Make It Worth My While by spikeluv84
Summary: The story is set in S5, with a twist. There's no Glory, Joyce doesn't die and Dawn's not a key. Spike has info on a new baddie in town, gunning for Buffy (of course). Having Spike around it messing with Buffy's head and her friends are not helping! And to answer a friend's question, NO I will NOT be killing Joyce. Joss did it painfully enough for all of us the first time! Nominated at Cradle for Best WIP! Host unlimited photos at for FREE!
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No Word count: 30125 Read: 20386 Published: 01/19/2008 Updated: 05/24/2009
Let Sleeping Vamps Lie by spikeluv84
Author's Notes:
i know!!! it's been so long (for those few reading) and i'm sorry. being broke sucks. i kind of fell off the wagon w/ this chapter i think but i'm getting back in the swing of things!
"So...which one? asked Dawn.

Spike squinted at her, staring. "You've got to be joking?"

"Spike," she whined.

Spike shook his head sharply as if he'd smelled something bad. "You know, if Buffy or your Mum saw this--"

"That's why you're not going to say anything...are you?" she asked, glaring.

Spike groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. "Fine. Burgandy." Tilting his head back, he stared at the ceiling, as if it had the answers. "I have to get out of this house," he muttered.

Dawn smiled at him from her reflection in the mirror. "Oh c'mon! It's not that bad. Plus, you're not better yet. Mom said you had to stay until you were better."

Spike glared at her, as if it was all her fault. "Yeah, well I'm not usually helping bints pick out lipstick either. Why, exactly, am I still in your room? I could be sleeping downstairs, all peaceful like."

Dawn smiled as she slicked on another coat. "Because there's too much sun. We've already discussed this. Besides, I've liked sleeping down there. I get the TV all to myself." Sighing, she pocketed the lipstick and fluffed her hair again.

"You know there's a fine line between sultry and--on second thought--you shouldn't be close to sultry. I do hope Buffy or your Mum catches you and makes you wipe that paint off." Spike made a face as he threw his arm over his face.

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Spike you can be so 1800's sometimes."

Spike scowled at her from under his arm. "Bint you forget, I'm almost one hundred and thirty years old. Plus, that's what you get for waking a vampire at bloody dawn to ask about lipsticks!" He sighed deeply and covered his face again.

"You're a guy! I wanted your opinion! Geez, grow a personality or something." Picking up her perfume, she sprayed it into the air and twirled through it.

Spike groaned and shoved a pillow over his face. "I'm gonna die. Bloody hell." Throwing the pillow away, he glared at Dawn and coughed.

She smiled at him sweetly. "Smell good?"

Spike growled and got to his feet. A bit wobbly, he bared his teeth and went for the door. "Mustard gas smells better."

As he grasped the door handle, it opened. Catching him in the gut, he let out a small grunt. Glaring down at the older Summers' sister, he rubbed his stomach.

Buffy's eyes widened as she caught the door. "Spike! What are you doing awake?"

Spike pushed past her and started for the stairs. "Ask the make-up queen." He smiled as Buffy and Dawn started a heated discussion on what Dawn was wearing. Trailing down the stairs, he glanced out at the lightening sky. Going through the living room, he sniffed at the smell of coffee in the kitchen.

"Spike, what are you doing up?" asked Joyce, standing at the counter.

Spike's tongue caught for a minute, then he gestured to the noise upstairs. "Er...your youngest wanted advice...on lipstick."

Joyce sighed and shook her head. Turning to the cabinet, she got out another cup and filled it for him. "Let me guess. They're fighting over what Dawn's wearing."

Spike nodded his head.

Joyce chuckled. "Buffy's got to let her grow-up sometime." She smiled at Spike thoughtfully as he mixed his coffee. She watched as he put his other cup in the microwave. His cup of cold blood was always in the fridge. "You never had children right?"

Spike sighed. "Oh no. But Dru filled out that part...more than needed."

Joyce made a face. "Yes. I remember you telling me about her. She did have her problems."

Spike chuckled. "That she did." Taking his cup out of the microwave, he sipped it and sighed. Letting it cool on the counter, he finished off his coffee. "Listen Joyce, I'm thinking maybe I should go home today."

Joyce frowned. "Do you think you're well enough? What about that demon, and Riley?"

Spike shrugged. "I can handle that git. And Lurthan hasn't been heard from in a couple of weeks. If anything happens, I'll come back."

"Promise?" asked Joyce.

Spike smiled. "Of course. 'Sides...the lovely Summers women are hard to stay away from."

She chuckled. "Charmer."



As they pounded down the stairs, Spike sipped at his blood. "Maybe I was wrong."

Joyce laughed as her girls rushed into the kitchen.

"Mom, tell Buffy that it's not up to her what I can wear!"

"Mom, tell Dawn that she's not going out looking like a skank!"

Dawn gapped at her sister, then turned to Spike. "Spike? Do I?" She gestured to herself.

Spike looked at all three women then into his cup. "I've seen worse."

"Thank you!" exclaimed Dawn.

"Yes. Thanks Spike," muttered Buffy.

"Don't drag Spike into this," said Joyce. "I'm going to say this for the last time Buffy. Dawn is fifteen years old. She can decide what lipstick she can wear."

Buffy's eyes widened. "But Mom--"

"Enough Buffy." Joyce's face said 'case closed'.

Dawn smiled triumphantly. "Besides if anyone messes with me, I'll just use my training."

Spike glared at her. "No starting fights Niblet."

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Yes Dad."

Spike choked on his blood. Buffy giggled.

Joyce smiled. "That must've been a good night." She cut Spike a glance. "Wish I could remember."

"Mom!" gasped Buffy and Dawn.

Joyce frowned. "What? I'm a woman and he's an attractive man." Spike gave her a small nod and smile.

"Vampire," Buffy pointed out.

"Yeah, okay 'Dad' is kind," mused Dawn. " I'll go for older brother." Spike quirked an eyebrow at her. "Giles can be Dad," added Dawn.

Buffy snarked behind her hand. "I know Mom remembers that night."

Joyce straightened and her cup banged on the counter. "Dawn needs to get ready to leave."

Spike smiled. "You slept with Ripper?"

"It was a spell!" whispered Joyce defensively.

Buffy and Dawn left the room laughing. Their laughter could be heard going up the stairs.

"Go Ripper," murmured Spike.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping," pushed Joyce, her face turning red.

Spike chuckled and put his cups in the sink, rinsing them. "See ya later party animal." He slid out of the kitchen smirking.

Joyce groaned and took a deep drink of her coffee.


"Do we have a deal?"

Lurthan stood stoicly, glaring down at the thing who dared to confront him.

He was dirty. He smelled of nasty sweat. His face even looked a little sunken.

This puny thing was crazy. Admirable...but crazy.

"What makes you think I'll help a crawling thing like you? I can crush you with one of my hands," he drawled.

"You don't seem to have many left," it threw back.

Luthran started at the insult but caught himself. "You reach far above yourself mortal." He grunted as a torch swung within inches of his face.

Sneering, cold eyes glared through the flames. "I like to think of as the other way around." Giving him another glare, he took a step back. "Do we have a deal?"

Luthran could see the madness in this weak thing's eyes but also opportunity. "Yes."
This story archived at http://