Always Will Be by CrimsonAngel
Summary: Takes place in After Life. How will Spike react to Buffy being back and will he leave her to face her friend alone? Sequel to Saying Goodbye. Or will be the sequel.
Categories: Serial Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 23192 Read: 7804 Published: 08/06/2007 Updated: 04/05/2010
What to Do by CrimsonAngel
Spike kicked the door down to the bronze and stalked into the place. “Dawn!” He was furious. Not only had Dawn gotten herself in trouble, again, but Buffy’s friends were pissing him off. He had stood behind Buffy has her friends told her that they weren’t going to help her rescue Dawn and he wished he didn’t have the chip in his head. Just to beat the crap out of them. He had left the magic shop telling her friends that he’d find Dawn himself. He was going to nail her feet to the floor of the house when he got her home. Buffy still hadn’t told her friends that they were a couple, but she didn’t hide it either. She sat next to him when they were around, but no one had caught them doing any coupley things yet. Buffy told him she wasn’t going to offer the information but if they found out she would deal with it. Things between the blondes had gotten a little better in the past week since he had grounded Dawn. They talked a lot, especially Buffy. He really thought she was starting to trust him. It was more then he could ask for.

“Spike, I didn’t do anything,” Dawn said, frantically. “I swear.”

“Don’t worry, Lil Bit. I’m not gunna let anything happen to you,” he said, leaning against the pool table, crossing his arms. There were so many other things he wanted to say to that girl, but now was not the best time. He was itching for a fight and he watched various minions move around the room. Times like this he needed eyes in the back of his head. “He’s not a match for a master vampire.”

“A vampire,” Sweet said, clasping his hands together. “How interesting. But still. You won’t be able to beat me.”

“How about a slayer?” Came Buffy’s voice as she stalked into the bronze.

Spike didn’t even acknowledge her as he walked towards the stage. “Let her go,” he growled. He could feel his demon raging to come out and hurt this red serenading freak that hurt his girls.

“She summoned me. I don’t make the rules,” Sweet said.

Spike bent at the knees and jumped on the stage with feline grace. “Dawn, go to your sister,” he said, ready to attack should she be held back. “Rules change.” He saw Dawn rush off the stage out of the corner of his eyes and he relaxed a little knowing she would be safe. However when Buffy appeared at his side, he glanced at her. She sat in the chair next to Sweet, which Dawn had just vacated. He raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing, Pet?” He didn’t like the look on her face or the actions she was making.

“I have to go in Dawn’s place,” she said. “We both know a sacrifice has to be made?”

Had she totally lost her mind? What was he thinking? Of course she had. “Buffy, ever heard of just killing him?” He asked. “We don’t even know that Dawn caused this.” He didn’t look as he heard her friends join them in the bronze. Good. Maybe Willow could do something, break the spell or whatever had been put on them.

“Don’t make this harder,” Buffy said, looking away from him.

“Buffy, we need you,” Dawn whimpered.

Spike looked at her and sighed. “Dawn…” Buffy was serious.

“No, we already lost her once. Spike, we can’t lose her again,” Dawn screamed. “You know we can’t.”

Spike looked at Buffy before jumping off the stage. He was torn with staying and shaking some sense into his slayer and comforting Dawn. He pulled Dawn into his arms. “It’ll be okay,” he said. “We’ll figure this out.”

Buffy stood up and began to sing.

“Right now I feel- just like a leaf on a breeze
Who knows where it’s blowin’
Who knows where it’s goin’
I find myself somewhere I- I never though I’d be
Goin’ round in circles
Thinking about you and me”

Spike looked up at her as he listened to her sing. He could already feel the spell affecting him as well and he really did not want to sing in front of her friends. She didn’t want to leave him. She was happy with him. He knew she was. He could see the tears welling in her eyes as she tried to tell him how she felt.

Buffy continued. “How do I explain it
When I don’t know what to say
What do I know- so much has changed.”

Spike released Dawn and walked towards Buffy. He began singing to her.

“Nothing I have ever known- has made me feel this way
Nothing I have ever seen- has made me wanna stay
But here I am- ready for you.”

Then they both began to sing.
“I’m torn ‘n, I’m falling- I hear my home calling
Hey- I’ve never felt something so strong-
Oh no.
It’s like nothing I’ve ever known.”

Buffy stood at the edge of the stage and Spike stood below her on the floor as she sang,

“Now you’re the one I’m looking for
You’re the one I need
You’re the one that gives me- a reason to believe
Following a star- has lead to where you are
It feels so strong now- this can’t be wrong now.”

Both Buffy and Spike began to sing together.

“Nothing I have ever known- has made me feel this way
Nothing I have ever seen- has made me wanna stay
But here I am- ready for you
I’m torn ‘n I’m falling- I hear my home callin’
Hey- I’ve never felt something so strong- oh no
It’s like nothing I’ve ever known.”

Tears slid down Buffy’s face as he backed away from him.

“It’s like nothing I’ve ever known
Right now I feel- just like a leaf on a breeze
Who knows where it’s blowin’
Who knows where I’m goin’”

Sweet smiled. “That was lovely,” he said.

“Shut up,” Buffy growled, sitting back down.

“I didn’t summon you,” Dawn said, suddenly.

Spike looked at the young girl. “What do you mean?” Her outburst had snapped his thoughts from Buffy to the situation at hand.

“He said I summoned him and I didn’t,” Dawn said, going over to him.

“You’re wearing my talisman,” Sweet said.

Dawn looked down at her necklace. “Oh, I found this in the shop when I was cleaning. I just forgot to take it off,” she said. She removed it and handed it to Spike when he came over to her. She sniffled as his arm went around her shoulder.

“If it was in the shop,” Giles said. “Then one of us must have…”

After a few moments, Xander raised his hand.

“Xander!” Anya exclaimed.

“Well, I didn’t know what was gunna happen. I thought there were just gunna be dances and songs. I just wanted to make sure we’d work out. Have a happy ending,” Xander said.

“Well that’s a twist,” Sweet grumbled.

“Does this mean I have to be your queen?” Xander asked.

“It’s tempting but I think we can make an exception. Just this once. Congratulations everyone. You beat the bad guy,” he said, and then vanished.

Spike looked at Dawn then at Buffy. Her stupid friends, once again, had done this. Trying to interfere in things that were none of their business. And he could have lost one of his girls. Had they learned nothing from their past mistakes with magic? He walked back over to the stage where Buffy was standing on the edge. He raised his blue eyes to her green ones. “You okay?” When she extended her arms he placed his hands on her hips to help her down. He set her on the floor next to him, but she didn’t stop out of his arms. It was time to face the music, so to speak. Her friends would no doubt miss the display of affection that was occurring right in front of their stupid faces.

“Spike, I meant what I sang,” she said in a whispered tone. “You’re so different then when I left and I don’t know how to adjust to it. And we’ve had a lot of problems since then and I’m trying really hard to work through them. Not sure if I’m doing this right.”

He smiled down and kissed her forehead. “You’re doing fine,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. “We’re doing fine. These things take time Buffy.” And he knew that. He had been in love with her for almost a year and now she was finally willing to give him what he’s always wanted. But he couldn’t push her. After all the pain she had been put through in the past, it was going to take some patience on his part to break down all those walls she had built around herself.

She released a shaky sigh and nodded. “I’m going to tell them,” she said, turning to look at the rest of the group. “There’s something you need to know. About where I was,” she said, and Spike put a hand on her back to give his support. He knew how hard this was for her. “I wasn’t in hell. I- I was in heaven.”

Willow gasped. “What?” She whispered, taking a step toward her. “How can that be?”

“I was happy. When I came back, I was scared and confused. Spike was and still is the only one I feel safe with. That’s why he’s moved in with us and is always around. I’m sorry guys,” Buffy said. She glanced at Spike before reaching out to grab his hand in hers. “And he’s important to me.”

Spike kissed her hair. “I’m gunna get Dawn home. Are you staying here?” He figured she’d want some time to talk to her friends now that both cats were out of their bags. He was surprised that no one had thrown a stake at him yet. Must be the shock.

“No, I’m coming,” she said, glancing at her friends. But she didn’t say anything before she followed him and Dawn out of the club. He knew that this wasn’t that easy. Eventually they would realize what she had just said and be right up her ass trying to talk her out of her decision to be with him. He smiled to himself when Buffy pressed herself up against his side. It really couldn’t get better then this. Dawn under one arm, Buffy under the other? Unlife was really, really good.

Once at home, Dawn excused herself to change into some pajamas then she would head to bed. Spike said goodnight and headed to the kitchen, for what, he still didn’t know. But when Buffy followed him, he was almost worried.

“Are you okay?” She asked, lingering in the doorway with folded arms.

He approached her slowly and pulled her into his arms. She looked like she needed some reassurance and he knew he was right when she relaxed instantly in his arms. “I’m fine,” he said into her hair. “What about you?” He knew how hard today had been for her. His hands traced invisible patterns over her red shirt as he held her against him. He felt her nod against him and took that as an ‘I’m fine’ and he smiled before lifting her up in his arms. “Time for bed kitten.” He got no argument from her as he carried her up to her room. He carefully set her on her bed and kissed her softly. “I love you,” he whispered, before he left her room. It was best not to overwhelm her after such a long day. He checked on Dawn who was out like a light before going to his room for some much needed sleep.
End Notes:
Lyrics are from Spirit if anyone was curious. I thought the words fit them perfectly. And dont worry... her friends will come into play.
This story archived at http://