Make It Worth My While by spikeluv84
Summary: The story is set in S5, with a twist. There's no Glory, Joyce doesn't die and Dawn's not a key. Spike has info on a new baddie in town, gunning for Buffy (of course). Having Spike around it messing with Buffy's head and her friends are not helping! And to answer a friend's question, NO I will NOT be killing Joyce. Joss did it painfully enough for all of us the first time! Nominated at Cradle for Best WIP! Host unlimited photos at for FREE!
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No Word count: 30125 Read: 20399 Published: 01/19/2008 Updated: 05/24/2009
Ch. 8-Got Any virgin? by spikeluv84
Author's Notes:
sorry for the delay. muse is a bitch and i'm putting in for a transfer!
"RUN!" Buffy yelled as she helped cover the group out of the cave. Glancing behind her, she saw the ring of fire still burning brightly around Dak. She sped up as Xander came around with the car. Giles, driving his own vehicle, stopped behind him. He ushered Willow and Anya into the car as he jumped out to assist. Throwing her ax in the floorboard, Buffy supported Spike as Dawn jumped into the backseat. Shuffling the weakened vamp, she and Giles managed to get him into Xander's car.

"C'mon! We need to move! Guro part two isn't going to wait for long!" urged Xander.

Buffy winced as Spike was jostled across the seat. She'd never seen anyone beaten so badly. Dawn was sobbing almost uncontrollably. As they finally got him into the car, Buffy jumped in beside Xander and they took off. Giles wasn't far behind. As they sped down the road, Buffy turned around to study Spike. He was almost one big bruise. There was not a part on him that wasn't beaten and/or bloodied.

Spike moaned as they hit a bump in the road. Dawn cradled his head in her lap and clutched him to her as they went around a curve. "He looks so bad," she sobbed. Spike winced as a couple of tears landed on his face. Quickly wiping her face, she quietly apologized and wiped his face. More blood seeped out of the cut.

"He'll be fine," Buffy whispered. "Vampire healing and all that. He'll be good as new in a week or so." Dawn just shook her head and clasped him tighter.

"Hey Dawnster, just can lay off training for a while! Be lazy like a normal teenager," said Xander encouragingly.

Dawn didn't look up as an almost hateful expression crossed her face. "I like training," she whispered.

Buffy shook her head at Xander and he looked away awkwardly. Pressing on the accelerator, he hurried towards Giles'.


Dawn clutched Spike to her chest as they sped towards Giles'. Spike laid still as death in her lap. Her shirt was stained with his blood but she didn't care. It came with the territory. The blood didn't scare her. The bruises didn't scare her. It was the stillness. He didn't twitch. He didn't move. His body was very light and his face was shallow looking. His eyes, what she could see of them, were sunken into his head. His arms hung at weird angles, almost apart from his body. She was sure they were dislocated. His hair was matted with blood. His clothes hung off him, almost falling off. She could tell he hadn't fed. She didn't care what her sister said, she was almost positive Spike wasn't going to make it. Narrowing her eyes at the thought, she swore Dak would be screaming in terror as he died if that happened.

Buffy looked back at her sister as they flew down the road and she was almost scared of her. She had this look on her face of pure vengeance. Anya would've been proud. She didn't even know Dawn had that look in her repertory. She watched as her sister clutched the vampire to her chest protectively. Almost as if he were hers. Buffy frowned as she felt a pang of jealousy shoot through her chest. Glancing down at the vamp, she felt her eyelids prick with tears. Spike had done so much for her. For Dawn. For her friends. And all he got was a punch in the nose and a threatened meeting with Mr. Pointy. Shaking her head slightly, she turned back around to Xander. "Go to my house."

Xander did a double take and slowed down. "Say huh? I thought we were taking him to Giles?"

"Take him to my house." It was not a question.

Shaking his head slowly, Xander turned right instead of left. "Yes sir."


"What the hell happened here?"

Buffy, Xander, and Dawn looked up guiltily as Joyce stood in the living room, hands on her hips. They jumped as Giles' car slammed to a stop behind Xander's.

"Mom, we need to get Spike upstairs!" urged Buffy.

Xander grimaced as he balanced Spike on his back. "Might I add quickly because this is wigging me out!"

"Put him in my room," stated Dawn. Holding him steady on Xander's back, she urged them forward.

"Woah, excuse me, no one answered my question!" Joyce stepped closer to Spike and gasped. "What on earth happened to him?"

Dawn faced her mother and stated, "Spike was kidnapped and tortured. We just got him free. He's going to my room and he's going now!" Turning back to Xander, she pointed up the stairs. "Move Xander!"

Xander shook his head and grunted. "'s definitely a Summers' thing!" Walking slowly up the stairs, he muttered, "Don't know what Spike's thinking, trying to hook-up with this family. Some of Dru's craziness must've rubbed off!"

"Move it Xander!" shouted Joyce.

"Yes ma'am!" Hurrying his speed, he carted Spike upstairs.

Sighing, Joyce looked at Buffy and Dawn. "I'll get bandages. You girls get...whatever vampires need."

"Blood," stated Dawn.

Joyce cleared her throat as Giles, Willow, and Anya walked in. "Yes, er, get him some blood. I'll...I'll get those other things."

Anya settled on the couch as if nothing happened. Willow clutched her bag of supplies and Giles nervously paced.

Smiling softly, Willow said, "I brought some stuff. Not a lot though. I could try to do a cloaking spell to hide him. Or a healing spell. I'm not sure how that would work though, seeing as how Spike's technically dead. But I could give it a try. Also, I could do a cleansing spell to cleanse his body. It is useful for modesty's sake!"

"Does your mother having any other magazines besides "Home & Garden"? asked Anya.

"Anya please..." Giles put up a hand and closed his eyes. Looking to Buffy, he shifted from foot to foot. "How's your mother taking this?"

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Completely wigged for a minute. She went to get bandages."

Giles nodded. "I'll go see if I can be of any help."

He headed towards the kitchen as Dawn and Buffy headed towards the stairs.

"I'm going to watch a movie! I believe 'Troy' is on!" exclaimed Anya, smiling.

The Summers' sisters shook their heads as they trudged upstairs.


Spike groaned as he felt something soft cradle his head. "Niblet," he whispered.

"Oooh no! Don't you 'niblet' me! I have a cross handy and I'm ready to use it!" exclaimed Xander, backing away.

Spike groaned again.

Xander sighed as Dawn and Buffy came in. "It's about time the two of you got here. He was starting to talk about nibbles."

"Niblet,"Spike groaned again.

"He's talking about Dawn," Buffy whispered.

Xander shook his head slighlty. "What's his nickname for you? Full course?"

Buffy grinned softly but continued to watch as Dawn tried to situate Spike on her bed.

"Spike?" Dawn asked softly.

Spike groaned and brought a hand up slightly before it fell back on the bed. "Thought you were a bloody dream. Was almost afraid to wake up."

Dawn giggled softly. "That's the first I've ever heard a guy say that."

His mouth twitched. "Ponces the lot of them." Turning his head slightly, he glanced at her wall of posters and cute boys. "'s it feel to have a real man in your bed?"

Buffy's mouth dropped and Xander coughed.

Dawn giggled as she started crying again. "Spike, stop being funny."

"Yes Spike. Please stop."

Spike groaned as everyone turned towards the door. "Bugger." Trying to smile, he turned in her direction. "'ello Joyce. How've you been?"

Joyce sighed as she studied the man in her youngest daughter's bed. "I've been fantastic compared to you. How do you get yourself into these situations?"

Spike's gazed shifted to Buffy and she gaze fell to the floor. "Dunno...seems to be my luck."

Joyce sat down beside Dawn and placed the bandages on the side table. "Well it seems to me that you should get some new luck. Find some new friends. Stop throwing yourself into these things!"

Spike winced as she softly dabbed his cheeks with a warm cloth. "Oh I dunno ma'am. I kind of like the friends I have right now."

Joyce scoffed softly and sat back. "Now where can you get blood at?"

Buffy gaped for a minute. "Um...Mom, I'm going to take care of that. It's just..."

"Just what? He needs blood. He's skin and bone as it is!" Joyce exclaimed.

"Blood bank!" Dawn said.

"Are you sure pig's blood wouldn't be just as good?" asked Xander.

"What's the difference?" asked Joyce.

Buffy studied her shoes for a minute. "Well..Spike's been off of human blood for a while now. He went through bad withdrawals last time, with the Initiative and everything. might not be a good idea."

"Screw that!" injected Dawn.

"Buffy you know he needs this. I'm sure he'll be fine," stated Joyce.

"Got any virgin?" piqued Spike.

Xander and Buffy shouted "No!" as Dawn held her arm out to Spike. He smiled to her softly. Kissing her wrist, he shook his head and placed it softly beside him.

"Type O would be great," he murmured.

Buffy sighed as she walked to the door. "Type O it is." She grimaced as Spike shifted slightly and started heaving. Joyce's face blanched as he spit up blood into a bandage Dawn held to his face.

"I'll come with you," wheezed Xander.

"Wimp," she teased.

"Hey, when a vampire starts spitting up blood, then I know it's bad!" Xander shook his shoulders and hurried her along the hall. She worried her lip as she watched saw Spike pass out again, her family hovering over his still body.
This story archived at http://