miss you but I wouldn’t have brought you back to life. But you have to tell them.”

“I couldn’t stand it, Spike,” she said. “I see where you’re coming from, but I just can’t. Not yet.” She wanted to talk to Giles about it first. How could her friends do this to her? “Why did you tell Giles?”

“To help me with the paper work,” he said, running his hands through her golden locks. He couldn’t believe he had forgotten to tell her that he was Dawn’s legal guardian. She had asked him to be, and neither of them had even thought to bring it up as of yet.

Buffy raised an eyebrow. She was confused. “Paper work for what?” She asked. “I’m a little slow and I’m not following.”

Spike looked up at her. “You asked me to be Dawn’s guardian,” he said. “And…Giles helped me get that legalized.” He hoped she hadn’t changed her mind. It was one of the best things he had ever done for himself and for Dawn. He couldn’t risk her getting taken away from him.

“Oh,” Buffy said, in surprise. “I didn’t think you would really do that. But I’m glad you did.” She stared at the cracks in the ceiling for a moment. She was a little surprised that Giles helped. But death must bring everyone together. “It takes a little bit of the weight off my shoulders. How did you do that anyway?”

“Anything for you, Buffy,” he said, kissing her temple. “You’re not mad are you?” It seemed like she was. She wouldn’t look at him for some reason. “I hope you’re not. Rupert can fix it when he comes back. He’s probably on his way. But we had a law firm in L.A. legalize my identity. The years were just changed. And when they couldn’t get a hold of your dad, they agreed.”

Buffy shook her head. “I’m okay,” she said, looking at him with shining green eyes. “I promise, it’s okay. And I’m sure someone called him. I’d like to talk to him about everything.” She shivered slightly and huddled back against him. She didn’t know why she was so tired all of a sudden but she was. Her eyes closed and she fell asleep. She heard Spike tell her he loved her, but she was out before she could say anything. “But thank you. It means a lot that you guys did that for me.”

Six hours later, Giles entered the Summers’ home, anxious to see Buffy. He was shocked at the phone call that he received from Willow, and he had gotten on the first flight back to the states. Usually, he would pause in Atlanta, to stretch his legs, but in this case, he needed to get home as soon as possible. Willow ran to meet him at the front and he raised an eyebrow.

“Buffy’s sleeping still,” Willow explained. “How did you get here so soon?” Giles would definitely be able to sort this all out and get things back to normal. As normal as possible anyways.

“It’s been six hours, Willow,” Giles answered, walking into the living room and frowning upon seeing his slayer curled up with Spike. He watched as Buffy snuggled closer to Spike. “Is Buffy aware with whom she is sleeping?” It wasn’t that he didn’t like Spike; he just didn’t think things would escalate this quickly. He didn’t want Buffy to come back from heaven and just jump into the arms of a vampire.

“Yeah, she was very insistent about Spike staying,” Willow said, obviously not thrilled with the situation. “I get that he’s Dawn’s guardian, but what does that have to do with Buffy.”

Giles looked at the red head then focused on his slayer. “Well, I think I’m going to wake her up,” he said. He needed some answers himself. Something was definitely off. He was sure his slayer was tired, but it was more important that she wake up and they talk about what happened.

As if someone heard his thoughts, Buffy stirred a few moments later, opened her eyes, and saw her watcher. “Giles,” she said, smiling. She looked at Willow who didn’t seem to be in a chipper mood. Thank god Giles was here. She needed him. She needed to talk to him. Carefully, she eased herself from Spike’s grasp, trying not to wake him and hugged Giles. She breathed in his scent, realizing how much she had missed her watcher.

Giles wrapped his arms around her. “This is remarkable,” he said, into her hair. “How are you feeling?”

“Can I talk to you?” she asked. She didn’t want to talk in front of anyone, or have any listening ears hearing their conversations. Not even Dawn.

“Of course.” This didn’t sound good. Maybe she read his mind and would give him the answers before he had to ask the question.

“Guys, don’t wake up Spike,” Buffy ordered, as she went to the porch with her Watcher. Once they were outside, she turned to him and asked, “I guess Willow called you. Did she tell you she’s the one that brought me back?”

“No, but I would have stopped her, had I been here,” he replied earnestly. “What’s going on around here?”

“Giles, she is using way too much magic,” Buffy stated. “She took things too far when she brought me back.” There was much more for them to talk about, she just didn’t know where to start. She seemed to having that problem a lot lately.

He frowned. “I agree,” he said. “I will have to think about how I’m going to bring this up with her. I have been remiss in my duties to Willow all these years.” He had under estimated Willow’s abilities. He never thought that something like this could have been possible. He cleared his throat and asked the question that was on the forefront of his mind. “May I ask what you were doing, sleeping with Spike?” Giles asked. “Don’t get me wrong… I don’t have a problem with Spike. I just don’t feel comfortable with you two sleeping together so soon after you’ve been back.”

“I feel better,” she said, softly. “It’s easier, Giles. I don’t have another answer. He said you helped him get legal custody of Dawn.” She paused and tried to talk past the lump in her throat. “It means a lot that you did that for me.

“He said that was what you wanted and to me it seemed like the best plan.” He removed his glasses and polished them before placing them back on his nose. “I cannot say that I approve, Buffy. Another vampire?” Giles pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, closing his eyes. “He’s not my first choice for you. But…I suppose I should say be careful. I am happy you are back, Buffy.”

“Don’t worry, Giles,” she muttered. “I don’t really want to get into right now. We might not really be anything right now. Just friends. We had a moment at my funeral, but I’m having a really hard time getting everything straight. Every thing’s a jumbled mess. I don’t know what to do.”

They hugged once more and Giles tried to give her some reassuring words. “I’ll help you in any way I can,” he said. “We’ll get this sorted out.” Even if Spike was going to stay in the picture. Giles was pretty sure he could live with that.

She nodded before turning to go inside where Spike was still asleep on the couch. She slid back in and Giles watched as Spike pulled her closer to him, He sighed and went to the kitchen, where Willow was sitting at the counter.

“Hey Giles,” she said. “Pretty cool, huh?”

“You have no idea what you’ve done, you foolish girl.” He folded his arms and leaned against the sink as he glared at her. Buffy could be emotionally ruined because of this girl.

Willow frowned. “What?” She hadn’t been expecting that. Not from Giles.

“You have no idea where she was or what happened to her. As usual, you were reckless and irresponsible.” He did not teach her to act like this. She was getting careless. There could be dire consequences of her actions.

“She was in Hell, and I saved her from torture,” Willow argued. Why could no one see that she had done the right thing?

“You did no such thing, Willow,” he asserted, leaving the kitchen, and returning to the living room. How could she be so stupid? Just by looking in his slayers eyes he could see that something was very, very wrong.

Buffy was running her hands through Spike’s hair and smiling, as Giles crouched beside them and asked, “Do you need anything?”

Willow followed Giles into the living room, heedless of the fact that Spike was sleeping. “Giles, I didn’t do anything wrong,” she said, indignantly. She wasn’t just going to be made a fool of when she knew she did a really good thing for Buffy.

“Willow, please be quiet,” Buffy said. “You’re going to wake up Spike.” He needed his sleep. He had probably spent all of last night watching her sleep. He probably hadn’t been sleeping well the whole time that she had been gone. She wanted him to rest. He needed it.

“Too late,” he muttered from her shoulder. What in the world was the witch twittering on about now? Couldn’t he just be left alone with Buffy?

She sighed. “Sorry, Spike.”

Spike pushed himself up and carefully eased off the couch. “Not your fault,” he said. “What is all the yelling about?” He stretched his arms over his head and eased the kink in all his muscles.

“Giles doesn’t think I did something wonderful by bringing her back,” Willow said. Spike could back her up. He didn’t agree with what she did, but he was ecstatic about Buffy being back. “Tell Giles how happy you are that Buffy’s back.”

Spike crossed his arms. “I’m very happy that Buffy is back,” he admitted. “But not this way. Any number of things could have happened when you brought her back. You could have hurt Dawn or brought something back with her.” Not to mention everything else that he knew.

“But I didn’t!” Willow screamed. “Everyone is fine.” How could they be upset with her?

“But for how long Willow?” Giles asked. “Consequences that involve magic take time. You altered the shift in time. There is going to be a long lasting consequence of your actions.”

Buffy rubbed her temples and sat up on the couch. She gently grabbed Spike’s sleeve. “Can we not yell?” She asked. “My head is starting to hurt.” Loud noises and bright lights bothered her eyes. Most of her senses were a little slow. Like a five year old trying to get their bearings again.

Spike sat next to her. “Sorry, Pet,” he said, kissing her head. For a brief second in his anger towards Willow, he forgot about Buffy’s feelings. He couldn’t keep letter that happen. Buffy needed him right now. She needed him to not lose control. He could take his anger on tonight when he went on patrol.

Willow’s brows drew together. “Are you guys… like a thing now?” she asked. She hadn’t been expecting that. She didn’t understand why Buffy all of a sudden accepted Spike in her life like a god of some sort. She rejected her friends, and let a soulless vampire into her life. She prayed that it wasn’t too serious. But even if it was, a quick spell was an easy fix.

Buffy looked up at Spike and then at her friend. “We’re close,” she said. “But it’s too soon after me being back to jump into anything.” She didn’t think it was any business of anyone’s but hers and Spike’s.

Giles removed his glasses. “Willow, you messed with very dark magic and the price could be consequential. Just keep that in mind when the people around you get hurt,” he said.

Spike looked up at Rupert. Buffy must have told him what happened. “I’m taking Buffy up to bed,” he announced standing and offering a hand to Buffy. She needed her bed right now.

Buffy took it gratefully and he led her toward the stairs. “Giles,” she said, looking at him as she paused at the foot of the stairs. “I want to talk more in the morning. I’m just really tired.” She didn’t think she would be. But it must be all the emotional stress everyone had her under. She smiled at her watcher as they said goodnight and allowed Spike to lead her up to her room. “Spike?” She did want to ask him a few questions before she went to sleep.

Spike turned to look at her as he closed the door of her room. “What’s wrong?”

“Giles said that you live here,” she said. She was just stating a point not accusing him of anything or stating it as a question. But she did want all the details about what happened.

“Not really. Just never leave,” he answered, shrugging. “Which I guess means I do live here, just never really thought of it like that.” His main concern had always been Dawn. He didn’t think about anything else. Everything he did was just to make sure that Dawn was going to be okay.

“You know, things don’t have to change just because I’m back. You can still be here all the time,” she said, looking down, as she sat on the edge of her bed. His presence in the house made it easier for her to be here. She couldn’t really imagine him leaving.

He went over to her and crouched down to see her face. “You sure?” The hope was evident in his voice. If she wanted him here, even for a little bit, he would stay. But he didn’t want her to feel like she had to let him stay. He could easily visit every night.

She nodded. “I like having you around. Dawn is attached to you, and I don’t want to ruin that.” Her eyes traveled from the carpet to his face. “I mean, even for a little bit. You don’t have to be here all the time. You’re free to leave whenever you want.”

“Buffy,” he said, cutting off her rambling. “I will stay as long as you need me.” He gave her a soft smile. “I don’t mind.”

Buffy threw her arms around his neck excitedly. “Yes!” she exclaimed. Pulling away slightly, she sighed. “Um…tonight you have to come patrolling with me. Have to see if I’m still the Slayer.” For all she knew Willow could have botched that up in a heart beat. She hadn’t even thought about what she would do if she wasn’t the slayer anymore.

Spike smiled and kissed her forehead. “I’m sure you are,” he said. He could feel it. At least he hoped he could. He felt a lot of things when he was around Buffy, which only Buffy brought out in him.

“But…what if I’m not?” Buffy asked.

“Then, you’re not. Not going to change how I feel,” he said, honestly. “Not going to change how anyone feels.”

“Promise? I’m just going to be an ordinary girl, Spike.” she said. “Will that change anything for us?” She didn’t really believe that Spike’s feelings would change. She did however believe it would change her relationships with her friends. They only became friends because of slaying. If that wasn’t a common factor anymore, then what?

“Now Pet, you’d never be ordinary. Ever since I first saw you, I knew that you were ‘The One’. Even without Slayer powers, I’ll still love you,” he said, smiling down at her. And if she turned out to be just a girl, he would protect her with his unlife. Just like he always had. Nothing could take him away from his girls. No matter what.

“I’m glad you’re here,” she said, hugging him with a yawn.

“I’ll always be here,” Spike said. If she hadn’t figured that out by now, then she needed a wake up call. “Let’s get tired slayers into bed, Pet.”

Buffy mumbled a protest when he moved but let him lay her back against the pillows. A girl could get used to this. “Where are you going?” She asked, with a sleepy gaze as he stood up.

“To check on the Nibblet,” Spike answered. “Make sure everyone leaves and lock up.” He sat next to her and brushed a gold strand away from her forehead. “Don’t worry. I’ll be back up later.”

She nodded. “Okay,” she said. “Goodnight Spike.”

“Night Buffy,” he said, kissing her forehead as he stood up. “I’m glad you’re home.”

She smiled as he left and snuggled deep into her bed. Despite where she was, and how badly she missed it, just maybe this would be okay. She was scared about putting her life back together. Everything was different. She didn’t want to have the same pattern that was there before she died. Especially not with Spike. She didn’t want him to be an asshole or push how much he loved her. She just wanted the at least be friends and work at that. She wasn’t sure she could do anything else. Just lying with him on the couch, was nice. The connection between them was undeniable. But what did she want? Did she want a relationship with Spike? The thoughts died as she slipped into sleep, with a faint smile still on her lips.
This story archived at http://