Haven by Xela
Summary: Post-Chose, Spike is pulled from the rubble of Sunnydale by a mysterious group of people. They want him healthy and whole, but for what purpose? And who is the beautiful blonde woman who haunts his dreams?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 26326 Read: 11164 Published: 12/25/2007 Updated: 04/03/2008
In Dreams by Xela
Author's Notes:
Hope y'all had a great April Fool's. Just kidding about the whole quitting writing thing. :) Just a Joke.
Chapter 11: In Dreams

Dru was cavorting with some Chaos demon as Spike looked on, his face an expressionless mask. The demon was an ugly, slimy bugger. Spike stood as the love of his unlife dismissed him as if he were nothing.

“You’re not nothing,” one of the intruders whispered. Spike didn’t react, but the scene playing out before them jumped. Dru’s harsh words, designed to tear at Spike’s soul, repeated over and over again.

“She doesn’t deserve your tears, and she definitely doesn't deserve your love,” another voice added. Something in the voice pulled at Spike, but he wrenched himself back to the memories her was mired in.

The scene jumped.

Spike was thrown to the floor, already beaten and bruised. He was humiliated and naked, lash marks littering his back and legs. Angelus stepped over the writhing vampire, settling himself on a throne-like chair. A bullwhip was draped over one armrest. The malicious vampire gazed at his captive, an evil glint in his eye. He leaned forward, his gaze fixed on the shuddering form huddled on the ground.

“Crawl to me, Boy,” Angelus ordered. Spike struggled to move, but the marks on his back were deep and biting. He collapsed, crying out in pain.


The whip whistled through the air and sliced into Spike’s shoulder. The struggling vamp gasped, trying to move towards his torturer while everything in him screamed to flee, to run. But he couldn’t run…and even if he could, he had no where to run to.

“I said crawl, Willy!” The whip whistled again, and Spike’s anguished cry filled the room. He started crawling slowly and painfully towards Angelus, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. Every movement brought excruciating pain. Spike’s arms collapsed, sending him to the ground. Angelus rose, eyes blazing with fury.

“I’ll teach you to disobey me, William!” He spat the name with venom. He kicked Spike over, rolling him on to his back. Spike screamed in pain as his tender back came in contact with the rough, dirty stone. Dust and grit bit onto the wounds. “You’re just a pathetic, worthless piece of shit, aren’t ya, Boy?”

Angelus’ laugh sent a shudder through everyone. Angelus took a few measured steps backwards, uncoiling the whip and watching it move sinuously. He raised the whip and brought it down as hard as he could.

*** *** ****** *** ****** *** ***

Leto and Alanna took a moment to orient themselves as the scene abruptly shifted. They were in a dimly lit room; some sort of banquet room. An ornate chair was pushed away from the table. They looked around, but Spike was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly the double doors behind them burst open. Angelus dragged Spike unceremoniously into the room, dumping him onto the floor.

“Leto,” Alanna whispered raggedly, her soul crying out at the injustice Spike had been forced to endure. His strong hand found her, his glittering green eyes focused on the image of Angelus.

They watched as Spike’s will was broken, Angelus’ harsh words and punishing blows driving the strong vampire to the brink. Alanna gasped when a particularly vicious blow landed on Spike, tears streaming down her eyes. She’d known it had been bad, but…this?

Leto’s anger was growing with ever second. He’d spent a lot of time with Spike, teaching him vampiric lore…something his sire should have done. But what he was seeing here pissed him the fuck off. He’d experienced his share of the violence of vampire society, which could be vicious and unmerciful. But what Angelus was doing was something entirely different. Childer were supposed to be guided and taught. They were progeny and family in a vicious, immortal world. Angelus…a low growl forced its way out of Leto’s throat.

This was wrong. Where was the rest of the coven, who should be standing up for Spike, or at least curtailing Angel's treatment? Why hadn’t anyone done that? Childer weren't play things, that was what minions were for. Leto watched as Angelus ordered the weakened Spike to crawl to him. Leto’s vampric visage burst forth when Angelus flipped Spike on his back, grinding his wounds purposefully into the ground. Angelus raised the whip and struck Spike’s unprotected face, leaving a long gash on one cheek. He pulled back to strike again, and Leto made his move.

Using his preternatural speed, Leto threw himself between Spike and the whip, feeling the sting bite into him. But his demon shrugged off the pain, filing it away under the anger ascribed solely to “Angelus.” The blows reigned down, unceasing and unforgiving, but Leto refused to move, protecting Spike from Angelus’ assault. And for the first time, piercing blue eyes met his own, focused and clear and full of pain that went beyond this scene.

“You’re worth this,” Leto said, hissing as the whip struck his back again.

*** *** ****** *** ****** *** ***

Leto stumbled into Alanna, drained and still feeling the sting of the whip. She supported him before getting her bearings. She gasped at what she saw.

Spike lay unmoving underneath a faceless woman. The woman was beating him, raining blows unmercifully into his face. Flashes of golden hair appeared and random times, and Alanna knew exactly what was going on here. The conversation was muted and garbled, but Spike just took the beating, not bothering to defend himself, eyes dead. Anger twisted in Alanna's stomach as Spike passively endured the abuse. Leto moved towards them, but Alanna stopped him.

“This is mine,” she said resolutely. With determination, she made her way towards the blonde slayer that even now haunted Spike’s subconscious.

The faceless figure was in mid-blow when Alanna caught the fist. The figure strained against her hold, but made no other moves, simply programmed to continue reigning abuse on Spike’s face.

“Spike,” Alanna said softly. The blue eyes she knew so well continued to stare up at the ceiling, far away.

“Spike.” Her voice was commanding, a Slayer issuing a challenge that couldn’t be ignored. Alanna’s entire demeanor changed. Gone was the young girl with woeful eyes and a penchant for mischief. In her place stood a Slayer; she was steel, a tried and tested warrior who would not be ignored. Her eyes flashed, and her voice commanded obedience and attention. Spike responded; dull, lifeless eyes flickered and fixed on her.

“I. Love. You.” Alanna saw surprise written in those eyes. Good. “I love you. As does Leto. You’ve become very important to us, William. We care about you, and we take care of our own. There is nothing, NOTHING we would not do for you. I will stand by your side until the end of time, fighting for you, with you. I will never give up on you, not even when you’ve given up on yourself.” A slight wince crossed Spike’s face, and his gaze wavered. “You're an amazing vampire, Spike, an amazing man. You fought to save the word, gave up everything for it, even though it’s never given up anything for you. But that was the easy part, fighting for the people YOU cared about. But now…now it’s time to fight for yourself.” Alanna bent over, getting closer to the vampire that had moved so effortlessly into her heart.

“You’re not a doormat, Spike. You’re far too strong for that. And while I’ll do anything for you…there some things I can’t. I can’t fight your battles for you, I can only fight them with you. It’s time for you to realize that you’re worth fighting for, Spike. So fight! Defend yourself! Because you’re worth it. You just have to believe.” And with that, she released the figure’s punch…

…into Spike’s waiting hand. He flipped the faceless person over and stood. When she came back at him, mindlessly swinging at his head, he blocked her punches, and sent one straight to her nose. The figure went flying backwards, lying still on the pavement.

Spike collapsed, gut-wrenching sobs shaking his lithe frame as years of degradation and humiliation spilled out of him, given up at last.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=29187