Chosen by pixiecorn
Summary: A vampire coven once united, seeks to destroy the 'Chosen' bloodline. When it's thought that the bloodline had finally been wiped out a feud erupts between two master vampires leaving their coven divided. Angelus is known for his cunning art of manipulation and deception, Spike, his ruthless fighting technique and passion and between them is a crazed vampiress who couldn't be more elated that 'her boys' are fighting over her. Angelus has captured and tortured young women for centuries, trying to complete a prophecy about the chosen bloodline so he can unleash the ultimate weapon. Elizabeth is one of those young women. She knows what she is and what she will become when she reaches eighteen years of age. She has spent her whole life training for one moment; to exact revenge and vengeance against the creature who took everything from her.
Categories: General Fics, NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Horror, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 43 Completed: No Word count: 96218 Read: 36796 Published: 08/08/2015 Updated: 06/28/2017
Blood To Blood by pixiecorn
Hanks eyes watered the moment he tried to swallow, his throat constricting in pain from the bruises that marred his flesh. The crazed vampiress whose fingers had constricted him days earlier now sat opposite him in the small carriage he had been shoved into. He was never told where they were going or how long it would take to reach their destination, he was a mere prisoner. Held captive for their entertainment.

His body was covered in bruises and scars at all different stages of healing which were the result of constantly being beat on and punished for speaking out of turn or staring for too long. Sometimes Drusilla would punish him for things the voices in her head told her he had done, her insanity knowing no bounds.

Hank had become accustomed to her oddities, but for a creature such as she was; and one who was extremely unstable, Drusillas behaviour over the last few days had been concerning. Even now, as she rocked back and forth across from him he could hear her muttering under her breath and her words chilled him to the bone.

"I can't see her. I can't see... It's dark where she is. Kill her... Kill her for mommy!"

"For the millionth time Dru, we need her alive."

The frustrated growl that erupted from the vampire that sat next to him had Hank flinching in his seat.

Angelus; unlike his mate, was calm and collected. Hank knew from his books after his wife had been taken that Angelus was one of the most cunning vampires within the Aurelius lineage and almost always got what he wanted.

"You don't want to kill her, do you?" Drusilla's pale face tilted as she stared at her mate. "You want to hurt her... Just like you hurt me."

"Nobody knows me like you do, Dru."

What Angelus and Drusilla wanted was his daughter.

With narrowed eyes Hank glared at the floor of the carriage. He would burn in hell before he let Angelus touch his Elizabeth again.

The memory of his daughters screams filled his head and he closed his eyes, the thought too painful. For too long to remember he had been held captive in a darkened room that held no windows or natural light, just a single door. The room next to him was, on occasion, used to hold his daughter. A cruel joke constructed for Angelus's amusement.

He was kept bound and gagged whenever his daughter was in the room, unable to call out to her, unable to see her, but completely able to hear every scream and every sob that erupted from her body.

"I see such pretty fire." Drusilla's eyes gleamed with excitement before darkening, breaking Hank from his thoughts. "The sunshine won't come out so easily."

"We'll just have to go in and get her then wont we."

"The stars won't let us play tonight. Nasty William has cast us out!" Her fist collided with the bench beneath her, the cushions softening the blow, but the wood beneath still cracking.

"Oh she'll come out alright." Angelus grinned, his eyes turning gold as his hand grasped the back of the Hanks neck.

He was to be used as leverage then. Hanks eyes narrowed at the icy grip.

"That's a good daddy," Drusilla giggled, leaning forward. "Look at me dearie. Be in my eyes..."

He tried to squeeze his eyes shut, but knew his efforts would be futile for nothing could stop Drusilla's hypnosis and control.

"Be in me..."

"We'll get her back, my love."

"The young daddy is going to collect dollie for us! The stars have arranged a wonderful party..."

"Yes, ol' Willie is having a gathering."

"We're not invited." Her eyes narrowed, glaring at Hank as if it was all his fault. "Bad doggy!"

"Dru!" Angelus tried to stop her, but she had already slammed her fist into Hanks shoulder, the sound of bone dislocating echoing in the small carriage.

"He tries to bring the sunshine with him. Not yours to take! I can't see her. I can't see..."

Tears filled her eyes as she slumped back into her chair.

Hank collapsed back into his chair, the dislocated limb falling lifelessly to his side, body still swaying under the complete control of the crazed vampiress in front of him.

"We'll bring her outside. She won't be able to stay away from her father." Angelus slipped onto the cushioned seat next to his mate and let her whimper against him. "She'll come to us."

The carriage came to an abrupt stop a few minutes later signalling that they had arrived at the turning road that would lead to Spike's estate. Angelus was glad that Drusilla had calmed from her earlier outburst, holding out his arm for her to take as she descended the two steps from the carriage and into the snow. Her head tilting to the side as she stared off into the darkness, her eyes brimming with delight at a sight he couldn't see.

"Keep watch." He murmured to his guard holding the reins to the horses on the carriage.

"The flames are so pretty at night..." Drusilla hummed as she walked, fingers twitching and curling as she effortlessly called to her enthralled captive. "They dance, and the fire licks like a kitten." She let out small purrs, her tiny feet crunching through the snow. "Here kitty kitty..." Her lips kissed the night air and she giggled, turning to motion Angelus to follow.

"What do you see princess?"

"A golden kitten hiding in the dark." Her eyes were wide with excitement as she whispered, shoulders creeping up as they walked the pathway to the castle, slipping between the trees to sneak behind the castle and around to a small gardened area.

"We don't need another cat, you killed the last one." Angelus groaned, rolling his eyes and turning his attention back towards the castle.

He could hear the festivities of the gathering inside the castle walls and felt a buzz of excitement run through him, his demon itching to be let loose to run riot. There were guards stationed at each entry point as they slipped past the front gate, his eyes roaming the vast windows and doors looking for the best vantage point to sneak in unnoticed.

"You like our little songs, don't you dollie? Miss Edith always liked them, right from the beginning."

"You killed Miss Edith, Dru."

"You'll always be alone."

"I can't be alone with you around." Angelus shook his head, eyes rolling as he moved to step around her, but the arm that shot out across his chest jolted him still.

"Little ripples of sunshine in the air." Drusilla hissed, holding her hand up and pushing against an invisible barrier.

"Fucking witches!" Angelus growled low, eyes narrowing.

They were standing at the beginning of a pathway, a single post holding a flaming torch to his left. The giant glass windows that lined the wall of the castle were illuminated by the bright candlelight within. He could see the shadows and silhouettes of the castles patrons and with a frustrated growl his fist punched the invisible barrier.

"We're so close! It's right fucking there!"

"Little golden kitten hiding all alone in the dark."

Drusilla pushed the tree branches that hid the path from view and his eyes lit up.

He couldn't believe it.

There she was.

Little Buffy was outside and alone, standing on a small balcony overlooking the garden below her.

This was too perfect.

"Be a good daddy and bring the little dollie to mommy."

Drusilla was gripping Hank by the shoulders, her fingernails digging in deep to his flesh as she locked eyes once more, solidifying her thrall. Angelus bounced on the balls of his feet in anticipation as Hank slowly, but surely stumbled through the snow and through the invisible barrier.

His first few steps through the snow were on shaky feet, body trembling from the cold. His head seemed to drop forward, body stiffening before shaking it from side to side.

"No! You promised me!" Drusilla hissed at the night sky, watching Hank turn back towards them, a small grin forming on his face. "You're not playing by the rules! Bad daddy!"

Angelus growled as Hank turned back around and started walking faster, his voice rasping out into the night.

"No! You're supposed to bring her to me!" Punching the invisible barrier did nothing but enrage him further.

"The stars lied to me."

"Fuck the stars, Dru." Angelus growled, ripping the torch post from the ground next to them. "If I can't have her..." he threw the flaming torch from its top, the flame fizzing out in the snow with a hiss. "No one will!"

"Oh the screams, it's like star music. Kill her for princess? Do it!"

With narrowed eyes Angelus hurled the post through the air and straight through the barrier just as Spike came rushing out of the large windowed doors and onto the balcony.

With laughter bursting from his mouth, Angelus grinned.

"Couldn't have time that better."


"Would love to stay and chat, but I've got places to be, people to kill. See you around Willie!" Angelus laughed, wrapping an arm around his giggling mate before pulling her into the darkness.

"Spike no! The barrier! It won't let you leave!" Giles shouted, just before Spike could charge forward.

"Ye two wae me. We'll see how that baw heided dolt is laughing when I'm finished wae him."

Deorsa shook his head, bringing his brachen demon forward and grinning through the spikes that covered his face. Oz was shedding his clothing, dropping it carelessly into the snow, eyes closed as he called his wolf forward. There was no time for modesty, just the wolf. He dropped into the snow with a groan, bones cracking as his demon surged to the surface to take control.

He would pay for forcing the change so quickly upon himself later, but for now he needed to give chase.

"Make it hurt." Spike growled, his own demon rushing to the surface as he nodded for Oz to follow Deorsa.

With a howl Oz ducked his shoulders and pushed off from the snow, nose catching the scent of the two vampires that were fleeing the castle grounds.

"N-no. Sweetheart, look at me." Spike fell to Buffy's side, his hands replacing Giles own under her head. "C'mon, luv." His hands were shaking as he wiped the hair from her face.

"It's not good."

His eyes filled with tears at Giles words, already knowing how severe the extent of her wounds were. He could hear the crunching of footfalls through the snow as Deorsa and his men gave chase to Angelus and Drusilla, but the one sound that was deafening was the sound of Buffy's gurgling as she slowly bled out in his arms. He cast his eyes southwards, face dropping at the sight of the pole that was pierced through her body.

"They'll no doubt be running back to their sanctuary." Giles was kneeling in the snow next to him.


"Hush now, luv." Tears dropped from his eyes down to his cheeks and to the snow beneath.

Each drop of blood that slipped from her body felt like a gut wrenching bunch to his body as if it was his own. Their mated connection allowed him to feel every ounce and every agonizing second of her pain and it had him frozen in place. He felt ill looking at her, knowing that there was nothing that he could do to stop her bleeding.

His demon howled inside.

He couldn't lose her.



The strength of her answer to the question he had yet to ask shocked him. She didn't want to be turned. She didn't want to be a vampire.


The pole that pierced through her body was effecting her lungs, her breathing raspy and shallow and Spike motioned for her not to talk. If it weren't for the man who had been hit first, he had no doubt in his mind that she would have been killed instantly.

The man was taller than Buffy and therefore the pole had pierced through his stomach, not anywhere near his heart, but still managed to hit vital organs. Spike could hear his heart-rate slowing.

It wouldn't be long now.

"My dear friend..." Giles whispered, doing his best to slow the bleeding with an incantation, his hands pushing down on Hanks wounds to stem the bleeding. "Whatever have they done to you?"

"Hank? Her father?" Spike's eyes widened, taking a second glance at the thinly framed man.


"N-not like this." Hank wasn't listening to either of them, his eyes solely focused on his daughters. Buffy's breaths were coming in short gasps, bloodstains on her lips. She coughed, blood spattering onto his face. "My Elizabeth..."

Hank had known instantly upon seeing him who Spike was. Searching his face he was surprised to find a matching set of tears rolling down his cheeks. The vampire was as worried about Elizabeth as he was.

He searched his daughter's features in alarm. He could feel the warmth of her skin upon his and calmed, but when Spike brushed the hair from her face it moved it from her neck and there were scars there. Bite marks.

She was mated.

Glancing up from his sideways position he saw the scars of a mating bite on Spike's neck in the shape of human teeth and closed his eyes in sorrow.

They had claimed each other.


Hank knew what those marks meant. He knew what was to come next and had held on to hope for so long, wishing that the prophecy wasn't about his Elizabeth.

But it was.

He had a task to perform.

"Rupert you have to help her. S-she's... I can'-."

"I don't know what else to do. I-If we remove the spear they'll bleed out. The prophecy-"

"I refuse to believe that this is how she ends!" Spike roared, hands shaking as he struggled to get a hold of his emotions. His fingers gripped Buffy's, squeezing them tight, getting no response in return.

With as hurried movements as he was capable of, Hank pushed the bloodied hair from his daughters face.

"Not like this." Whispering again, he turned his head to meet the eyes of one of his oldest friends.

"Sorry Ripper."

"Oh no you don't! You don't get to tap out on me now. Not after all these years!" Giles saw the glint in Hank's eyes.

"Revelare quod est maxime sacris mihi." With his fingers already dripping in blood, Hank traced a symbol on his daughters forehead. "S-sanguis ut sanguis. Ego vocare ad tibi. Revelare."

Reveal that which is most sacred to me. Blood to blood. I call to thee. Reveal.

Hanks eyes widened in fear when nothing happened, glancing upwards to Giles eyes before meeting Spikes. He pulled the hand that was entwined with the fingers of his daughters forwards and traced the same symbol on the top of Spike's hand.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Spike tried to snatch his hand away.

"Spike you should-"

"Ego vocare ad tibi. Revelare!"

Blood to blood. I call to thee. Reveal.

There was a glowing green light above them and then suddenly a small brown satchel fell to the snow with a thud. Motioning as best he could with his eyes and hands, Hank gestured to open the small bag.



Buffy sputtered, more blood spilling from her mouth as she tried to form a word.

Giles turned the bag upside down and watched the contents spill into the snow, eyes searching for anything that could be of use. The enchantment that Hank had used to conceal the bag was old magic, dark magic, and one that could only be unlocked by the blood of family.

"Buffy, sweetheart stay with me. Please...please don't leave."

"I-I don't know what I'm looking for!" Giles fingers were going numb from sifting through the items in the snow, hands shaking with adrenaline.


"You bloody devil!"

Giles eyes lit up with recognition and knew immediately what he was searching for in the snow. The golden band glistened against the torchlight behind them, calling out to him. The green gem encased in the gold band was warm to the touch and Giles moved to slip it onto his friend's finger.



"Buffy? No sweetheart, c'mon wake up! Buffy!"

Hank shakily pushed Spike's hands aside as he pulled his daughter's fingers to his own and slipped the ring onto her finger."T-take it out."


"Do as he says." Giles whispered solemnly, knowing the sacrifice that Hank was making. Holding the form of his friend still, Spike moved to pull the pole from their joined bodies.

Giles helped ease Hank down to lie in the snow, his head cradled in his knees. Buffy's golden dress was a mass of bloodied marks, her abdomen covered in red. Spike laid her gently on the snow, his hands running up and down her body, eyes glancing at the ring on her finger and the bloodied symbol on her forehead and his hand.

What had Hank done to them?

Through his connection with Buffy he could feel her heartbeat slowly steadying, the rhythm beating even. Blood no longer pooled underneath her as if her wound was healing itself. His hands pushed down onto the area where her chest had moments ago held a gaping hole through it and found no wound there.


Her eyes snapped open and she sat up with a gasp, her hands rushing to her chest and abdomen. Her eyes were wide as she recalled the memory of the last few moments before turning in the snow to see the fallen form of her father.


"I'm so sorry..."

"No!" Her features crumbled under Giles words, tears falling falling to the ground as she crawled through the snow to reach them. She let out a sob, leaning down, her father's eyes clouded and empty.


The scream that erupted from her had Spike pulling her into his arms. She screamed until she couldn't scream any longer and then she cried. Huge sobs that wracked her entire body while Spike gently rocked her, whispering small comforts into her ear that did nothing to ease the pain of her loss.
End Notes:
This story archived at http://