I'm With You by wolffan200
Summary: Set in season 5 after Fool for Love. It picks up where the episode left off with Spike and Buffy on the steps. It fills in the blanks of what might have happened between them. Follows canon and then goes AU. Joyce is sick but won't die because I love her too much and it's me writing not Joss.

Disclaimer: All credit where it's due to Joss and ME. I'm playing with their creations. No copyright is intended and I make no profit.

**Nominated at the Sunnydale Memorial Awards Round 23 for Best New Author, Best Characterization, Best Drama and Best Unfinished.**


Categories: NC-17 Fics, Fantasy/AU Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 30 Completed: Yes Word count: 134585 Read: 61174 Published: 03/20/2011 Updated: 08/12/2011
Chapter 11 by wolffan200
Author's Notes:
So chapter 11. I'm glad people are enjoying this story. I had, and am having, great fun writing it.
Chapter 11

Buffy quietly shut the door behind her when she got home. The whole point of coming home was to let her Mom know she hadn’t been killed or injured out patrolling last night but she would really prefer to take a shower and change her clothes first. She just knew Joyce would ask about Spike and she really didn’t want to have that conversation while showing all the signs of a wild night of sex. Her lack of underwear was another reason she wasn’t keen on running into her Mom. She couldn’t be expected to talk to her mother while she was commando. The thought alone was embarrassing enough.

So far so good.

She had her foot on the second step when Joyce’s voice called to her from the basement.

“Buffy is that you?”

Buffy winced.

Darn. What, does she have sonar or something?

“Yeah Mom it’s me.”

“What kept you out so late, are you all right?”

“I’m fine Mom, I, uh, I kinda want to change and freshen up a bit. You know, vamp dust and demon goo, I’ll tell you about it later okay?”

“Okay. I’m doing laundry now. Do you want me to toss those clothes in as well?”

“No thanks, I’ll take care of them later. I should rinse them off first, don’t want monster guts clogging up the machine.”

“Well okay then. I’ll have lunch for you when you’re ready.”

“Thanks Mom, you’re the best.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Buffy raced up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time and dashed into her room. She grabbed some clean clothes and made her way to the bathroom, undressing and hopping into the shower. The warm water felt so good on her skin, washing all the sweat from her excursions earlier off and making her feel like a whole new Buffy.

Although the new boyfriend might have had a hand in that.

Buffy grinned remembering everything that had happened with Spike and everything he said to her. Buffy had never felt so wanted by anyone before and felt a thrill at the way he’d repeated how much he loved her. The warm and fuzzies were in full effect at the memory and Buffy wondered how she could have hated someone so…so sweet and loving for so long.

Well there was the whole evil vampire thing and trying to kill me and my friends but I completely ignored the way he’s been changing. It seems so obvious now that he changed towards me, that he wanted me. How could I have been so blind to it all. As far as I was concerned he hated me as much as ever. Wow. Denial much?

As worried as she was about telling people she was now dating another vampire, one without a soul this time, she had no fear of them changing her mind. Of course they’d plant doubt in her brain but what she felt with him last night, the way he made her feel when he was with her. There was no way she was giving him up now. Spike had changed for her and she was going to change for him. Clearly things weren’t black and white in the demon world any more than in the human world. She had been becoming aware of that for a while now but Spike had really opened her eyes.

Rinsing the shampoo from her hair she sighed happily at the refreshing feeling of being all squeaky clean again.

That’s not gonna last long. A certain leather-clad creature of the night’s just waiting until tonight to get me all sweaty and dirty again. And I can’t wait.

She blushed as she recalled the things they’d done, the stuff he’d said, hell the things she’d said. She’d never been very vocal in bed before and hardly ever swore but Spike had brought out the vixen in her, had made her scream. The way he moved above her, muscles flexing, the feeling of having him inside, his dark eyes filled with lust and love. She noticed a familiar wetness spreading between her thighs.

Great. He’s getting me all worked up and he’s not even here. All the way across town in fact. How am I gonna wait until tonight?


Dressed casually in a t-shirt and jeans, Buffy found her Mom in the kitchen making some tasty looking sandwiches. Grabbing a carton of juice from the fridge and a couple of glasses, Buffy sat down at the island opposite her mother and gratefully accepted the plate she was offered. Her mouth watered as she eyed her lunch and she realised how ravenous she actually was. She hadn’t eaten since a quick dinner the night before.

“Did I mention how much I love your sandwiches?”

Joyce smiled and poured herself a glass of juice.

“Well since you’ve been out all night I’m not surprised you’re hungry. So did you have a rough night?”

Buffy had practically inhaled half the sandwich when Joyce started speaking and choked on the second half as a whirlwind of images entered her mind at her Mom’s question, reminding her of just how rough a night she’d had. She grabbed her juice and tried desperately to dislodge the piece of her sandwich while her mother observed her worriedly.

“Buffy? Honey are you okay?”

Finally able to breathe again, Buffy nodded.

“I’m fine. I just, um, ate a little too fast I guess. Sorry.”

“Well okay, you really should take your time you know. It doesn’t hurt to chew.”

“But clearly it hurts when you don’t. Yeah patrol went okay, you know, nothing out of the ordinary, not exactly what I’d call rough. Just a typical night for the Chosen One.”

Joyce observed her daughter, took a few bites of her own sandwich, sipped her juice and leaned forward a little on the counter to look Buffy in the eye.

“And may I ask if you saw Spike last night by any chance.”

Keep it together Buffy, she doesn’t know anything, ignore the suspicious look, keep it cool. Tell her the truth and just leave out the R rated stuff.

“Actually yeah. I went by his crypt to ask him a few questions, about his feelings for me, like you said.”

Good show Buffy. God I sound like Giles.

“Uh huh, so what did he say?”

“That he’s stopped wanting me dead since we helped him after he got chipped and that he has a lot of respect for what I do as the Slayer and that he wants to prove he can change. He has been changing actually. I thought about it yesterday when training and he’s been helping a lot when he didn’t have to and when he wasn’t getting anything in return.”

“And that’s it? He wants to help because he respects you?”

Buffy brushed the crumbs off her clothes and prepared herself to tell at least one person the news. She couldn’t keep it from everybody and her Mom had supported her so far.

“He said he loves me.”

Joyce remained perfectly still, staring back at Buffy. Buffy was tempted to wave her hand in front of Joyce’s face to see if the lights were still on when she suddenly sat back with a resigned smile on her face.

“I see. Well I can’t say I’m surprised I guess. So what did you say? Do you think he really…?”

“He loves me Mom. I know what the Watchers drilled into me when I was called but he can love, and he loves me. I decided…I decided to give him a chance.”

“You…Buffy, are you saying that you…that you’re…”

“Dating another vampire? Yeah Mom, I am. Only this vampire is different. He’s not gonna hurt me and he really cares about me, and you and Dawn for that matter.”

Joyce took all this in. She couldn’t help the disappointment showing in her face as she realised her daughter was dating a vampire. Again. She wanted a normal life for her, like any mother, but normal wasn’t in the cards for a Slayer apparently. She looked up and saw her daughter’s pleading eyes looking back at her. No matter how unnerved she was by the thought she knew this was what Buffy wanted. She was desperate for her mother’s support and from the conversation earlier, Joyce knew she was going to have a rough enough time of it when her friends found out. She would be all alone and she’d told Joyce because she wanted someone to be there for her. Clearly Buffy had made her mind up and even though she wasn’t thrilled about it, her daughter’s happiness came first. Besides Spike wasn’t such a bad guy. There were worse choices and if Buffy was willing to give him a chance then Joyce would too.

“Well honey. If he’s what you really want…”

“He is Mom, he really is.”

“And you’re sure…”

“Positive. He makes me feel so…Mom I can’t explain it but I know he’s good for me and I want him, I do. Thank you for understanding, I really hoped you’d take it well. I needed to tell someone, have someone to confide in. It means so much to me that you accept my decision.”

Buffy got up and raced around the Island to hug her mother, relief washing over her that she’d made the right decision confiding in her.

“Oooph, honey, Slayer strength dear. Don’t break you’re Mom.”

Buffy let go quickly, stepping back.

“Oh sorry! Really, really sorry! I didn’t mean to, just…”

“That’s okay sweetie, I understand. So I take it you haven’t told anyone else yet?”

“Not yet. And I don’t intend to for now either. Like I told Spike, there’s too much happening right now, especially with the Council. I need everyone to get along when they’re here and that won’t happen if they find out I’m seeing Spike. Please don’t say anything. I promise I’ll tell them when the time is right, just, not now.”

“I have no intention of saying anything to anyone, that’s up to you. As long as you tell them and don’t try to hide it it’s fine with me. I can certainly see why you don’t want the Watchers to know and I agree with you there. Just remember, your friends will be hurt the longer you keep it from them so as soon as the Council’s gone, I think you should tell them.”

“I know, and I will. Wow, this went really well. I’m one happy Buffy right now. Dawn went to school okay?”

“Yes she’s fine. Buffy…”

Buffy cocked her head and looked at her Mom. She seemed awfully fidgety all of a sudden.

“What is it?”

Joyce couldn’t seem to look Buffy in the eye, opening her mouth to speak and then suddenly closing it again, reconsidering.

“You were out a really long time…were you…with Spike the whole night?”

Joyce glanced at her daughter and the look on her face told her more than she needed to know. She looked away quickly again and cut her off before Buffy could answer.

“No. No, no. It’s fine, forget I asked, I don’t want to know. Hey look at that, my show’s starting soon. Don’t want to miss anything. You want to join me or have you got other things to do?”

Buffy was well aware Joyce was avoiding any further conversation which was a relief because she so did not want to discuss that with her mother.

“No thanks Mom, I should probably go see the others. You know, find out if the Council are here yet or not and what we’re gonna do about this evaluation thingy.”

Joyce paused on her way to the living room.


Buffy shrugged and did her best not to look too bothered by it.

“Some test thingy they want to do to see if I’m Slayer enough to earn whatever info they’ve got on Glory. No biggie really.”

Joyce frowned, whatever show she’d been so desperate not to miss a minute ago forgotten.

“I remember the last test they did to see if you were Slayer enough. Buffy I don’t think…”

“No Mom, really, it’s…it’s fine. Look Giles doesn’t think they’d risk trying anything like that again and I agree with him…I do. It’s just some way for them to feel like they’re the ones in charge. There’s nothing to worry about, and I’ll definitely be finding out what this test involves before I agree to it. I know what they’re capable of just like they know I won’t stand for any more ridiculous challenges to prove my worth.”

Just who am I trying to convince here?

Joyce didn’t look very reassured but she would listen to her daughter and just keep an eye on these Watchers when they got here.

“Alright Buffy, but if they try anything…”

“Don’t worry. It wouldn’t be good for their health. And I’m not the only one who’d have a problem with them if they did try any funny stuff.”

Seemingly convinced, Joyce nodded and headed for the living room. Buffy grabbed her coat and was putting it on when her Mom’s voice drifted into the hall.


“Yeah Mom?”

“Are you…coming home tonight…or?”

Buffy blushed. Yep, her Mom was no fool alright.

“Um, I, well…I’ll be back before dinner, to see Dawn, then I should patrol…and um, I should probably drop in on Spike to…you know…see how he is, so…I’m not sure when I’ll be back, probably late. Bye Mom.”

Buffy flew out the door before Joyce could answer. Bad enough she’d promised to come back for dinner before heading to Spike’s place without having another awkward talk with her Mom, but she really did need to see her sister and spend some quality time at home.


Giles and Anya were the only ones present when she entered the shop.

“Hey guys. Council?”

Giles gave her a welcoming and understanding smile.

“Arriving later this evening. They want to get themselves organised at the hotel before meeting with us so it will be late. You’ll probably have to skip patrol."

What? Okay don’t worry, you’ll just miss patrol. Doesn’t mean you can’t see Spike afterwards, you told him you’d be late.

But what if he comes here looking for me?

No. He won’t. I told him I’d be late. He can wait.

What am I thinking? It’s Spike! Of course he can’t wait. Stupid Council. They’re not even here yet and they’re already messing things up.

“Some test of my Slayerness, making me miss patrol. Demons of the world, run, frolic, have fun feasting on the residents of Sunnydale, the Slayer’s got an exam.”

“Extreme sarcasm aside, I agree they could have picked a better time but it can’t be helped. I know you don’t like it but it will be worth the trouble for information. Right now we know nothing of use.”

Buffy grumbled and stomped over to a nearby chair at their table and plopped herself down in it.

“Yeah, yeah. Play nice Buffy. Don’t piss off the stuffy English guys who almost got you killed once and won’t give up the goods if you don’t do what you’re told.”

Anya paused where she was restocking the shelves and looked at Buffy, then over to Giles. He glanced back at her before walking closer to Buffy and sitting down next to her.

“Is everything alright? It’s just you seem rather…um…”

Buffy glanced up at her flustered watcher and smirked in amusement.

“More petulant than usual?” she enquired.

“What? No! Of course not…well…no, just..” he stammered, removing his glasses for a thorough cleaning.

Buffy continued to watch him as he polished his glasses and placed them back on his nose. He caught her amused look and relaxed at last.

“Yes, very funny. I’m just not quite used to that much sarcasm coming from you this early in the day, as strange as that sounds, and the others told me about the troll incident.”

Buffy smiled sheepishly.

“Oh, yeah, that. I just was really stressed and the arguing was getting to me and yeah, I guess I lost it a little bit, but I just needed a good fight to get it out of my system and luckily there was a troll around, so, you know, no harm done. It was all okay in the end.”

“Yes well, I know you’re annoyed with this whole arrangement but it would be better all around if you, perhaps, played nice, as you put it, at least while they’re here. Comments like those will most likely not be in our favour.”

Buffy felt like a little kid being scolded.

“Relax Giles. I know better than to run my mouth off to the Watchers. I’m not stupid, I just reckon I should vent as much as possible before they get here. Throw in the fact I’m gonna miss patrol and yeah, you got an irritated Slayer, but I’ll deal with it, don’t worry. I’ll be nice, well-behaved Buffy when they get here.”

“I shall look forward to meeting her.”


Giles stood, sharing a light-hearted smile with her before heading back to the register to check order forms or some other important paperwork. Buffy sighed loudly.

Well. Might as well get some training in while I’m here. If I’m not going patrolling I’ll need to work off the frustration one way or another.

Immediately Spike’s face popped into her head, along with certain other ways she could be working out her frustration. She hopped up off her seat and made her way purposefully towards the training room before anyone could notice her flushed face.

Stupid sexy vampire.


Buffy was dreading walking in the door for dinner. The awkwardness of this morning’s chat with her Mom replaying in her head. Her one consolation was that Dawn would be there, so her Mom couldn’t bring up the subject of Spike in front of her.

Right. I just gotta avoid any alone time with Mom while I’m here, then it’s back to the Magic Box for the meeting with Travers and his buddies. Joy.

She barely made it in the door before the teen who would protect her from her Mom’s inquisition appeared behind her, staring her down with narrowed eyes.

“What?” Buffy asked nervously.

“Where were you all night last night?”

“What? Out. Patrolling. Doing the Slayer thing. Why?”

Buffy leaned back as her younger sister loomed over her, suspicion evident all over her face.

“Funny. Mom said the same thing but when I was cleaning my room, I found those clothes you told her got covered in demon sludge in the laundry basket and they didn’t look like they’d been rinsed to me.”

“Oh my God you cleaned your room?”

Dawn huffed and rolled her eyes.

“I was ordered to before, and I quote, “stuff starts growing in there”. Now about those clothes?”

“Who are you, Harriet the spy? So they weren’t as messed up as I said, I just didn’t want the third degree for being out all night before I had a chance to clean up and get refreshed.”

“Know what I think?”

Buffy did her best not to look as worried as she felt.


“I think you ditched patrolling all together and went back to the dorm with Willow and Tara for some wild frat party with a load of drunk guys and made up that lame excuse when you got caught sneaking in this morning after making Mom worry.”

Buffy almost breathed a sigh of relief but knew that wouldn’t look good to Dawn. Her sister wasn’t Sherlock Holmes. Still, might as well run with it right?

“Yes. You caught me. I was at a wild party involving lots of alcohol and college guys. I should have called but I forgot and I made up the excuse because I was guilty. Please don’t tell Mom.”

Dawn relaxed and smirked at her sister, arms folded.

“Sure, don’t worry about it sis. I’ll cover you, this time, but try remember to call ahead in future. You really should be more responsible you know.”

Looking extremely pleased with herself, Dawn sauntered off towards the dining room and Buffy raised her eyes to heaven. A snooping sister was definitely something she could do without right now. Shaking her head, Buffy headed in to dinner. Only a little time remained before the big meeting and she wanted to enjoy it as much as she could.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=36973