Early One Morning Just As The Sun Was Rising by Nell
Summary: Now revised and beta'd. Thanks xoChantelly! The First's trigger has an odd side effect on Spike. Set during season 7 in the episode Never Leave Me. What if when Spike is tied to the chair and is triggered by The First, instead of fighting Buffy and hurting Andrew, The First's control somehow accidentally makes him revert to the way he acted in seasons 5 & 6 making Spike lust for Buffy?
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 14146 Read: 42218 Published: 11/03/2009 Updated: 11/10/2009
Going Through Changes by Nell
Author's Notes:
I just wanna say to Annie... GET OUT OF MY HEAD! lol how in the blue hell do you always manage to leave comments saying what I'm gonna do next? You voodoo witch, you! lol I would also like to let all my readers know that no review goes unanswered by me so if you left one, chances are I replied so check it out. As always, thanks to xoChantelly for her great beta work and the AWESOME banner. You guys should check her out she's got a really good story right now called Almost Famous.
Spike had made up his mind. For a moment, he had debated whether to end the game or not, but he decided that it was time for Buffy to stop treating him like dirt every time she got all pissy. By the time he got through with her, she would truly be sorry.


They had continued with their game for over an hour now. At this point, Buffy's ass was burning to no end, and she had never felt more aroused yet subservient at the same time. Yet, she could tell that he wasn't done yet. She knew that he wanted her to realize just how badly she'd treated him, and by god she had. She felt just terrible about the whole Angel incident, and was starting to realize just how much she was hurting the vampire that stood before her.

"Cat got your tongue, Slayer?" his words interrupted her thoughts.

"Huh?" Buffy asked, confused.

Spike sighed in a dramatic fashion. "Buffy, I asked you if you were learning your lesson, but it seems obvious to me, that you are not. Considering you just decided to take a mental nap while I was talking to you."

"I'm sorry, Master. I- I was just thinking of how badly I've treated you. Of how selfish I've been, not even thinking about your feelings. I am immature and childish, and treat you like crap when I should give you nothing but love and devotion." She finished honestly.

Spike stood in front of her perplexed for a minute. He had hoped to get Buffy to see the error of her ways, but never had he expected it to come so quickly, and most importantly, so honestly. However, what really had him speechless right now, was the love part. He knew she hadn't said the words, but she had mentioned the action, and possibly the feeling. Spike quickly cleared his thoughts, setting them aside to ponder later, and got back into his role.

"Right you are, Slayer. You know, you've been such a good girl, luv, but I think we need just a little more punishment for you, since you dazed off like that."

"Yes, Master." Buffy complied immediately.

Spike moved to the bed, sitting at the end of it for the second time that night.

"Over my knee, Buffy. You know the rules."

Buffy did as she was told and started counting every spank.

"One, two, three, four, fiv--"

"Buffy?" Spike said out of nowhere, not halting his spanks.

"Y- Yes, Master?"

"If Angel walked in on us right now, what would you do?" he inquired in a very serious tone.

Shit! What would she do? They were still playing their game, and there was no way in hell that she would say the safe word they had picked earlier. No, she would stick by Spike, no matter what.

"I would do whatever you asked of me, Master."

A small smile graced Spike's lips as he heard the footfalls getting closer on the top level of the crypt.

"Would you let me keep spanking you?"

"I would, Master. Although I don't believe you would want anyone else to see what's yours like this." Buffy said nervously.

Spike chuckled at that. "Oh, luv, you'd be surprised. Buffy... what I really want to know..." he continued as his spankings never stopped, but did get gentler. "I want to know whose side you would take. Sod the bleeding game, even if we weren't playing it... would you be on my side?"

"Yes, Spike. I've realized so much today. I- I lov--" but she was cut off by Spike, who had obviously not realized what she was about to say.

"Well that's a good thing to know, pet, 'cos he's here." Spike said as his eyes locked with Angel's.


Buffy's head shot to the side to capture Angel's face. He seemed ready to kill. She imagined how she must look. Bent over Spike's knee, her ass redder than hell. Yet, she was not ashamed. She loved Spike and she would do whatever it took to prove it.

"Get dressed, Slayer." Spike said, taking pity on her and knowing that her being naked in front of her ex was something neither of them wanted. Buffy quickly put on some underwear and threw Spike's shirt on, feeling that that was enough for now.

Angel's gaze held onto Spike's for a bit longer, and then turned to Buffy.

"Buffy..." he choked out. "What are you doing?" Angel was livid, yet he had never seen Buffy look so sexy.

Buffy looked over to Spike, silently asking permission to speak. Spike gave her a nod of his head.

"Angel, to answer your question... I'm being happy."

"How can you possibly be happy being treated like a whore?!" he growled.

Spike was about to start pounding on him when Buffy stopped him gently.

"I am not being treated like a whore, but even if I was, that's my choice to make. Believe me when I say, that nothing has happened here that I haven't wanted, or deserved."

"Buffy, you can't be serious! Spike is a monster! He's a ruthless killer, he's the most sadistic, horr--"

"Angel!" Buffy said sternly.

"Spike... is the man I love." She said softly.

At that, Spike's eyes shot to her. A solitary tear falling down his cheek. She loved him! It was at that very moment, that Spike realized that he had been under no one's control throughout his whole session with Buffy. It was just him, really brassed off. Yet, none of that bothered him anymore. His girl loved him!

"Now," she continued. "I suggest that you leave. Like Spike said, there's nothing here for you. Not anymore."

Angel stared at Buffy with pained eyes. At her stern words, he nodded his head before turning away. He stopped just before reaching the stairs and tilted his head to the side.

"If you ever need me..." he whispered.

"I know... thank you."

"I don't like you," he said, this time, obviously speaking to Spike. "But you make her happy... make sure it stays that way."

Spike gave him a nod that he knew Angel could see. Then, in an instant, he was gone.

Buffy exhaled and turned to Spike. "I hope you are not upset with me, Master, I just--"

But all apologies were thrown to the side when Spike picked Buffy up, swinging her in his arms and laughing joyfully.

Finally, he set her down and their eyes locked.

"You... love me?" he asked, a hopeful look shining in his eyes.

"I do." Buffy said with a grin.

"Oh! Buffy... I love you!"

"I love you, too!" she smiled at him.

"Well, I guess we should probably head back now."

"Yeah," Spike sighed.

"Buffy... there's something I need to tell you. The whole night... now, earlier when you were punishing me... and... when I was punishing you, that was all me. No one... no one was controlling me." He finished in a worried tone.

"I know."

"Oh... you little minx!" he chuckled.

"I love you, Spike."

"Oh, Slayer, I love you, too."


One year later

Buffy and Spike were out patrolling, and reminiscing on old times. It seemed forever ago when they had faced the First. Buffy had been so nervous about the outcome, and when the amulet activated, she thought Spike was a goner. However, his resistance to sunlight because of their claim had saved him. Then, he and Buffy had moved to England, along with everyone else.

The First's control over Spike was gone as well. Spike had finally learned to deal with his soul, and had become more passionate than ever.

When they were done with their sweep, they quickly headed back to their flat. The minute they were in the door, Buffy found herself pinned to the door, an aroused Spike kissing her senseless.

"Baby, don't you think we should make it to the bedroom?" she asked, giggling.

"Right you are, luv." He responded with a growl as he carried her up the steps. When they reached the room, he laid her on the bed. He immediately proceeded to removed their clothing.

"Someone's eager." Buffy teased.

"Oh, kitten, you have no idea."

He settled himself in between her legs, nudging her wet entrance with his hard member.

"Ohhh, Spike." Buffy moaned.

In one fluid movement, Spike slid all the way into her, an aroused sigh escaping both of their lips.

As he started an agonizing rhythm withing her, Spike looked deep into Buffy's eyes.

"Buffy... marry me."

Buffy looked at him with a shocked look.

"Spike, yes! Oh, god, yes!" she exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, my girl! I love you so much, Slayer. Hang on, baby. I'm gonna make you see the stars."

They continued to make love for hours on end, both of their hearts filled with joy in anticipation of their furture.
End Notes:
Thought I'd make this a semi-sweet chapter hope you guys liked it. Let me know if you think I should make a sequel.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=35995