Bewitched and Bothered by mat528
Summary: Summary: Suppose it was Buffy that cornered Amy and decided to get a little revenge on Angel, and suppose it backfired?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No Word count: 43769 Read: 25023 Published: 03/30/2010 Updated: 04/07/2012
Chapter 4 by mat528
Author's Notes:
A/N: I hope you like the story so far! Please read and review! There's a little bit of adult content in this chapter.
"A spell?" Amy asked fearfully. She tried to look a second later as though she and Buffy were discussing the weather.

At Buffy's nod, Amy asked, "So, who is it for?"

"My ex-honey, Angel," Buffy said. "You're gonna cast a love spell, one where he can't stop thinking about me."

"What?!" Amy asked, not quite certain if she had heard correctly.

When Buffy repeated her request, Amy looked down at the floor. "I don't know, Buffy," she said. "I mean, I'm not sure I can make him love you forever...".

"Forever?! Eww!" Buffy shrieked. "Back up! I never said I wanted him to love me forever!"

**Although that could be interesting since he is immortal,** the Slayer's mind supplied.

Buffy smiled a brief grin as she thought about the possibilities. A minute later, however, she thought about how she would grow old, and Angel still would be young. She looked Amy dead in the face.

"What I want," Buffy explained, "is just for him to want me. I want him to be desperately in love with me; so much with the lovey-doveyness in fact that he'll experience the same hell I'm going through when I dump him!"

Amy looked unsure. "I don't know, Buffy..." she said, faltering. "Intent really must be pure with love spells."

"Of course it does," Buffy agreed. "I intend revenge, pure as the driven snow. And if I don't get it, I can always tell Snyder about your"—.

"A-all right," Amy said. "I'll need something of his. It should be a personal object."


Spike turned slightly in his sleep that morning, unable to shake the sounds of Drusilla and Angel that he had heard the night before. After several moments, the blond vampire sat straight up in his bed. He tried to move his legs slowly, and after one or two attempts, was rewarded with being able to flex his knees.

Next, Spike commanded his toes to wiggle and felt them. He threw off his covers and, without using the handle, was able to place his feet on the ground. The revenant stood up, perfectly erect for more than a few moments. He decided to forego sleep in favor of working on his knees and legs some more.

Walking past his grand-sire's room, Spike saw Angelus sleeping peacefully, his arm wound protectively around Dru's waist. Drusilla snuggled into his naked torso, her luscious, red lips curling into a seductive smile. She murmured, but didn't wake. Her sire turned, taking her body with him so that she was on top of him. Spike looked longingly at her creamy breasts draped across the vampire he hated more than anything in creation.

**'f thoughts could kill,** he projected to Angelus and Dru, **you'd both be burnin' by now!**

He went down to the gym, and oblivious to the pain one feels when trying to use leg muscles one hasn't used in awhile, he executed a lunge. As he worked out the revenant forced himself to think of something else. He thought about his favorite soap, Passions, and wished that life could be that simple. At least, on the telly, they had several takes to get stuff right! Why couldn't his life with Dru be like that?

Spike kicked the huge punching bag, smiling evilly as it swung wildly. He thought about Angelus and what he would do to his grand-sire that night. Using the vertical bar on the wall as leverage, Spike let loose a flying leap into the bag. It fell to the ground, torn from its chain.

"Yeh!!" the vampire cried, pleased with himself that he was feeling much stronger.

Spike chose the weight lifting machine next, setting the weights in the middle. He wrapped his feet around the cushioned bars and hefted the weights with ease. The vampire fantasized about Buffy being on top of him, her body sinking over his length, his legs pumping. Then, he squeezed her until she cried out in pain.


"Well, that's one way to pop your cherry, kitten," he said as the Slayer fought to breathe.

"Spiikkee..." Buffy whispered gasping.

He withdrew his member, then before she knew what was happening, Spike dipped his head and put it between her golden thighs. He drank from her creamy cum, sucking the blood out of her as she collapsed, a dead heap beneath him.

The dream changed as he saw himself in front of a blackboard, keeping score as he laughed, saying to some faceless younger vampires, "An' that's how I bagged Slayer Number Three. Gotta admit, her quim was the sweetest to her blood, of course!"

The vampires cheered at him, thrusting him on their shoulders, calling him "William the Bloody" for an entirely different reason.... (FANTASY ENDS)

The daydream ended abruptly, but Spike was on a high. **Wonder where I should go for a quick bite,** he thought.

The former William the Bloody let go of the weights, and then he climbed down into the sewers below the gym via a trap door. Spike walked until he found himself under the "Sunnydale House of Pancakes."

As he opened the grate leading up to the surface, Spike smirked, saying to himself, "Now, let's see...Mexican, Chinese, or good ol' fashioned American?"

the vampire saw a shady spot and popped up from his hiding place. A blonde girl came out of the restaurant.

"Excuse me..." Spike said from the shadows. The girl looked around fearfully.

"Who is that?" she asked. Spike emerged as much as he dared, not letting the sun hit his face completely.

"Jus' a bloke wonderin' if you've got a ciggie," he requested, turning his blue eyes on her. "'m sorry if I startled you."

The girl smiled, pulling out a pack and offering it to him. Spike grabbed her arm and yanked her down beneath the grating he had suddenly opened. The girl didn't get a chance to scream when the vampire sank his canines into her neck.

He roared as he dined on some of the greatest American blood he'd ever tasted.


Xander kept his eyes peeled for Cordelia before heading off to Miss Beekman's class that morning. When he saw her out of the corner of his eye and saw that she was dressed to kill in her deep red designer togs, Xander sprinted to her locker. He cut her off just as she was about to open it.

"What is your deal?" Cordelia shrieked. "Are you going all stalker on me?"

Xander gave her a baleful stare. "Don't flatter yourself," he said dryly. "I came to discuss some business."

"What kind of business?" Cordelia asked.
"The kind where you return my property," he responded.

When Cordelia had a confused look, Xander prompted, "the locket."

Cordelia wore an incredulous expression. "I thought that was a gift," she said a little too loudly. Some students were slowing down to hear what was going on between the geek and the diva.

"Yesterday, it was a gift," Xander said matter-of-factly, "today it's scrap metal. I figure since you don't like the guy who gave it to you, I can use it for fillings next time Dr. Fleischler gets antsy about my teeth."

Cordelia glared at the students who were trying not to look as if they were listening to her and Xander's conversation. They caught her look and moved on.

When she and her ex were alone, Cordelia commented, "you're pathetic."

Xander tapped his foot impatiently, saying, "I can wait."

The brown haired beauty opened her locker, hiding her face so that Xander couldn't see her hurt expression.
Letting loose a quiet sigh, she handed the locket to him as she said, "here. I didn't want something so cheap, anyway."

Xander stalked off, leaving Cordelia without so much as a backward glance.


Before going to English class, Buffy stopped in the library. "Hey, Giles!" she called, looking upward toward the stacks. The librarian and Watcher came out from his hiding place, his face buried inside a thick book.

"Ahh, Buffy!" Giles exclaimed. "There you are. Did you need something before attending your English class?"

He came downstairs and put the thick tome on top of an ever growing pile of books. Buffy put the card Angelus had sent the night before on top of all of them. The Englishman read, "soon."

"He sent it with flowers," Buffy said. She started pacing, but then fixed Giles with a stare a moment later.

"Soon, he wrote," she went on. "What happens next? You never held back until the thing that goes bump in the night became my ex honey! How am I supposed to defend myself if I don't know what's coming?!"

Giles sighed. Buffy was right; she did deserve to know the truth. **Is it so wrong that I want to protect you?** He thought, glad that his Slayer couldn't read his mind.

"Sit down," he said. Both glanced at the clock.
"I promise I will try to give a more condensed version for now," Giles informed her, "so that you won't miss Miss Beekman's class."

As he rattled off some of Angel's most horrific episodes, Buffy thought, **that's it! Tonight, you're goin' down!**


Later that night, Buffy staked a few vampires by the school and went in to meet Amy. She had thought long and hard about what she would bring as a personal article, and then it sprang into her mind: the Claddagh ring he had given her.

Clutching the ring in her tiny hand, the Slayer thought about happier times between her vampire and herself. She remembered their first kiss; their lips briefly touching, the promise of greater things to come. Then Buffy saw Angel taking her slowly in his arms as he rode her gently. She pictured his legs around her as she gave herself up to him, not caring that she became a virginal sacrifice for him.

**Sacrifice?** Buffy thought. **Guess I did sacrifice everything for him.**

She hesitated as she entered Sunnydale High. Should she even go through with this? Maybe Willow was right. Maybe another man was waiting in the wings for her. If that was true, why should she even care that she had lost the vampire who meant everything to her once upon a time?

**Because it's Angel!** Her mind supplied. Buffy realized then that she wasn't just doing this for herself, she was doing this for all women who had been wronged by him. Somehow, he had to see the consequences of his actions. Her mind made up, Buffy met Amy in the lab.


Spike washed in the shower by his room as he heard Dru and Angelus shagging another night.
"Oohhh, Daddy!" his Dark Princess cooed. "Like tha'! Do it like tha'!"

In the grand bedroom, Angelus rode Drusilla like she was the beginning and end to all women. He laughed a triumphant one while he slammed into her. Dru cried out his name in total ecstasy.

Spike heard something snap in two while he let the water run down his body. He looked down and saw that it was the soap. Angrily, he stepped out of the stall, not bothering to towel off but just stopping by his room long enough to throw on his traditional black t shirt and jeans. He placed his feet inside his Dockers and growled. He needed more fresh blood tonight, and a good toss on top of some female company: some DUMB female company before he faced his enemies. Spike left the mansion in search of his prey.


Inside the chemistry lab, Amy was putting some herbs into a beaker which had the name "Angel" written upon it. Buffy had stripped down to her bra and sat inside a mystic circle. She held a candle aloft as the witch consulted her spell book. When Amy had the correct spell, she nodded to Buffy, who focused all of her concentration on Angel and what they were about to do.

"Diana, Goddess of Love and the Hunt, I beseech thee," Amy said in a loud voice. "Let my cries bind the heart of Buffy's Beloved. May he neither rest, nor sleep."

She dropped the ring into the beaker. A red smoke issued out from it, and Amy felt herself trembling. She collected herself a moment later and continued the invocation.

"May he know only frustration until he submits to her will and her will only!" she said, growing slightly more confident. "Diana, bring about this love, and bless it!"

Amy's eyes grew black with the power and energy of magic from ages past. In an urgent voice, she told Buffy to blow out the candle. The Chosen One did as instructed.

**Showtime!** Buffy thought.
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