You Get Me by spuffyroxmysox
Summary: Buffy has been in Rome for six months now and shes been running the new slayer school with over ten thousand students. When a young girl has a dream witch changes Buffys life forever how will she handle a battle and parenthood on top of everything thats already going on?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 6846 Read: 9011 Published: 01/12/2008 Updated: 02/06/2008
Every Time We Touch by spuffyroxmysox
Author's Notes:
Candie: YAY! chapter two! I hope you like it this chapter I wrote all bye myself, so its gonna be a little cheesy but bear with me I just have no idea where I what the story to start so it gonna have a weird beginning but starting chapter four it'll be getting good! the song I used in this chapter is Every Time We Touch by Cassada it belongs to her I love the song and i thought it might go well with the story please review! Oh and there's a little sexiness in there but nothing graphic! Its okay for 12 year old cause I'm really not allowed to be writing graphic things so I wont! Thanks once again to my lovely betas don't know what i'd do without you guys!
Buffy told Kennedy to take over for her, and with a nod she left for her room and started looking through her closet.

An hour and a half later she finally settled on a red halter top, a black mini skirt and knee high black heels. She spent another hour and a half doing her hair, and yet another doing her make up. She still had two more hours until Spike would be here.

Buffy grabbed her leather shrug then started to pace at her door, waiting for what seemed like forever. She finally stopped pacing and sat down to wait. Soon Buffy heard a knock at the door. When she opened it she nearly screamed with delight.

"Spike!! Oh oh oh my God!" she cried, tossing herself into his open arms and holding him there so tightly that he couldn't move – not that he wanted to.

"Hey pet," Spike spoke smoothly into her ear.

"Hey Spike, you're he-here," Buffy replied with a shaky voice.

"Yeah pet, 'm here," Spike purred.

"Wow," Buffy said, her voice full of lust. She lifted her head from his shoulder and he kissed her.

Its been too long! Buffy thought as his lips crashed onto hers and their tongues danced together as she happily melted into him.

Buffy started to cry tears of joy and held onto Spike tighter. Responding to her actions, Spike pushed her onto the wall. When they finally stopped kissing there was a crowed of curious young Slayers, Watchers and her friends including Dawn.

"Oh no way!" Dawn gasped

"Wow," a lot of young Slayers said at once, all of whom remembered the battle well. Willow, Kennedy, Xander and Giles were all speechless at the sight in front of them.

"Yeah, that's right," Spike said, "I'm back." While he spoke he grabbed Buffy even tighter if that was possible.

After saying 'hi' to the gang, everyone decided that Buffy and Spike needed a night off.

They left the gang alone and walked hand in hand around Rome at this late hour of the night to a less popular club. On the way, Buffy stopped and pulled Spike into her embrace and started to cry again in the safety of his arms.

Spike held her close. "You okay pet?"

"Yeah, it's just, I don't know where to start, whether to apologize for being a bitch, to throw you against a wall and have my way with you or bawl you out for not coming back sooner," Buffy reasoned.

Spike tilted his head and grabbed her face and kissed her.

"Well luv, I'd choose the second one." Spike gave her a sexy smile that she turned to goo over.

"Let's get going luv."

When they got to the late night club they got drinks and sat at the bar.

"Why didn't you call me or something?!" Buffy asked, still sort of peeved

"Well, I had no idea on what to say to you. Was I gonna say 'Hi Luv! I'm not dust anymore and I want to come see you?'"

"I see your point but I would have been happy with that.”

Spike just looked at Buffy, her eyes were sparkling and he was at loss for words, and a slow song was coming on.

"Luv would you like to dance?" Spike asked.

Surprised by what he had just said, she simply nodded.

Spike took her hand and lead her onto the dance floor as the singer started to sing.

"I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me, I still feel your touch in my dreams."

Buffy looked up at Spike, her eyes locked with his, and for a moment it felt like they were the only two in the world.

"Forgive me my weakness but I don't know why but without you its hard to survive.”

Buffy put both her hands behind his neck and he put his hands around her waist. Their eyes were still locked together as he reached down to her for a kiss.

"'Cause every time we touch I get this feeling and every time we kiss I reach for the sky.”

As the song continued they deepened the kiss, Spike pulling her even closer to him. Buffy always knew that she loved him but only within the past year had she allowed herself to admit it. She remembered the night when she realized that she loved him – that night when he held her and gave her strength.

"Can't you feel my heart beat fast I want this to last I want you in my life cause every time we touch I feel the static and every time we kiss I reach for the sky can't you feel my heart beat so I can't let you go I need you by my side. Your arms are my cast, oh your heart is my sky they wipe away the tears that I cry.”

When Spike broke the kiss so Buffy could breathe he saw the deep passion and love in them. He stared at her in awe and kissed her again.

"The good and the bad times we've been through them all you make me rise when I fall.”

Buffy broke the kiss this time and looked in his eyes. They were that same perfect blue that she remembered. She buried her head in his chest and danced like that for the rest of the song, lost in the moment together, just as one lone tear rolled down her cheek.

"Cause every time we touch I get this feeling and every time we kiss I reach for the sky can't you feel my heart beat fast I want this to last I want you in my life cause every time we touch I feel the static and every time we kiss I reach for the sky can't you feel my heart beat so I can't let you go I need you bye my side."

At the end of the song Spike picked her up and left the bar with her in his arms. They got home around two a.m and went to Buffy’s bedroom.

"Do you want me to stay here luv?" Spike questioned

"Do you really think you needed to ask?" she asked. Spike shook his head 'no' and let Buffy change alone as he changed in another room.

When Spike made his way back to Buffy’s room, she was sitting there waiting for him. Spike sat on the small couch in front of the bed. He sat up when Buffy’s small voice cleared the silence.

"Will you hold me?" she asked. Spike didn't do anything besides go and lay next to her as she snuggled up close to him. For once since she left Sunnydale she felt whole, complete – full, like she had found her other half. She fell asleep fast and comfortably in his arms. He sat there and watched 'his girl' sleep

Wait, my girl? he thought, but looked at her again. Yeah my girl.

With that thought he grabbed her tighter and drifted off to sleep himself, and they both had dreams of each other.
This story archived at http://