She Devil by smlcspike
Summary: Just a little Halloween fic I decided to do after spikes mrs emailed me an adult costume picture. It takes place during All the way in season 6, but does not follow the order of the show. I also have Buffy and Spike already together and in love in this fic, I also have no idea how far it is from Buffy’s house to Spike’s Crypt, so I am going to guess maybe 15 minutes, Sunnydale isn’t large and they do walk it quite a bit.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1594 Read: 1494 Published: 10/31/2007 Updated: 10/31/2007

1. One Shot by smlcspike

One Shot by smlcspike
Author's Notes:
Thanks to Teacherspet for betaing and keeping it a secret from her sister, spikes mrs. Again I don't own them just like to play with them.
She Devil

Chapter 1

After sitting and listening to Anya go on and on about finding her true love, and Willow and Tara in the kitchen arguing about her using to much magic, Buffy excused herself to go up to her room. “If you don’t mind I will be right back, guys.”

Once up in her room, she noticed the little red surprise she has bought for Spike, sticking out from under her bed. Bending over to grab it she got an idea, since she really didn’t want to be with her friends anyways.

Quickly putting the outfit on she put her pants back on and grabbed her slaying bag, and then put on her coat, as she walked down the stairs, she saw that Xander was ready to burst with Anya still going on and on about her finding true love, so she said “Want to get some air with me Xander?”

“Sure, Buffy.” He said as he followed her to the door.

Once outside on the porch they stood there not saying anything for a few minutes, before she spoke. “If you don’t mind I was thinking of taking Spike up on his offer to patrol.”

“Sure Buff, but when did Spike ask you to patrol? And isn’t Halloween a dead night?” Xander asked.

“Need I remind you of people turning into their costumes or the house that wouldn’t let anyone out.” She asked him with a raised eyebrow.

“I see your point, you better get going.” Xander told her as he remembered some of the childhood fears of trick or treating in Sunnydale as he was growing up.

“I will see you all tomorrow night.” Buffy said as she walked down the steps and off the porch, leaving Xander there.


15 minutes later she entered the gates of the graveyard that held Spike’s crypt in it. As she walked to a heavy treed area right beside his crypt she went and pulled her coat and pants off and put them in the bag she was carrying leaving her in a red satin teddy with a thong back and 4 inch red shoes, she took out of the bag a head band of devil horns and put them on her head, then she walked into Spike’s crypt.


Hearing the door to his crypt open, Spike looked up from his spot in front of the TV. He got up and slowly walked over to Buffy, as he circled Buffy, he said, “Looks like someone just brought me a little devil in the form of a Slayer. I just hope you didn’t walk all the way from your place like that.”

“Hello, Spike I figured I would take you up on your offer to patrol.” Buffy told him as he slowly stalked around her for the second time, sizing up his prey like the predator he was.

“Not in something like that.” He informed her as he pulled her to him and walked her farther back into his crypt, as he reached where his trap door was; he kicked it open and jumped down with her held tightly to his body. While he asked her, “Is this for me?”

“Yes” was all she could breathe out, being winded slightly from the jump down as well as the kiss.

“I like it, please tell me you have other clothes because you are not going home in this.” He informed her.

“Just pants and a coat, I took them off right before I came in the crypt.” She told him as she felt her knees hit the bed.

“Don’t worry I will give you a shirt to put on.” He told her as he pushed her down onto the bed, and leaned down to kiss her.


Back at the Summer’s residence, Giles had just hung up the phone when Xander walked back in. “Is Buffy still on the porch?” He asked as he walked back over to where he was sitting.

“No she decided to go and take Spike up on that offer to patrol.” Xander told him as he went and sat down beside Anya.

“Well that was Janice’s mother, it seems Janice told her mother she was staying her.” Giles informed them.

“The old parent switch, we used to do that a lot when it came to researching in high school.” Xander commented.

“Yes, indeed, but the fact is, we will need to look for them as neither one are where they said they were going to be and we all know what Sunnydale is really like, Halloween or not.” Giles said as he got up to grab his coat.

“What do you want us to do, G-man?” Xander asked.

“Please do not call me that again, and could you call Willow and Tara, and ask them to do a locator spell. Then go to Spike‘s crypt to find Buffy.” Giles said as he went out the door.

“I didn’t think Willow or Tara left.” Xander said.

“Nope they are still fighting in the kitchen and why would they leave they live here?” Anya asked.

“Well let’s go and get Willow and Tara.” Xander said.


Back in the lower part of Spike’s Crypt.

Spike had lowered one of the straps of her devil outfit so he could get at her nipple, while he was running his other hand, along her wet folds just inside of her devil outfit.

As she arched up into him, he took the exposed nipple into his mouth and began to suckle at it, as he did this he then removed his hand from her fold, to start and remove her other strap of the devil outfit.

Buffy let out a whimper, as he was doing this, so Spike looked up at her and said “Patient love.” Then went back to suckling at her nipple once he had exposed her other one, he then licked his way over to her other nipple and started to suckle at it for a few minutes.

As he started to pull, the devil outfit down the rest of her body he started to slowly kiss his way down, inch by inch as he revealed the skin to himself, all the while thinking to himself If this is Halloween, I wonder what Christmas will be.

As he got to the curls hiding her sex, he took a long sniff before sliding down farther to remove the rest of the outfit. Then he spread her legs and lied down between them, while taking another long sniff and quickly darting his tongue out, to taste her.

After a few minutes of gently plunging his tongue into her folds he inserted a finger and started to suck on her clit. Feeling her tighten around his finger he said “Cum for me luv.”

With one last hard suck, Buffy screamed out, “Spike” as she started to Cum.

As he climbed back up Buffy to kiss her, she said “I think someone is a little over dressed.”

Smirking, “I guess so, love, what are you going to do about it?”

“This” She said as she reached up and pulled the shirt over his head, throwing it on the floor. Then she let her hands run down Spike’s chest, till they reached the waistband of his jeans, she undid the belt and started to undo the buttons when he got up off the bed, and removed his pants for her.

Climbing back on the bed, he positioned himself at her entrance, and slowly pushed into her.

As they started to rock together, she said to him “Make me your Spike.”

Looking up at her, he said “Buffy”

“I know what it means Spike I want you to make me yours, no more hiding, I want to be your Mate.”

“I love you.” He told her.

“I love you too.” She replied as she kissed him.

Feeling that she was close to Cumming, he leaned down and bit into her neck “Mine” He said after he had drank some of her blood, then he told her. “You need to bite me, and drink a tiny amount.”

Buffy leaned up and bit Spike’s neck, “Mine” She told him.

“Yours” Spike responded to her.

“Yours” Buffy said to Spike.

Then they both screamed out their releases.


On the way to Spike’s Crypt, Xander and Anya heard a scream and took off in the direction of the scream, as they met up with Giles. Only to come face to face with Dawn and a Vampire trying to bite her.

After Giles staked the Vampire, he said to her, “Your sister is not going to like it when she gets home from patrolling with Spike, and we tell her what you were up too.”

“As if Buffy will be home tonight.” Dawn said to him.

“And what do you mean by that?” Giles asked.

“As if you don’t know, Buffy has been sneaking out or been staying out all night long since she got back.” Dawn told him.

“And what would she be doing when she does?” Giles asked surprised he had never noticed.

“Like you really don’t know, she has been boinking Spike almost as long as she has been back,” Dawn told them.

“Dawn Buffy would not sleep with Spike.” Xander told her.

“No it is true Buffy is Boinking Spike; if you don’t believe me go check his crypt right now.”

The End.
This story archived at http://