I'm With You by wolffan200
Summary: Set in season 5 after Fool for Love. It picks up where the episode left off with Spike and Buffy on the steps. It fills in the blanks of what might have happened between them. Follows canon and then goes AU. Joyce is sick but won't die because I love her too much and it's me writing not Joss.

Disclaimer: All credit where it's due to Joss and ME. I'm playing with their creations. No copyright is intended and I make no profit.

**Nominated at the Sunnydale Memorial Awards Round 23 for Best New Author, Best Characterization, Best Drama and Best Unfinished.**


Categories: NC-17 Fics, Fantasy/AU Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 30 Completed: Yes Word count: 134585 Read: 61172 Published: 03/20/2011 Updated: 08/12/2011
Chapter 22 by wolffan200
Author's Notes:
Another Chapter Yay! Buffy and Spike go Bronzing with the gang.
Chapter 22

Buffy had that warm glowy feeling that had been so rare throughout her life. She had had an amazing evening that was only getting better as she walked hand in hand with Spike towards the Bronze. They were on their way to meet the gang before heading off to locate this not quite human ritual expert Spike had mentioned after a pleasant afternoon at her house with her family.

Dawn had of course irritated her, constantly asking Spike questions and blushing every time he smiled at her or called her Niblet but she refused to feel jealous. After all Dawn couldn’t help her teenage hormones going into overdrive at the hotness that was Spike and as long as she kept her mits off Buffy could put up with it. Dinner had been great, way more comfortable than she would have thought with her vampire boyfriend at the table but they’d had pleasant conversations and found themselves having a lot of fun together. This had inevitably led to Joyce inviting Spike to come to dinner more often which Buffy was delighted about as the unfamiliar domesticity of having her boyfriend sit and entertain her Mom and sister while throwing her loving smiles and holding her hand was something she was looking forward to repeating as often as possible.

“So how long we plannin’ on stayin’ pet?”

“Not long, just saying hi to everyone, test the waters. Anyone would think you didn’t wanna go,” she teased.

He squeezed her hand and sighed.

“Well after the last time I saw ‘em I think you can forgive me for not bein’ too keen to meet up with ‘em again. I know I know, be civil, try to be nice. I will but it’s not gonna be easy. ‘Sides,” he tilted his head to look at her, “can’t blame me for wantin’ to get this visit with demon guy over with so I can get you somewhere private an’ we can finish talkin’. Seem to remember you had somethin’ you wanted to say…an’ I definitely know a few ways we could be spendin’ our time together. Ways I could show how much I missed you.”

She felt her heart flutter and her breathing sped up at the knowing look he was giving her. She wanted them to have some alone time too. But meeting her friends was important, the first in many steps they had to take to build trust and get them working together as a unit again. She was already optimistic that Willow had been the first to suggest a get together that was typically a group thing involving Spike. She just wasn’t sure about Xander and tonight would indicate if he and Spike could at least reach a common ground with each other.


The Bronze was actually pretty busy even though it was still fairly early in the evening. They made their way through the crowd looking for her friends when she spotted Willow’s red hair at a table near the stairs. They headed over and she saw that Tara, Xander and Anya were all there. They looked up as the blonde duo approached and Willow waved. Buffy waved back and tugged on Spike’s hand to lead him over to the table, he was hesitant but allowed her to drag him over. There was no way he was getting out of this, he couldn’t avoid them forever.

Xander saw Spike had actually shown up. He had kind of hoped to avoid these sort of meetings for a while but knew if he was going to stay Buffy’s friend he had to learn to deal. He was still working on the whole acceptance thing though and couldn’t help the scowl that crossed his face as he looked down at the table.

“Great. Bleach boy’s here.”

He felt the icy glares the three women at the table threw him and shifted uncomfortably.

“I told you he was coming Xand. Remember the whole point of this is to celebrate the fact Buffy’s Mom’s okay and show we can give Spike the chance he deserves. Now try to be nice or at least cut the name-calling please?” Willow begged.

The witch knew this was a real test for her oldest friend. He had a lot of issues to work through but she really hoped he could get over his hatred for Spike. She didn’t want her best friends to drift apart because Xander was an ass.

“I got it, sorry. I promise to at least keep my mouth shut if I feel the urge to bad-mouth him come on okay?”

Willow had no time to answer as Buffy and Spike reached them so instead she turned a bright smile in their direction.

“Hey guys. Have a seat, I’m glad you made it.”

Spike snorted a little under his breath. Red was clearly tryin’ to make amends for what had happened when she first heard the news Spike was Buffy’s boyfriend. He still hadn’t forgotten how self-absorbed she’d been but she was doin’ her best so the least he could do was let her. Buffy wanted him to get along with ‘em after all. So he’d make his piece with Red, Tara and Anya he had no problem with, but a look at Xander told him all he needed to about where he stood with the git. The brunette was obviously struggling not to make some scathing remark about Spike’s presence and Spike had an overwhelming urge to provoke him, not forgetting what he’d said to Buffy, how he’d hurt her. Only the knowledge that doing so would hurt her more stopped him. If the whelp could try play nice then he could too. The tension between them couldn’t be helped though.

“Red. Thanks for the invite. Glinda, Anya,” he nodded at them each in turn and paused to look at Xander, who drew in breath before looking at him with a fraction less hostility than normal, “Xander.”

The others watched nervously at the interaction. Male testosterone was making itself painfully known and they waited with baited breath for Xander’s response. It was one of the rare, if ever, occasions Spike had used the young man’s name instead of an insulting nickname which was mildly promising.


They held each other’s eyes for a minute and then looked away. Xander sipped his beer and Spike put an arm around Buffy looking back at the wiccans. Everyone released a sigh of relief. Buffy smiled at Spike gratefully and he rubbed his hand down her back in acknowledgement.

“Get you a drink pet?”


He bent down to drop a kiss on her head before heading off to the bar and Buffy took a seat between Willow and Anya. Willow leaned in to Buffy.

“I’m happy to see you two made up. So far so good right?”

“Yeah, they had me worried for a minute but they seem to be okay.”

Anya decided to join in on the conversation.

“Don’t worry. Xander’s under strict instructions not to give Spike a hard time tonight. If he knows what’s good for him he’ll do as he’s told.”

Buffy grinned, she was really starting to like Anya.

“Thanks, that goes ditto for Spike.”

The two women shared a giggle just as Spike got back with Buffy’s drink, a beer of his own in hand.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” they both answered innocently.

Spike threw them a curious glance as he sat next to Buffy, beside Anya. He glanced at Xander who shrugged but looked quizzically at the girls who suddenly seemed to be getting along so well. Tara and Willow smiled. Everyone had someone now and it seemed to be bringing certain members of the gang together even if the male portion of the group were a bit reluctant to be hanging out with each other.

After spending a little while discussing Joyce’s health and how things with Glory were going the girl’s decided a dance was in order. Spike declined and Buffy pouted.

“Come on, dance with me. We have to go work soon, we should have a little fun first.”

“Pet I’d love to dance with you, I’d just rather hold out for some good music yeah? Anyway I love watching you move, reminds me of the first time I saw you. I’ll just get a drink and sit this one out alright?”

Buffy frowned before glancing at her friends on the dance floor gesturing for her to join them.

“Fine, but you’d better dance with me when the next song comes on. We can’t stay much longer and for once, I’d like to take the opportunity to dance with you that involves actual, literal dancing.”

She bent to kiss his cheek before sashaying away to join her pals and Spike watched her go with a ridiculous grin on his face.

I could get used to this.

He went to fetch himself another beer before heading back to their table and settling in to watch Buffy dance. His mind wandered back to that first night in the Bronze when he’d gone in search of the Slayer. He’d been drawn to her instantly. He’d surprised himself when the typical driving thought of hunt, kill had left his mind as he watched her move seductively to the beat of the music. He’d desired her, and had never stopped, instead it had grown into love.

He didn’t notice Xander at first until a hand waved in front of his face and he blinked, noticing the young man had joined him at the table. His defences went up instantly. He would do his best to get along with the pillock for Buffy’s sake but there were no guarantees that would last if they were alone. Without the others around things could get out of hand and Spike waited, wondering what made the git approach him. He obviously had something he wanted to say.

“Thought you were dancing.”

“Yeah well I felt a bit outnumbered by the women, not that being surrounded by beautiful girls is something I’d normally turn down but I think we should talk.”

Spike bit back a comment about Xander seeming enough of a girl to fit in with the others and sat back giving him his full attention but narrowing his eyes as he thought about the kind of conversation Xander might have in mind.

“Yeah? What about?”

Xander seemed to consider what he wanted to say for a minute before looking Spike dead in the eye, his tone serious when he answered.

“I don’t like you.”

Spike snorted.

“Kinda picked up on that. Don’ worry, feelin’s mutual.”

“Figured. Look, I’m trying to be straight with you here. I don’t like you and I’m not sure I ever will but Buffy’s my friend and I want it to stay that way. Since she seems to want you for reasons that still baffle me I’m gonna do my best to deal, and I know you will too. I know you have a thing for her but I wasn’t sure…you really love her?”

Spike reigned in his temper and stared coldly at one of his least favourite people.

“We’ve been through this before. Yes. I love her. I love her and have no intention of ever not lovin’ her.”

“Just making sure.”

Xander sat back and took a gulp of his beer, picking at the label on the bottle while Spike continued to stare at him.

“If you hurt her I’ll stake you, you know that right?”

“If I ever hurt her I’d have dusted myself before you got the chance. Oh and if you ever hurt her again, I can guarantee the chip won’t bloody well stop me rippin’ you apart.”

Xander took this in seriously and nodded.

“So we understand each other then?”

“Yeah I guess we do.”

They sat in silence drinking and thinking what a strange situation they’d found themselves in for a while before Spike decided to turn his attention to something more pleasant, like his girl having fun. He searched the area in front of the stage for her and stiffened.

Buffy was separated from the others, her back to him, talking to a guy. Spike’s eyes narrowed as he took in the bloke’s appearance. Tall, broad, brunette with big puppy dog eyes. Spike’s nostrils flared and Xander looked up and watched with interest and a little fear when he noticed Spike’s reaction to seeing Buffy talking to another guy. He looked over and saw the guy lean in closer, smiling, to say something to Buffy over the noise of the music and she laughed. When he looked back across the table Spike was gone.


Buffy was having fun dancing and didn’t notice Xander leaving their group. She could feel Spike watching her and she made her movements more seductive as she put on a show for him. She vaguely noticed some guys nearby sneaking closer but ignored them. She was only interested in one guy. Hoping to discourage them she moved closer to the other girls signalling that this was a man-free zone. That’s when she remembered Xander and looking around saw he was gone. She turned to Anya and frowned mouthing ‘where’s Xander?’ Anya pointed to their table and Buffy looked over confused. Her eyes went wide when she saw Xander sitting down and engaging Spike in conversation.

“Oh well that can’t be good.”

Anya leaned in to Buffy.

“He said he had to talk to him. I hope they don’t hurt each other but they seem to just be talking.”

“Who knows how long that will last though.”

She moved as people blocked her view, trying to see around them and saw the guys stare each other down.

“I should really go over there before things get ugly.”

“Alright, I’ll help.”

They started to move forward when Buffy felt someone grab her arm. She turned around ready to face one of the guys from earlier and tell him she wasn’t interested when she recognised who it was.

“Buffy hey, how are you?”

“Ben! Wow I didn’t think I’d run into you here. I’m great how are you?”

“Trying to relieve some stress after a long shift at the hospital. How did your Mom’s check-up go?”

“Really well actually. They said she’s recovering just fine and if things keep going well she’ll be back at the Gallery in no time.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Anya watched the exchange and quickly got bored. After glancing over at the table to see that Spike and Xander weren’t about to rip each other to shreds she shrugged and walked back over to Willow and Tara. Buffy was so surprised to see Ben outside of the hospital and so caught up in conversation about her Mom to notice.

“Thank you by the way, for all your help. Coping with Mom and the doctors, and taking care of Mom. You were a real friend and I really appreciate your support.”

“Oh no, listen, your Mom’s great. I took a real liking to her and even if taking care of patients is a doctor’s job sometimes people forget the families. I don’t get why but it happens, I guess it’s what they deal with every day but I can’t help feeling someone should be there with the people in the waiting rooms too. You and your sister had lots of people who care about you but I could tell the whole situation was new and daunting for you. Having to answer some of those medical questions when your Mom’s sick is a lot to take in. I just did what I could to help.”

“Well I still really appreciate it. I know Mom and Dawn did too.”

“Dawn’s a sweet kid, sorry, teenager, I remember how much she hates being called a kid.”

Buffy laughed.

“Believe me I know. I hear about it every day.”

Ben grinned and was leaning in to say something else when he looked behind her and straightened up a bit. Buffy wondered what he was looking at and was about to turn round when a firm hand grasped her hip and another slipped around her waist, pulling her back against a hard body. She felt his cool breath on her neck and shivered though it had nothing to do with the cold.

“Who’s your friend luv?”

His voice was low and seductive and she tilted her head to look over her shoulder at him. He’d spoken into her ear and when she turned it brought their mouths close together and her brain forgot what he’d asked as she stared at that tantalizing full lower lip of his.


She dragged her focus away from his lips to his eyes which were fixed icily on Ben. She remembered who she’d been talking to before Spike had come over and turned her attention back to the intern who was shifting uncomfortably under the glare the other man was giving him and was clearly awkward being in front of the obviously intimate couple.

“Oh, um Ben this is Spike, Spike, Ben, he’s an intern at the hospital. He helped me out with Mom and Dawn and the other doctors when she was sick.”

Ben held out his hand but quickly removed it when Spike ignored the gesture, preferring to keep his hands on Buffy.

“That right.”

He lowered his gaze to Buffy who stared back at him, her heart rate increasing as her eyes locked with his heavy-lidded blue ones, once again noticing how close their lips were.

“Why don’ we have that dance now sweet? Promised you the next one after all an’ then we can get outta here.”

Once again the English language failed her as her thoughts went straight to kissing those irresistible lips of his.

“Uh huh,” she nodded, as it was the only way she was capable of answering in her current state.

Ben lowered his head and scratched his neck as he stepped back away from them.

“Okay, well, it was nice seeing you Buffy. Nice meeting you Spike. I’ll just…go now.”

Spike flicked his gaze up at Ben and smirked at him, Buffy still in a trance in his arms, oblivious to Ben and everything else around them.

“Yeah you too mate,” he turned back to Buffy, noticing with pride that her attention was all on him, “C’mon luv, time for that dance.”

He led her back to a more private area of the dance floor where they had some room to move, away from the intern she’d been talking to. He spun her around so she was facing him and moved both hands down to her hips, pressing her against him, his head lowered so their foreheads were touching as she looked up at him. Buffy slid her arms up to circle his neck and brushed her fingers over the little curls in his hair there. They swayed to the music for a while before Buffy actually took in what had just happened. She smiled knowingly up at him.

“That wasn’t very nice you know.”

“What wasn’t?”

“Making Ben feel all awkward like that and refusing to shake his hand. There was no need to be jealous Spike, he’s just a friend.”

“Who said I was jealous? Anyway, would do him good to remind him you are jus’ friends. Wasn’ quite sure he got that message.”

“Well I’m sure he read it loud and clear that time then. Could you have been any more ‘possessive hands off’ guy if you tried?”

“Sure I could. Could have gone all cave man like an’ jus’ picked you up an’ carried you off.”

“You know I’m actually surprised you didn’t?”

“Well if it’s what you’d prefer pet I could always swoop you up an’ walk out of here right now.”

She laughed and he grinned back at her. This was nice. Dancing with each other. It was right. Buffy felt the urge to tell him how she felt. She became serious and he studied her.



The Scoobies had been watching from their table as Spike and Buffy danced together. Willow and Tara were sitting close together holding hands and smiling as they watched the couple. Suddenly it didn’t seem so weird to see them together like that. Anya was resting her head on Xander’s shoulder. He still didn’t look too happy about it but he could see how much Buffy cared about the vamp and how protective he was of her. He still wasn’t sure about Spike being able to love but looking at them now, he had to concede that the guy looked pretty damn smitten. Whatever was between them was serious and he knew now more than ever he was going to have to learn to get used to Spike.

A phone started ringing and Anya sat up straight rooting through her bag.

“Who the heck could be calling me, you’re all here?”

The others watched interested as she answered the phone and struggled to hear whoever was on the other end. She looked up at them, a frown on her face.

“It’s Giles, he wants Buffy, it sounds urgent.”


Buffy looked up into Spike’s eyes, ready to lay her heart out in the open. He would deserve her love and return it. She didn’t have to hide from him.

“…I lo…”


They turned to Xander, Spike scowling and Buffy slumping defeated, wondering if she was ever going to get a chance to tell him.

“What is it Xander?”

“Giles is on the phone. He wants to talk to you. It sounds serious.”

They shared a look before rushing over to the table where Buffy took the phone from Anya.

“Giles what…?”

Spike watched while the Slayer listened to what the older man was saying. Her eyes went wide and she dropped the phone. She turned and grabbed Spike by the arm, clearly panicked.

“We have to go now!”

“Buffy what…?”


She dragged him out of the Bronze and he had no choice but to follow. Something was seriously wrong. The others jumped up concerned but the duo had forced their way through the crowd faster and were gone. Anya picked up the phone but Giles had hung up. They were really worried and wondered what could have had Buffy so panicked.
End Notes:
Did I leave you on a cliffhanger? Yes, yes I did. *evil grin* I'll hopefully update soon to let you know what happened to get Buffy so panicked.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=36973