Fairytale forgotten by lindsay
Summary: Spike runs into Buffy years after leaving her behind one night without even a goodbye. 12 year old hearts were broken and now 22 year old hearts remain un-mended, can they remember the fairytale life they were supposed to share together and live it, or is that one best forgot?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes Word count: 16828 Read: 19174 Published: 08/09/2007 Updated: 07/16/2009
Good to be home by lindsay
Author's Notes:
thanks for all the support guys, it's good to be hearing from some of you, the feedback is delicious :)
Spike hummed to himself as he showered, life was finally starting to look good. Tonight he’d head back to Sunnydale to see Buffy and stay in her guest room for a week or so while he tried to find a place to live that was closer to her.

Images of their night on the beach swarmed his mind and he smiled, a saint she was not but a goddess? That she was.

He thought about how much they lost but wondered if they hadn’t, would they have come across each other again? Not a day had passed when he hadn’t thought about Elizabeth Summers but not for a second did he imagine what a beautiful woman she would become.

As a child he couldn’t be found more than ten minutes away from her and so when he and his family had to move it had shattered him inside and out. He had definitely loved little ‘Lizbeth and he was anxious to find out if this older Buffy would bring out the same emotions in him. He hated people who claimed love so easily, that’s how Dru had snared him. Crying and going on about how she had needed him had broken down his resolve not to stay with her. He had filled a void with another void and it had taken its toll on him.

There was a part of him grateful to the crazy bint though, if she hadn’t wanted to see where he’d grown up he wouldn’t have run into ‘Lizbeth, and if he hadn’t done that…well, now he didn’t have to think of what would have happened. That thought alone brought a smile to his face. She was absolutely stunning.

His heart clenched at how much time he had wasted not contacting her but the more logical side of him acknowledged that he may not have become the man he had, nor would she be the Buffy, the stunning Buffy, that she had become from them having to grow up without one another.

He wrapped a towel around his waist and picked up the phone.


“Hey kitten, s’me.”

“Well helllllooo you, coming back soon?”

“Tonight if it’s still okay.”

“Of course it is retard.”

“You have a way with words Lizbeth, have I told you that?”

“Not since the last time I called you a name, I think it was last night” she said with a laugh.

“Hey, I’ve got feelings you know, maybe I don’t wanna’ see you now.”

Buffy laughed again and his ego deflated while something else inflated, she had an appealing laugh and he was after all, just a man.

“Bullshit Spike. And besides, you know I’m teasing.”

He grinned, now that he could work with.

“Speaking of teasing luv’, you alone?”

“No, Willow and Xander just got here to watch some movies.”

“The Princess Bride” he stated with certainty.

“You remembered” she whispered.

“Of course I did Lizbeth…well, I’ll let you get back to your friends, and while you’re busy playing hostess think about your legs wrapped around my neck, and the devious things I could do in that situation.”

Buffy was about to answer when the click sounded in her ears, she was almost mad at the hot and bothered dilemma she was now stuck in with no time to go and fix herself but knew that she deserved it for the name calling. At least, that’s what she’d tell herself until he got there, then he would most definitely have some groveling to do. The word groveling made her picture him on his knees and she groaned, it was going to be a long night.

Spike groaned once he hung up, he knew that his taunt was the perfect pay back for her sassy mouth, but once he pictured what her sassy mouth could do he knew he was just as fuckered as she was.

Willow tapped Xander on the shoulder and nodded towards the now sleeping Buffy and they smiled.

“When’s Spike supposed to get here?” he asked in a soft voice.

Willow looked at her watch, “Just a few more minutes. Wanna’ wait outside?”

Xander nodded and they both picked up their plates and put them in the kitchen, tidying up a bit and turning off the television so Buffy wouldn’t have to do it all when she woke up and they headed out.

After about ten minutes of small talk Spike’s car pulled into the driveway and they stood up to welcome him.

“Need help bringing anything in?” Xander offered but Spike smiled and shook his head.

“No thanks; I’ll carry it in tomorrow, light of day and all that rot.”

“Thank God” Xander said in relief and they all laughed.

“Where’s the rest of your stuff?” Willow asked out of curiosity.

“In storage for the moment, had the movers do it earlier today, I’ll have it all brought down when I find somewhere to stay…so where’s Buffy?”

“She passed out on the couch halfway through Platoon” Xander griped with a smile.

“To be fair I almost did too” Willow said with a giggle, earning a faux glare from Xander.

“Well I’m knackered, we still on for Sunday though?”

Xander and Willow nodded, “Yup, be ready to be up bright and early, we can’t miss a moment of it” Willow said.

“Stupid fair with their stupid impossible games and their murderous clowns.”

Willow smiled and Spike laughed, “Still not over that huh?”

“You tell me what kind of clown calls himself Mr. Stabbles and show me a kid who isn’t afraid.”

“His name was Mr. Wobbles” Willow corrected.

“Stabbles, Wobbles, same difference” Xander mumbled as they walked away, waving to Spike.

Spike shook his head and smiled, it was good to be home.

He used the key Buffy had given him and let himself in, going straight to the living room to where his princess was fast asleep…and moaning his name?

“Bloody hell” Spike whispered as her back arched a little bit and she bit her lip.

“You’re going to kill me yet Lizbeth...”

His tongue curled behind his teeth and he shrugged his duster off, placing it on the couch before sauntering over to his sleeping beauty.

"But I'll go down fighting", he added, a full blown smirk on his face.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=27386