The Ultimate Betrayal by jamies_lady
Summary: After the Battle in LA Riley brings news to Buffy which will change things for ever. Goes VERY off canon after the Battle of Sunnydale
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 45 Completed: Yes Word count: 85431 Read: 88007 Published: 09/14/2007 Updated: 09/11/2008
chapter 24 by jamies_lady
Author's Notes:
OK, I managed a quick chapter for those who begged so nicely, so you see reviewing works.

My thanks to Ariadne, all4spike, dusty, dom, pam s, bridget and cordy kitten for reviewing. enjoy

PS if anyone does Banners, i would really like one for this and another fic
Two days, two fucking days and Buffy still hadn’t woken up. She was lying there like a corpse, barely breathing and hardly covered with the sheet. Spike looked at her blond hair spread out like a halo. If it wasn’t for the rise and fall of her breasts and the slow thud thud thud of her heart he would have thought her dead, she looked so pale. Martin had put an IV into her, giving her fluids and had given Spike strict instructions to move her from side to side every hour. Spike did all he could, he hadn’t moved from her side except when Willow and Morgana threw him out so they could wash her and change the sheet. They wouldn’t let Dawn touch her at all, in case any of the demon goo was left on her. Essence of Dawn was a green light and an immortal key after all. Essence of Willow was a witch and essence of Spike was either a Victorian gentleman or a demon who adored Buffy as his mate, no trouble there.

‘Come on pet, please come on back, you can hit me, aim for the nose, you always liked hitting my nose didn’t you pet.’ He tried again to get her to respond: the tears were rolling down his face, he was falling to pieces.
But nothing from Buffy. No sound, no movement. Nothing.

Faith and Robin both came in to see her, Robin watching in amazement at the care and attention the vampire was giving the slayer. The gentle way he stroked her hair, and the devotion in his face when he looked at her. He couldn’t believe that something so evil could love so deeply.

Cordy watched both men. She hadn’t let them see her yet, she just wanted to observe them both, the dynamic between them. She knew it was her job getting all this mess sorted, she’d caused part of it by showing Angel what would happen, but really was all this hard work worth a pair of shoes? She looked at the sandals ‘they’ had given her and wondered what she’d done to deserve such punishment. At least she’d been allowed a pedicure at last.

‘Uh-hum,’ she coughed. Both men turned to face her. Surprised at how bright she was in the darkened room.

‘Hi,’ she waved at them, ‘right you two, I am really getting pissed off now. This bit is simple. I will bring her round. You,’ she pointed at Spike, ‘make up with her, properly and thoroughly. No more fights; and you,’ she pointed at Robin, ‘be OK with it, or you’re going to feel really stupid in about three days. You need to make friends with the being that will have your back during the big fight. OK: enough, people. I have clothes and shoes calling my name but I’m not allowed them until you get this situation sorted, and shoes are important, people, far more important to me than your soap opera lives. Must run, I have babysitting, as always.’ She gave a cheeky wave and pointed at Buffy.

‘You wake up and behave as well. I really am getting sick of running down here every five minutes because you can’t sort yourself or your love life out!’

‘Way to go girl,’ Faith said as she came further into the room, having heard Cordy’s rant. Cordy smiled and vanished in a bright light.

Buffy felt herself coming back to her body, fitting back into it like it was a familiar glove. Her heart felt heavy and she felt sick. Why couldn’t they leave her be, in heaven, in limbo, where ever it was; why did she keep getting dragged back to this hell? She was going to kill whoever pulled her back this time. She could feel every ache and pain in every limb. And they hurt: her arms hurt, her legs hurt, her back certainly hurt. She felt as though she’d been sleeping in one position for days.

Spike was the first one to notice the slight movement. He rushed across to her and grabbed her hand, covering it in small tender kisses.

‘Buffy love you’re back, I’m here, I’m sorry I was a prat; come on pet, talk to me…’ sometimes it was obvious he didn’t need to breathe.

‘I would if you’d shut up for a couple of minutes,’ she groused.

Buffy found herself pulled up into his arms and smothered with kisses. Sam, who had come to deliver Spike’s blood to him, stood with Robin just watching the lovers reunite before quietly leaving, pulling the door closed behind themselves.

They stopped Dawn from going in. ‘She’s awake,’ Sam explained quietly, ‘and they are making up for lost time. Spike’s um, talking to her now; leave ‘em alone for a bit, Dawnie.’

Dawn squealed, it was just what she wanted, her two favourite people getting together.

Martin heard the joyful squeaks and knew it meant that his favourite patient was awake. He looked back at Caitlin: she wouldn’t wake up at all. Even with all the help Willow and he could give her, even with her amazing slayer healing, she had lost her fight for life. Martin pulled the sheet up over the young girl’s face and tried to relax his shoulders. The tension had been building for days.

Dawn looked across at Martin. She realised that he was very down after his patient’s death. Martin reminded her very much of Spike at his gentlest. They had a lot in common, a strong sense of duty and a big heart. She knew that love at first sight was only supposed to happen in fairy tales but what she felt for Martin was strong and deep. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t seen things. She might be only 18 but her life had been very rich in experiences and anyway she was as old as time itself in some ways.

She wrapped her arms around Martin and hugged his back. He didn’t need a squealing girlfriend. He needed a friend, and that she could be.

‘Come on, come and get a beer, you look like you need one.’

Martin rested his head back on her shoulder. This lady was amazing, she seemed to sense exactly what he needed. No pressure, she was just there. As soon as he could he was going to get her a really nice ring and take her out on a date. It wasn’t as though they could just slip out for a romantic evening, especially as it seemed half of hell was after her.

And he’d have to play the gentleman. Riley had already had ‘the talk’ with him and had warned him that not only Buffy but the vampire would most probably be speaking to him at some point as well. He had better get used to the ‘hurt her and you’re dead’ speech. He was going to hear it a lot in the next few days.
This story archived at http://