Bewitched and Bothered by mat528
Summary: Summary: Suppose it was Buffy that cornered Amy and decided to get a little revenge on Angel, and suppose it backfired?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No Word count: 43769 Read: 25030 Published: 03/30/2010 Updated: 04/07/2012
Chapter 14 by mat528
Author's Notes:
A/N: Buffy is made an offer, the search for her goes on in Sunnydale, and a Prince struggles to keep his Princess.

Again, some characters may be OOC for the purposes of this fic. A little dialogue and situations are taken from Season Three. Please read and review, thanks!


"How will we find her?" One man in white asked, more to himself than to either Buffy's mother or the Principal.

Snyder sneered; he couldn't believe how dumb mental institution attendants could be! He had remembered every detail of his coming onto the Summers girl, and he would make her pay for that!

"Here's a shot in the dark, but why not alert the media about her?" he suggested.

"And, create a town wide panic by suggesting a possible mental patient is loose on the streets?" Deputy Chief Harrison asked dryly. "Brilliant!" He muttered sarcastically.

"That isn't going to smoke my daughter out if she's hiding," Joyce told both.

"She's right," one of the attendants agreed. "We have to make her think that all is okay, then we hit her with everything we've got."

"'Everything we've got'"? Buffy's mother repeated incredulously. "She's just a little girl!"

"She's hardly that, Mrs. Summers," Snyder said disdainfully. A thought occurred to him as he threatened, "if you know where your daughter is and you're not telling us…".

Joyce looked at him as though he were the worst species of insect she had ever come across.

"How dare you suggest such a thing!" Joyce shouted. "I was just as surprised as you were when I found out that Buffy wasn't home."


In the hallway, several figures in black shirts and jeans stood outside, listening to the one their sources told them was Buffy's mother and waiting for a command from their superior. Some went to the library and found the man he had been looking for. The supervisor would be glad to hear that Rupert Giles was alone and vulnerable.

"Giles," he said to the Watcher. Giles was glad that he had sent the others to class. If he was going to face censure from his fellow Watchers, best he do it alone.

"Curtis," Giles greeted formally to a fellow Watcher. Curtis' ebony skin gleamed in the harsh lights of the room as the two regarded each other.

"It seems that you've made a royal mess of things as usual, Rupert," Curtis Wentworth went on. "We've come to collect Miss Summers."

Giles felt a sinking feeling just then that Buffy would not see the light of day any time soon. True, she had done something wrong, but did she really deserve to be led away like an animal?

"What are your intentions towards her?" he asked, feeling some responsibility towards his charge.

"I think you should be more concerned about what the Fates have in store for YOU," Curtis told him. The ringing of a phone silenced any further discussion for the moment.

"Yes, sir," Curtis said into the receiver. "I understand….Thank you, sir. I shall do my best to prove worthy of your trust." He hung up the phone and regarded Giles.

"It seems that you are no longer fit to be a Watcher," Curtis said.

Giles was aghast. The Watcher's Council had been his family for so long. He didn't know what he would do with the rest of his life. Oh, he could be a librarian for a time, but that was not his real vocation. It was a secondary job, at best. He wouldn't let Curtis realize any of this, however. Giles would find something that would vindicate him in the eyes of his fellow Council members.

"Why am I being discharged?" he asked coolly. Curtis drew himself up to his full height, which was still an inch shorter than Giles'.

"You really have to ask?" he responded.

"Yes, I must," Giles replied. "I did nothing wrong. I am completely blameless."

Curtis raised an eyebrow, warming to his role as intimidator. "Really?" he asked. "From the moment the Council appointed you to look after Buffy Summers, you let her run around, leading you by the nose. This is not our way. You know our policy concerning Slayers. She should have been trained in the correct environment at our facility in England the moment she realized she was Chosen; yet, you chose to ignore our rules. Why did you do it?"

Giles shrugged, explaining, "She was brought up under different circumstances. I believe that the rules are that a Slayer is to be taken from her home environment at the exact moment of birth."

Rupert turned the tables on Curtis and the other Watchers, accusing, "So, now, my inquiry to you is: why didn't YOU spirit her away? Surely, you had some idea that if you left her in her normal life she would be conflicted at some point yet you let her be."

His blue eyes damned Curtis and the others as he continued, saying, "And, now, she is a renegade, adrift from all of us! If you are to call me the pot, dear colleague, I shall endeavor to call you all the kettles!"

Curtis inwardly swore. He realized that Giles had a point, and the older man had called Curtis' bluff. Giles was still a member of the Council, at least until the Slayer was found, and they all had to work together.

"It seems that you are correct in your estimations. However, we have been instructed that, since Miss Summers is unreliable, another Slayer is to be sent here. She should arrive with her Watcher in about five hours. Do us a favor and be their welcoming committee, will you, Rupert?" Curtis asked with a forced smile.

"As long as you do your civic duty and you don't turn this into a Slayer hunt," Giles said. "You shall gain no aid from me if you treat her like a wild animal."

Curtis was fuming inwardly, but he knew that he needed Giles' help in finding Buffy and in getting rid of the Sunnydale Rest Home entourage.

"Very well," he conceded.

The pair shook hands, and a signal from the black British Watcher who acted for Council Leader Quentin Travers had the others going into the Principal's office, where they produced their I.D.'s and said that they would take charge of the situation.

Deputy Chief Harrison and the other attendees, upon seeing the credentials, gave the Council members no argument. Apparently, the Council's papers were enough to send the police and the attendants in white back to their offices and the police station, at least temporarily. They filed out, leaving Joyce and Giles alone for a moment.

Joyce scrutinized the British librarian as she found herself doubting this whole situation. The men wearing black didn't look like any doctors she knew, and her mother's instinct told Joyce that they were there to punish Buffy, not to care for her.

"I know you from Parent-teachers night," she said finally. "You're that librarian I saw, Mr….Giles, was it?"

"Yes," Giles answered. "And, I see Buffy's resemblance to you, though she has more of her father in her, I believe."

Joyce stared at him, declaring, "I know there's more to this whole thing than meets the eye. You'll tell me the truth, or I promise you, I'll somehow make your life a living Hell!"

Giles wasn't really feeling threatened by what Joyce had said; however, he realized that if Buffy's mother somehow didn't get the truth, things could escalate even further than he would want, and Buffy could get seriously hurt or killed.

"Very well," he said at last. "I shall tell you everything, but you shall need to sit down for this." He ushered Joyce to a chair and began the long story.


"The Golden One dances closer to the flame," Drusilla was saying.

Spike's promise that he would get both Buffy and the witch who had caused the debacles the vampires were in went totally unheeded.

"I told you," the blond vampire insisted, "I'll find them, bring them here, and it will all be over!"

Drusilla turned partially sad, partially angry eyes on her childe. "It's not over," she told Spike. "It will never be over between you and the Slayer, not for a long time. You go on forever."

**Forever?** Spike's mind spat out. **Dru really is barmy!**

Drusilla was dabbing her Sire's forehead with an ice cold compress. "You're drenched in her!" she accused, looking back at Spike. "You're smothered by her light! I look a' you, all I see is the SLAYER!"

Spike began to panic. Dru's visions were never wrong, and if she saw what she was saying, then he had to step up his timetable.

"What the bloody Hell do you want from me, Dru?" he cried, exasperated. "I said I would fetch her an' bring her here! Then, once we kill her an' take her blood, we'll be like we were again!"

Drusilla emphatically shook her head, saying, "No! She'll ruin everything! She'll tear down our li'l family!"

Spike's demonic visage, which he had hidden after he and Dru had finished having sex, emerged. "She won't have a soddin' chance!" he affirmed. "An' if she even tries anythin', the witch we get will even things out. I'll suck her dry while the Slayer bint watches!"

Drusilla turned hopeful eyes on her younger lover. Maybe her visions could be altered. Spike had killed two of the Slayers before; what was a third one? Even if he did hate his Grandfather, blood was definitely thicker than water, and Spike had Dru's blood coursing through his veins. It demanded that he serve justice on Buffy Summers, just as it demanded the witch's blood for damning them all with her spell in the first place.

"You are a good son," Drusilla praised. "Mummy is right proud o' you!"

She went toward Miss Edith and, nestled amongst her and the other dolls was a chest. Dru pulled out a sword and gave it to her William. Since his human moniker meant "protector", she would give him two someones to protect.

Spike clutched the weapon without hesitation. "I'll make sure her blood is coverin' it," he said, "hers, and the witch's! Need to sleep for now, but tonight…".

"Tonight, we feast on the best meal in history," she said, her eyes finding Angelus still body. "One that will make Daddy alive again!"

Spike went to the bedroom he and Dru had been in and after depositing the sword in a chair beside the bed, slept. Drusilla stayed up for a moment to look through a book of magic to see what other materials were required for the spell that would restore Angelus.


Buffy walked down a carpeted hallway toward a darkened room. The walls, the rugs and carpet beneath her feet all smelled like brimstone. The Slayer felt a moment of fear. Was she in Hell? They did use brimstone as incense there, right?

The cloud breathed in her fear, eating and consuming it until the Chosen One was all right again.

"Go on, child," it said. "My master awaits."

When Buffy still hesitated, wondering if this was some kind of an elaborate trap, the cloud said, "He will not harm you. In fact, he is eager to meet you!"

Buffy garnered up her courage. She had wanted to see whatever evil entity was the cloud's employer, and she would not be afraid. Fear and she were very unmix-y things. She reached out toward the door handle and found herself inside a luxurious room. It had dark walls which seemed to extend out into infinity, and the ground was moist, as though she was in a mud pit, but the furniture seemed solid, and the figures in robes and hoods seemed real enough.

"Are you the ones in charge?" she ventured. The cloud laughed.

"They are mere body, or rather spirit guards," the mist told her. "My master approaches."

Buffy saw another robed figure, taller and more imposing than the rest. He walked until he reached the spot where she stood and removed his hood. The Slayer saw that he was a demon, with dual horns on either side of a round face with a beard and small red markings on it. His eyes glowed, but she could tell that he was not a vampire, since his signature was different.

Reaching out a clawed hand with long, white fingernails, the head demon invited, "come, Slayer. Sit, and have some refreshment."

Buffy eyed the meal in front of her and said, "no, thanks, I'm good."

"You do not trust me?" the master demon chided softly. "It is not in my interest to harm you by poisoning the food. Quite the reverse, actually."

Buffy decided that, even if she didn't eat anything, she could at least be cordial.

"Okay," she finally said, sinking down into a chair.

A servant with two horns on its head and similar markings to that of the head demon walked up and offered Buffy a tray with all kinds of slimy creatures on it. The Slayer waved him off. The servant offered the tray to the master demon, who took a creature in his hands and ate it whole. Despite a desire to puke, a part of Buffy was also fascinated.

"You impressed me on the surface," the demon said when he had finished his snack and they were alone. "I don't normally make too many trips to the human realm. Not too many of you mortals prove your self worth, but you, you definitely made a favorable impression."

"Will you tell me who you are, and what this is all about?" she asked, impatient. The demon-in-charge sighed.

"Ah, youth, always so rush, rush, rush these days," he said. "I remember when I was but a child of seventeen. I, too, wanted to get on with business until the centuries taught me patience. I had another like you: a human girl in the 1800's who was…shall we say, enchanted by me?"

"Get to the point!" Buffy snapped. The demon's eyes glazed over at her defiance.

"My mist, Chill, has spoken of you accurately!" He praised. "You have a fire in you that defies the ages; a demonic presence that fuels you which demands to be brought forth."

He stood and walked over to her, caressing her golden hair with his fingers. "Tell me, child, how you feel about your friends and your family's rejection of you," he said.

Buffy considered, then said, "Well, I know I did something wrong, and I…". The demon suddenly appeared in front of her, extremely angry.

"Don't toy with me, girl!" he said. "Tell me how you really feel!"

But, there was no need. The demon felt Buffy's anger that she had tried to quell, and like a human stoking a fire, he allowed the embers to become a blaze, until the Slayer felt the most abject pleasure. She moaned as though Spike was caressing her again.

"What you feel is your demon's need for vengeance," the head demon told her.

"I don't have a demon," Buffy said after she had stopped groaning.

"Yes," the other said, "you do. You just don't feel it because, though it fuels your Slayer powers, it hasn't taken up residence inside of you." The demon touched her again.

"I can arrange for the sensations you feel to be permanent," he offered. "You wish to have a normal life; to not be a Slayer anymore. But that cannot be achieved because you are bound by mystic energy to be a Chosen One forever." His eyes found hers. Buffy felt the lilting of his voice. She stared, transfixed.

"Unless, of course, you become someone else; a being who is not bound by said magical contract," he said.

Buffy thought about that. She had a feeling that this offer had some strings, but she wanted so badly to be normal. Of course, if she had a demon roaming around inside, she wouldn't be. But, then, if she couldn't be an ordinary teenager, how much more fitting would it be for her to be able to administer justice to vampires her way? And, if she had one inside of her, she could realize her growing attraction to Spike. The Slayer's life had brought her nothing but misery and heartache. Perhaps it was time for a change.

"What would I have to do?" she asked, the echoes that this was a way bad idea becoming distant and then finally dying. "And would I have Spike?"

"Of course," the head demon told her. "In fact, I need a recruiter for other humans with potential. That way, you would have an elevated position in my echelon and of course, demons would look up to you in an entirely favorable way. You would by matter of policy, have to renounce ties with the human communities in matters of vengeance, but you would be able to deal out justice to those you chose to represent with one, swift stroke."

He signaled, and another servant in a boring looking tweed suit with gray skin stepped forward.

He handed a thick, manila envelope to the superior demon and withdrew. "It's all in the contract, which you will retain inside of your mind so that you can make an educated decision."

Buffy opened the envelope and touched the papers. As she did, she felt terms and conditions floating inside of her mind. "What about Angel?" she asked after a moment.

The demon chuckled. "I figured you would ask about him," he said. "Because I like you, I will do for you what I have done for no other mortal. I will allow you twenty-four hours to administer justice the way you see fit; then, you will either summon me, or you will see me no more. It makes no difference to me which path you choose, though I hope you will be adult about this, and pick the sensible route."

Buffy reached inside and saw a golden necklace with a darkish green stone in the center. Despite the low light, it glowed in the room brightly.

The Slayer started to decide. "What name should I use if I decide to call you?" she inquired. He gestured and she found herself back on the road just East of Sunnydale.

"D'Hoffran," his voice said.
This story archived at http://