Summary: Why yes, it IS another rewrite of season 2's Halloween episode. Spike and Buffy's lives will never be the same after that fateful night... And better yet, do they want it to be?
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 29796 Read: 18440 Published: 09/03/2004 Updated: 11/12/2004
9b by Bloodshedbaby
A/n-VERY AWESOME THANKS TO SPIKESKAT FOR THE INCREDIBLE BETA JOB!! Yeah, that DID have to be in capitals. :P And thanks to Rae and Beanmommy for being my plot guidance counselors. *squish*
chapter 10b
aka-Continuing Adventures of Sticky Boobs (just for you Kari)
"You... really want them off?" Buffy began to peel the sticky boobs off her skin with an aching slowness, taking the time to pause for dramatic effect.

A primal growl reverberated around the room, and Buffy's eyes widened with shock. Holy crap, she had done that?

Ok, Buffy, mental note to self. Spike wasn't the type who liked to be teased.

With another low savage growl, Spike scooped Buffy up, and threw her roughly on the bed. He loomed over her as she lay in front of him on the bed, his hands finding their way to the waistband of her pants, and with an impatient tug, he made quick work of divesting the tight leather pants from her body.

Buffy knew she should probably be a little concerned about this abrupt savageness Spike was displaying, but... wow. The sudden burst of moisture that flooded her panties told her a different story. It told her that she LIKED this primal display.

As in really liking the more Savage-y Spike.

Oh, did she ever. Her slayer sense was firing all right, but in an almost erotic way, like somewhere deep inside her, it recognized that he belonged to her. She didn't know if it was her slayer sense, Elizabeth or whoever. And right about now, she didn't really care.

Her skin seemed to hum under his hungry stare, and Buffy watched as the gold glints flickered in those dark, dangerous depths, while her pants were tossed carelessly over his shoulder. His ravenous gaze was now glued to the feast of skin presented before him, as he moved to put one knee on the bed beside her.

Buffy saw one hand reaching to ensnare her wrists, and in a fit of pure desperation, she managed to evade his grasp. Another low warning growl rumbled deliciously from his throat, and she stared mesmerized as the amber glints in his eyes intensified. Oh yeah. She liked him doing the growling thing all right.

"Your pants," she managed to gasp, weakly gesturing in the direction of his strained denim. His very strained denim. Have to hand it to Levi Strauss, she thought. They sure knew what they were doing with their 'industrial strength' denim. Guaranteed to withstand even the biggest hard-on known to man. Or vampire, for that matter. Not that she really had any means of comparison or anything. But hey, she was impressed. As in...

Spike impatiently pushed his jeans down his hips, allowing his erect cock to spring free. He was too busy trying to get the bloody things off-in the most rapid manner possible-to notice the look of complete shock that became instantly glued to Buffy's face as she got an up close and personal look at the impressive length and girth of Spike’s..

Oh. My. God. Her jaw hung open as her eyes remained glued to the cock that seemed to stand at attention and…damn, the thing was twitching now…as if it were horning in on her, like some kind of heat-seeking missile. She started to repeat her silent mantra in earnest now. There was no way in hell that… Spike’s thing… erm, Spike’s enormous... thing. ''Ok Buffy, if you're going to have it inside of you, you should be able to say it,' she heard a voice lecture in her head. Oh my god! What the hell was her mother doing, talking in her head? At a time like this??? A stern look suddenly came to mind, as Buffy pictured her mom giving her best 'no-nonsense' look..

Fine, all right! She could so say it. Penis. As in HUGE penis. Or more like 'hung like a freakin stallion' penis. Oh my god, was it even going to fit?????

Finally managing to free himself of the tight confines of his jeans, Spike replaced his knee beside her hip on the bed, his eyes never taking in Buffy’s shocked expression, so intent was he on resuming his exploration of her body. His hands eagerly roamed the taut, sleekness of her abdomen. He leaned over her to begin a wet trail of worship starting at the edge of the silken panties she wore, before beginning his path north His lips and tongue hungrily caressed every inch of her skin, and Buffy soon forgot her new obsession with the size of his fully erect penis. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she became caught up in the sensations he was creating with his tongue. A blaze of fire began racing its way through her veins, and she felt an overwhelming urge to feel every bit of his skin against hers. Like right NOW.

So caught up by the desire Spike was steadily stroking with this touch, she never noticed when her sticky boobs were finally removed, and flung carelessly aside. She did; however, feel the cool lips that suddenly closed around one painfully erect nipple A gasp broke free from her chest, when a firm tongue worried the budded tip gently, followed by a tortured moan as his teeth closed around the pert bud as he bit down with the most tender of nibbles.

Her familiar mantra was back. Oh. My. God. Over and over it sounded in her brain, as a keen sense of pleasure she never even known existed wracked her body. Yes, she had done the masturbation thing. She had made herself come, but Oh... My... God... It was nothing even remotely CLOSE to how Spike was making her feel at this very minute.

When his hand slipped between her legs, gently prodding them apart, there was no hesitation on her end. Her legs fell open, granting him the access he craved. She was like a spring time flower, and Spike was her honey bee. And damned if he wasn't coming to collect the goods. She found she was MORE than ready to hand them over too... damned if she wasn't!

Spike was trying to rein in his desire, trying to remind himself that this was all new for the girl. But his body didn't seem to want to listen; it just wanted to take possession, to consume every beautiful inch of her more than willing body. When she had taunted him with her bloody sticky boobs, his demon had seen red and tried to take over.

He was a right lucky bastard he hadn't scared her away. In fact, if his nose served him, she'd rather enjoyed the switch of control…his aggression and domination. That was something to be filed away for further consideration at a later date. But, for now, his demon had been relegated to a submissive role, allowing Spike to resume control. His demon wasn’t happy with this turn of events. Spike, however, was determined to do this HIS way.

When one small, hesitant hand reached out to encircle his engorged cock, he almost came right then and there. Her warm palm almost seared him with its touch, the tentative gesture making him a lot hornier than if she had grabbed hold of his jutting shaft and suddenly commenced with a vigorous hand job. He squeezed his eyes shut tight in an effort to hold on to the slim thread of control he was managing to maintain. He'd done virgins before, but he'd always killed 'em afterwards. It had been a game to him, see if he could make them die with a smile on their face.

That wasn't the case here. This girl was his, even if she didn't know it yet.

"Is that... this... ok?"

Spike opened his eyes to see a set of slightly nervous eyes peering in his direction. Crawling the rest of the way up her succulent body, he smashed his lips to hers in a heart felt kiss, communicating his desires and feelings through actions.

"Anything you do to me is ok, luv. Remember that."

Buffy smiled in response, her confidence growing at her lover’s fervent words. Her other hand moved to explore the hard terrain of Spike's chest, something she had been dying to do. And another: oh wow/ With a holy shit thrown in for good measure. Feeling the strong, firm flesh under her fingers made her greedy for more, and she reluctantly let go of his erection to splay both hands across his chest, ghosting her finger tips down over his abdomen, feeling each and every compact muscle he possessed in his spectacular torso.

Spike embarked on his own exploration, acquainting himself fully with her body. When he reached her silken thong panties, he easily tore them from her hips and was amused that once again she didn't even seem to notice.

That spoke volumes.

His fingers danced between her legs once more, and his biceps were gripped in a tight vise, as Buffy's breath hitched. Letting his index finger part the golden curls, he slipped it through the succulent wet folds that were waiting for him.

Christ, she was wet.

For that, he was grateful, knowing that she may have an unpleasant time when he first eased into her. He watched her face, marveling at the expressive displays of passion he found there.

And it was all for him.

Her hips began bucking into his hands, instinctively searching for something to ease the ache that was steadily building, as he pumping his finger in and out of her. Spike knew what it was that her body craved and he circled his thumb over her swollen clit. Her body arched towards his hand, unconsciously seeking to increase the friction, pleasing Spike with her responsiveness to his ministrations.

Ok, she was soooo going to stake him. No... wait. Not yet... After. Buffy decided she would stake him after. He was deliberately teasing her, and that so wasn't cool.

Buffy couldn't control the moan that escaped when his fingers began working a little bit of magic in her private areas. Ugh. Her mother's voice sounded in her ear again, lecturing her once more about the use of proper terminology since she was doing the "deed".

Fine. Clitoris, Vagina. Sex. Penis. Did she miss anything? And her mom was in her head during sex, because.....?

An orgasm snuck up on her and totally rocked her world, causing a burst of intense color to explode behind her closed eyelids as her release caused her body to tremble in response. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body, and... oh god, was that HER screaming?

She drifted back to awareness to find Spike smirking with smug satisfaction in her direction.

"Shut up." But her demand lacked the necessarily conviction, coming across as easy banter between lovers while she lay there boneless in the aftermath. Spike sprawled out languidly next to her, his erection pressing urgently into her hip.

Spike ignored her breathless reproach, as he lowered his lips to hers for another one of his famous holy-crap-worthy kiss, before settling himself between her parted legs.

Buffy could feel his humongous cock pressed up against her inner thigh, and her earlier fears returned. How in the world was that going to fit? She'd seen pictures of naked men; she and Willow had done the internet porn searches and all that. But this... Spike's penis was in, like, a class of its own. It had to be. It might even be a contender for the Guinness Book of World's Records or something... Did they even have a category for the biggest cock known to man? And if so, who got to do the measuring?

"Relax." His voice was low and soothing, jarring her from her thoughts before hysteria could set in. His lips moved away from her ear to trail a path along her neck.

"I am relaxed," Buffy lied, knowing as soon as the words left her mouth how ridiculous they sounded. Luckily, Spike didn't call her on it.

Spike grabbed his cock and slid it up and down along her opening, coating the head with her copious spendings before positioning himself at her entrance.

Already he could feel her heat searing him, and Buffy becoming even more rigid beneath him.

"Don't worry, luv, I won't hurt you. Not deliberately anyway."

"I know." The conviction in Buffy's whispered voice stunned him, and he allowed a smirk to emerge.

"So, Buffy, " he began, licking a trail up and down the side of her neck.


"You going to let me bite you?"

Buffy's eyes flew open and she looked at him in shock, and that's when he made his move, thrusting his hips forward, and burying himself within her tight sheath. He had felt her maidenhead tear, and kept himself as still as possible, while he allowed her body to adjust to his sudden invasion.

"Ow!" Buffy cried, her arms going around him to pull him closer rather than pushing him away, as he had feared. "You did that distraction thing, didn't you? It hurts!"

Spike tipped his head to pepper her face with tender kisses. "Shhh... I'll hold real still like, then when it stops hurting, we'll give it a go. I'm sorry I hurt you, luv."

Buffy blinked back her tears, as she nodded, her grip on Spike tightening painfully. That was sneaky what he had done, asking if he could bite her, then doing that. Popping her cherry.

Besides, he already had bitten her.

He had said she was 'tasty.'

Please. She was a tasty little morsel all right. In his dreams. But... it had felt kind of good...

And that was when she realized something else was feeling kind of good. Damned if her vampire hadn’t completely disregarded what he had just told her and started moving. But, oh… it was really starting to feel good. Very good, in fact. That distraction thing really worked.
*ducks and hides*

But hey! I updated! go me. And I'm working on a chapter of Dreams and Desotos also.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=4217