Fever by m00nst0ne
Summary: Buffy is seventeen and William is twenty-eight. He is her next door neighbour. One day, he finds himself unable to ignore the fact that the gawky fourteen year old he once knew is blossoming into a gorgeous young woman... *****WINNER***** AT THE RWSA AWARDS ROUND 2 - BEST WIP!! *****RUNNER UP****** AT THE CRADLE OF HUMANITY AWARDS ROUND 2 - RESPECTED FAMILY AWARD!!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: No Word count: 24764 Read: 22579 Published: 06/17/2008 Updated: 11/02/2008
5 by m00nst0ne
Author's Notes:
This chapter fills in some blanks and sets the scene for things to come... I hope you enjoy!!
Dropping to his knees, his hips thrusting his cock wildly against his hand. His jeans were already damp from the constant trickle of precum which served only to drive him wilder. He was almost there. The fact that his cock was restrained by the taut denim made the friction almost unbearable and all the more pleasurable. It was dirty and wrong and it felt fucking amazing.

His movements were frenzied now, his jaw slack as he watched her toss her head from side to side in obvious delight, her fingers kneading her breasts hard. As her mouth formed a silent ‘o’ of delight, he roared, his cock spurting hot jets of spunk into his jeans. He bucked helplessly as he felt the wetness seep through the denim instantaneously. Shuddering, he grunted as he felt the final moments of release wash through his body. Shit, I haven't come like that since I was fifteen… Panicked, he threw himself backwards, wondering if she’d witnessed him tossing himself off like some love sick puppy.

But she had gone.


Scrambling to his feet, he edged slowly towards the window. Conscious that she could reappear at any moment, he pressed his back to the wall and peered cautiously around the edge of the curtain.

Movement below caught his attention. It was Buffy. With a man. A boy. Getting into a car. She had chosen a low cut red halter to replace the cream lace top from earlier. And she looked hot. He winced as he watched her laughing and giggling as she clipped on her belt. Had he been dreaming? He looked down at the stained denim. No, not a dream. He watched the car roar off. A nightmare more like.


“William, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Joyce greeted him warmly.

“Sorry to disturb you Joyce, I wondered if I could come in for a moment.”

“Of course! Please don’t tell me Buffy has been playing her music too loud again. I do tell her but she insists on-”

“It’s not loud music that brings me here – it’s more of a favour I need to ask really.” William shuffled his feet nervously in the hallway.

“You know, anything you need, I’m here to help. That’s what neighbours are for!” She took William’s elbow and led him through to the kitchen. “I was about to make myself a hot chocolate – would you like one?”

“Erm.” He looked at his watch anxiously.

“Please, I insist.” She laid a hand on his arm.

William grinned. “Alright, that would be wonderful.”

“So, how I can help?” Joyce placed two cups on the counter along with a bag of marshmallows. She winked. “It’s not proper without marshmallows now is it?”

“Indeed.” He couldn’t help but like Joyce. She was a lovely woman, a good mother with a kind heart. “Again, I am sorry to disturb you but you see my flight leaves in the morning and I was rather hoping you could keep an eye on the place for me whilst I’m gone. You know, water the plants, report any intruders and the like.”

“Of course I will – I do hope everything is alright though?” She probed gently.

“Well, I’ve been promising my father I’d visit for some time now and I’m rather overdue. I thought whilst I’m between contracts I’d take advantage and have myself a holiday.” He said rather unconvincingly.

Joyce stirred the hot chocolate thoughtfully. “See, that’s a shame because I’d actually been thinking of asking for your help with a little problem I’ve been having.”

“Oh?” William’s brow shot up.

“Yes.” Joyce sighed. “It’s Buffy.”

William squirmed in his seat. Dear god, no.

“She’s been struggling for some time with her History now. I accept she may not have a natural aptitude for the subject but if she’d only apply herself like I know she is capable of doing, it would make a huge difference to her final results this year.”

“Does the school not run additional classes for students who may be struggling like Buffy?”

Joyce placed a mug of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows in front of William and sat down opposite him at the breakfast bar. He sipped it nervously.

“Yes, but I’m afraid she does not have the best relationship with her teacher. She refers to him as Mr. A. Hole.”

William grinned and Joyce couldn’t help but grin back. “I know, she’s insufferable but I also know a bad teacher can impact greatly on the quality of learning and I don’t want Buffy to suffer because of something out of her control. I know if she had the right support and guidance, she would be able to improve on her grades. I know you've been taking a break from your tutoring but I was hoping to appeal to your sweet nature!” She was embarrassed.

William nodded. “I see.”

“To be honest William, I am concerned about Buffy at the moment and it goes beyond her grades at school.”

William’s stomach knotted in anticipation of what Joyce was going to say next. Had she noticed something between them? Or was Buffy in another kind of trouble?

“She’s out tonight with this boy, Angel. She may well have mentioned him to you.”

“Yes, she has but only in passing. I get the impression she’s rather taken with him.” He swallowed hard to suppress the rising bile.

“And therein lies the problem. My friend at the gallery knows his family quite well and can I just say, his reputation precedes him.”

“Have you tried-”

“Talking to her about it? What seventeen year old girl is going to listen to their mother’s advice about boys. I grounded her so she couldn’t go to his eighteenth party but I can’t ground her forever can I? The more I pull in one direction, the more she pulls in the other.”

“Teenage girls eh?” William smiled tightly.

“She’s going through a phase I’m sure – she may think she’s in love with him now but in twelve months time it’ll be Angel who?” Joyce laughed.

“In love?” William choked.

“Aren’t all seventeen year old girls in love?” She smiled. “I just wish she’d fallen for someone who was worthy of her love. I was rather hoping you would be able to help with her History but now you’re ready to jetset off to England I feel guilty about burdening you with all of this.”

“Nonsense. You said it yourself, neighbours are here to help. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” He put down his mug, determinedly.

“No! You can’t put off your vacation to tutor my daughter!”

“I’m sure I can change my tickets to a flight later this summer. It’s in my power to help and what kind of person would I be if I didn’t at least try? I mean with her History of course. The boy stuff-”

“Well, of course I'd pay you whatever rate you normally charge. Plus, I saw you talking at the barbecue. She seemed rather comfortable with you. Maybe she’ll open up to you.”

“I don’t know about that.” He squirmed some more. What am I bloody getting myself into?

“I can only hope. Someone needs to talk some sense in to her. Angel is bad news, I know it.”

Spike frowned. “It sounds like it.”

Suddenly, the kitchen door swung upon.

“Mom, I brought Angel in to grab a quick-” Buffy’s mouth fell open as she spied William sat at the breakfast bar talking to her mother.

William turned to face them slowly. “Good evening, Buffy. Angel.”

“Angel, this is William, our neighbour.” Joyce filled the dead air as Buffy stood slack jawed in the doorway.

Angel smiled as he slipped his arm around Buffy’s waist. “Hey, Will.”

William forced himself to return the smile. What a cock.
End Notes:
Again, can I just say I am overwhelmed by all the lovely reviews that you guys have left me - I'm blown away, really! Each and every one is appreciated so much! *hugs you all tight*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=31370