Crushed by yumimum
Summary: Did you ever wonder what could have happened if our favourite vamp had reacted differently after being disinvited from the Slayer’s home? Set immediately post-Crush, Spike takes a stand, and Buffy is forced to face some harsh truths. Will she finally admit her true feelings, or continue swimming in that famous river called denial? Will it even matter?

May contain mild spoilers up to and including Crush.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 14137 Read: 8613 Published: 10/25/2009 Updated: 10/28/2009
Chapter Four by yumimum
Author's Notes:
Time to wrap this one up with some more Fluffy Spuffy sexcapades. Hope you like it!
The man wasn’t kidding.

Spike slid his hands under her ass and raised Buffy’s hips to lap at her free-flowing juices. “Fuck, Buffy, you taste so good,” he said. “So sweet and juicy—could taste you forever and still not get enough.”

Running his hand over her thigh, Spike placed her leg over his shoulder and brought his thumb up to circle her throbbing bundle of nerves. Buffy panted heavily as Spike ran his tongue the entire length of her cleft and darted his tongue inside her heated channel to search for more of her sweet nectar.

Giving her engorged clit a parting kiss, Spike used his fingers to spread her swollen lips apart. He inhaled deeply as she released another rush of the aromatic moisture.

“You’re so hot, baby,” he said, slipping a finger between her folds and teasing her entrance. “Gonna burn me to ashes, you will.”

Buffy opened her mouth to deny his words, but instead, she clamped her eyes shut as Spike slowly pushed the tip of his finger inside her.

“Oh, please... please,” she said, moving her hips in a vain attempt to push him further inside. Spike chuckled at her actions and placed a hand on her hip to steady her.

Spike smirked as he pressed his finger against her hidden bud. “Please what, sweetling?” he asked, slipping inside her to the knuckle and driving Buffy insane as he quickly withdrew and brought the glistening digit to his mouth to suck it clean. “Tell me, Buffy. I want to hear the words.”

“Make me come, Spike,” she said, writhing against him. “Please... please touch me. I need you to touch me!”
“Mmm... Such pretty begging.” Spike sent her an infuriating smirk. “Your wish is my command, kitten. Hold on tight.”

Buffy’s back arched off the bed as Spike took her clit between his teeth, simultaneously plunging two fingers inside her pussy and searching her silken walls for the spot that made her buck against his hand. His senses were consumed by her, surrounded by her unique scent, thundering heartbeat and heady gasps. Spike ruthlessly flicked his tongue over her engorged clitoris, grunting his pleasure against her skin as her body gifted him with her intoxicating release. Reaching blindly for his hair, Buffy ground her body against his mouth, sending a silent prayer of thanks that her lover was not of the oxygen dependant type.

“Oh, God! So good... so close... Spike, please!”

The sensations he created overwhelmed her. Gasping for breath, she clawed at his sheets and a thin layer of sweat covered her naked skin as Spike played her body like a true musician. Spike’s teeth closed over her clit, as his relentless tongue continued to swirl around her swollen bud.

“Let it all go, sweetheart,” he said, looking into her eyes. “Come for me, Buffy.”

His words sent her rushing headlong towards completion. His digits increased their unyielding pace and upon entering a third finger inside her quivering pussy, Spike crawled up and whispered in her ear.

“Scream for me, Buffy. Scream for your man.”

And she did.

Her euphoric cry echoed throughout the room as her body exploded. Buffy convulsed beneath him as wave after wave of unimagined pleasure shook her tiny frame.

“So fucking beautiful,” Spike said reverently, as his fingers continued to stroke and manipulate her pliant folds, expertly drawing out her pleasure.

“Oh God, Spike... That was... how did you do that?

“All part of my evil plan to keep you here, luv,” he said, admiring the way her breasts jiggled as she panted for breath. “I need you.” Taking her mouth in a searing kiss, Spike swallowed her soft whimpers and poised his erect cock at her entrance. “I love you, Buffy,” he said, driving forward and burying himself to the hilt in one sure thrust.

Buffy’s fingernails dug into his shoulders as her mouth flew open in a silent scream. Her highly sensitised body shuddered at his sudden invasion. Pulling him back to her lips, Buffy mewled as Spike ground his cock in a circular motion inside her yielding body, delighting at his comfortable weight pressing her into the mattress.

“Fuck... so hot... so tight... squeeze me, baby. Let me feel that pussy strangling my dick,” he said, reaching under her ass and pulling her into his thrusts. “Wrap your legs around me, luv. I wanna get deeper. Gonna bury myself so far inside, you won’t be able to walk straight!”

“Is that your idea of sweet talk?” Buffy asked, smiling as she raised her hips to meet his every plunge.

Spike laughed as he slipped a hand between their bodies and circled her clit with his thumb. “You don’t want it sweet, Slayer,” he said, flashing a sinful smirk. “You want it hard... nasty.” Running his tongue the length of Buffy’s neck, he jerked his hips and bit down with his blunt teeth, revelling as she groaned at the contact. “You want it real.”

Angling his hips to brush against her clit, Spike thrust into her welcoming body with long steady strokes. His eyes never left those of the girl writhing and panting beneath him.

“Spike! Oh, feel so good. I’ve never felt...”

Raising his hand to brush the hair back from her face, Spike dropped soft kisses to the corners of her mouth. “Hush, sweetheart,” he said. “Just relax and let me take care of you, yeah?”

Increasing his pace, he slammed into Buffy’s warm body. Spike maintained a tight rein on his demon as it roared within him, screaming for Spike to claim what was rightfully his. His eyes flashed yellow as he fixed his sight on Buffy’s racing pulse point. Her blood beckoning him, calling him home.

Not yet, mate, he thought. Too soon. The girl’s not ready. Can’t bollocks this up now!

Without breaking their intimate connection, Spike grasped the squealing Slayer by the waist and rolled to his back, grinning uncontrollably. “Much as I love the sight of you with your legs in the air, luv, how ‘bout I let you drive for a bit, huh?”

Shaking her head in disbelief, Buffy couldn’t help smiling at the light-hearted vampire. Accustomed to his trademark smirks and scowls, she’d rarely seen a genuine smile on his lips, and she was overjoyed to know that she was responsible for putting it there.

“Such a romantic,” she said, as she unhurriedly rose and fell above him. “Can’t think why I didn’t jump your undead bones sooner!”

A deep chuckle rumbled through Spike’s chest as he grabbed her hips and slammed her down onto his length, delighting in the pleasure-filled moan that burst from her lips.

“Mmm, me neither. Who needs romance?” he asked, eyes trained on the sight of her heavenly pussy swallowing his glistening cock.

Buffy’s head lulled to the side and she released a contented sigh. The slow glide of his erection within her silken walls stretched and filled her like nothing before, rapidly pushing her towards what was sure to be a mind-blowing orgasm.

“Look at us, baby,” he said, thrusting his hips to mirror her movements. “So perfect together... I’ll never get enough of this... never gonna let you go.”

Buffy began a rhythmic clenching of her internal muscles, causing Spike to screw his eyes shut in an attempt to stave off his impending release.

“Don’t want to go. Wanna stay,” Buffy said, gasping as she rode him faster. “Never leave you... want this... want you... forever.”

Spike’s undead heart soared and his demon clamoured to the surface at her confession.

“Forever’s a long time, baby,” he said, willing his demon to stand down.

He was terrified that Buffy would see him for the monster he was and flee from his arms. Buffy watched as Spike’s demon visage burst to the forefront. The prominent bumps and ridges that had frightened her younger self now fascinated her. He was still beautiful. Spike’s vicious nature was legendary amongst the demon community, and yet, the hands that could beat the hell out of any creature touched her with an aching tenderness. Sat astride this contradiction of a vampire, Buffy felt anything but threatened.

She felt free.

Spike’s eyes fluttered open as soft fingertips ghosted over his furrowed brow. His mask melted away the instant he met Buffy’s concerned gaze.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, slowing her movements to a gentle rocking motion.

“I’m sorry, luv,” he murmured. “I tried to control it, I swear... my demon’s screamin’ at me... wants me to- -”

“Bite me?” she asked. The very thought of Spike’s fangs in her neck sent an electrified shiver racing down her spine.

Mistaking her excitement for panic, Spike rushed to reassure her. “You have nothing to fear from me, Buffy,” he said, taking her hands in his and giving them a comforting squeeze. “I promise you, I’m never gonna hurt you again. Those days are long gone.”

“I know, Spike,” she said, entwining their fingers and resting both hands on his chest. “I believe you.”

Spike could swear he felt his own heart beating in his chest. Buffy was staring at him with complete trust in her eyes, as if he was the only man in the world. In over a century, nobody had looked at him as she was now, and the feeling was overwhelming.

“It doesn’t just want to bite you, pet,” he said, glancing down nervously. “It wants to mark you as mine.” Spike was unable to meet her eyes, refusing to see the disgust and rejection that no doubt resided there.

“Are you saying you want to claim me?” she asked, a hint of trepidation creeping into her voice.

What the fuck!?

Spike’s head shot up, his surprised eyes searching her own enquiring gaze. “What do you know ‘bout claims, luv?” Spike asked, arching a scarred eyebrow. “Didn’ figure you as the research type.”

Oh boy. He’s not going to like this!

Choosing her words carefully, Buffy braced herself for a confrontation with the emotional vampire.

“Giles told me about them... when I was dating Angel,” she said, leaning down to kiss his lips when he growled in response to the mention of her ex. “He was always telling me not to let him near my neck,” she said, frowning. “I told Giles he was seriously over-stepping the normal Watcher, slayer boundaries so he explained it to me. He said that if Angel bit me he could control me through the bite.”

I always knew ol’ Ripper was a crafty bugger! Spike thought, amused at the Watcher’s clever deception, and feeling a begrudging respect for Buffy’s surrogate father.

“Sounds like you’ve been misinformed, luv,” he said, reaching up to tangle his left hand in her hair. “It’s not about control. It’s more about... belonging. If I claimed you, it would tie us together.”

“So, it’s like a marriage?” Buffy asked, wrinkling her nose as she pondered his words. “Why would Giles lie to me like that?”

“Probably didn’t know any better,” Spike said shrugging. “Council of Wankers likes to keep these things quiet. Don’t want their sweet little slayers gettin’ corrupted by nasty vampires.” Spike stroked her nipples and caused Buffy to moan. The sound travelled straight to his cock, where it twitched within her silken walls.

“Claims are rare among vamps. Most have never even heard of ‘em,” he said, continuing hesitantly. “The thing is, Buffy, the claim binds two life forces together, and most vampires are either too selfish or scared to tie their existence to another person.” Spike watched as the words sank into Buffy’s mind and understanding spread over her features. “I wouldn’t force something like that on you, sweetheart.”

“I don’t understand, Spike,” she asked. “Why would you want that with me? Slayers aren’t exactly known for their long life expectancy.”

Spike pulled her down against his chest and wrapped a secure arm around her waist. “You really are a daft chit, you know that, luv? I think all that peroxide’s affected that pretty blonde head of yours.”

Buffy shot him an offended look and frowned when he plastered an innocent look on his face. Losing herself in the myriad of emotions that flickered over his handsome features, Buffy relented as he brushed soft kisses against her face.

“Watch it, bleached wonder. You’re hardly one to talk!” she said, ruffling his hair and giggling at his indignant pout.

Tucking her blond locks behind her ear, Spike sighed, deciding to lay his cards on the table. “I never thought I’d get to experience this with anyone,” he said, staring into her eyes. “I’ve never felt like this before, Buffy. All those years I thought it was love with Dru, but it was all an illusion.” Buffy felt a tear slip down her cheek when she saw the sincerity in his eyes. “This, right here is real,” he whispered, brushing the moisture from her face with his thumb. “And I know this is crazy. I know I shouldn’t have found this with a slayer of all people, but... it feels like I’ve been waiting for you my entire existence.”

Buffy lost all semblance of control as the tears poured down her face, anointing Spike with their salty blessing.

“I love you, Buffy,” he said, kissing her wet cheeks. “If I lost you, sweetheart... I couldn’t... well, let’s just say I’d take myself on a nice early morning stroll.”

“Spike, no, don’t say that!”

“Not up for debate, luv,” he said, his tone leaving no room for discussion. “And besides, it’s a moot point anyway. I’ll be damned all over again if I’m gonna let anything happen to you.”

A thousand emotions washed over her as she listened to his words. Looking back, their entire history was a dance, with each step leading them to here and now. During the restless nights when sleep evaded her, Buffy had always feared she was falling in love with the enigmatic vampire, but now, joined so intimately, his words of devotion still echoing in her ears, she knew she had already fallen. Hook, line and proverbial sinker.

Buffy brushed a soft kiss to his lips and rose above him once more, moaning as she rocked her hips against him. Obviously, it took more than a life altering conversation to affect his desire, because Spike was still erect and throbbing within her. Lifting slowly, Buffy began a gentle rhythm, each movement rebuilding the fire between them.

“Would now be a good time to tell you, I love you?” she asked, grinning at the wide-eyed look of shock on Spike’s face. Suddenly, the room began to spin and Buffy found herself flat on her back with an eager vampire pumping between her thighs.

Spike had dreamt of this moment, but hearing the words fall from her lips was too much to bear. Buffy could see him struggling to maintain control. Smiling she pulled his face to look at her.

“Don’t hold back, Spike,” she said, caressing his cheeks. “Let me see you.” With a deep growl, he let the bones beneath her palms shift and his demon burst forth. “There’s my vampire.”

Without flinching, Buffy pulled him to her mouth and kissed his lips. Running her tongue along one lethal fang, she sliced it before plunging her bleeding tongue into his mouth. The taste of her potent blood fuelled his demon, simultaneously magnifying Spike’s arousal. The kiss turned passionate and soon they were both panting for breath. Spike rested his forehead against hers as Buffy tightened her arms around his waist.

“I don’t want to hurt you, luv,” he said, fearing his demon’s intense reaction to the girl in his arms.

“You won’t,” she said, arching into him. “I trust you, Spike.”

“I can’t promise you I won’t get rough,” he said, smirking as he swivelled his hips. “Well... rougher.”

“I can take it,” she said confidently.

Buffy wrapped her legs around his slender waist; her eyes challenged him to prove her wrong. Buffy shivered as Spike ran his raspy tongue down the column of her neck, sucking at her pulse point before nipping at her collarbone. His fangs trailed across her skin leaving tiny pin-points of blood in their wake. Swiping his tongue over the sweet ambrosia, Spike brought his mouth back to Buffy’s, kissing her hungrily.

Reaching down, Buffy grasped his firm ass signalling him to pick up the pace. Needing no more encouragement, Spike held her hands above her head in his strong grip as he began to pound her into the mattress. Buffy quickly realised that she liked being restrained. Staring into his intense yellow gaze; the raw power of Spike’s demon dominating her, was driving her out of her mind. Quickly she became pliant in his arms, desperate for more of his possessive touch.

Releasing his strong grip, Spike ran his hands down to palm her breasts, finally settling at her waist as he lowered his full weight against her. Spike was panting so hard he was almost dizzy.

“Jesus, Buffy,” he gasped in her ear. “So damn good—yeah like that, pet—fuck me back.”

Buffy’s fingernails dug into his shoulders, drawing blood as she clutched him tighter. The scent of their combined blood and arousal in the air was making Spike’s demon howl.

Buffy sank her teeth into his shoulder to muffle a scream. She suddenly found herself yanked forward and sat astride Spike’s bent legs, cradled securely in his arms as he continued to thrust into her from beneath. Fisting her hands in his blonde curls, Buffy drew him into a bruising kiss, unmindful of his fangs, only releasing him when she was forced to breathe. Gasping for air, she dropped her head to his shoulder and buried her face in his neck.

“That’s my sweet girl,” he whispered in her ear when they established a steady rhythm.

The constant slip and slide of his cock, and the tight grip he held on her waist were addictive, and Buffy knew she would be craving his touch for eternity. Spike was trying desperately to hold off his orgasm, but in this position, face buried in her hair, surrounded by her perfume and warm breath, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.

“Spike, Oh, God... Yes!”

Buffy was rapidly approaching her own release. With swollen lips and golden hair plastered to her sweaty forehead, Spike thought he had never seen her more beautiful than right here in his arms. Her skin was saturated with his scent and it was driving him wild. Once again his eyes fixed on the site of her racing pulse and frantic to avoid the temptation, he lifted Buffy from his cock and man-handled her onto her stomach.

Leaning over her small frame, he ran his tongue up the full length of her spine before taking a firm grip on her hips and driving into her tight pussy from behind. Buffy screamed in pleasure as his fangs pierced her shoulder and he lapped at the blood as he pulled her forcibly into his thrusts.

“You like that, baby?” he asked, grunting as he slammed into her. “You like being fucked from behind by a demon?” Spike gathered her hands and pinned them to the small of her back, never once breaking his punishing rhythm.

“Yes! God, Spike, don’t stop. Please don’t stop!” she said, her body shuddering and voice rising in pitch with each powerful thrust.

“Can you feel me, baby? Feel my cock moving inside you? You love it don’t you?” Spike yanked hard on her arms, pulling her so that she was kneeling before him, her back to his chest. Their bodies flush together as they moved in a timeless dance; Buffy tilted her head to the side and grabbed hold of his hair, pulling his mouth to her neck.

“Spike, please,” she begged, her eyes closed in bliss. “Make me yours. Make it forever!”

So close to the edge, Spike told his inner William to take a hike. Buffy was asking and he was too weak to refuse her anything. Lifting her by the waist, Spike spun Buffy around to face him, his eyes searching her own for any signs of apprehension. Seeing nothing but fierce determination, Spike slammed her down onto his cock and placed a heated kiss to her lips.

“Tell me you love me,” he said, threading his fingers through her hair and forcing her eyes to his. “I need to hear the words.”

“I love you. I love you! God, Spike... please.”

Her rich slayer blood called to him like a siren’s cry. Spike’s fangs sliced through the tender skin of her neck, leaving them both shuddering as he lapped at his claim mark.

“Mine, Buffy. You’re mine.”

“Yours,” she said wearily, sagging against his heaving chest.

Spike’s hand gently cupped her neck, guiding her mouth towards the soft flesh of his jugular.

“You have to complete the claim, pet. I need you to bite me. Can you—”

Spike gasped as Buffy sank her blunt teeth into his neck and took a tentative sip of his blood.

“Mine. My vampire!”

Spike’s cock pulsed inside her, coating her walls with his essence as they cried out in a rapturous duet.

“Yours,” he said, holding her tightly. “I’ve always been yours.”

Buffy rested, secure in Spike’s arms as exhaustion washed through her body. Something within her locked into place and she knew nothing but love and an overwhelming sense of completeness. Leaning against Spike’s chest, she felt him drop a tender kiss into her hair.

“I love you, Buffy,” he said, his voice trembling with repressed emotion.

“I love—” Buffy’s declaration was cut short as she stifled a yawn, causing Spike to chuckle as he carefully manoeuvred them up the bed. Pulling Buffy into his arms, he held her against her chest, stroking her lower back.

“Did I wear you out, luv?” Spike smirked as Buffy entangled her legs with his, releasing a sigh of contentment. “Any regrets?” he asked hesitantly, holding his unnecessary breath as Buffy considered her answer.

“Only one,” she said, snuggling closer and dropping a kiss to Spike’s chest when she felt his arms tense around her. “I wish we’d done this sooner.”

Spike smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair. “Don’t worry, luv. We’ve got all the time in the world,” he said. “You can put your hot little hands on me whenever you feel like it.” Buffy laughed as he drew her into a soft kiss. “Thank you,” Spike whispered, when he broke the kiss. “Thank you for trusting me... loving me. You don’t know what that means to me.”

“I have an idea,” she said softly, cupping his cheek in her palm. “Of course, you do realise what this means, don’t you?” Buffy asked, a mischievous grin spreading across her lips.

“And what’s that, luv?” Spike said, returning her grin with a sinfully sexy smirk designed to make her melt into a puddle of Buffy shaped goo.

“Well, Mr. I’m-so-proud-of-myself, let’s just say it’s in both our interests to keep me alive and—“

“Shagging?” Spike asked, grinning and waggling his eyebrows indecently, earning himself a playful shove from the giggling Slayer.

“Kicking,” she said, brushing a soft kiss against his lips. “So I guess that makes you my big, bad vampire protector.”

“Bloody hell, luv,” Spike said, throwing his head back and groaning. “Don’t say stuff like that. I’m still the toughest vamp around this town.”

Smirking at his indignant glare, Buffy moved to straddle his lap, smiling as Spike listed the many reasons that he was indeed the baddest vamp that ever unlived.

“Whatever you say, Big Bad,” Buffy said, smiling as Spike continued to grumble beneath her. She knew the man behind the monster; he could have his delusions if it made him happy.

“Oi! Watch it, Slayer,” he said, unable to hide the affectionate smile that played on his lips. “Guess I’ll be making a habit of rescuing damsels in distress, huh?” Wrapping his arms around her waist, Spike pulled her against his burgeoning erection. “Suppose there are worse gigs out there.”

“So, does that make you my knight in black leather?” Buffy asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“No, luv,” Spike said, rolling her beneath him and leaning in to whisper against her lips. “Just makes me yours.”

End Notes:
Okay, folks that’s it. As you can see I tried to write some angst and it turned into a great big sappy love fest! I’m starting to sense a theme here...nevermind.
Thankyou to everybody who took the time to review. You’ve all been really encouraging and made it worthwhile. *Big hugs*
This story archived at http://