Maybe More by Dorians Kitten
Summary: William Pratt is busy trying to blend in and survive his new life and school when Buffy Summers crashes into his life. He tries to convince himself that he is thrilled to simply be the friend of such a charismatic whirlwind, but could it be that she might, just maybe, be looking to him for more. Nominated at the Spuffy Awards round 16 for Best Fantasy Romance. Runner Up at the COH Awards for Lonely School. Thank YOU!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Completed: Yes Word count: 42485 Read: 43300 Published: 03/21/2008 Updated: 05/11/2008
Twenty-One by Dorians Kitten
Author's Notes:
There are only a couple of posts left after this one, so start getting ready to say good bye to super sweet William and perky Buffy.

Thanks so much to everyone who reviews-you guys rock! And don't forget that you can vote for this story (and other awesome ones) at:

Also-keep an eye out for my next story (though I'm admittedly quite torn between two different ideas for the next one ;( )
William woke up first and was delighted to find Buffy still snuggled up against him. He pulled her even closer and rubbed his cheek on the top of her head. He inhaled the sweet scent of her hair; he loved the strawberry shampoo she used and the deeper hints of cinnamon and spice that were uniquely Buffy. William placed a kiss on the crown of her head and whispered solemnly. “I’ll do anything for you luv; I’ll do anything to make you happy and keep you safe.” He glanced at her face to make sure she was still asleep before continuing. “Just, please don’t ever leave me; I couldn’t bear it luv.”

Buffy woke with a stretch. She giggled when her hands brushed along William’s face and hair. She brought them down to rest on his chest and propped herself up to look at him. “Hey there.” She gave him a smile.

“Good Morning kitten.”

“Were you saying something?”

“No…not really. I was just listing all of your most adorable characteristics.” He gave her a sheepish grin. “I’m sorry if I woke you.”

She slid her arms around him and kissed his chest. “That’s okay; this is a nice way to wake up.” She looked back up at him. “I like having you in my bed.”

“Rather like being here myself.” He laughed quietly. “After tonight, I don’t suppose we are likely to get this chance again soon.”

Buffy nodded her head. “You’re probably right. We’ll have to go camping.”
He frowned. “I didn’t really have you pegged as the outdoor adventure type.”

“I’m not.” She wrinkled her nose and giggled. “But camping is almost always a parent-approved weekend activity. We get a group of friends together for a camping trip and then we get to share a tent.”

“Ahh,” William nodded in understanding; “that’s very resourceful of you pet.”

“Maybe we can get your friends Xander and Willow to come; they seem like they could use a few hours alone in a tent together.”

Chuckling, William nodded. “You’ve noticed?”

“That she’s crazy about him and he’s clueless? Yeah I think the whole school knows.”

He laughed again and shook his head. “Do you think everyone knew about me? I mean do you think they…”

“I don’t think so. Faith noticed, well she noticed how I felt and said that she thought you were maybe interested too.”

Grinning, William bent to kiss her forehead. “That would be an understatement, but generally accurate.”

She giggled and raised her face more so that he could reach her lips.

They kissed good morning softly.

William cupped the side of her face and gave her a sober look. “How…how are you feeling? Are you sore or…” he shrugged.

“I’m okay. A little sore, but mostly it just feels like I got a good workout yesterday.”

He couldn’t keep the self-satisfied grin her words brought from sweeping across his face. “I gave you good workout did I?” His tongue came up to play across the tips of his teeth as he gave her a suggestive look.

Buffy blushed. “William!” She swatted him lightly. “Where is that stuff coming from?”

He gave her a confused look. “What stuff exactly?”

“The sexy talk stuff. You’re all shy one minute and then it’s like bam here comes a whole different William.”

He paled. “You don’t like it when I say…I’ll stop.”

“No. It’s not that I…I like it; it’s hot when you go all bad boy. I’m just surprised is all.”

“So you like it?”

“Obviously,” she smiled; “come on you’ve noticed how much it turns me on when you start up the sexy talk.”

His smile came back. “I thought so, but if you don’t like it.”

“I just said that I did.”

He nodded. “Good. I…I want to make you happy Buffy.”

“You do William.” She took in the shy look he was giving her and smiled. She marveled over the contradictions that formed the man in her arms and couldn’t have fought off the urge to kiss him if she tried. She didn’t bother trying.

He moaned when she pressed her lips against his and immediately slid his tongue through to greet hers. Gripping her shoulders, he turned them both and pressed her onto her back beneath him.

When he pulled his mouth off hers and brought it down to her breasts, she whimpered but pushed him away. “William, I’m…I am a little sore and I have to cheer today…maybe we shouldn’t…I’m sorry, I …”

“Shh luv,” he brushed his lips across hers; “Don’t ever be sorry for that. I don’t want to hurt you. If you’re feeling sore than maybe I should give you a little kiss to make you feel better.”

Buffy’s eyes widened and she blushed as his intent became clear. “You really want to?”

He nodded.

“I’ve never…you don’t think it would be too…”



“If you don’t want me to then I won’t pet; you have to know that I’d never do anything you didn’t want…”

“I know…it’s just…I thought that guys didn’t really like to do that.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know about other guys luv. I just know that I want make my girl feel good.” He lowered his voice to a suggestive whisper. “Don’t you think it would feel good?” When her only response was a shudder, he brought his mouth back to her breasts and gently suckled one nipple and then the other.

Her back arched as her fingers found their way into his hair. She gasped when she felt his teeth come down lightly on her nipple. “Oh!”

“Too much?”

Her head shook frantically. “No…no, it’s good.”

He ducked his head and began a trail of kisses down her chest and stomach.

Buffy clenched her eyes shut and tried to still her nerves as he gently pushed her thighs apart.

“So pretty.” He kissed the inside of each trembling thigh. “Every part of you is so pretty kitten.”

She could feel his hot breath against her. She whimpered.

William brought a single finger to caress her moist folds. He dropped a kiss on the top of the soft curls between her legs. “Just going to make you feel good luv, I promise.”

And he did.

Buffy held up the bottle. “Come on; you know you want to give it a try.”

“Quite the opposite actually.”

She pouted. “Lot’s of guys do it.”

He grinned. “Bully for them.”


“Shouldn’t you hurry kitten? You don’t want to be late.”

Buffy grumbled. “It’s not like I wanted to use the red.” She quickly finished painting her fingernails alternately red and black to match her cheering uniform and then began the shaking and blowing ritual that probably didn’t make them dry any faster. “Black nails are like punk. Plenty of bad boy types have punk nails.”

“I see,” he gave her a quizzical look; “you’re really rather stuck on the idea that I’ve got some kind on evil alter ego.”

“Not evil really, just… you know… a little bad,” she grinned; “and a lot sexy.”

“If you say so.” William turned away to hide his blush. For some reason he found that most of his boldness slipped away as soon as they got dressed. He turned back and looked at his girl, his girl, sitting cross-legged surrounded by nail and hair products on the bed that they had shared the night before and smiled. A few days earlier, he’d been sure that he was about to lose everyone he cared about and now his mother was set to come home from the hospital in the morning and the girl of his dreams said she loved him too. He felt like he was in a daze. He felt like he was too happy. He was waiting to find out that it was all a dream.

Forty minutes later, as they drove over to the school, reality stepped in.

“You understand right?”

William nodded. “Of Course. It’s fine.”

“It’s just…I only broke up with Angel like a week ago and some people don’t even really know yet. Everyone will think I’m like a giant slut-bag if they…”

“You don’t need to explain Buffy. If you don’t want anyone to know about… It’s fine.”

“Just for a little while okay?”

“Whatever you like.”

Buffy sighed. William hadn’t looked at her since she’d said that she thought they should keep their new relationship secret for a while. He said it was fine, but she knew he was unhappy. She just wasn’t sure what to do. Cordy and some of the others had already given her a hard time about breaking up with Angel and he had accused her of cheating. No one was going to believe that she and William had only gotten together that weekend.

He pulled in to the student parking lot. “Did you want me to drop you off where no one can see you getting out of my car?” he asked quietly.

“I get out of your car all the time; everyone knows we’re friends. We don’t have to pretend not to know each other, just like no PDA’s or big announcements for a little while.”

He nodded and grabbed his bag.

Buffy followed him out of the car. “So I’ll see you in a little bit.”

He nodded again.

“Hey maybe you can take a work break around half-time and visit me.”
He knew he wasn’t acting very mature. He understood that she had reasons and that it wasn’t meant to be a hurtful request, but all he could think about was that his girl had just said that she didn’t want anyone to know about them. She didn’t want him to touch her or kiss her if anyone else was around. He felt like a dirty little secret. He felt like she was ashamed of him. He was sure that if he met her eyes he’d start crying, so he didn’t. William gave her a shrug and headed towards the library.

Buffy sighed again as she watched him head off toward the library for a moment. She gave her head a quick shake and decided that it was a problem she would have to deal with later. She ran off towards the football field.

“Oh you came.” Cordelia actually managed to look surprised.

“Why wouldn’t I come?”

“I’m just surprised that you would want to be here cheering for Angel when you obviously think so little of him.”

Buffy just stared at her for a moment. “I’m a cheerleader; I cheer for the whole team. And, not that I think it is really any of your business or even important at all, but I think that Angel is a good guy and a great player and I have no problem with cheering for him.”

Faith watched Buffy’s response with a grin. Go B, she thought, don’t let her get under your skin. She walked over. “Hey Buff! Do you have a sec to run down that new pattern with me?”

The pretty blonde smiled gratefully in response. It was a fairly transparent excuse, designed to save her from dealing with Cordy, but she was happy to take it. “Sure.”

Buffy was able to stay busy with Faith until the game started. She went into auto-pilot at that point, her body moving smoothly through all of the routines without conscious thought. Which was good, she realized as things were wrapping up, since her mind was anywhere but on the game. The night before had changed her, she realized, and not in some cheesy now-I’m-a- woman kind of way. William’s love made her feel different; it was like she saw herself through new eyes. She felt clever and powerful and bold. And mostly, she felt lucky. She was thinking about how lucky she was to have found him when she heard Faith calling her. “Yo Earth to B.”


“Wow. That must have been some daydream. Wanna share?”

“What? No. I was just…I was just thinking.” She couldn’t quite hold off her blush.

“Yeah?” Faith tipped her head to the side and studied her. “So how’re you doing with that bones-jumping plan? And do I detect an air of extreme satisfaction?” She smirked at Buffy’s increasingly pink cheeks and gaping mouth. She gave her a big smile. “I knew it. Go B! Is he as much fun as I thought?”


“Oh come on. You can’t hold back on me now; I’m living vicariously.”

Buffy laughed at her friends mock pout. “All right, I’ll share but you’ve got to promise to keep it to yourself.”

“I’m a vault.”

“Ok so…”

“Hey Buffy can we…do you think we could talk for a minute?”

Surprised, Buffy turned to find Angel standing there with an anxious expression. She nodded. “Yeah. I guess that would be ok.” She turned to look suggestively at Faith.

“Oh hey I’ll um…I’ll just catch up with you in a little bit.” Faith turned to give Angel a warning glance before walking away.

“So umm…what did you want…”

“I was really out of line Buffy. The other day...I shouldn’t have…I was just really hurt, but that’s no excuse; I shouldn’t have said those things. I just wanted to say that.” He stopped suddenly and stood there looking awkward.

“I…thanks…I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I know.”

Buffy bit her lip. She felt like she owed him a little honesty in return. “I …you were a little bit right…I, I never cheated Angel, but I do have feelings for…”


She nodded. “I didn’t plan it.”

William walked along the edge of the field his eyes seeking the small blonde girl that had so quickly come to hold his heart. The smile that stretched across his face immediately upon spotting her, faded just as fast when he noticed who she was talking to.
End Notes:
Review Please! :D
This story archived at http://