Maybe More by Dorians Kitten
Summary: William Pratt is busy trying to blend in and survive his new life and school when Buffy Summers crashes into his life. He tries to convince himself that he is thrilled to simply be the friend of such a charismatic whirlwind, but could it be that she might, just maybe, be looking to him for more. Nominated at the Spuffy Awards round 16 for Best Fantasy Romance. Runner Up at the COH Awards for Lonely School. Thank YOU!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Completed: Yes Word count: 42485 Read: 43267 Published: 03/21/2008 Updated: 05/11/2008
Eighteen by Dorians Kitten
Author's Notes:
So today could be another double post day if you guys want. ;)

Also: 1. Some lovely person nominated me for the Lonely School Award at the Cradle of Humanity Awards. My competition is really good, so I'm really not expecting a win...but a respectable showing would be nice. So if you like this story, please go vote for me.
2.Also, I finally set up an LJ page, so if you like my stories or just like to chat Spuffy and JM in general, come friend me.
His mouth went dry as he followed her directions and lied back against the pillows. “I’m feeling pretty lucky already luv.” He’d meant it teasingly, but his look was completely earnest.

She giggled and moved to kneel next to him. “I’m feeling the same way.”

She bent over to give him a quick kiss before taking a long look at his well-formed chest and stomach. “Now where was I before you interrupted?” She gave him a playful expression of mock thoughtfulness. “Oh that’s right; I believe I was planning to ravish an utterly sexy man.” She made a show of looking him up and down while licking her lips.

William laughed hoarsely at her antics. “Any chance that I could convince you to stick with me instead?”

Buffy pouted. “I told you to stop saying things like that. Now I’m just going to have to punish you by doing an extra-thorough job of the ravishing.”

He was quite sure that the memory of Buffy threatening to punish him with sex would stay with him forever. He sent out a silent thanks to whatever god, goddess, guardian angel or fairy godmother had set this up for him and promised them a life of eternal gratitude. “That’s…that’s fair; only way I’ll ever learn.”

Buffy grinned and quickly stepped off the bed.


She smiled. “Just want to get more comfortable for the job.” She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her jeans and waited until she saw understanding and lust on William’s face. She slid her hands around and slowly unbuttoned and unzipped. Buffy swallowed hard before pushing the denim down her hips and thighs so that it pooled at her feet. When she stepped away from them she stood before him wearing only her polka dotted bra and matching bikini bottoms. She forced herself to pause for a moment and to accept his hot gaze before stepping back to rejoin him on the bed. Placing a knee on either side of his hips, she straddled him.

“Oh god but you’re perfect pet.”

Buffy leaned back and sat on his thighs. “I don’t know…I think this is going to get in the way.” She reached her hands behind her back and undid the bra hook. Before William even had time to process her words, she had the bra off and was dropping it to the floor.

His hands seemed to rise of their own accord. He paused with his fingers barely brushing the skin beneath her breasts. He dragged his eyes up to meet hers with a silent question and waited for her approval before moving to cup her breasts in his hands. “Perfect,” he murmured “you’re a goddess, luv.”

“Wow,” Buffy giggled. “A goddess; that’s certainly not something….” She gasped when he brushed her thumbs across her pert nipples. “Oh that’s good.”

“Yeah?” He smirked.

“Mmmm…” She nodded as he repeated the motion and then quickly pushed his hands away.

William whimpered at the loss.

Buffy leaned forward, pushing his hands up to rest near his head. “You can play again later, but now it’s my turn.” Her nipples brushed across his chest, making them both shiver and she froze for a second. Once she could, she moved down his body slowly, dropping kisses across his chest and stomach. When she reached the waistband of his jeans, she looked back up at him with an exaggerated pout. “No fair,” she said “I took off mine.” She spoke like a siren, but her fingers trembled and betrayed her nerves, as she reached for the snap.

He thought to warn her a second too late.

She gasped. She’d barely touched his zipper when his erection pushed its way free. “William.” She looked at him in surprise. “You’re not wearing any…”

He blushed and shook his head. “The…the pants you chose are all so tight…they…they made my boxers bunch up and all, so I…I just…”

She giggled at the realization that her straight-laced William had been going commando for months. “So you just don’t wear any.”

He nodded.

“There might be a bit more bad boy in you than I thought.”

“Is…is that good?” Their lack of clothes was making speech very difficult for him.

“Mmm” Looking down, she suddenly realized that her new boyfriend was startlingly well-endowed. She bit her lip. She knew that it was supposed to be a great thing, but couldn’t help but worry that it would complicate matters. The thought that he might not fit jumped into her head. She pushed it away and focused on the moment. He’d made her come with barely a touch; she was determined to return the favor. Reaching up she gripped the denim waistband and tugged his jeans down. When she’d pulled them to about mid-thigh, William sat up and helped pull them off the rest of the way. They joined hers on the rug.

When she reached over to push him back down on the pillows he tugged her into his arms instead. His hands threaded through her hair and he held tight while he smashed his mouth into hers. She stopped resisting immediately and allowed him to deepen the kiss. She felt like she was being washed away and her fingers dug into his arms in an attempt to stay grounded. William kissed with an intensity she hadn’t known existed. When he finally pulled back she was panting.

“I can’t get enough of you luv.” He loosened his hold on her hair and brought a hand around to gently rub her cheek. “It’s…it’s like you’re air and… and I’ve been drowning for so long…I…I…” He blushed at his own dramatic words and ducked his head.

“William?” Buffy shifted so she could see his face.

“I just want you so much Buffy.”

His expression made her tremble. “I want you too,” she whispered. She pressed against his shoulders. When he didn’t move she tried again. “Please; I just want to make you feel good. Let me.”

He didn’t know what she intended and his nerves very nearly got the better of him, but he forced himself to lie back again.

Buffy ran her eyes quickly down his body. He’s gorgeous, she thought with a touch of awe. She wanted to simply watch him for a while, but knew that he was already becoming uncomfortable and settled instead for a self-promise to take a better look later. Calling forth her courage, she boldly reached out and caressed him.

He groaned. When she moved to encircle him with her small hand, he squeezed his eyes shut, clenched his jaw and fisted the blanket in his hands.

She brought her thumb to the tip and swirled it through a drop of moisture there. When he groaned again she smiled widely. Buffy had never felt more beautiful or more powerful. His reaction to her touch thrilled her. She slowly pumped her hand, studying his face and prizing the need she found in his expression.

When her lips touched his tip, his eyes flew open. He watched, awed, as she took him into her mouth. It was too much, too hot, too good; he pushed her away with a strangled yell. “Buffy don’t, I’m…”

She watched with surprise as he rode out the waves of his climax.

He looked up a moment later. “I’m sorry luv, I…” He shook his head.

Buffy frowned. “Why are you sorry?”

His eyebrow arched and he gestured to his now sticky stomach.

She giggled. “Well yeah, that was the idea.”

“But I almost…I almost came while you were still…”

She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. “That was the idea too.”

His eyes widened. “You wanted to…you wanted me to…to…”

Buffy reached over, touched her finger to his stomach and brought it to her lips. She sucked on it gently before continuing. “Yummy,” she decided. She raised her eyes to his and found that he was speechless. Kissing him again, she giggled. “If you don’t like it we can do it your way, but…” she gave him a grin “my way is less messy.” At his sheepish look, she continued. “Of course now we get to take a shower together to clean up.” She smiled brightly.


She nodded and quickly hopped off the bed. “Come on.”

He awkwardly followed her into the bathroom and watched as she started the shower. Once she had the water adjusted to the right temperature she quickly pushed off her panties and stepped in. William felt glued in place.

Buffy let the water cover her for a moment before pushing her hair back and sticking her head through the space between the shower curtain and the wall. She grinned at William. “Well come on, this is supposed to be sexy fun. I can’t do that all by myself.”

He laughed as he joined her. “And we both know that’s not the case.”

She splashed him and pretended to be upset.

He laughed again and pulled her against him. “I just meant that you’re plenty sexy and plenty fun all on your own; don’t need me for that.”

“But I need you for this.” She whispered before pulling his head to hers for a kiss.

William growled and pushed her against the tile wall. He plundered her mouth, exploring and claiming her as his own territory.

When the water began to cool Buffy pushed him away and reached for a bottle of body wash. “We should do this quick before the water turns to ice.” She poured some on to her palm and reached over to soap up his chest and abs.

“Oi! That’s all fruity luv; you’re going to make me smell like a girl.”

She rolled her eyes and began rubbing the soap against him. “Don’t be a baby; I’m going to make you clean.”

He smirked and touched the tip of his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “Sure you don’t want a dirty boy pet?”

Buffy’s knees nearly buckled. She gasped at the flood of heat between her legs and gripped William’s arms for support.

He grinned. Apparently, he thought, my girl likes a little naughty talk. He realized that the water was indeed getting cooler and stored the information away for use later on. “Come on. Give me that girly stuff so we can get you all cleaned up too.” He let her pour some of the pink bubbles onto his hands and quickly set about soaping her all up. The quickly cooling water made him move faster then he’d have liked. “Next time I’m doing this first,” he whispered near her ear, “I love feeling you all slippery.” When he moved to soap her breasts for a third time, she pulled away and rinsed off before stepping out.

William followed her out and helped her wrap up in a towel before doing the same himself. They stood there, shivering and staring at each other, for a moment before they both started giggling.

Buffy stopped first. “Are you hungry?”

He looked surprised for a moment and then nodded. “Starving.”
“P.J.’s and left-over pizza?”

He nodded again and followed her out of the bathroom. He watched her walk into her room before heading down the hall to get his stuff from the guest room. Yanking on a pair of athletic pants and a tee-shirt he soon headed downstairs to heat up the pizza.

Buffy joined him a few minutes later.

Taking in her sushi-printed flannel pajamas, William couldn’t hold back his grin.

“I know,” she said sheepishly; “they’re not very sexy, but I was cold.”

He walked over and kissed her forehead. “You look perfect.”

Smiling, she snuggled against his chest for a moment. “I have to tell you something.”

William pulled away slightly and looked at her, his head tilted slightly to the side. “Oh yeah?” He tried to keep his voice neutral even though his stomach was flipping Olympic-quality somersaults.


He waited.

“You kinda smell like a girl.”

William’s jaw dropped for a moment and he shook his head. “You are such a brat.”

Buffy smiled. “Yep. But you like it.” She giggled and she snuggled in closer again.

“Yeah,” he agreed, “I like it.” Of course I like it, he thought, I like everything about you; I’m in love with you. “I like it,” he said again before brushing another kiss across her forehead.
This story archived at http://