Bring Me to Life by TammyAsh666
Summary: The last request of a dying girl leads to Spike doing the one thing he promised never to do again, but he can't help feeling drawn to her. Buffy awakens to a new world full of many possibilities, but is it more than she bargained for?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Horror, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 19262 Read: 29578 Published: 04/04/2011 Updated: 05/12/2011
Chapter 5 by TammyAsh666
Chapter 5

“Shit, love, watch the fangs.”

Buffy pulled back, shame written on her features. “Sorry, guess I don’t have full control yet.”

He sat up; tucking his cock back in his pants, the time for foreplay now over. Spike was afraid that she would end up biting his dick right off. “Don’t worry about it, but just like any man, dead or alive, that’s still a sensitive part of the body.”

She nodded. “Right, sorry again, I got too carried away. Blow jobs were always something I was worst at, guess not much has changed.”

Spike took her in his arms, kissing the top of her head. “You’re bloody amazing, I love that I can get you all worked up like that. As the years go by and we get more used to each other, neither one of us will have to hold back.”

“Are you sure you want to spend eternity with me? I might be hazardous to your health.”

He chuckled. “There is nothing I want more.”

* * * * *

“I can’t believe I’ve been a vampire for almost a year now, it feels like so much longer.”

Spike smiled as they walked hand in hand down a deserted street, just like any normal couple. “I’m still amazed at how far you’ve come in such a short time.”

“Do you think it ever could have been this way with Alona?” Buffy wondered.

“If she was more accepting of the change, I think it could have been. She just wasn’t ready, and I wouldn’t be here with you now. That’s not something I could ever regret.”

She was about to respond, but never got the chance.

“Isn’t that sweet? I see you’ve become even more of a pansy than I remember.”

Spike stopped suddenly, turning around at a voice he never expected to hear again. “Liam,” he spat.

The dark haired vampire placed a hand over his unbeating heart. “It’s nice to know I’m so memorable. Did you think I wouldn’t find you at some point? I didn’t go looking for you sooner because really, I enjoyed the quiet far too much. I could do whatever the fuck I wanted without worrying over you and your lackey. How is Charles these days? Still moping over his lost love? Why anyone would fall for humans is beyond me, but I see you decided to take a different approach.” Liam moved closer to Buffy, looking her up and down. “She’s a cute one, I decided it was time I introduced myself to the newest member of our little dysfunctional family.”

Buffy vamped out, wrapping her hand around his neck and slamming him against a nearby wall. “I should rip your fucking head off!”

Instead of being intimidated, Liam only laughed. “Oh, she’s feisty. Everything I love in a girl, but unlike me, you’re just a baby.” With quick reflexes, he twisted out of her hold, wrapping both hands around her throat and giving her a good squeeze. “You’re no match for me, little girl. It would be best if you don’t try something like that again.” Liam let her go, watching with a grin as Spike wrapped a secure arm around her waist. “Keep your fuck toy on a leash, William. She only gets one warning.”

“You stay the hell away from us. We don’t want anything to do with you, I think deciding to leave over a hundred years ago should have made that clear.”

Liam laughed again. “And I should care why? I’m not here for you, anyway. If you must know, I had an interesting conversation with a seer. Before I killed her, of course. She told me that I would find the Slayer here. Sweet Emily wasn’t the only one I killed; it became an addiction of mine. I took out two more since then, and now I’m gunning for this one. The girl hasn’t been a Slayer that long, shouldn’t be much of a challenge. If we don’t cross paths again, I’ll leave you and your two bitches alone. You get in my way, I won’t be as generous.”

Spike glared at his retreating form, turning to Buffy to see her face just reverting back to her human guise.

“Fucking prick, you weren’t wrong about him. We have to find the Slayer before he does, Spike. We can’t let him add another notch to his belt.”

He shook his head. “A vampire protecting a Slayer, now I’ve heard everything.”

Buffy gave him a pointed look. “I need to have some kind of purpose in this world. After hearing about what Liam did to Emily, can we really let him ruin someone else’s life? She’s just a kid, probably with family and friends who would miss her. We could get her on our side; maybe even train her so she’ll have a better chance of surviving. Charles would want that, even though he’d never admit it.”

Spike rubbed the back of his neck. “She should have a Watcher, love; they’re the ones who do the training.”

“Yeah, but you told me they’re usually just old, stuffy, English guys. She’d be better off with us training her. Come on, Spike, we have to at least try. You said you felt for the Slayers, remember? She’s just an innocent girl who didn’t ask for any of this, it was chosen for her. We can’t just let her die. Plus, if we interfere, it would really stick it to Liam.”

That brought a smile to his face, but before anything could be decided, he needed to speak with Charles first.

* * * * *

“Are you out of your bloody mind?! The Slayer could be anywhere, if Liam hasn’t found her yet, what makes you think we have a shot? Besides, the last thing I want is to be anywhere near that fucker again. You said he would leave us alone, unless you got in his way. Well, this would be getting in his way. I want no part of it.”

Spike let out a sigh. “I know this is hard for you, mate, but think about it. Liam will finally get what he deserves. I don’t care what he says, but now that he knows we’re here, there’s no way he’ll leave us alone. This girl could be the answer to our prayers, imagine how great it would be to have a Slayer on our side. It would be four against one. As far as I know, Liam hasn’t made any other vampires since us. He’s on his own, but sooner or later, you’re going to have to face him again. We knew this day would come eventually. We’ll finally put the fucking git back in the ground where he belongs.”

Charles thought it over, exchanging a look between Spike and Buffy, nodding after a moment. “I suppose we have a Slayer to find.”
End Notes:
I'm guessing Vamp!Buffy isn't to everyone's liking, but I would really love to know what you guys think. I'm still not sure this story was a good idea. Thanks to the few who have reviewed me, it's nice to know that someone likes it. Don't give up yet, things are about to get more interesting.
This story archived at http://