Turn Back Time by hollowtear
Summary: Buffy is the new girl in town. William becomes her friend over summer break. After a great summer romance, Buffy and William find that they are in opposite social circles. Will they be able to last?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No Word count: 19747 Read: 21970 Published: 10/02/2004 Updated: 04/05/2005
A Walk in the Park by hollowtear
Chapter 4: A Walk in the Park

William had finally calmed down from embarrassing himself in front of Buffy when he heard a knock at the door. Not wanting his mother to be disturbed, he ran to the door. He swung the door open and instantly thought he was dreaming.

“Buffy! Uh... wha… What are you doing here?” Smooth Will. Real smooth. He thought sarcastically to himself.

Buffy smiled and said, “Well, I’m new and don’t really know my way around town, and I thought that since you’re doing the whole welcoming thing for your mom,” Buffy looked down. She suddenly looked very shy.
“That you could show me around a bit.”

William’s eyebrows shot up. A chance to spend some time with Buffy? How could he pass this up? “Sure.” He said a little too eagerly. “Let me just check on my mother and I’ll be right with you.”

He invited her in to wait while he ran upstairs. Buffy stood right inside the doorway looking around. This is a cute house. His mom must like old furniture, though. This stuff looks really old.

William came back downstairs and said, “Well, I’m ready if you are” He opened the door for Buffy and followed her out. “So… what would you like to see?”

“Is there a park around?” Buffy asked him. She weaved her arm into his and felt the muscles in his arms. Hmm .I didn’t expect this. He must work out.

William had slightly stiffened when she touched him. “Uh… Yeah, just a few blocks away.” He could feel the side of Buffy’s breast against his arm, and felt movement in his jeans. Don’t look down. Please don’t look down. He pleaded silently in his head. He knew he would surely die of embarrassment is she did, because she would see the bulge growing in his pants.

He started walking towards the park and after a few minutes of silence, Buffy asked him, “So when did you move here?”

William looked at her with surprise and said, “What?”
“Your accent. It’s a dead giveaway that you didn’t live here your whole life”, Buffy stated.

“Oh.” William felt his face flush. “My mother and I moved here about six years ago.”

“What about your dad?”

“He died when I was three. He got into a fight with a bloke a lot bigger than him.” He said it quietly as he remembered his father.

“Oh. I’m sorry William. I didn’t mean to…” Buffy looked at him and felt terrible for bringing that up right away. William smiled to let her know it was alright. He didn’t really know why he was telling her this. They walked in silence.

A few minutes later, they were at the park. It was a fairly small park with a few benches and swings. There was a small pond off to one side practically surrounded by trees. A few people were out that day. Some walking or jogging. Others sitting and talking. Buffy led William to a bench closest to the pond. It was a beautiful place to just come and sit. Very relaxing.

“So… Is there anything fun to do in this town?” Buffy asked after sitting down.

“Well that depends on what you like to do.” William said sitting next to her.

“Come on William. One look at me and you can tell what I like to do.” Buffy giggled and bumped William on the arm. He felt a tingle shoot through his body.

“What… Shopping?” He joked. William was amazed at how easy it was to talk to her. He had always had trouble talking to girls, and he had never joked with one. It was strange, because he suddenly felt completely at ease with her. Very comfortable, he had never had that with any other girl except Willow. It felt good.

“Yes, shopping. I like to do other things too. For instance, I like going to the movies and hanging out with my friends and other fun stuff.” Buffy turned her head and looked at William. For the first time she really noticed how blue his eyes were. “You know, you have really nice eyes.”

William instantly turned beet red and looked down. He didn’t know what to say except, “Thank You” ever so quietly. His floppy curls fell into his face covering his eyes. Buffy pushed them back with her hand and said, “I guess we should go. But tomorrow you’re going to take me someplace fun right?” She smiled at him.

“Tomorrow?” William was surprised and excited that she wanted to spend time with him again.
“Well, yeah. You’re supposed to show me around, and I really hope the park isn’t the only place to see.”

“Ok,” he agreed. Buffy and William stood up. Arm in arm they walked back home arranging everything for the next day. He could hardly wait. He found it hard to believe that a girls as gorgeous as she was, actually wanted to spend time with him. But he wasn’t going to turn her down. After all, he wasn’t stupid.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=4733