Chosen by pixiecorn
Summary: A vampire coven once united, seeks to destroy the 'Chosen' bloodline. When it's thought that the bloodline had finally been wiped out a feud erupts between two master vampires leaving their coven divided. Angelus is known for his cunning art of manipulation and deception, Spike, his ruthless fighting technique and passion and between them is a crazed vampiress who couldn't be more elated that 'her boys' are fighting over her. Angelus has captured and tortured young women for centuries, trying to complete a prophecy about the chosen bloodline so he can unleash the ultimate weapon. Elizabeth is one of those young women. She knows what she is and what she will become when she reaches eighteen years of age. She has spent her whole life training for one moment; to exact revenge and vengeance against the creature who took everything from her.
Categories: General Fics, NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Horror, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 43 Completed: No Word count: 96218 Read: 36903 Published: 08/08/2015 Updated: 06/28/2017
Flecks of Gold by pixiecorn
Buffy felt that tense low tightening in her stomach building again and groaned as her hips rocked with Spike's as they lie on their sides lathering each other with kisses and small nips. Spike, she found, had a particular sensitive spot right behind his ear on his neck that when she bit down with the right amount of force had him shuddering and growling in her ear.

"Luv, you do any more of that and you'll be in for it."

"Oh will I just."

Buffy bit down again, smiling when he growled. Her eyes fluttered closed and her heart skipped a beat when he rolled her onto her back and pushed her into the mattress with his hips.

They both froze at the new position, Spike's eyes meeting hers slowly locking eyes. He hovered above her, not moving a muscle and it took her a moment to realise that she hadn't let out a breath in a few seconds.

With a shy smile Buffy slowly raised her leg, her thigh's moving to accommodate his hips. She felt his member come into contact with her center and knew that he would be able to hear how fast her heart was beating against her chest. Spike's head dropped to her chest a few moments later as he let out a breath of unnecessary air, hips pushing down against hers in a rocking motion as if he was trying to hold back.

"Just- just be gentle with me."

Her whispered words brought realism to the front. Spike knew that whatever physical bravado she had been showing in her moves and kisses moments earlier, underneath it all she was still nervous and afraid. At the base of everything Buffy Summers was still an eighteen year old young woman, kissing a man for the first time, having sex for the first time. Once he claimed her there would be no turning back.

Both of their lives would never be the same again.

"I'll do my best, luv."

He leaned forward and gave her the sweetest kiss that had Buffy melting. Spike reached between them and positioned himself at her entrance, slowly guiding his member back and forth, coating himself in her wetness. Claiming her lips in a passionate kiss, Spike pushed forward, swallowing her gasp of pain.

There were a few moments of discomfort and she felt herself clamp down and freeze before Spike was fully sheathed inside her. He was supporting himself above her and she couldn't stop her hands from gripping his hips as she panted away the initial pain of him invading her.

Spike felt the tight grip she had on his hips and thought that if he were to look down he would see the whites of her knuckles. When her breathing returned to normal he let himself dip, hips moving ever so slightly. Buffy's grip loosened with each shallow thrust until she was running her hands lightly across his back.

"You ok, luv?"

"Uh huh. It's better now. That... kinda sucked." She let out a nervous chuckle and met his eyes.

"Gonna move a little bit more, yeah."


Spike pulled back until he was almost out and then slowly pushed his way forward again. Buffy's eyes rolled into the back of her head at this new sensation. Spike seemed to fill her completely, his body heavy atop hers, but not overpowering. Her hands raked down his back, one stopping to cup his backside and involuntary pull him hard upon her on his next thrust down.

Something changed within her causing her to clench around him, thrust after thrust pulling him closer. The hand that ran down his back became firmer and it wasn't too soon before her nails racked across his skin drawing blood.

Spike's demon came forth at the stinging feeling across his back and the smell of his blood as it assaulted his senses. Buffy had no idea what she had just started and he struggled to regain control of his demon. Still in game face he claimed her lips in a bruising kiss, his fangs nipped her lips and was surprised when she nipped back, her eyes squeezing closed as his body moved with hers.

Buffy tasted blood and something snapped, her eyes widened before she gasped at his strokes down. One of the hands that had been braced on either side of her head moved down to grip her bottom and pull her up to meet each of this thrusts. She moaned at the new sensation and couldn't stop the word that escaped her, his movements awakening something in her.


Something primal and dominant.

Spike growled against her neck and sped up his pace. The hands she was running down his back left deep and red marks in their wake. Buffy felt like she was floating, her limbs numb with lust. In all her wildest dreams she had never thought she would ever be doing what she was currently partaking in. Sure she'd had dreams of what it would be like to finally be with someone, but the way her body seemed to mold with his so perfectly had her eyes darkening with want.

Want. Take. Have.

Spike wasn't ready for what Buffy did next, but in the next blink of an eye he found himself on his back with Buffy sitting astride him, head thrown back, hand against his chest holding him down as she bounced away on his cock.

His demon came to the surface again, relishing in the sight of her breasts bouncing with every movement and protesting against the fact that she had taken dominance. He tried numerous times to change the tempo and movement of their hips, but Buffy let out a growl of her own and her eyes came down to meet his for the first time, daring him to move.

Eyes that flickered in the candlelight that littered the room. Eyes that were hers, but at the same time, not. They were sparkling green with flecks of gold and he found his own yellow eyes unable to break away from her gaze. He was bewitched and lost under her stare.

He let out a warning growl, pushing up against her chest and she fought to hold him down for a few moments. Spike pushed further forward and let out a deeper growl, showing his dominance over her and she blinked before they tumbled over, Spike once again taking control. He pinned her arms above her head and thrust into her with wild abandon, her thighs raised as she embraced his hips.

His teeth sent warning nips to her throat and at first she refused to relent her control, never baring her throat to him fully. The room was full of grunts and growls as they both tried to claim dominance over the other. Buffy managed to wrestle an arm free and wrapped her hands around the back of Spikes head, pulling his head to the side and baring his neck wide and open to her.

No sooner had she done this was her own neck left wide and open and like a viper snake striking it's meal, they struck. Teeth biting into flesh, blood rushing into each mouths as they came undone together.

Buffy felt something shift within her, it was like she was going through the becoming all over again. Discovering her body and strengths anew. She could feel the blood pulsing through her veins, felt another pulse within her, a connection being made. She could feel Spike, his strength as it rushed through her, engulfing her. She felt his demon within her, content and purring as it claimed her as his.

She felt different.

She felt whole.

She felt safe.

Spike lapped at the wound on his mates neck before pulling back and meeting her gaze. She smiled contently at him, flecks of gold glimmering in her green eyes for a few seconds before her body went slack and she passed out beneath him.

"Bloody hell."


In the room down the hall a very proud mother stroked the cheek of her brand new bub, her smiling husband snuggled up against her side.

"Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen."

"He's perfect."

Oz was swollen with pride. When he had heard Willows screams earlier that day and the piercing way it had broken the silence he had thought for sure something was wrong. Spending the last five hours by her side as she worked so hard to bring their child into this world was a day he was very unlikely to forget.


Willow smiled, tears in her eyes as she kissed first Oz and then little Oliver's head.

"Our little Ollie."

"Oliver Osbourne."

Oz beamed, chest puffed and proud as his child sucked on the finger he had offered. Everything in that moment was perfect.


In the library of the castle Giles and Tara clinked their glasses together as they sat back and relaxed over wine. The last five hours had been taxing, Giles having been unable to climb onto his mount after Oz had suddenly sprinted off into the distance after hearing something only his werewolf ears could pick up. The look on his face though had Giles picking up his pace and by the time he arrived back onto the estate Tara had met him at the gate, a sparkle in her eyes.

"It's baby day!"

"Oh good Lord."

They had struggled and stumbled to get Buffy's passed out form off the back of the horse and into the castle, but as soon as they reached the shadows of the foyer Spike had come to their rescue and carried her the rest of the way. Neither made a comment when Spike chose to not place Buffy in the room she had been previously kept in, instead placing her gently on his bed.

Giles had raised an eyebrow and Tara worried her bottom lip when Spike reached for some bindings to tie her to the bed. Both knew that these precautions were necessary and when Spike had remarked on the cut to Giles arm he knew not to voice his opinions on the matter.

Time had rushed by quickly after that, shouts from Willow further down the hall had everyone but Spike rushing to her aid. Instead, he sat in his leather chair across from the bed and watched Buffy sleep.

Giles had been hesitant to enter the room Willow was going to be birthing her child in. Birthing was a private matter, one for women to partake in, but when she insisted on his presence and Tara had all but begged for his help asking him to be prepared to hand her towels and utensils should she need them, he had come in.

Oz had spent hours rubbing soothing circles onto his wife's back, murmuring encouraging words into her ear as she panted, sweat pouring from her skin at the exertion. Minuets or hours later Giles wasn't sure, time seemed to blur together, but then there was a piercing wail and a child was born. Brought into the world screaming, red faced and very unhappy that he had just been ripped from the warmth of his protective cocoon.

"Do you think h-he'll do it tonight?"


"Spike. Do you think he'll do it tonight."

"He has to." Giles rubbed his head, the spot Buffy had knocked him still sore. "We don't have the luxury of taking anymore time to find an alternative solution I'm afraid. If their even is such a solution. Drusilla is coming forth in more and more frequent bursts to the point where it's physically starting to affect Buffy."

"The scratching, yeah. I-I can't imagine having someone else t-taking control of your body like that." Tara shuddered at the thought.

Giles only nodded his head in agreement, lost in thought over the day's events.

They both sipped their wine, sitting back in their chairs next to his desk. The parchments and scrolls that pertained to the prophecy still lumped in their three respective piles as they had been since the night before.

Tara caught Giles staring and worried her lip, taking a breath before speaking.

"Are you worried that by Spike c-claiming Buffy that it will effect the prophecy."

Giles took a few moments before downing his glass, pulling the glasses from his face and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm worried that by Spike claiming Buffy he will inevitably start the prophecy. I don't know how much good can come from this, but we don't have any other choice."

Giles rummaged through a few parchments and found one from the pile written in Latin, a drawing attached. A drawing of a woman with scars on her face lying down, blood spilling from the wound to her stomach.


Tara's wide-eyed gasp had Giles slumping back into his chair, wine goblet refilling his glass as he stared into the red liquid.

"Oh indeed."
This story archived at http://