Chosen by pixiecorn
Summary: A vampire coven once united, seeks to destroy the 'Chosen' bloodline. When it's thought that the bloodline had finally been wiped out a feud erupts between two master vampires leaving their coven divided. Angelus is known for his cunning art of manipulation and deception, Spike, his ruthless fighting technique and passion and between them is a crazed vampiress who couldn't be more elated that 'her boys' are fighting over her. Angelus has captured and tortured young women for centuries, trying to complete a prophecy about the chosen bloodline so he can unleash the ultimate weapon. Elizabeth is one of those young women. She knows what she is and what she will become when she reaches eighteen years of age. She has spent her whole life training for one moment; to exact revenge and vengeance against the creature who took everything from her.
Categories: General Fics, NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Horror, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 43 Completed: No Word count: 96218 Read: 36857 Published: 08/08/2015 Updated: 06/28/2017
You Can't Stomp Out The Sun by pixiecorn
Drusilla knew from the moment she had tried to form a connection with her Dollie that no further attempts would work. Her connection had been broken.


With a vicious and enraged growl, she grabbed the nearest item next to her and throwing it. The sound of porcelain shattering against the stonewalls waking Angelus from his slumber who lie next to her.

"That took me a long time to track down, Dru. It's one of a kind." He stared at the porcelain item she'd crushed in her rage with frustrated eyes.

"They broke it!" Stomping to the center of the room, the vampiress screamed.

"I'm pretty sure you broke the vase Dru-" He growled, sitting up.

"My hold over dolly, it's broken! My William has gone and ruined everything. Ohhhh." Drusilla dropped to floor and wailed, her hands shaking as they scratched at her head, pulling chunks of hair out in her wake. "Break it. Broken it down they did. Little dolly is all lost now. Out in the dark she is. He's taken her from us! Make him pay my love." Her big eyes looked up at him pleadingly.

Angelus had gotten up from the bed and had begun circling Drusilla, knowing that when she was in one of her fits it was best to leave her be. Get too close and you would be on the receiving end of one of her vicious claws and he had the marks across his chest where she had last lashed out to prove it. Absentmindedly he rubbed his chest.

"Riley should have been back by now." He murmured, lost in thought as he paced back and forth across the small room.

"Dark. It's all dark. Dark. Dark. Dark. Dark."

Drusilla was rocking back and forth as she whispered her chant, pulling her hair and shaking her head, her eyes unfocused as Angelus circled her slowly.

"William always did think he could take what was rightfully mine." He wasn't talking to her, simply out loud as he thought.

"Dark. Dark. Dark. Dark."

"Would you shut the fuck up! I can't hear myself think."

Fists clenched as he paced, Angelus growled low, eyes flashing yellow. He had big plans for the little blonde bitch that had escaped and now that her time had finally come he was going to put his plans into action.

"I do believe it's about time that we gave little William a visit. What do you say my love? Do you want to go see young Willie?"

"Can we take the young daddy? He always screams the loudest." Drusilla smiled maniacally. "I do love his screams. Daddy screams..." Drusilla giggled.

Angelus grinned as she trailed off, holding his hand out to his childe and mate. Her cold pale hand slipped into his and he smirked as she slid up his body, hands wounding up around his neck.

"You always do have the best ideas." Angelus grinned, his own hands slipping low across her back.

"Do I daddy? Mmmm can we make him scream?"

"We can do whatever we want with him."

Drusilla smiled and closed her eyes, content as she tucked her head into the shoulder of her mate, his arms around her.

"We will make them all bleed. Dead. They will all be dead, dead, dead." She took a step back and started twirling. "Ohhh and then little dollie will be ours. Ripe for the picking. Just like sunshine."

"Then we'll just have to crush out the sunshine won't we." Angelus said, attemping to soothe and appease her as she spun.

"She glows gold, my love." Drusilla stopped her twirling, eyes narrowing. "You can't stomp out the sun."

Angelus rolled his eyes at the nonsense pouring from Drusillas mouth. Some days he swore she was missing more than a few marbles, but then again he only had himself to blame. He had spent weeks if not months tormenting her, messing with her mind before capturing her and turning her.

Yes, she was his creation.

Crazy as she was, she was his.

His mate.

"Let's go pay young Willie a visit."

Drusilla let out another maniacal laugh as she trailed after her mate.



That's what she first felt as she floated in a sea of nothing. Complete blackness surrounding her like a thick fog. For how long she floated like that she wasn't sure, but soon enough an image started to appear. Blurry at first, but slowly clearing to become a sharp image.

Hands that were not her own begun ripping pieces of parchment to shreds as tears that were not her own fell down upon them. Buffy knew she was dreaming, she had tried to wake herself up when the images first started coming and found herself unable to do so. She was a simple voyeur in this body.

A body she couldn't see, but one she didn't need to.

Somehow she knew it was Spikes.

She was sitting in a dark alley on top of a bundled pile of hay, something obviously having happened to make him so heart stricken and upset. A voice broke through the darkness and she felt his heart racing within his chest.

"I wonder... what possible catastrophe came crashing down from heaven and brought this dashing stranger to tears?"

A woman stepped from the shadows and within an instant Buffy recognised her.

"N-nothing. I wish to be alone."

The voice she seemed to produced from Spike's body sounded nothing like the Spike she had been listening to for the last few days. This voice was softer, more meek.



"Oh, I see you. A man surrounded by fools who cannot see his strength, his vision, his glory. That and burning baby fish swimming all around your head."

Spike backed away from Drusilla nervously. Buffy felt his feet stumble on the stones beneath his feet, butterflies in his chest and unable to stop the images. The scene continued to play out as she watched trapped from within Spike's body.

"That's quite close enough. I've heard tales of pickpockets. Y-you'll not be getting my purse, I tell you."

Drusilla smiled and advanced.

"Don't need a purse." She pointed straight at his heart and head in succession and Buffy felt Spike pause. "Your wealth lies here... and here. In the spirit and... imagination. You walk in worlds the others can't begin to imagine."

"Run!" Buffy screamed inside, trying against all her might to move the limbs she knew she couldn't. She felt her eyes fixed to Drusilla's, felt the fear in Spike's chest, but also the curiousness.

Curiousness towards Drusilla and her insight into his own character.

"Oh, yes! I mean, no. I mean... mother's expecting me."

Spike stumbled again when Drusilla stepped forward and pulled the collar of his shirt to the side, heart hammering away in his chest.

"I see what you want. Something glowing and glistening. Something... effulgent."

His eyes widened and his breath stopped.

"Effulgent." He whispered, staring at her in awe.

She knew.

"Do you want it?"

"Oh, yes!" He reached out a hand to touch her. "God, yes."

Drusilla glanced down towards his neck, her face changing as her fangs descended. Spike tried to stumble backwards, not sure what his eye were seeing, the firm grip she had on him hindering any further movement. His neck stung as she buried her fangs into his flesh.

Buffy heard Spike cry out in pain and couldn't help the shouted "No!" that rushed through her. Spike's cries soon turned to moans as Drusilla dragged him to the ground, greedily sipping away on his blood.

His life force.

She had just ended his human existence.


As soon as the dream had started it was over and Buffy slipped into a calming blackness once again, a feeling of warmth surrounding her. She knew it was all a dream, but at the same time knew that it wasn't.

It was a memory.

Spike's memory.

She had just been witness to the turning point in his life, the exact moment that his human life had ended and his immortal existence had started.

Darkness descended over her like a cloud and she was floating once more.
This story archived at http://