Fall of The Night by Mabel Marsters
Summary: Story starts post season seven BtVS and season five Angel. Everything that happened up tothat point is as the shows. Picks up three months after Not Fade Away. Since a few people have been upset by Spike being with someone else I'll tell you now, it doesn't last ok? But she is there for many chapters before Buffy arrives. So if you can't deal this isn't the fic for you!! WINNER OF BEST SUPPORTING CHARACTER (HELEN) AND JUDGE'S CHOICE AWARDS AT SPARK & BURN AWARDS ROUND 4
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 72989 Read: 32660 Published: 09/26/2007 Updated: 09/30/2007
Chapter ten by Mabel Marsters
Giles looked at his watch anxiously. Where was Spike? He’d gone out for his jog nearly two hours ago, and he was never away this long. Plus it was now dark and Spike had a tendency not to be out alone at night, perversely his vampire fear of the daylight turning into a human fear of the dark. It was probably because he knew exactly what creatures roamed the night.

Giles knew Helen was at work so Spike wasn’t delayed with her. He did have a tendency to forget time when he was with her. Giles started towards the door, thinking he’d drive around to see if he could see him, when it was flung open. Spike half fell into the room, nose bloody, right eye already swelling up, lips split.

“My God! Spike, what happened?” exclaimed Giles, rushing to his aid.

Spike was so out of breath he couldn’t answer; he just pointed to the sofa. Giles helped him to it. He collapsed into it, laying his head back, with his eyes shut. Giles feared he was going to lose consciousness and gave him a gentle shake.

“Spike,” he said sharply.

Spike opened his eyes and looked at him.

“Just give me a moment,” he gasped. When he got his breathing under control he spoke again.

“Went a different way for a change but I didn’t realise it was so much further. My leg was getting bit sore so I was walking to give it a rest when I got hit from behind.”

“You were mugged?” said Giles.

“Not exactly, see, it was a vampire. The sun had just about gone down and it was very shady where I was. Should know better than going into dark alleys - God knows I’ve hung out in them enough myself,” continued Spike, “Anyway, I was sent sprawling to the floor then as I turned over to get up, there he was. He was just about to make me his happy meal, when we recognised each other. It was Doug, he’d been in my crew when I was with Drusilla. To cut a long and painful story short, he knew who I was and he knew I was human. He went to go tell and I knew I had to kill him if I didn’t want word to get out that I’m alive.”

“And did you…….?”

“Yeah, he’s dust. More luck than judgement, I guess. We tussled a bit then I managed to kick him with my right leg just before my other gave way and I fell down. He went backwards and hit a broken piece of fencing. Fortunately for me it hit the right spot ‘cause it took me five minutes to get up. Knocked the stuffing out of me good and proper.

“I think perhaps it’s not safe here in LA for you now you’re able to get out and about. Too many demons would be after your blood if they knew you were alive,” said Giles.

“You’re not wrong, Rupert.”

“How do you feel about returning to England?”


They told Helen he’d been mugged.

“You need to be checked out at the hospital,” she said, gently touching his battered face.

“No, love,” Spike said firmly, “I’ve had enough of hospitals, besides I’ve got my own personal nurse. What more could a fella want? Really, I’m okay. It looks worse than it is, just bruises is all.”

“Alright, no hospital,” agreed Helen, knowing that once Spike had made his mind up about something he wouldn’t change it.

Giles had tactfully left the room. He knew Spike would want to be alone with Helen when he broke the news.

“Listen, pet, there’s something I need to tell you,” he said, eyes averted. The serious tone of his voice almost made her heart stop beating.

“This has made me do some thinking and I’ve decided to go back to England.”

Helen was sure her heart had stopped.

“Giles can’t stay here any longer and I feel I’d be able to do better over there. America’s had enough of me, I think, and I certainly have of her.”

“What about me?...Us?” Helen said quietly.

Spike looked at her, saw her face had paled, and knew what she was thinking.

“Oh, Helen,” he took her in his arms, “I’m sorry, I should have asked first. I want you to come with me, if you can. I you want to, I mean……” his words fading away as she kissed him.

“So is that a yes?” he asked.

“Yes, it’s a yes! But when are we going? I can’t just walk out on work.”

“Giles wants to go as soon as possible, probably in the next couple of days, and I’ll have to go with him. I can’t expect him to keep paying for this house.”

“But I’ll have to give a month’s notice,” Helen said in dismay, pulling away.

“I know love, but it’ll soon pass. We’ll be together again before we know it. Plus I’ll be able to get settled, find a place to live, get a job I suppose. I can’t freeload forever, and I want you to be sure.”

“But I am!” Helen exclaimed.

“Shh, it’s a big thing I’m asking you, leaving behind family and friends and all for me. Let’s face it, pet, half the time you’ve known me I was unconscious,” he said with a grin, trying to make her laugh. It didn’t work.

“I’ve never been more certain of anything,” said Helen, “You’re just going to tell me not to come once you’re over there. Well, if you want rid of me, tell me now face to face.” Her face flushed as she looked at him, tears starting to fall down her cheeks.

“Hey, steady on, that’s not what I’m going to do. I wish you could come straightaway or I could stay but we can’t do that, so we need to make the best of it. Think we might run up a bit of a phone bill, though, in the meantime!”

He hugged her close once more, feeling her sobs subside. If ever he’d doubted she loved him, he’d got his answer. It scared him a little.

“I hope I’m worth it, love.”


A few days later Spike and Giles made their way to the airport to catch the flight to London. Spike had said goodbye to Helen the previous evening. They’d been out for a meal then went home and made love. It was bittersweet knowing they wouldn’t be together again for over three weeks. It seemed an age. Helen cried herself to sleep afterwards as she lay with her head on Spike’s shoulder, his arm around her. Spike barely slept at all. He didn’t know what to expect when he got back to England. He wasn’t sure Giles wouldn’t just tell him that he was on his own and leave him to it. As much as he hated to admit it, he’d grown fond of Giles and had come to rely on him.

They sat waiting to board the plane.

“Andrew is the only one who knows you’re coming back with me. He’s found you an apartment not too far to the Councils Headquarters, which are in a big three story townhouse. Andrew and I have flats on the top floor, so we’re close enough if you need us. The rent’s paid for six months and I’ve arranged for an allowance to be paid to you monthly.

“But Giles,” interrupted Spike.

“No, hear me out, Spike,” he said firmly, “ You’ll get a monthly allowance - you’ve earned it and you can help with the Council’s work, training slayers and such. But to start with I want you to get settled, get Helen over with you and lead a normal life. You can start work in six months and we’ll tell everyone else then. Agreed?”

“Agreed. Thanks, Giles. And thanks for not telling the others. I couldn’t face it just yet - not sure I can face it at all, truth be told. Just too bleeding weird.

“You will be able to, Spike. Once you’re feeling more settled, you’ll become a real part of the team. You can put your knowledge of vampires and demons to good use for us. Especially now you can work in the daylight,” he quipped.

Spike smiled at the watcher. Who would’ve thought the pair of them would ever be sitting discussing plans for work.

Their flight was called, they boarded and found their seats in the centre row, Spike declining a window seat when they’d checked in. He’d only been on a plane a couple of times and that was in Wolfram & Hart’s magically fast private jets. He hadn’t enjoyed being up so high so he reckoned not actually being able to see how high he was might help his nerves. After all this ordinary flight was going to take a lot longer.

“One good thing about no longer having a vampire constitution was it was a lot easier to get pissed,” Spike said to himself. A good couple of double shots of Jack Daniels and he’d be asleep for the journey.

A few hours later, he nudged Giles for the umpteenth time, his plans for sleeping the flight away scampered by Giles’s persistent snoring. Giles shifted in his sleep but neither woke up nor stopped snoring.

“Bloody hell,” thought Spike, “if I could still bite him I would!” He gave him an extra hard nudge with his elbow.

“What?” said Giles, startling awake.

“Nothing, mate. Sorry, my arm slipped on the rest. They’re serving a meal soon,” he lied, “Didn’t think you’d want to miss it.”

“Oh? Good, I am feeling rather peckish,” said Giles perking up and sitting up straighter.

Spike waited for a couple of minutes to make sure Giles was staying awake before putting his own seat back and drifting off to sleep.

He woke as the plane started its descent into London’s Heathrow airport. It seemed appropriate to be going to London - he’d been born there, he’d been made into a vampire there by Drusilla, and now he was returning as a human.

After what seemed like an age, they retrieved their bags and got through customs, the weary travellers pleased to see Andrew there waiting for them. When Andrew saw them he ducked under the barrier and ran to Spike, flinging his arms around him.

“Oh for the love of………..” started Spike before he was engulfed by Andrew’s enthusiastic welcome.

“Gerrof, mate,” he said, shrugging Andrew away in embarrassment.

He looked over at Giles who was chuckling and gave him his best scowl that was still pretty impressive even without his vamp face.

They made their way out to Andrew’s car and he drove them to Spike’s new flat. It was the ground floor of a small townhouse, with big bay windows letting in lots of light. It had a small kitchen, sitting room with dining table at one end, a double bedroom and tiny bathroom. Spike walked around it, liking what he saw. There were double doors from the sitting room out into the garden.

“Only your flat has access to the garden,” said Andrew, “It’s not a shared one.” He’d searched and searched until he found the perfect place for Spike, dismissing any in basements as he didn’t want to remind Spike of his years of skulking in the dark. He knew how much Spike had loved the garden in LA.

“It’s great, Andrew, thanks,” said Spike, hardly able to believe he’d got his own place again. Helen would love it.

Andrew was delighted.

“Come on, Andrew,” said Giles “Let’s leave Spike to settle in and get ourselves home.

“I’ve left the address, phone number and directions for the Council’s offices on the table. It’s only a fifteen minute walk so you’ll be handy when you start work with us,” Andrew told Spike.

With that they left. Spike gave the apartment the once over. In the kitchen he opened a couple of cupboards, smiling as he saw that Andrew had stocked up for him with provisions, so no need to go shopping just yet. He opened the doors into the garden. It had a small area of lawn with big herbaceous borders, giving a typical English garden feel.

He packed away his few belongings and reached for the phone to call Helen.

This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=27966