Beautiful Mistakes. by Spikes_slayer08
Runner Up at the Cradle Of Humanity Awards Round 3 for Best WIP........................

Buffy and Spike have been best friends for as long as they both can remember. After one passion filled night together Buffy and Spike find themselves in uncharted waters. Cheating partners, a bottle of Jack Daniels, tight shirts, jeans and entangled limbs. Was the night all one big mistake? Will Spike realise Buffy’s true feelings before he looses her forever? or will it all just be to little to late?

You can also find that trailer i made for the fic here:
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other, Character Death, Sexual Situations, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes Word count: 30657 Read: 32055 Published: 03/02/2009 Updated: 03/26/2010
In Loving Memory Of Joyce Summers. by Spikes_slayer08
Author's Notes:
A MASSIVE, HUGE thanks to my Beta Pixiecorn (Kelly) for going over this chapter for me. Also a HUGE thanks to Edgehead (Mel) for the awesome banner.
Chapter 7

In loving memory of Joyce Summers.

Buffy looked around the gallery and couldn’t believe how packed it was. People from everywhere had come to pay tribute to her mother, to her memory. She was so thankful towards her friends, they had helped out so much over the past two weeks getting everything together and she was stunned at how many local businesses had helped out too.

Donating food, drinks, art and money to help get the event together. Not one person had turned her away, many of them saying how much they missed Joyce and how she had always been there for them in a time of need.

Now the time had come, everyone was here and it was time to get the event under way. Buffy stood on the stage sidelines and skimmed over the notes in her hands one more time.

It just didn’t seem right to read from a card and with a sigh she stuffed the pages in her pocket and took a much needed deep breath, before walking out to stand in front of everyone.

The room fell silent and she smiled nervously.

“Welcome and thank you all so much for taking the time to come tonight to pay tribute to the memory of Joyce Summers… Joyce was excellent at her job, she was a great friend who was willing to lend a hand to anyone who needed it. She was a wonderful mother… my mother.” she took a deep breath before continuing.

“Very few of you know me,” she scanned the crowd. “Many of you have never met me but like my mother, art is my passion. It’s my life. I have a bachelors’ degree in art from New York university where I graduated first of my class with honours. I worked for a year at Tamarind Art gallery in New York, my former boss Pat is here tonight and more than willing to tell any of you of my success in my year there.” Pat stood at the mention of her name, smiling as she raised her hand letting everyone know who she was before sitting again.

“But most importantly my passion for art came from my mother,” she let out a smile at the memory. “When I wasn’t at home I was here watching, working, learning to do what my mother did best. She had hoped that I would one day take over for her and that day has come much sooner than either of us thought it would.” Buffy’s eyes welled with tears. “In a completely different way than what we had planned.”

“This gallery was my mother’s life,” she scanned the crowd, willing her tears not to fall. “Her dream and that dream is dying… over the past few months things haven’t been going well for the gallery so i’ve asked you all here for a few reasons. To pay tribute to a great woman, fantastic friend and a wonderful mother. So those who don’t know me may have the opportunity to get to know me, and most importantly to raise awareness.”

“Most of you probably didn’t know that my mother was sick,” she let out a sad smile. “She was never one to complain. She…my mother had a brain tumour and while the doctors were able to successfully remove it, weeks later she suffered from an aneurism that claimed her life. That is why tonight, 50% of the profits made here this evening will go towards research for a cure. It won’t help to save my mother’s life b-but it could very well save someone else’s life…” Buffy took a deep breath and scanned the crowd, meeting a few peoples eyes. “So I ask you to dig deep in the loving memory of Joyce Summers.”

“I will now hand you over to my auctioneer, who most of you are familiar with as he has been with this gallery for seven years, Andrew.”

Buffy spent most of the evening getting to know everyone there, she was pleased with the turn out and a little surprised at the amount of people who were buying the galleries more expensive pieces.

The night had been a success, they had sold every piece of art work donated and others that had been hanging around the gallery walls. Buffy smiled at the number of phone numbers and details she’d been given. Her appointment book was now completely booked out for the next two months.

Things were finally picking up, the gallery was going to make it and it was all thanks to one person… Spike and his bright idea and endless support.

She scanned through the crowd, smiling at her guests as they slowly started to depart. Faith and Andrew where at the entrance, smiling and thanking everyone for coming.

It didn’t take Buffy long before she spotted him, standing across the room and smiling brightly. She took a few steps towards him but was cut off by Angel and his date.

“Hey, so things turned out great.” he smiled.

“Yeah, they did.” she smiled back, giving him a quick hug. “Thank you so much for all your help, I really appreciate it.”

He nodded and smiled down at her.

“I didn’t get to introduce you before, you’ve been so busy tonight but this is Cordy, my fiancé?” he smiled.

“Oh my god, you’re getting married?”

“I asked her last week.”

“That’s awesome, congratulations you guys…. See I told you it would happen, I’m a big fan by the way I watch your show religiously.”

Cordy blushed, smiling.

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you Buffy, Angel has told me so much about you.”

“All good I hope.”

“Of course.” Angel smiled.

“I was going to ask you, Buffy,” Cordy met her gaze. “Do you know the artist of the piece I brought tonight?”

Glancing down at the painting in the actresses hand, Buffy blushed.

“Ah yeah, I do actually.”

“Oh fantastic! I just love her work, I saw a few pieces of her’s in New York last year and just fell in love,” she let out a laugh. “Could you possibly arrange a meeting with her so we can discuses my buying pieces like this one off her regularly?”

“That could be arranged seeing as I’m the artist… that’s actually one of my pieces.”

“Oh my god! Really?” Buffy nodded, smiling. “Wow! Well I love your work but I’m confused, the painting is signed by Elizabeth.”

Buffy let out a laugh.

“My birth name is actually Elizabeth, Buffy is a pet name my mom gave me as a kid and it kinda stuck.”

“Well in that case Elizabeth, can we make an appointment to meet next week?”

“I’m actually completely booked out for the next two months but if you promise to call me Buffy, then I’m sure I can meet you one day for lunch.” Cordy smiled brightly.

“You got a deal, Buffy.” She said extending her hand.

Shaking it eagerly, Buffy led her towards her appointment book, leaving Angel alone. Angel glanced up from where he was standing to see Spike eyeing him off suspiciously, with a smile he headed over to him.

“Spike right?”


“I’m Angel.” He said, extending his hand. Spike only raised an eyebrow in response, making it clear he wasn’t going to shake his hand.

“I remember.” Spike snapped, Angel took a deep breath before continuing.

“So I hear tonight was your idea.”

“It was.”

“It was brilliant.”

Spike smiled slightly, taken by surprise.

“Thanks. So you and Cordy, huh? I love her show.”

“Yeah, we actually went to high school together,” Angel let out a laugh. “It’s funny ’cause we never really talked to each back then. She was the school geek and I was the jock.” Spike frowned, the story sounded slightly familiar. “But I always noticed her, was just to scared to make a move, afraid she would laugh at me, scared of what my mates would say… Then we ran into each other in L.A three months ago and just clicked instantly. She is defiantly not the girl she us to be, I mean look at her, she is drop dead gorgeous.”

“And if she was still the geek?” Spike asked, raising his eyebrow.

“I would still marry her in a heartbeat.”

“Wait, you guys are getting hitched?”

“Yeah,” he smiled, glancing at his fiancé from across the room. “I’m only sorry I didn’t ask her out sooner, you know back in high school. I think of all the time we’ve missed, all the time we could have had together. It seems silly now and I dug the geek look she had going. She was so adorable, long dark hair, glasses, always wearing these jean overalls.” Angel laughed at the memory.

“Besides life’s to short not to tell the one you love how you feel.” Angel said looking at Spike who was looking directly at Buffy.

“You’re right about that.” Spike sighed.

“So when are you going to ask Buffy out?” Spike looked like a deer caught in head lights.

“W..What? Buffy and I are j.. just friends.” Spike stammered.

“Ha, and I’m the Easter bunny.”

Spike chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

“I’m that obvious?”

“You look at Buffy like I look at Cordy…. A man in love, any fool could see it.”

“So what should I do?”

“Tell her, she may surprise you.”

Spike smiled, every part of him wanted to tell Buffy how he really felt but he couldn’t, not yet. Not until he was sure he at least slightly stood a chance and he knew he had to win her trust back first.

“You know you’re not half bad, peaches.” Spike smirked, patting him on the back.

“Right back at you, bleach boy.” They both laughed, stopping when Buffy and Cordy joined them.

“What’s so funny?” Buffy asked with a smile.

“Nothing luv, just guy stuff.”

“Well, we should be off.” Angel smiled, holding out his hand to Cordy. “It was nice meeting you properly, Spike,” he turned towards Buffy. “And congratulations’ on a successful night, Buffy.”

“Thanks again, Angel.” she smiled.

“I’ll see you next Friday, Buffy.” Cordy smiled as they headed out the front entrance.

Buffy looked around the gallery to finally find it empty, only she and Spike stood in the main foyer now. With a smile she turned to meet his gaze.

“What a night.”

“I think you can safely say it was a success.” Spike replied.

“And it’s all thanks to you.”

“I didn’t do anything, this was all you, Buffy.”

“Are you kidding me? If it wasn’t for you this place would probably be up for sale right now, not just because this whole night was your idea but because of all the help you rallied up from some of the local businesses and your support through all this… I owe you.”

“Yeah,” he smirked. “and how ever will you repay me?” Buffy looked up and smiled seductively.

“How would you like me to repay you?” her voice came out husky and low. She took a step closer to him and pressed her body against his. Spike swallowed the lump in his throat and met her eyes, the look on her face was enough to make him weak at the knees.

He had never seen Buffy like this before, his whole life Buffy had been shy and reserved and now looking at her, how much she had changed in their four years apart she was a goddess, sensual, seductive, one word, and one look could turn him into a bumbling idiot in seconds.

She oozed sexuality and it only made him want her more. Buffy didn’t know what she was doing, the night had gone by so quick, she had rushed around the gallery making sure everyone was happy and taken care of and now she just felt like doing something wild.

She felt hot under the skin and the way Spike was staring down at her only made her hotter. He had his head tilted with his trade mark smirk lining his face and was looking down at her like he wanted nothing more than to devourer her.

Every part of her wanted him to.

“Well?” she asked, the word coming out as a mere whisper.

“I can think of a few ways to repay me.” He whispered huskily, sliding his hand up her body, past her hips, up her arm and cupping her check. He leant forward, his lips a breath away from touching hers.

Buffy felt like she couldn’t breathe, her skin was flushed and if he didn’t kiss her soon she was sure she would explode.

“Show me,” she whispered.

Spike could feel her hot breath on his face, her warm skin under his hand, he was hard as a rock and just moments away from smashing his lips down onto hers…

“Hey guys we’re all hea…” Faith started talking as she walked out of Buffy’s office, stopping and looking up just in time to see Buffy jump away from Spike like he had burnt her with his touch.

Spike sighed and glared at Faith, feeling beyond annoyed. “So close” he thought “so bloody close”.

Buffy didn’t know whether she wanted to thank or kill Faith for her interruption.

“Did I interrupt something?” Faith asked, smiling knowingly.

“No not at all, what’s up?” Buffy replied quickly, hoping she didn’t sound nervous.

“Um…. We’re all heading to the Bronze to celebrate, you guys want to come with?”

“That would be great, I could blow off some steam… I-I’ll just grab my purse.” Buffy smiled, walking past her and disappearing into her office.

“Blowing off steam was defiantly of the good.” she couldn’t help but think.

Faith smiled up at Spike who had a look of frustration and confusion on his face.

“I did interrupt something didn’t I?” Faith asked again, Spike simply smiled and took a deep breath before turning and walking out into the cool night, desperately needing to calm down.

“Oh yeah,” Faith laughed. “I defiantly interrupted something.”

With a sighed, she gathered her things and prepared to lock up the gallery. She wish Buffy and Spike would get the act together, they were clearly into each other and defiantly meant for each other, she just hoped they saw that soon.
End Notes:
A huge thanks to all you patient readers, what do you think?? any good?? let me know :)
This story archived at http://