Coming Back Home by Bloody_Hell
Summary: Each summer, Buffy Summers traveled from the States to England to visit her Grandparents and a good friend of hers, Spike, who lived next door. Then, one summer--the summer Buffy turned sixteen--things changed; she and Spike fell in love. But the summer Buffy turned eighteen, she left Spike so she could return to school and start her career. She returns to England a decade later, and everything has changed Just a couple of chappies.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 3209 Read: 3485 Published: 07/27/2009 Updated: 07/29/2009
Moments by Bloody_Hell
Author's Notes: someone mentioned that Buffy didn't date anymore just because of Spike...not true. In the last chapter I wrote that Buffy was so busy with work and school that she didn't have time for much else. She did have a life lol but dating wasn't high on her list.
In all the time that she’d been gone he had moved on with someone else…had fallen in love with someone else, while she refused to date at all. Not just because she still felt for him, though that was a major reason; but also because she was too busy with work and school that there really wasn’t any time for her to have a social life. Between going to Juilliard, bartending weekend nights and teaching a dance class on the side she barely had any time to herself. But she loved it…being busy kept her mind off of Spike and what could have been.

Chapter 2: Moments

Buffy slowly felt herself waking from her sleep, and pulled the covers over her head when her Nana pulled the drapes open and the bright light from the outside came shining through.

“Come on, pet. Time to wake up now, we have a big day ahead of us.” The only response that Buffy’s grandma got was a moan, and the girl snuggling further into her duvet. “Oh, darling…you having changed one bit.” Nana sat down on the edge of her bed. “You were always ridiculously terrible to wake up.” The old lady laughed as she nudged her granddaughter.

“Nana…it’s a Sunday! Can’t I just sleep in?” Buffy whined.

“I wish you could, luv but your Grandfather wants all four of us to go to church together this morning.”

“Church? I’m not really a Church goer person I’d rather just…wait four?” Buffy raised an eyebrow at her grandmother.

That was when she heard her grandfather’s booming accented voice. “Spike! Get your arse up and get ready…we’re goin’ to Church!”

Buffy laughed when she heard Spike cursing in the room beside hers, as he got ready. “Now you should probably do the same, pet. Don’t want grandpa to get grumpy now do we?”

* * * * *

Buffy and Spike were seated together in the church, both feeling oddly uncomfortable in their setting. Her grandparents were seated next to her and both were listening intently, while Buffy couldn’t seem to focus at all.

“You feel the same way, eh pet?” Spike whispered in her ear.

“I haven’t been in a church since I was a kid.” Buffy replied back quietly. “How’s the suit treating you?” Buffy teased knowing that Spike and formal wear was a definite no-go.

“I feel like I’m being choked to death by this tie.” He yanked on it a little bit. “Suits are always so bloody hot.” He pulled his collar away from his neck.

Buffy snorted quietly, but got a glare from her grandfather. She silently apologized. “How can you say that when you spent majority of your time in leather?”

“That’s different. At least I look badass in leather. This monkey suit is doing nothing but making me look like a ponce.” Spike stated in disgust.

Buffy giggled softly. “Actually I have to disagree. That ‘monkey suit’ makes you look quite appealing.” She teased.

That caused Spike to raise an eyebrow. Never once had Buffy made a compliment towards him admitting that he was attractive. It was always a thing between the two of them: she would always say that his hair was awful and he was too skinny for his own good, and he would always say that she was so annoying when she babbled and she should lay off the Twinkies. But now…she was saying she digged him in a suit. That made a smirk grow on his face. He could play.

He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “Is it the suit or what’s under it that you find appealing?” he purred out, making the woman next to him shiver slightly.

Buffy’s eyes widened briefly before her face set in a scowl. She nudged the blonde man beside her. “Spike! We are in a church…that is so inappropriate.” She reprimanded in hushed tones.

The blonde man chuckled. “Stop acting so innocent, pet. It’s not like you haven’t seen it all before…” Spike leaned in to her ear. “Or vise versa.” Now that she was back it was so easy to fall back into old routines as if she never left.

“Spike, keep quite, that is not something I want my grandparents to know.” Buffy argued.

Nana leaned across her husband. “We’re not stupid, dear. We knew what the two of you were up to…you’re just lucky that your grandfather has a slight hearing problem, otherwise it wouldn’t have gone on for as long as it did.” Nana stopped to watch the shocked looks on her granddaughter and Spike’s face. “Now, please be silent during the rest of the Mass.”

The two nodded, and focused on everything but each other.

* * * * *

Buffy and Spike trailed behind her grandparents as they were leaving the church.

“That…was so embarrassing! Spike, I can’t believe they knew the whole time!” she exclaimed as she whacked him with her purse.

“Oi! Don’t be hitting me…I wasn’t the only one involved in those sessions.” The blonde man chuckled.

Buffy shook her head at him and forced back a smile. “Just get in the car, Sparky.” She pushed him into the backseat, and followed suit.
When they got back to the house, Buffy quickly changed out of her church clothes, to slip into a pair of jeans and a hoodie, and then made her way outside to her little meadow. Spike was already there; still in his suit sans jacket, but with his shirt sleeves rolled up and his tie undone.

Buffy walked up behind him and sat beside him. Spike didn't look at her, just stared at the grass in front of him. “Why didn’t you come say goodbye to me when you left?” he murmured. “You just left…hopped on a plane without even letting me know.”

“You knew I was leaving…I told you that.” Buffy defended.

Spike finally turned his head her way. “Yeah you told me…but you never said when, and you left without saying a word to me.” the blonde man tried to contain the hurt look on his face, but he knew Buffy would see it anyway. She knew him too well.

Buffy looked down at her hands. “Look I’m sorry, I just couldn’t do that. It was too hard…I tried, believe me I tried. It would have been too hard to leave if I was leaving you.” She admitted in a small voice. She felt a talk coming on. Like the one’s they use to have when they would talk about their relationship.

“And would that have been so bad? If you had just stayed…with me?” The look in Spike’s eyes made Buffy want to weep. His icy blues we’re sharp and bright.

Buffy sighed deeply. “It’s not like I wanted to leave you…I had a future at Juilliard, it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up, and I knew I’d be back here some day. It just took me a lot longer than I thought it would. It was easier to just go.” She reached for Spike’s hand and held it in hers.

Spike squeezed her petite hand lightly. “Not for me it wasn’t.” He closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. “I had to hear it from Nana that you left…That you had already said you’re goodbyes to everyone: Cecily, our friends…everyone but me. That hurt me more than I can say Buffy.” He paused. “You know I only started seeing Dru in an attempt to get over you. It didn’t work…so I broke up with her.” He laughed to himself. “Why do you think she burned down my flat?”

“I’m sorry, Spike.” She apologized. For his flat, for leaving him, for breaking his heart…for everything.

“Just tell me next time you decide to flee the country.” Spike half joked.

Buffy smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “I’m not leaving this time. I plan on staying…finding my place here.” There was nothing for her in the States anymore now that school was over, and her parents were off traveling around the world, enjoying their early retirement. “I figured what better place to settle down than here.” she stated softly glancing around.

Spike smiled, actually smiled, and not smirked. “Really?”

Buffy just nodded and put her other hand on top of both of theirs. “You see I have everything I could possibly need here. I can teach at the dance studio I used to go to. I’m sure Mrs. Finnegan wouldn’t mind her favorite student teaching for her.” She giggled. “And in time I can open my own studio. Nana will for sure let me stay in the guest house until I find a place of my own. So that’s a job, a flat…” she counted on her fingers. “And then that other thing.” She said nonchalantly.

Spike frowned. “What other thing?”

Buffy perked up. “Oh…you!”

Spike grinned, and pulled her into his arms, peppering her face with soft kisses. “I like the sound of that.” He whispered against her lips.

Buffy pulled away for a second to look at him. She placed her hand against his cheek. “So whaddya say? Are we in this together? You here with me?”

“You know I am. Do we just pick up where we left off?” he asked watching her face for any sign that she held doubts. He saw none.

Buffy smirked naughtily. “Well if we do that…if I remember correctly that was upstairs…in my bedroom?”

Spike smirked back. “I believe so. We should probably get on that.” Buffy hopped up and Spike chased her into the house and up the stairs.

Nana could only smiled fondly and shake her head. “Henry!” she called out to her husband that was in the living room. He walked into the kitchen.

“Yes Dear?”

“Let’s go for a walk.” She dragged him out of the house by his arm.

.....unless you want a sequel...let me know!
End Notes:
thank you for reading...this is it for now but i'm think of a sequel....let me know if you'd be into that!
This story archived at http://