Beautiful Mistakes. by Spikes_slayer08
Runner Up at the Cradle Of Humanity Awards Round 3 for Best WIP........................

Buffy and Spike have been best friends for as long as they both can remember. After one passion filled night together Buffy and Spike find themselves in uncharted waters. Cheating partners, a bottle of Jack Daniels, tight shirts, jeans and entangled limbs. Was the night all one big mistake? Will Spike realise Buffy’s true feelings before he looses her forever? or will it all just be to little to late?

You can also find that trailer i made for the fic here:
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other, Character Death, Sexual Situations, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes Word count: 30657 Read: 32047 Published: 03/02/2009 Updated: 03/26/2010
Just kiss me. by Spikes_slayer08
Author's Notes:
A HUGE thanks to my beta Pixiecorn (Kelly) for Beta-ing this chapter *Hugs sweetie*. Also a MASSIVE thanks to Edgehead (Mel) for making the awesome banner.
Chapter 13

Just kiss me.

Buffy jumped back, squealing in shock at the brown liquid that was meant to be water that spurted from her shower head. She glanced down at her once clean white shirt and let out a groan, it was now covered in brown gunk. Quickly turning off the tap, she sighed. Her date with Spike was in less than three hours and she hadn’t even showered yet. Running from the bathroom, she moved into her mother’s old bedroom and grabbed Joyce’s black book from her bed side table.

She knew this is where her mom had kept all the numbers for the repair guys she had used in town. It didn't take her long to find the number for the local plumber, she quickly picked up the phone and dialed.

20 minutes later

“What do you mean tomorrow? I need that shower fixed now!” Buffy sighed at Pete the plumber.

“I’m sorry, Buffy but the part I need I can only get from one store in town and it’s closed now for sure.” he explained to her, sighing again she gave in.

“That’s okay Pete, I understand.” he nodded, thankful she understood. “I’ll be by in the morning Buffy, to fix the piping I promise.” She smiled as he left the bathroom. She walked him to the front door and waved goodbye as he got in his car and left.

Leaning against the doorframe, Buffy couldn’t help but panic. Spike would be at her house in just over two hours for their first real date and she smelled like the local tip. She let out a groan and was about to give up when she noticed Giles car sitting idle in his drive way.

Her eyes widened with an idea as she quickly ran up the stairs to grab her toiletries and clothes, before heading over to his place. Just as she reached his front door, Giles came walking out.

“Oh Buffy, I wasn’t expecting you.” he said, slightly surprised to see her. “I thought you and William had dinner plans?”

“We do, that’s kinda why I’m here. The pipes in the bathroom are clogged or something and Pete can’t get the part he needs to fix it until tomorrow," She was panting from her run over. "So I was wondering if I could use your shower?”

“Of course. Make yourself at home, here's the spare key.” he replied, passing her the small silver key. “Just lock up on your way out.”

“Thanks Giles.” she smiled.

“Buffy, I’m just wondering… this dinner tonight is it… a date?” he asked, slightly cautious. Buffy smiled a blush creeping its way up her cheeks.

“Actually yeah it is.” she replied, meeting his eyes.

“Well that’s wonderful. Your mother would be so thrilled.” she looked at him slightly shocked.


“Oh yes, she always hoped that you and William would be a couple.” Giles let out a laugh before continuing. “She always thought you two kids would one day get married.” Buffy smiled softy, her mom had wanted her and Spike to be a couple? She had never said anything to Buffy.

“Well I best be off.”

“Thanks again Giles.” she replied as he nodded his reply and made his way to his car as Buffy went into the house.

Spike was in a hurry, he was meant to be going to a staff meeting and was halfway there when he had been informed by another professor that the meeting had been canceled. He was thrilled, glad for the extra minuets he had to spare. He had planned to shower and change in the university gym but now he had time to go home and get ready before picking up Buffy for their date.

He was excited, a part of him felt like a teenager again, nervous and a little goofy but in a good way. He was going on a date with Buffy Summers, his best friend and the love of his life, he would finally get the chance to show her how much she meant to him and how much he wanted to be with her… forever. With a smiled on his face he entered the house and made his way up the stairs to the bathroom.

Buffy let out a content sigh as the water warmed her skin. After a few minutes she turned the tap and squeezed her hair out, making sure she got out all the water before letting it drop down. Wet strands stuck to her shoulders and back as she stepped out of the shower and moved over to the sink where her towel was. Just as her hands touched the fabric of her towel, the bathroom door swung open and Spike walked in.

Buffy stood shocked, knowing that she should yell at him to get out but no words would seem to pass her lips.

Spike stared at the beauty before him, he was beyond shocked to see her standing in his bathroom wet and naked but at the same time he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was just as he remembered, blonde locks fell around her shoulders, golden sun kissed skin, perfect soft mounds, flat and taunt stomach and her cleanly shaved mound.

He knew he should leave and give her privacy, apologise for the intrusion or even just stop looking but he couldn't seem to break his trance. With wide eyes, Buffy quickly grabbed her towel and started yelling at him.

“Damn it Spike don’t you knock!”

“Well in all fairness luv, this is my bathroom. How was I to know you would be in here...naked.” He tried to stop his eyes from roaming her body but couldn't seem to stop.

“Just get out!” She yelled, eyes wide as she pointed at the door. Not saying a word, he quickly turned and shut the door behind him, leaning against it he tried to collect himself.

More than anything he wanted to go back into that bathroom, rip the towel from her body and make love to her but that was wrong. He couldn’t possibly do that, she would never let him.

Would she?

No, no she wouldn’t. Trying to get his breathing under control, he took deep steady breathes; his heart was hammering in his cheat, hands were shaking and his cock was rock hard. The image of her wet and naked in his bathroom popped into his head and all logic and reason flew out the window.

Screw it! he thought as he threw the bathroom door open. Buffy gasped in surprise when he walked back in, her hands just fixing the towel around her body. He moved across the bathroom in a few large steps, grabed the back of her head and smashed his lips onto her’s.

Their kiss was passionate and demanding as he pushed her back into the bathroom counter, his hands cupping her checks, moaning as their tongues brushed against each other. Breaking away for air, Spike leaned his forehead onto hers.

“Buffy,” he whispered unsure of what to do or say next, not wanting to push her any further then she wanted to go. Buffy placed a finger over his lips shushing him, tugging at her towel softly and letting it pool to the floor.

Spike stepped back slightly to admire her naked form once more, he couldn't believe it. Buffy was naked in front of him again, not by accident but because she wanted to be.

Looking into his eyes she spoke softly but confidently.

“Just kiss me.” she smiled bringing her lips to his in a gentle and loving kiss.
End Notes:
So?? what do you think? let me know :)
This story archived at http://