Early One Morning Just As The Sun Was Rising by Nell
Summary: Now revised and beta'd. Thanks xoChantelly! The First's trigger has an odd side effect on Spike. Set during season 7 in the episode Never Leave Me. What if when Spike is tied to the chair and is triggered by The First, instead of fighting Buffy and hurting Andrew, The First's control somehow accidentally makes him revert to the way he acted in seasons 5 & 6 making Spike lust for Buffy?
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 14146 Read: 42237 Published: 11/03/2009 Updated: 11/10/2009
Illusion by Nell
Author's Notes:
Thanks for all the great comments everyone!
Buffy tossed and turned in bed later that night. Her argument with Faith had worn her down mentally and emotionally. Now, as she tried to catch some shut-eye, all she could think about was Spike. It was as if he was calling to her, although she knew that was a ridiculous thought. She finally gave up on sleeping and headed down to the basement, her need to see him overwhelming her.

Buffy took a deep breath and slowly descended the basement stairs. As he came into view, her breath caught in her throat. He was sitting against the wall with his eyes closed and he looked so peaceful, she thought he was an angel for a short moment.

Buffy made her way across the room and sat gently at his feet. She didn't understand what was driving her to do so, but she brought a key out from her pocket and unlocked his chains. The minute her hands made contact with his, Spike's eyes flew open.

Before he was about to ask her what she was doing, Buffy kissed him softly. Spike leaned into her and deepened the kiss making Buffy lose control. She pulled her top over her head leaving her chest fully exposed to him.

Spike gasped at the sight. "God luv... you're beautiful." He brought her head towards his and started kissing her once again, this time more passionately.

"Spike," she moaned. "I need you. I need you so much."

That was all Spike needed to hear. He grabbed her hips and gently pulled her to him, silently asking her to straddle his waist. He knew that he didn't deserve this, and she might regret it tomorrow if she followed through, but the temptation was too great and his love for her wouldn't allow him to deny her .

In the blink of an eye, they had both shed the rest of their clothing and Spike entered her, closing his eyes in pleasure.

They started moving at a slow and torturing pace, neither wanting the moment to end.

"Buffy, I love you. I've missed you so much, pet." He moaned as they started increasing their pace.

"Spike, please don't stop... oh god it feels... please, don't stop." Buffy begged him almost desperately.

"Never stop baby. Wanna make love to you forever."

Buffy was loving the feel of their bodies close together like this. Yet in the back of her mind, she had a nagging thought. She secretly wished she could have a little bit of the Spike she had seen during their last two encounters. She knew it was wrong. She knew that she should be happy that Spike finally had a soul, yet she couldn't help her thoughts. All pondering was pushed to the side, though, when she started feeling her pleasure climb.

Spike was hitting all the right spots and Buffy felt her impeding orgasm near.

"Spike, harder!" she demanded.

He nodded his head and started to piston in and out of her at a faster, more determined pace.

Buffy was feeling pleasure alright, but she was somehow left feeling... oddly empty. Not in the physical sense of course, but she could see how calculated each move Spike made was. As if he was afraid to hurt her. She wanted him to have that reckless abandon that she had enjoyed so much.

Buffy started controlling their movements, hoping to help rise their passion. Spike allowed her to do so, but didn't push. He didn't want to hurt her. God knows he'd done that enough. No, Buffy was his golden goddess and she needed to be treated with care, with love. He notice that she was acting wild and figured she was just enjoying the moment.

Suddenly, Spike slowed down his movements as he saw something that looked like Buffy in the corner of the room. He looked back and forth between the Slayer in his arms and the one in the shadows. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts. 'Bloody hell! Not now, any time but now.' He thought desperately.

Buffy continued the rise and fall of her hips, not noticing what was going on. "Oh, Spike, so good. Come on baby, cum with me." She pleaded in a husky voice.

Spike was trying to ignore the figure in the corner and attempted to pay attention to Buffy, but as the tune he knew so well by now started playing in his head, he had no choice but to listen. Spike was loving the feel of her slayer muscles milking him, but even that couldn't keep his mind off the tune the alternate Buffy was currently singing.

He wanted to stay in the moment and cherish her with his full attention, but he was slowly succumbing to the mind control the soft song was weaving.

He slowly started to feel himself lose control. The song overtaking him. He tried to fight it, but it was useless. He could feel himself slipping and could not stop the process, the melody continuing in his head.

'Oh never leave me. How could you use a poor maiden so?'

Spike could no longer hold on as his demon burst forth. He yanked Buffy's head to the side revealing her neck to him and pierced it swiftly, drinking deeply from her.

The moment Spike exposed her neck so roughly, Buffy knew something was wrong. Now, as Spike drank from her, she tried to react but couldn't, his hold on her too tight.

Was this her Spike? Had he finally given himself over to their passion? Buffy didn't want to think about it. She told herself that it was her Spike and not the Spike controlled by the First. That he had finally realized how much she needed him to take her in every way. Yes, that was it. Spike was finally there with her.

She moaned loudly and raked her nails down his back, her passion consuming her. "Spike... just like that. Oh god!"

Then, before she knew what was happening, Spike grabbed her hips roughly and flipped them over, never stopping his movements. He extracted his fangs from her neck and licked the wound closed.

Buffy heard him growl low in his throat and smiled in satisfaction. This was the Spike she needed. The one that could tell her he loved her and still make her overflow with passion like no other. Any minute now he would be professing his love for her and Buffy would finally confirm that this was her Spike.

But all thoughts of this being the Spike she knew fluttered away as he finally looked into her eyes. She gasped at his heated gaze and instantly knew she had been wrong. This was definitely not her Spike.

"Slayer!" he growled and sunk his fangs back into her neck, as Buffy let out a silent scream.
End Notes:
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