A World Unseen, Sequel to Hold me, I'm Sick by Spikes KittyKat
Summary: This is a sequel to Hold me I'm Sick. Spike was allowed into Buffy's house but not quite into Buffy's life. When the duo are trapped together in a hidden world, can they save the day as well as each other?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes Word count: 19377 Read: 10554 Published: 08/06/2009 Updated: 09/07/2009
Chapter 9: Surprises by Spikes KittyKat
Author's Notes:

Chapter 9: Surprises

Spike had dried his eyes and was looking presentable by the time Skuttle appeared. He had fought hard and long with the natives that had come to take him away and managed to kill quite a few before more had appeared making the fight useless. His body was still bloody and he was tired from having lost a lot of blood in this battle as well as his tantrum earlier including the game of vampire verses stonewall. Ten natives were now holding spike with five more pointing wooden weapons at him. He sighed knowing he was the one who caused the up in security after his killing of the seven natives who were holding him originally plus dozens more.

Buffy had been led into a large room where Spike was now being taken. He looked up and saw Buffy was standing being held in a similar fashion. He broke the hold running over to Buffy knocking her natives aside hugging her tightly. Skuttle chanted something, which threw Spike against the wall and Buffy against the other. Buffy’s eyes grew large as she noticed when Skuttle’s hands were above his head chanting, that the silver ball that had caused all the trouble in the first place, was on his belt hanging by a pouch. She glanced towards Spike who was busy swearing at Skuttle not noticing her or the ball. She knew if the ball was to be retrieved it would be up to her and her only.

Buffy took a deep breath and starting fighting hard against the magic and barely managed to move much less escape as the natives quickly advanced on her. She noticed their new friends were being held captive too but they were being held with only a few natives each. To them those few probably seemed like a lot but to her that seemed like nothing. She had already killed five before they had managed to bring her into the room using weapons. She was more than prepared to take out more before succumbing to Skuttles wishes.

Her blood filled the air from the various sword wounds and arrow wounds. She had a slight limp but she knew she could escape if she could just break the magic. Spike and Skuttle were really into a word battle now despite the fact that Spike was still held against the wall by magic. She struggled some more and felt a slip in the magic holding her, just for a moment but long enough that she was recognize she might be able to break free. She struggled some more as Spike called Skuttles some choice names and she felt another shimmer in the magic. She fought harder knowing this was her chance.

As the shield shimmered one last time, she slammed her fist into it breaking free. Spike noticed what Buffy had been able to do but only upped his insults ensuring Skuttles’ attention was on him and not Buffy who was now free. He threw insult after insult towards him as Buffy took her chance to race across the room throwing Skuttle hard to the ground. As he landed he kicked her hard but she didn’t allow the pain to stop her as she tackled him causing him to roll over onto his side. She could then see the silver ball clamped tightly to his waist by a leather belt. She closed her eyes for a second mustering the last bit of strength in her as she kicked him hard in the stomach and took ahold of the belt pulling hard. It wouldn’t give and Buffy panicked. She then got an idea as she threw a kick towards a native causing him to drop his weapon to the floor that was a wooden arrow with a metal tip. She nailed Skuttle in the face again and again then took the metal tip using it in one clean sweep to cut the belt off his waist.

She moved faster than she imagined as the ball landed on the floor rolling away from her. She curled into a ball rolling past Skuttle to scoop up the ball into her hands. She could hear Skuttle continue his chanting even in pain as she glanced down at the harmless looking thing. Turning it once in her hands, she studied the ball thinking all that trouble inside of a little silver thing. Shaking her head, she finally raced towards Spike. She could hear the sounds of the natives running towards her. It appeared as though everything was moving in slow motion as she thrusted the ball into Spike’s face to read the inscription. She turned it around and around only to find there was no inscription. They were stuck in this world with no way out!

Frustrated Buffy grabbed Spike yanking him from the wall as the shield shimmered as Skuttle got to his feet. Spike took the ball from her hands slamming it hard towards the ground but the ball merely stayed where it landed and didn’t break. Spike stomped on it while Buffy glanced around her looking for another answer. She kicked a native in the stomach ducking as his sword swiped at her arm. She jumped up from her kneeling spot on the ground to kick him in the face causing blood to fill the air from his broken nose. As the native went to hold his nose, she grabbed the sword stabbing him in the sword with it then used the sword to shatter the ball into existence.

For the first few minutes, nothing happened. Time stood still as the natives seemed closer and closer. Buffy sprung into action kicking Skuttle hard causing him to groan out in pain as he rolled on the ground screaming out orders to natives for reinforcements. Spike ran to Hanson’s side starting to kill the natives holding him as Buffy ran towards the ones holding Kingsley and Tasha. She could feel the air rippling around her as she fought hard with the natives. She stabbed one in the stomach only to be stabbed again in the arm. She grunted as she used her good arm to swing the sword again knocking one of the natives to the ground.

The sounds of battle filled Buffy’s ears even as the baby started to scream. Buffy ignored all the sounds forcing her mind to stay focused on the battle at hand. The room was being filled with natives as more and more appeared ready for battle. Buffy jumped over the sword that was swiped at her feet only to have an arrow pierce through her leg ripping a huge gash in it. She turned around to face the native as she cried out in pain falling to the floor in a heap. Everything happened so quickly that before she could even manage to get back up, she was being lifted into Spike’s arms as she felt his duster get tightly wrapped around her. Spike wasted no time as Tasha still holding the screaming Gerald ran towards a newly formed vortex. She leaped through quickly followed by Kingsley. As they disappeared from sight Spike yelled something towards Hanson who leaped through the vortex as well. Buffy felt weak as the vortex started wavering and she realized it was losing its intensity and stability.

Spike reacted fast though pulling Buffy closer as he raced towards the vortex leaping high through the center of it. Buffy cried out again as she landed on Spike with a thud knocking her leg hard against a branch in the center of a grassy field. Spike rolled her over protecting her as the vortex shimmered once then there was a blinding red light as the vortex shrank disappearing from sight. Buffy glanced up at Spike who was laying over her and she gave him a deep kiss thankful they were both alive and out of the vortex.

She whispered, “Thank you, thank you” over and over again until she felt Spike being moved off her by Hanson who mumbled something she didn’t understand. She watched as Spike nodded before lifting Buffy into his arms again. He started racing across the field not even slowing down with the weight of Buffy in his arms.

As Buffy felt warmth hit her body, she understood the sudden rush of speed. The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon and she knew it was close. Inside Buffy was panicking as she tried to stay as still as possible hoping and praying he reached the sewer entrance in time. He didn’t drop her as she expected when he reached the sewer entrance and instead he tried to struggle with the metal lid one handed. Buffy leaned down to help as they both fumbled with the lid making noises but not having much luck. Finally after much work they managed to open the lid allowing Spike to jump inside of it just as sunlight poured over the trees burning him on his back. She gasped hearing him howl out with pain and she heard the noise of the demon couple and Hanson jump down into the tunnel after them.

Taking a minute, Hanson sealed up the entrance tightly and Spike sighed in relief not letting Buffy go. Spike said something to Hanson who replied in term. Buffy was frustrated not able to understand anything that was being said and merely watched as Hanson patted Spike on the shoulder saying something at Spike’s grimace. He gave a slight wave towards Buffy and disappeared to the right of the tunnels leaving Buffy with Spike and the other demon couple.

Gerald was still wailing even being held now by Kingsley. Kingsley turned towards Buffy rocking Gerald as he spoke in English so Buffy could understand, “I’m glad we met you. Take care of yourself and don’t run into Skuttle anymore.”

Tasha smiled looking from Spike to Buffy with a slight nod, “You are welcome to visit at any time even into our family area. We don’t kill humans so we should be no threat towards you.”

Buffy spoke up before Spike could, “If you ever need anything, anything at all, free feel to stop by my house. I live in Revillo Drive in Sunnydale.” Buffy hesitated for a moment but then decide she did the right thing.

She smiled towards Spike who reached out shaking Kingsley’s hand and then ran an affectionate hand over Gerald’s hair and smiled at Tasha, “Take care you guys and the slayer’s offer stands by me too. I live in a crypt…”

Buffy cut him off, “Actually he’ll live with me at the same place. So if you ever need either of us, stop by there.”

Both demons smiled as they headed in the same direction Hanson did earlier. Spike raised his eyebrow towards Buffy who didn’t want to talk about it in the sewers. The smell was getting to her as she leaned her head against Spike’s chest wondering how bad his back was hurt already, “Just take me home Spike
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=35403